Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1946)
P A G E S IX TJjt^NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON h igh schools. Her present visit 19 at 2 p m. marks the first time that she h as; —§— been in eastern Oregon. Her work j PHEASANT FEED HELD A pheasant feed was held for consists of checking equipment and | Nyssa teachers and their wives and making suggestions on the course husbands and school board mem of studies. ¿She said that the e- bers and their wives in the home quipmeiit that Adrian has is ade economics room of the high school quate for the course that the state building Tuesday night. The meal, leaches. She also mentioned that furnished by the ladies was ser the girls In this region have been ved buffet style. Those present able to obtain much better cloth :>layed cards and listened to radio ing materials than tne girls in the -lection returns. Corvallis and Salem sections. Miss Fay Pedrlck was chairman >f the committee, assisted by Mrs. - 8 - Girls league Meets Ada Haworth, Miss Marjorie Nl- The Adrian Girls league was hart and Mrs. Virginia Steffens. entertained Wednesday, October 30 Forty persons attended the affair. by their guest speaker, Miss Dor —9— othy Hobson. COUNCIL MEETS Miss Hobson, a public health The ladle's council of the Christ- nur.-e and a graduate of Adnun •an church met Thursday afternoon high school, talked to the girl3 with Mrs. Claude Day. Scripture aaout unraing as a career. Some was read by Mrs Harold Robbins of the different types of nursing ind a poem was given by Mrs. are private, general, special duty Roy Bibbey. and public Miss Hobso.i The afternoon was spent in sew- told the girls about some of her ng for the orphanage, after which experience« as a public n o n e and efreshments were served. dscussed the problem of communi- The next meeting will be a mis- table diseases. After Miss Hob- onary meeting held at the home son's talk, the girls discussed their >f Mrs. Roy Bibbey Thursday al personal problems with her. ernoon, November 14. iou . s WEDDING ANNOUNCED Ruby Brown and Robert East man were married, at the Metho dist parsonage In Wlnnemucca, Ne vada Monday, October 28. Mrs. Eastman Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown of Adrian. After graduation from Boi se high school, Mrs. Eastman work- ed in Boise for Mountain States Telephone company and lor the past two years has been employed YOU M A Y II NEXT TO in the Brown Mercantile store In Adrian. Mr. Eastman Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eastman of Adrian. He is a graduate ol Ad rian high school. He was discharg ed this spring from the marine.-,, after serving three and one-halt years on overseas duty He is now employed at llie Buick garage in Caldwell. The couple are now makin; their home on Albany street in Cald well. I -I- THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 of Mrs. Beers' brother, D. C. Beers, once. Dixie Klnkadr, Chadwick's and family, plan to leave for Cali I o<i L a t e t o C l a s s i f y 7N2xp. camp. Cabin 3. fornia this week-end. N o r m a n — „ Boyd, also of Sausalito, arrived Sat- ^Olt SALE— Used 3/8 inch wal - WANTED urday and is a guest at the Beers board. J. H. Kirkland, at East Side home. The men are hunting. Airplane Engine Market. 7Nlxp. MECHANICS Guild to Meet— FOR SALE— 193o two-door Ford Here-S reaj opportunity for former St. Paul’s guild will meet with seran, see Mrs. O. W. Harris a t 1 members of the air force. If your Mrs. J. L. Church Wednesday, Nov 7Nlxp. MOS is 748. 750 or 754, a grand north third street. ember 13 at 8 p.m. new opportunity awaits you at FOR SALE— Trash burner, 665 your nearest army recruiting sta- From Nampa— Mrst street, north. 7N2xp. tlon A re-enlistment now assures Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taggart I S S n S S . you ° f » Uie-tHne of security, a and Carl Renstrom of Nampa were FOR SALE— 1942 retirement pension of plenty and ovcr-nlght guests Friday at the with beet bed Inquire Ralph Pocht. a chance for you to practice your home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 1944 model Cletrac in very good C ^ r u ' ^ C o . trad« iw it h ftn -to f Renstrom. condition. Western 7N1XC. tools every good mechanic loves. Improve your craftsmanship, ed n Boise— ucation and living conditions. In- FOR SALE— Two-Wheel trailer. In Mrs. Charles Edwards spent Mon Leach at ! vestlgate at your nearest army re- day lit Boise receiving medical good condition. M. J. 7N2xp cruiting station today! Owyhee barber shop. treatment. FOR SALE—An extra good team ,4 1 .> I 't n le l a l B l d g . Return with Elk— and harness. A bargain, if taken at x ioiS C , Idah o John Reffett, Ed. Mortenson, Ace Roberts, Sr., and Bill Bolitho re- turned home last Sunday after a hunting trip of a week near Gran ite, Oregon. They brought back three elk. i MIA HAS HALLOWE'EN DANCE Appioximately 300 persons at- I tended the one-act play and Hallo- ] wee n dance Wednesday evening in i the high school gymnasium, under the direction of the m i a officers, 1 A T i H I I I I | j The social started at 8 o’clock, I ^ | J I ww W L I # with Mrs. Kenneth Cottle directing --------- j a one-act play entitled. "The Great Don't Neglect It—Quick-Acting Joanne" with eight in the cast. Visits in Nyssa— A.piroidx Will Bring Welcome Reliel The Bee-hive girls had charge of Mrs. Lois Hulser ol Boise spent -8 - W hy w ait until . c o ld .tr ik e , b . l e r . yo u decorations. Junior girls served MR. AND MRS. MEET EVENING CLUB MEETS the week-end in Nyssa as house U orn abou t tho effective, all-arou n d a c - apple cider and doughnuts and the Members of the Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Harry Miner invited the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Bod tion ol aspiroids . The»« oasy-to-tako special interest class served pie and duh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday evening club to play mer. capsule* contain »ciontiiicaUy formulated jCe cream wj ^ Mrs Virginia Bybee Burnell Brown last Wednesday c-v- bridge at her home last week. Spec (including «phi.]i ih«. «c. m char^ ' The soclal wa_s free eiihig. Following dinner cards were ial guests were Mrs. Tom Eldredge Have Guests— o" t'o'mmon'^coithi. " aswroids <” ” »1»* charge to LDS members and their | Phiyed, with prizes going to R. G and Mrs. Artie Robertson. Prizes Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fullmer had Larson and Mrs. George Mitchell. were won by Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. as guests at dinner Sunday Dr. and tra in « o x c e is gastric acidity. (2 ) h elp friends, relievo sim ple h e ad ach e. (3 ) relieve — $— Herschel Thompson and Mrs. Joe Mrs. Lloyd Adams ol Caldwell. minor m uscular pain and (4 ) g iv e tom- S u p e r v is o r Visit» MRS. SPOFFORD HOSTESS Maughan. porary relief from constipation a sso cia te d . . . . ___ . . Mrs. James Spofford entertained CARD OF THANKS With c o ld «. N o w o o d « thi. R o .a ll prod- 0 n Wednesday. October 30 Miss We wish to express our apprec uci h a . r .c o i .o d .u c h w id o accla im ! You. Hess. assistant state supervisor of Ust week at two desert bridge par- lo o . c a n tool bottor m uch .o o n o r it y o u the state department of home ec- ties’ wtth three tables in play at iation for the kindness shown to fight c o ld sym ptom s at tho start w ith onumics, visited the Adrian high boDh parties. Thursday afternoon us because of our recent bereave ASPIROIDS C o ld C apouloo. S o p ro p a ro d ! ^hixil economics c U srm At the Mrs Emma Quinby won high score, ment caused by the death of our K.«p a botila handy in youi m.dicin. present time she wife and mother. is traveling lVlrs- Arden Newsom, second high, iM Yo^A PHARMACY throughout the state visiting var- j alld Mrs A L. Fletcher traveling Telephones Parents— T. H. Brewer and family. prize. On Friday evening prizes Staff Sergeant James E. Cook, were awarded to Miss Eva Boydell, who is stationed In Frankfort, Ger BUILDING PERMITS Mis. Joe Sutherland and Mrs. Ber many, telephoned to his parents, Harley T. Moore, alteration, En nard Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook of Bak nis avenue, lot 4. block 8, Teutsch er, former Nyssa residents, last addition, $800. CLUB PLAYS BRIDGE William C. Brown, erection, gar week. He talked over a radio broad The Tuesday evening club mem casting station from Germany to age, 1000, 16 by 22, frame, First bers played bridge at the home of New York and the five-minute street, lot 2, block 66, Green ad Mrs. L. A. Maulding this week. conversation was then carried by dition. Guests were Mrs. Arden Newsom telephone from New York to Bak Cecil Richards, moving and alt and Mrs. Forrest Bodmer. Prizes er. Sgt. Cook said he is travelingg ering residence to No. Eighth St , were won by Mrs. Newsom and for three months with an army Glasgow addition, $500, 16 by 2 o| Mrs. C. W. Buchner. frame. football team. —I — SHOW PICTURES Boys Guests At Theatre— Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Long were Members of the Nyssa football hosts Sunday evening at a home ¿ox ^ufrucatcoK i ‘ R eyuiei’iC'f team and coaches were guests of motion picture program. G u e s t s Olean Wells, manager of the Nyssa FARM BALE—-Friday, November 15, were Mr. and Mrs. Emery Long of theater, at the show Monday night. 1 mile north of Harper, Oregon on Ponca City, Oklahoma, Mr. and Forty players watched the show- Westfall road. 29 cattle: 6 horses; farm equipment and machinery. Mrs. B. E. Edwards and Mr. an d! ing of "Easy To Wed". Earl Ripley, owner. Sale starts at Mrs. Roy Harland of Salem. Mr. 12 noon. Col. Bert Anderson, Auct. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Mr. and Buys Barber Shop— I Mrs. Robert Long and Mr. and M. J. Leach of Grants Pass has ; Mrs. Bert Lienkaemper of Nyssa. purchased the Owyhee barber Shop i Refreshments were served by the from Clay Doolittle. Mr. Leacn, hostess. Mrs. Long, assisted by her who will operate the shop under sister, Mrs. B. E. Edwards. the same name, and his family —5 have moved to Nyssa. Mr. Doolittle AUXILLIARY HOLDS MEETING will assist in the Shop for a time. The American Iasgion auxiliary! _________________ held its regular meeting Tuesday Budget Meeting Held— Iiollcr-bearing wheels with afternoon at the home of Mrs. I a budget and finance meeting Rolland Laurance. Plans for the of the PT.A. was held Saturday molded one-piece tires. Wil' rm 1st ice day turkey dinner were evening at the Newsom Furniture made. Mis. Albert Heldt and Mis. store. Plans were made for a bene- stand hard usage. arry Collins were appointed as fit home talent show to be given c la rmen for the affair. , December 2 in the Nyssa theater. 'ach member present donated, Olean Weills was chosen chalr- a gift to be sent to Portland to I man for the play. Tickets will be ic cterans gift shop, where dis-1 on sale at the Newsom Furniture abled veterans may go to select , store. Christmas gifts for their families free of charge. Across From Reclamation Office On Hunting Trip— The next meting of the auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beers and son, will be held at the home of Mrs. Donald, of Sausalito, California,! Hugh Tobler Tuesday, November who have been visiting at the home A LOCAL NEWS FORI)-WAY LUBRICAI r HELPS YOUR FORD CAR RUN BETTER, LONGER tf ^Vo*tte" to uo SALE CALENDAR HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY Peas, Beans Corn, Tomato Juice BY THE CASE Wo have a few cases o f coffee left at the old price. Why not stock up now? NYSSA FOOD CENTER Phone 75 Fixing Your Chicken House ? Be sure to give those hens PLENTY OF LIGHT With FLEX - 0 - GLASS Also CARBOLINEUM FOR CHICKEN MITES STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY “ Your General Paint Store” Children's Wag ons Free Gift Offer $ 11 . 90 Nyssa Furniture Company NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8-9 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Loon Erroll, Glenn Vernon in “ RIVERBOAT RHYTHM” Also John Lvtel, Bob Steele in “ NORTHWEST TRAIL” Evening prices 40c-9c, Inc. T a x ._____________ SUNDAY & MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10-11 Dorothy McGuire, Robert Young, Mary Astor John Sutton in “ CLAUDIA AND DAVID" As long as there is love....the story o f Claud ia and David will be remembered ... 2-reel Special and Cartoon Mai.. Sal., ¡c:*0 Ad n ¿Sc-5c Inc. Tax Adm . Evening*. 40c-9r, In clu d in g R O B ED IN LU XU RY Relaxation seems twice as nice when he can s p e n d t h o s e leisure hours in a handsome robe. T ax TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Kane Richmond, Barbara Reed in “ THE SHADOW RETURNS” Also Johnnv Mack Brown in “ HAUNTED MINE” r A Beautiful 5 x 7 portrait OF YOUR BABY For every mother in Nyssa and vicinity No Cost No Obligation A nationally known child PHOTOGRAPHER will be here a our store for two days, Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 11 and 12. .9 0 To $IO. 95 — NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY— Age Limit— 6 weeks to 5 years Mat., Sun., 2:3« Adm., Inr. Tai Adm. Evening*. 40r-9r, Ini lulling Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, NOV. 13-14 Siam, the land of enchantment— beautiful harem women and lovely dancing girls. Irene Dunne, Rex Harrison, Linda Darnell, Lee J. C obb in “ ANNA AND THE KING OF SIAM” la te s t N ew s Adm. Evening*, 4«e-*r, I nr lint Ing Tax BE SURE AND BRING A FRIEND! B r a c k e n ’s Golden Rule Store