THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1945 P’l V / ^ _ Sunset Valley M o yla n d Open T or . ba ' í i e Í . U tooo u rs Thara's M o V tm in t In Hmr P ratty Eyas. Sha Eran H a t a Voica That C ria i giru ì boys a wuith H a r Eyas M o ya... Sha H a t Long, Long _ j-rv .//7 V > -¿ L a th a t /Twiv<ílNSí of fascinating Torsi Pratty M a pia Finish « i m . i v C H A IK fo r Dolly 3.29 Tray lifts up and foot rest is removable . . . Just like baby’s own I Put on Your Ow n Pictura Show 1 1 2 0 -In c h B A B Y IIOLL 1 7 -In c h B A B Y BO LL 5.95 5.45 Her head, arms and le ri are composition; her body's soft and cuddly. Exquisite ly dressed. Her p retty composltloa head turns and her arms and legs are composition, too. She has soft curls and is beautifully dressed. 16M M M o v ia P ro je rle r 17.50 Easy to operate, built for long wear. Fun f or the whole family. Films also available. M O N EL C H EM ISTK Y Little Izaak Waltons W ill Have Fun W ith This TOY F IS H IN G SET W 4 5.95 Over 600 experiments ca n be p e r f o r m e d With this mar- _ _ velous set! 1 1 . o O Boy, what fun I A mar- velous set that Includes everything a small fish erman could w an t l Beautifully made. Little Folks Laugh and H appily Sing In This Safe and Sturdy Rock-A-Swing Bob Schweizer, who recently en tered the service, has been trans ferred to a camp in North Caro lina. Velma Spencer of Seattle was an over-night guest in the Charles Litty home Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phillips and two children of Colorado have mov ed into the tenant house on the John Lowe iaim. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie and rrarrk Rataezyk left Friday for Yakima ior a visit oi a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McLary and child Mrs. Roy Rooks tool is improving ren left Friday for their home in Nebraska after visiting at the Jim -ru n her recent operation. Naomi Hawk of Adrian was an Ritchie home. They also visited over-night guest of Jacqueline Wil a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie in Vancouver, Washington. son Wednesday.., Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver Leslie Ditty has purchased pro per i / in Ontario and will move and Delbert and Mrs. Alva Good- ell and Alva, Jr., and Donna were ms family there soon. Officers and teachers of the LOS in Ontario Wednesday. Mrs. Willis Bertram accompanied Sunday school met at the home of Lila Mitchell for a meeting Mon Mr. and Mrs. Chet Sage to Yaki ma to attend the funeral of Mrs. day evening. Charlene Chritton is attending Bertram's cousin. Carl Hershey. Mr. | Kinmeu Business college in Spo Hershey visited In this community several years ago. kane. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver and Sunday afternoon callers in the H. F. Crutchfield home in Cow daughters. Delbert Cleaver and Hollow were Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Donna GoodeU were dinner guests at the Lester Cleaver home Sun Filiingsness. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Gamer and day. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duncan family and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gainer and family motored to Em of Jordan Valley called at the Al mett Sunday to attend a reunion va Goodell and Leslie Topliff homes at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dew Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Duncan ey Garner. Other guests were Mr. is a niece of Mrs. Topliff and Mr. and Mis. True Garner and fami Goodell. Mrs. Glen Hoffman entertained ly of Emmett and Mrs. Julia Gar the Out Our Way club this after ner of Ogden. Utah. Lester Rataezyk, son of Mr. and noon. Mrs. Howard Day entertained in Mrs. Harry Rataezyk, missed a week 6f school because of illness. honor of her daughter, Jerry, on Denzil Lee Howell of Cow Hollow her birthday Tuesday evening at was a visitor of Mrs. L. E. New- her home. Miss Wilma Goodman and Le- gen Friday. Several from this community at land Hoffman were married in tended the funeral of Mrs. T. H. Wanted Immediately Brewer, which was held in On tario Tuesday afternoon. By The Mrs. Charles Chritton entertain United States Army ed at a party Thursday evening in celebration of the eighth birthday Clerks, typists and stenographers. of her son, Wayne. Former O I’S who have any of the Hallowe’en was also observed. following MOS classifications—05a- Games were played, after which 105 or 213—will be interested in refreshments were served. Wayne this special announcement. Clerks, received a number of gifts. Those .ypists and stenographers are vit present were Helen Julum, Gladys ally important to any business. and Ronald Stevens, Barbara My That’s why the army has put these ers, Betty Jean and Roberta Strick classifications high on their re land. Betty and Jimmie Province, quired list. Good pay, pleasant Bemadine and Ira Price, Jr., Les work can be yours if you are qual ter Rataezyk and Shirley and By ified to accept one of these re ron Standerfer. enlistment opportunities. Befter A Hallowe'en party was given discuss your problems with your Thursday evening at the home of nearest army recruiting officer. Mrs. George Wilson. Games were 419 Federal Bldg. played, after which the young folk enjoyed a weiner roast. Refresh Boise, Idaho ments of pumpkin pie. punch and hot chocolate were served. Those present were Faye, Ray and Lolya Callahan, Marion, Jo Ann and Kenneth Price, Vera Faye Coun- sil, Charlotte, Kenneth and Tressa Ditty, Mary Query and Sharon Query, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ad ams, Audrey Hob,Janice and LeRoy Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brim, Armeda, Buddy and Sammy Brim. ; Mrs. Jack Phillips, Naomi Hawk,! Mrs. George Wilson, Jackie, Billy, i Gary, Shannon and Leatha W il-1 son, Mrs. Herbert Bergam, Laur- | elle Raymond, Marlene, Jim m ie. and Roger Bergam, John Nlccuin,! Kenneth Rookstool, David High-1 land, Donnie Share, Buster Talbot, \ Buddy Smith, Albert and Richard McGinnis and Jim and Marvin Cooper. Ill * g ift c a b /fi // 1 0 .4 5 Sturdy steel covered with heavy sim ulated leather. Elegant rid in g for any doll! Rubber tires. I I m ífiS h It's a Big One I STEA M SH O VEL 2.9« Actually work9, is easy to operate. The boom and shovel are shiny aluminum. Sixteen-inch length over all. KOCK-A I S W IN G I 7.45 Heavy gauge steel, strong an d s a f e . F i n i s h e d in p r e tt y red and cream enamel. 49 inches high. The Fines! Gift of All BIBLE M a ster A rt E d itio n 6.95 Contains sixty four reproductions of religious paintings by the great masters, half of them in full color. Eed letter encyclopedio concordance. Includes 19 Pieces o f Track and a Ramp with Track S c a le M o d e l S ix -F a r ELEC TR IC F R E IG H T . . . . 2 3 . 9 5 A wonderful train of fine quality. Has a big beautiful locomo tive, coal and water tender, gondola car, tank car, box car and caboose. Also an “Uncouple Here” sign, connector and long- wearing transformer. STREAMLINE ELECTRIC TRAINS — WIND-UP TRAINS------ $4.49 116.45 These are just a few of our beautiful toys and gifts. Come in and see them. USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY AWAY PLAN DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE NYSSA, OREGON Nyssa Livestock Com. Co. Nyssa, Oregon I f you are going to have livestock to sell this week or any other week let us sell them for you at the Nyssa Livestock Commission Co. yards. Our market compares with any market in the country. Your stock is sold in an enclosed, heat ed pavillion and weighed over government in spected scales. BILL LANE, AUCT. MGR. Phone 116-J Welty And Lane, Auctioneers For your farm and ranch sales. We furnish you a copy of your entire sale after the sale is over. Thank You, Friends . . . for the confidence you have shown in me through the election last Tuesday. I will strive continually to be worthy of your trust, and will do my best to protect the interests of ev ery citizen in Malheur County. Sincerely yours, Lowell Stockman Your Representative in Congress Public Invited Folding d o l l of Myrtle Point, Oregon were here winnemucca, Nevada Sunday, O c-, main at Vale for some time to com- on business last w e e ^ having sold wlll re- | plete her school work, their ranch here. They returned, 1 home Sunday. Ellis Warner acc- ompanied them to visit his par ents in Myrtle Point. Walter Stradley of Big Bend visited at the Elmer Stradley home Sunday. Buena Vista relton — ARMISTICE DAY Program Arcadia A large number of parents a tt ended the Hallowe'en party at the schoolhouse Thursday at 2 p. m. Delta Armstrong of Turlock, Cal ifornia spent last week with Mis. George Moeller. Several looal residents attended the funeral of Mrs. T. H. Brewer of the Owyhee district in Ontario Tuesday. The Sunday school held a boord meeting at the home of Mrs. Ellis Warner Wednesday. A large crowd attended the Cecil Houston stock sale here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and girls visited Mr. and Mrs. Eggert Oft near Nyssa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Husk and family and Mrs Minnie Houston went to Council, Idaho Sunday to visit for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Zittereob re turned Saturday night from Burns, where they went elk hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Strong Beans We pay highest mar ket prices all varieties dry beans. What Have You? Buyers alfalfa and clover seeds. Watts Seed Company Phone 144-J, Nyssa Phone 74, Parma Monday, November 11, 8:30 p.m. Nyssa Gymnasium Rev. Gernhardt, Principal Speaker Special Numbers By Band and Soloists Sponsored By American Legion Come One!— Come All!