•* a «; e f o u r OWYHEE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON guests In the Hugh Olenn home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Nicholson lett Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson of Monday morning lor Coffeyvllle, Caldwell were guests ol his moth Kansas, being called there because er. Mrs. Anna Larson. Sunday. ol the serious Illness of his lather. The Owyhee P. T. A. will meet the schoolhouse Thursday even Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley at ing. November 14. E. M. Hauser, of Nampa and Mr. and Mrs. Ole county agent, will present the Solomon and two sons ol Boise program olub and give 4-H awards. were In this community and called Mrs. Russell Patton. Jr.. Is in the at the Charles Culbertson' home hospital in Ontario. Sunday. John Westfall and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Evans and Mr. and ol Mrs. Ceneca. Oregon are lour children ol Caldwell were Children here to attend the funeral ol Mrs. Westfall's mother. Mrs. T. H. Brewer. Serving 5 Counties Mr. and Mrs. George Gregg and From the Largest Stock ol daughter, Annette, were dinner lenulne guests at the Martha Slingback home Sunday. Prayer meeting will be held at the Ed Corfleld home Tuesday Parts evening, 5. Rev. Krlner Orders Shipped Immediately was the November leader. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paulson and Mr. Paulson’s lather, all of Portland, returned to their home Payette. Idaho Sunday after spending the week Phone 49 at the William Peutz home. They Manser, Inc. • New Electric Motors 1-2 Horse Power Genuine Crescent Wgenches ond Piiars Stock Watering Tanks Rubber Tired Wagons Chain Hoist Bolt Cutters We have a complete stock of bolts and cap screws. Nyssa Implement Co. At Stunz Lumber Yard Notice We Are Now In The Market For, Hay Long, Chopped or Baled Basis on Farm or Delivered The Amalgamated Sugar Co. FEED YARDS PHONE 80 Plaster And Paint In One Application WITH THE NEW PLASTIC PLASTER 10 Beautiful Color* One Coat Cover* No Priming Required Brushes On A new, complete covering that produces tex ture plaster finishes. Covers any firm wall surface, including wallpaper, in Just one coat Especially recommended for wallboard and walls in poor condition because it hides all cracks, seams, nail heads or patched spots and because it requires no priming or undercoat; of any kind. Easily applied by anyone... just brush it on as it comes in the can. There are never any hot spots or laps,. . . .all colors are fade-resistant. Extremely durable and washable. One gall on covers 100 to 200 sq. ft., depending on sur face. Dries overnight. Can be painted over at any future time without sizing. Nyssa Lumber Company THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1946 were here to enjoy the pheasant' omlcs, manual arts and many oth ranch here. Parson, Mrs. Betty Rinehart. Mr*. church met Thursday, October 31 hunting. er classes, they are working for Lynn Douglas and Ross Cooper! Edith Abersold, Mrs. Finley Shuster, at the home of Mrs. O. O. Ander Laurence Peutz returned home servicemen and veterans In hos of Hood River, Oregon spent sev- Mrs. Russell Bolitho, Mrs. B. B. son. "This is an adventure of the from Portland Sunday after spend pitals. I erul days with their cousin, U. E. Lienkaemper, chairman; Mrs. and the home working to ing a month at the veterans hos Members learn the fundamentals Parker, and family. They were Frank Jayo, Mrs. Adam Focht, church gether ln the Interest of children'’, pital there. Mrs. Lynn Snodgrass. Mrs. Tom of water safety, first aid. nutri j hunting here. department officers said. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz en tion and home nursing, earning Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas of Burningtham, Mrs. Frank Skeen, tertained at dinner Saturday ev certificates Hood River called at the U. E. the completion Parker and Share homes this week and Mrs. R. Campbell, and high ening 1 or Mr. and Mrs. William of prescribed upon courses. RE-ENLIST IN are Mis. Roy Thomas owns a place school- Mrs. D. Sayles, Mrs. H. Dlv- Peutz and their house guests, Mr. equipped to participate in They THE A R M Y - en, Mrs. Charley Grider and Mrs. J. chapter and Mrs. Paulson ol Portland. Cow hollow. Bellon. by special training for | in Mrs. LIVE AT HOME! Douglas Benton of Baker called activities Durfee came tills Now you can enlist ln the Recruit membership In the staff assistance I week to Irvin at the Kenneth McDonald home corps visit at the Charles Dur- Nursery Group Meets— Service of the U. S. Army and and canteen corps. Sunday. ! fee home. Irvin Durfee was sent The nursery department moth ing If you are qualified, you may be overseas recently. a station ln your own CARE IS URGED ON DEMONSTRATION ON Bob Rookstool underwent an op ers and teachers ol the Methodist assigned home town. This Is an outstand eration for the removal of his ton PERSONS WHO WALK TICKS, LICE IS SET sils ing opportunity for those wno Tuesday. want security, good pay and a Winter months mean greater : The flrst demonstration chance for an ample retirement. traffic hazards to unwary pedes- °f tlck and lice contro1 methods In ASSOCIATION SEEKS This Job can be yours If you are mans. Chief of Police O. F. Maze ! Malheur county. U to be given at qualified and classified as recruit said In urging persons who walk to 2 P- m- Noven*ber 18 on the ranch FORMER “AMPHIBS” ing personnel. Work—commute VETERINARIAN of Ike Thayer, near the OCC oarnp exercise greater care to avoid acc north of Ontario, Harry Sandquist. The west coast chapter of the home dally—same as civilian wor idents. ker. There are only a few of these Amphibian Engineer association, agent, announced. "Longer hours of darkness and county openings! See your local army re Box D Phone 135J composed of former members ol decreased visibility, due to rain, Increasing costs of producing fat the six engineer special brigades cruiting station today—ask about fog or other inclement weather! ,ivestock have made thc Producers that were activated and served enlistment ln the recruiting service. conditions, increase the danger to ,more conscious of the deci ease in during Nyssa. Oregon world war II, is seeking the 419 Federal Bldg. the pedestrian", Chief Maze said. I weli?ht and Io8S of llfe in tlleir whereabouts of ex-“Amphibs" who Boise, Idaho •It Is Important that every person ! caMle and ‘»“ P now than at any have not been reached through who walks in the city .or In rural! tlme ln the P“81 Livestock coming normal mailing channels. areas for that mutter, .should real- ! from the ran«e are usually mo* Former "Amphibs” who desire lze that drivers may not be able lested with ticks and lice. These join the association may notify E.W. PRUYN to see him ln time to avoid an external parasites cause loss m to Don M. Graham Lieutenant Joseph H. Boyle, lccldent ” -qf weight through blood loss and ner- First Chlef Maze said figures recently 'ousness. Bill Ross, local cattle headquarters, second engineer bri Auto Repairing Insurance Agency compiled in the office of Robert man’ sald that much more econ- gade, Fort Ord, California. Reboring, Valve Grind S. Farrell, Jr., secretary of state, omlral are ?®lns free are from obtained the tlcls when and lice. ROOM MOTHERS OF I Indicated that the ratio of ped cattle Two chemicals, DDT and roten- P. T. A. APPOINTED ing, Lathe work. Parts estrian fatalities to all traffic fat one, 1 Fire and Automobile are used for control of these alities increases considerably dur parasites. Rotenone is also excell Mrs. Ed Frost, president of the and accessories ing winter months. Insurance for grub control but must be Nyssa P.T.A., has appointed room "During the first quarter of 1946, ent applied with a high pressure spray mothers for all of the rooms ln Rentals Farrell's figures show that pedes er. Bonds can be applied as a spray the grade and high schools. trian fatalities amounted to 47 or DDT a dip. The demonstration on per cent of all fatalities, but dur November 18 will be a combination! The room mothers will assist ing the second quarter of this the teachers with parties, enter tainment and other activities for year, pedestrian fatalities consti spray-dip operation. tuted only^24 per cent of the total the students. The room mothers are as follows; fatal accidents reported ln Oregon.” Upper Sunset Arcadia—Mrs. McGinnis, Mrs. F. With traffic deaths for the first and Mrs. Otis Bullard; j half of 1946 nearly 60 per cent ladles met with Mrs. Kessler greater than the death toll for the U. The E. club Nyssa grade school—Mrs. Mary Parker Thursday to quilt same period of 1945, the need for a quilt for the bazaar. Savage, Mrs. Frank Parr, Mrs. V. AND SUB-SOILING greater care In walking and driving on Reva Rookstool entertained Mar Is obvious, Chief Maze declared. lin, Paula and Darvus Bergam ln He urged all pedestrians to accept observance of her birthday Satur Bernard Eastman Dragline and Shovel Work responsibility for their own safe day. The afternoon was spent play ty in traffic by crossing streets ing games. At the dose of the af Real Estate Insurance only at intersections, waiting on ternoon C. E. LESEBERG the curb for approaching cars to served. ice cream and cake were pass, especially at night, and to Mrs. Elmer Cloninger returned Nyssa Phone 154J avoid the dangerous practice of to her home In Portland Friday, Phone 64 stepping out Into the street from having spent the summer at hei Nyssa, Oregon between parked cars. Drivers, said the chief, can do their part by yielding the right- of-way to pedestrians ln cross walks and by being on the alert for persons on foot ln the vicinity of schools, churches and other public gathering places. Dr.J.H. Berger s & 1 t Land Leveling - . 4*4 I » . AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK Noyemhsr AAANEWS I PERFORMANCE REPORTS DI'E ON '46 PRACTICES: Farmers who have completed the practices they will perform under this year’s agricultural conserva tion program are asked to file their report of performance at the Mal heur county AAA office as soon as possible. All reports will be review ed by community committeemen for the community In which each farm Is located. SEED PLAN I'NNEEDED— As ln 1945, county committees again will handle the special In centive payments to seed producers authorized by congress to stimulate greater production of red clover, alfalfa, and alslke clover seed, Olen L. Hutchinson, chairman of the Malheur county AAA committee, announced today. The payments will be made in the same manner | as the regular conservation prac - 1 tlce payments, except that produc- j ers may apply for the seed har vesting payment without having filed an approved farm plan. Pay ment rates are 9 cents a pound for red clover, and 7 cents a pound for alfalfa and alslke, on seed har vested and sold into commercial channels before January 1, 1947. ' * ‘ I* . ^ JUNIOR RED CROSS TO ENROLL MEMBERS Mrs. John S. Conway of Vale, Malheur county Junior Red Cross chairman, has announced that the enrollment period of the organi zation will run from November 1 to 15 Materials will be distributed to schools this week. Many projects are available j through this group. Those that have been satisfactory ln this county include gift boxes for the children In devastated war areas. The boxes contain such articles as soap, tooth brushes, pencils, paper and small toys. The boxes to be filled are provided by the . Juntor Red Cross. Tie American Junior Red Cross Is the Junior membership of the American Red Cross and consti tutes the American Red Cross m the schools. Almost 20,000.000 mem bers of the junior organisation are devoting a large share of their enthusiasm and skills to aid ing educational rehabilitation in war-devastated countries overseas. In their program of service ln this country. Junior Red Cross members are co-operating ln fam ine emergency relief through gar dening. canning and nutrition ser vices. They are also co-operating ln the national program of forest fire prevention. In art, home econ- 16 VOU ORE URGED TO UISIT SCHOOLS this w e e k an d see how th e y a re train in g ch ild re n a n d you th in the w a y s of d em o cra cy . . . p rep arin g them for liv in g in th e atom ic a g e . . . teach in g them the m ean in g o f b ro th e r hood and w o rld se cu rity . . . w o rk in g for the im p ro v em e n t of ho m e an d com m unity life . . . co n servin g the p u blic’s in v e st m en ts in hum an reso u rce s . . . a n d prom oting h e a lth an d s a fe ty . W atch them at w o rk on n e w ta sk s. FRANK T. MORGAN NYSSA PACKING COMPANY BERNARD EASTMAN GORDON S DRIVE-IN KENNETH RENSTROM AL THOMPSON & SON