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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1946)
_ PAGE EIGHT Social News OIP.L HONORED Miss Donna Belle Ooodell was honored guest at a miscellaneous bridal shower sponsored by the Out-Our-Way club at the Loyd cleaver home Thursday afternoon, October 24. Games were played, after which _ T H E N Y S S A GATE CITY JOURNAL, N YSSA. OREGON Miss Goodtll received many nice gifts. Refreshments of fruit salad, cake and coffee were served by the hos tess, Mrs. Loyd Cleaver, assisted toy Mrs. George Cleaver. Those present besides Miss Oood ell were Mrs. Alva Goodell, Mrs. Howard Day, Mrs. Lester Cleaver, Mrs. Ray Criffit, Mrs. Jim Rit chie, Mrs. George Cleaver, Mrs. Alvie Pomulun. Mrs. Glenn Huff- Special Eagles Meeting Fri. Night, Nov. I Everybody Come! NYSSA PROGRAM THEATRE Phone 106 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1-2 Tyrone Power, Henry Fonda, Nancy Kelly, Randolph Scott in “ JESSE JAMES” Thrill again to the mighty spectacle of the boldest, bewilderingest drama that ever thun dered out of the west! Color Cartoon Evening prices 40c-9c, Inc. Tax._______________________ man and Mrs. Loyd Cleaver. - will be held at 9 p. m. 5 - OUESTS AT PARTIES Mr. and Mrs. Emeiy Long of Ponca City, Oklahoma spent the week-end at the home of Mr Long's cousin, Robert Long. On Sunday Mr and Mrs. Robert Long entertained at dinner for their guests and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were hosts to the group Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Long entertained the visitors and other relatives later Sunday evening. Visits In Homedale— Mrs. George Bear visited Tues day with Mrs. Bert Adams in the Owyhee Heights east of Homedale, Idaho. LOCAINEWS | Returns From Service— Sergeant William J. Coleman, Jr., j arrived in Nyssa Saturday after serving 13 months in Okinawa. En route home from Ft. Lewis, Wash- iugton, he visited his sister, Mrs. Ralph Hodges of Seattle, and another sister, Mrs. August Giffln of Portland. A/0 v v »V ONLY A N 'CVt “ SPOOK BUSTERS” “ COWBOY BLUES” Mat., *Sun., 2:3U Adm., .<0c-9c, Inc. Tai Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, NOV. 6-7 Eveiy woman has the right to one mistake She was not sorry for hers. Bette Davis, Glenn Ford, Walter Brennan, Charlie Ruggles in W e want all makes and models of used cars and trucks. What have you? W att’s Motor Company Cartoon and News Adm F ven tiiüs, ««,, 9c, East of Post Office I n c lu d in g Tax W omen’s and Girls’ Cotton Anklets White, Yellow, Blue, Tan, Pink, Red Sizes 6 to lCrt/o 27c TO 34c W ool and Part W ool Anklets All sizes-------All colors 57c— 69c— 98c W ool and Rayon Boys’ School Pants Plaid Material 58 Inches W ide $2.65 AND $2.95 Yard $2.40 AND $2.79 M en ’s 100 Per Cent W ool R o ck fo rd S o c k s Blankets 4 Weights 26c— 29c— 32c— 39c Solid Maroon Color. lbs. $10.95 Buckingham and Hecht’s Starnes Cowboy Boot $12.95 Men’s 4-Buckle Overshoes $4.79 A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas G i”,0 lh' Bracken’s G i" ’°,he M ‘lh',,r Community Chest JUST $4.25 PER GALLON— ALSO IN QUARTS STUNZ LUMBER COMPANY “ Your General Paint Store” For City Council Vote For Four Progressive Veterans Lloyd W ilson Fred Bracken Ira €. Sage Elden Yergensen FOR SALE— 10x12 tent with floor, 3 loot siding and door with fly, 12x16. Also table, 2 chairs, 2 beds and built-ins. A bargain. Inquire at apartment 20, Veterans hous ing. 3102xp FOR SALE:— Good spuds, $1.75 per cwt. Signal Service. 3102xp FOR SALE— 1943 Ford or Willys Jeep, $850. New top, extra tire. Powell Service Garage. 3!Otfc. FOR SALE— Eating potatoes. $1 cwt. Bring your sack. L, J. Joseph- son and Son. Phone 392-J, Payette, Idaho. 3!Otfc. 1936 Buick 4-Dr. sedan 1 FOR SALE:— Ear com , V4 mile $550 east, >4 mile north on Gem ave nue. Robert Meisinger. 3101xp. '934 Dodge pick-up. 1939 Buick 2-Dr. Sdn. FOR SALE:— Four jerseys, cow and 929 Mod. A Ford Cpe. j three heifers, to freshen soon. J. H. 3102xp. Two & i/2 ton GMC 1 Boor. army truck with stake FOR SALE:— New tent-house at Auto Court, north of sugar factory. bed. See Dave Wolfe, Nyssa. Oregon. Also Ken Curtis, Jeff Donnell in “ A STOLEN LIFE” WE BUY AND SELL USED CARS For Sale The Bowery boys in a haunted house in WILL GIVE YOU A Beautiful Washable Finish. It’s Easily Applied W ith A Brush. One Coat Will Cover Most Surfaces. ’/is JV Memorial Hospital SlOlxp. FOR SALE:— 1936 model 1 M s ton Chevrolet truck. Good rubber. Be HERE IS A JOB THAT GUARANTEES YOU SUCCESS! Now! Men as young as 17 years can enter a good paying job with | a positive assurance of complete j success—.plus opportunity for trav- J el. training in a trade or skill, | education, security and retirement at the end of 0 or 30 years. Few other occupations can offer so many advantages for a succ essful lifetime career as enlistment in the New United States Army. WHAT DO YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE? Good pay?- It’s yours in the army! Travel?- That's arranged too! Education?- Under the finest tech nicians in the world! j Security?- A new retirement plan under the increased Ar my pay schedule Insures you an excellent month ly Income at retirement- up to as much as $185.90 per month! If you have a Military Occupa tion Specialty iMOSi you mayj may be enlisted in a grade appropriate to your training and experience. This also ap plies to former members of the Navy. Marine Corps and Coast Guard. Yes! All the things that men strive for during their lifetimes can be yours simply by enlisting In the New U. S. Army. You must, however, be able to qualify under the new Army re quirements. You'd better go into | your nearest local Army recruiting office right away and see If you are eligible for one o f these "sec- j urity for life” positions. 419 FEDERAL BLDG. BOISE, IDAHO set. table and bullet. CaU even- | “ ings. Mrs. Harry Shelton • ^ R 4th street ' N „ a ' , --------------------------, ,__ „ LOST — Black Spaniel d g. ^ _____________________________ 31QUp Are Your Walls Dingy & Faded? Plastic Plaster Here From Paririe City— Mr. and Mrs William Ward and son. Stanley, and their two grand sons, Jerry and Eddie, of Prairie City spent the week-end with Mrs. Ida Ward and other relatives. ■Shop In Caldwell— Service Time Changed— Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller ol During the winter months, £>t. Paul's Episcopal church services Big Bend shopped in Caldwell »111 be held at * p. m.. except that Monday. communion services scheduled for Too Late to Classify the second Sunday of each month FOR SALE— 8x18 furnished trail er house. In good condition. $400. Orland White, 1 1/2 miles west ol fO R Y O UR King avenue. 3101xp ltrrfj “ EASY TO WED” TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FOR SALE— Matched mahogany end tables, bassinet, comb.nation faucet, one-hole electric hot plate, two wash tubs. 1 Valpac. Phone Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Thomas of Oakland, California left today Stop At Airport— Don Moss and Carl Bumingiham for their home after spending the last two weeks hunting in this« a business trip to Boise Tues day by plane. vicinity. Irvin Huff of the Amalgamated Sugar company of Twin Falls flew Attend Concert— Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz and to Nyssa on business Saturday. Dave Brazil o l Boise and Howard daughter. Greta, attended the com munity concert held in Boise Mon Simpson of Wilder also flew to the day night. Miss Jean Watson, con Nyssa airport this week. Phillip and Wiley made an aerial tralto, was featured on the pro survey of some of their land. gram. Van Johnson, Esther Williams, Lucille Ball, Keenan Wynn in Mal., Hal., 2:30 Adm. 25c-5e Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including lax 3101XP months old, <4 mile north of Oles sure to see this. Watts Motor Co. 198-R. corner, Saturday, October 19. Ari Phone 144-J Nyssa, Oregon. FOR SALE— Round oak dining se wrs to name "Jiggs”. White mark Wins Student Offices— Miss Greta Stunz of Nyssa, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz. who is a freshman at Boise Junior college, has been elected vice presi dent of her class. She has also been named vice president of tlie Boise Junior college Sunday school Sunday Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. George N. Gear group at the Methodist church. visited at the Earl Snow home at Wilder Sunday. Leave For Oakland— SUNDAY & MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3-4 Mirth and melody— See Van Johnson in Technicolor and Esther Williams in her first singing and dancing role. Latest issue “ March of Timé” TH U R SD AY, OCTOBER 31, 1946 Let’s elect these fearless veterans. Let’s have a change in city administration. We need NEW BLOOD Let’s help Nyssa grow. VETERANS FOR COUNCIL COMMITTEE (Paid adv. by Veterans Committee) Fall Clearance Sale November 1 And 2 25’ GARDEN HOSE LEAF RAKE Reg. $2.89; only $2.39 Reg. $1.19; only .89c GARDEN RAKE 50’ GARDEN HOSE Reg. $1.59; only $1.19 Reg. $5.45; only $4.69 DELUXE GARDEN SPADE ROUND MOUTH SHOVEL Reg. $1.29; only .99c Reg. $1.79; only $1.42 DELUXE SHOVEL STANDARD SPADE Reg. $1.29; only $1.12 SQUARE PT. “ D” HANDLE Reg. $1.29; only $1.04 Reg. $2.19; only $1.69 p 0ST H0LE DIGGER $2-8 9 ; now $2.29 PORCH CHAIR PAD R e* Reg. $2.49; only $1.85 CULTIVATOR Reg. $1.29; only .99c BROOMS Reg. $L09; only ,69r ALL METAL STEP STOOL Reg. $4.95; now $4.39 CLOTHES BASKET Reg. $2.98; now $2.44 BROOMS Reg. $1.39; only $1.09 TIRE PUMPS Reg. $1.69; now $1.55 RUBBER TIRE SCOOTERS___ Reg. $8.45; NOW ONLY $6.95 STEEL PROPELLO-PISTOL------ Reg. $1.09; NOW ONLY .79c These »re just a few of our REAL BARGAINS. Come in and inspect our complete stocks. Ask about our factory guaranteed retread service on passenger, truck and tractor tires. DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE DEALER STORE NYSSA, OREGON