Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE_ÇITYJOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON ESSAY CONTEST NNOUNCED BY KOG SALEM, ORE., October 24—Ore gon's 22,000 Green Guards, the Jun ior members of the Keep Oregon Green association, are Invited to participate In the annual Green Guard essay contest to compete for cash and other valuable prizes. according to Paul M. Dunn, state intermediates, 10 to 15; and jun iors, under 10 years. .hairman of Keep Green. First prize winner in the senior Forty-two prizes will be offered the boys and girls of Oregon who ¿roup will receive a 15-jewel Bul- are members of the youth div ova wrist watch, second prize win ision of Keep Oregon Green for ner $10 in cash. There will be sin the best essays on "W hy I am a ■ third prizes of $5 each and six Green Guard." In order to Insure fourth prizes of $3 each. In the in equal competition, Green Guard termediate group the first prize participants will be classified by will be a bicycle, with the second, age groups: Seniors, over 15 years; third and fourth place cash prizes same as seniors. The junior group will receive a first prize bicycle with cash prizes identical with the I two older classes. All essays must be submitted to ! the Keep Oregon Green head quarters at Salem prior to Novem ber 30, closing date for the con test, according to Charles E. Ogle, executive secretary of the Keep Oregon Green, who is in charge of the annual contest. “ We would like to have all of the Green Guard members participate in this essay contest," said Dean Dunn in his announcement. J Your City Council’s Stand On P. U. I). Your City Council early took the posi tion that it’s wise to spend NECESSARY MONEY for NECESSARY IMPROVE - MENTS such as our storm sewers, paving program and water system—but that it is decidedly unwise to be saddled with add itional unnecessary burdens and dangerous bonding and taxing powers such as the PUD provides. This is just as important now as it was five months ago. We urge you again to Vote Against P. U. D. On Nov. 5 . The City Council Of Nyssa By R. G. Whitaker, Chairman OWYHEE Preaching services were held at the Owyhee Sunday by Rev. Kriner, both morning and evening. The Kriner family were dinner guests in the Wallace Gre„'g home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker left Wednesday for a trip through T e x as, Oklahoma. Kansas and Colo rado, where they will visit rela- I tives. Mrs. Louis Skinner and her house guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rhodes of Portland, and Frank Crocker of Madras were guests at breakfast at the E. E. Crocker home October 20. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher and Mrs. Maty Fletcher of Homedale were guests Thursday o f Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald. The Owyhee P. T. A. will meet at the schoolhouse Thursday even ing, November 14. E. M. Hauser, county club leader, will present awards to the 4-H members and will show pictures. B. Barber, Frank Howard and J. T. Burthhell of Portland left for their home after spending a week at the William Peutz home and enjoying pheasant hunting. Word from Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow, who left for California a few weeks ago, Indicates that they have gone as far as Bull ards, Oregon, where they are visit ing Mrs. Bigelow's nephew, and Mr. Bigelow is working in the cranberry harvest. They plan to go to California soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters and Jack are living in Nyssa, where the men are working In the sugar factory. Ralph Jones and son, Bud, are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Walters and working on a new house for the Walters at the Ow yhee comer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toyne and son, Jim. of LaGrande visited M on day with Mr. and Mrs. X . Mc Donald. S u n s e t V a lle y THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1946 Visiting Parents— Ditty, Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves Amalgamated Sugar company to Ray Thrasher of Bend, Oregon and son, Walter, and the honored Twin Palls, where he will work guest. ! for two months. Mrs. Smith will is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thrasher of Parma for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Terra of visit relatives at Jerome. Nyssa were visitors in the valley Monday. Mrs. Charlie Wilson was a Boise visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Pete Wilson wass ill last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorenson. Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mort Wixon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker. Ed Mortensen is working on the new house being built on the A l bert Notheis place. Mrs. Mary Jane Wilde of Van couver came Friday for an indef inite stay at the home of her niece, Mrs. Jim Langley, * Eddie Ahrens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ahrens of Idaho, spent several days at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer, recently. Oregon Housewives Puzzle Menu Problem! Ten members of the Worthwhile club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Pearl Schweizer. Mrs. Lee Householder of Owyhee was a visitor. After the business session a lunch was served by the hostess. The November meeting will be held with Leota Ditty on the third Wednesday. Miss Black of the ex tension service of nome demonstra tion work from Ontario will give two demonstrations at the meet ing. Walter Hillis, Oscar MuUenberg and Herbert Bergam were among Here from Nampa— Empty a? Mother Hubbard ? cup seasonally engaged m commercial hose shopping in Nyssa last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Russel Jordon and board are many Oregon markets fishing of coastal streams, will also Homer Brewer of Owyhee has family o f Nampa were here Sun today. Added to other shortages, result unless the bill is defeated. rented the Ed Mortensen farm f o r ' day visiting relatives. experts predict a drastic local short Keep Oregon fish on Oregon tables .he coming year. age in fish for food unless the by voting 313 NO. Armeda Brim is ill at the home j Go To Idaho— Oregon fish bill is defeated by a Paid Adv Oregon Fisheries Committee Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smitn of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A l l i uml l n Phal r mnn 313 N O vote November 5. left last week for Twin Falls. Mr. fred Brim. Loss o f income to small farmers Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tolbert of Smith has been transferred by tne Nyssa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg had is dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and vfrs. Lloyd Dibble of Apple Val- ey. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephens, [ "r., were Involved in an auto ac- ident • Monday while en route to Nyssa. Mrs. Stephens was taken by am bulance to the Ontario hospital and Mr. Stephens was able to re turn home after receiving treat ment for two broken ribs, cuts and bruises. Tw o other occupants were in the car at the time of the acci dent. Mrs. E. J. Hobson, Mrs. Bill Gregg, Mrs. Homer Brewer of Owy hee and Dorothy Hobson were Nampa shoppers Friday. Pauline Wilde, Jimmie Wilde and Mary Owen of Nampa accompanied them home and spent the week-end vis iting friends and relatives here. Mrs. Irwin Wolfe attended the « funeral of her brother-in-law M on day. Mrs. James Ditty gave a birth day dinner Sunday in honor of her brother, E. L. Ditty, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves ^ W A C E EA R N E R : Less take-heme pay; monthly reports; job in Nyssa. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ditty, Mr. and threatened. Mrs. Leslie Ditty and son, Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ditty of Owy Q H O U S E W IF E : Higher prices added to present High-Cost-of- hee, Mrs. Gertrude Atkeson, James LXA JW v This NEW TA X -ri on your CASH Receipts Oregon has TW O Income Taxes NO W ! No One Can W in . . . Everybody Will Lose Living (See Tim e Magazine, Oct. 14, page 2 3 ). Don't let your savings and widow's insurance be taxed. HAD ENOUGH? 0 through destroying something. 0 V O T E R EP U B LICA N o • o ELD ER LY PEOPLE: A dollar that buys 50 cents worth of gro ceries is a snare and a delusion. You can't build contentment FARM ERS: A 3 % cash receipts tax will make you "sell cheap" and "b u y dear." 0 Y O U N C PEOPLE: Coodbye! business and home-building oppor- • tunities in Oregon. Coodbye thrift! W hat job would you take that is now held by a person over 60 — a person who would apply for a Townsend pension. o . ' o For Congress- Lowell Stockman For Governor- Earl Snell For Secretary Of State- Robert S. Farrell, Jr. For Commissioner Of Labor- W. E. Kimsey For State Representative- Martin P. Gallagher For District Attorney- Charles W. Swan For County Commissioner- A. P. Goodell For County Coroner- R. A. Tacke Scfntfait&ty without tente it dcutyeiout STOP THIS 3% TAX THESE GROUPS URGE YOU TO VOTE 315 X NO O R E C O N S T A T E C R A N C E — C . 1.0 . A . F .L . — P O R TL A N D C I T Y C LU B W E S T C O A S T LU M B E R M E N 'S A S S O C IA TIO N O R E C O N FARM B U R EAU F E D E R A TIO N . A L L B U T 2 OR 3 S M A L L NEW SPAPERS P O R T L A N D R E TA IL T R A D E B U R EA U H O O D RIVER APPLE C R 0 W E R S ' A S S O C IA TIO N EU C E N E F R U IT C R 0 W E R S ' A S S O C IA T IO N O R E C O N BUSINESS b T A X RESEARCH IN C . SCORES O F TR A D E A S S O C IA TIO N S , FARMERS' Malheur County Republican Central Committee Paid advertisement by Malheur County Republican Central committee. Charles VV. Swan, Vale, chairman. C O O P E R A TIV E S , C H A M B ER S OF C O M M ER C E , ETC, Poi<J Advertisement Committee Agoinst 3 % Income Tox. L A . McCornock, Chairman; W olter H Evons, Jr., Treasurer; Walter W R M ay, Oregon C ity, Secretary, 425 New Fliedner Building, Portland, Oregon Beware this title \ To Create Old Age and ( I Disability Pension Fund I 3I5XN0 o