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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 194G ]• I ' f b 'f V E = = = = = and her husband a week ago. sa Tuesday. : Freddie, to stay with Mrs. Alida Jamison, who was 111. deer. NU-ACRES Mrs. S. C. Stalling and two sons, The Nu-Acres community is Smit while his mother is in the H. M. Shirtclifie of_Myrtle Creek, Mr. and Mvs. George Cleaver Howard and Claude Day are Arthur Case received word this Gary and Kent, who have been Oregon was pheasant hunting and planning a carnival-bazaar to be hospital at Council recovering from hunting elk. tailed at the Mike Hailey home at Fruitland Wednesday afternoon. week oi the death oi his brother, visiting hi the Lane home the past vL-iting at the Lynn Hurst larm held Saturday, November 16, from an appendectomy. Glenn Huffman returned last Mrs. Alva Goodell and Donna 2 p.m. until midnight. The Parma Luther Case, in Peoria, Illinois. Mr. 10 days, returned to their home in Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Grasmlk week from a hunting trip with a Belle were in Ontario Wednesday. Case visited his brother In the Ogden, Utah Thursday. Mrs. Stal Mr. Lane received word this week IOOF hall is to be the scene of the made a quick trip to Denver, Colo lings is a sister oi Mrs. Lane. oi the death ol a sister-in-law, festivities, with everyone in the rado, to attend the funeral of their east about one year ago. A daughter was born to Mr. and Ssther McCormick and daughter,' Maggie Lane, in Kingston, Ten community and surrounding towns grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. A. P Chesney's invited to attend. There will be Mrs. Kenneth Van Metre last week. Lorraine, visited in the James nessee. booths such as: fortune telling, caughter, Denelda, visited them Mrs. Van Metre is a daughter oi Sneed home in Letha, Idaho Irom The Pollyanna club will meet in fishponds, skill games, popcorn, cn the week-end. She is employ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Case A dau Tuesday until Sunday. ghter Was also born to another Mrs. Frank Cummins and Either. the home of Mrs. Cliff Wright hotdogs anac offee, and a bazaar ed by the Crookam Seed company ocoth with aprons, dresses, towels, at Caldwell. daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Case McCormick were shopping in Nys- j November 6. Visiting from Superior, Nebraska, The hot lunch program, spon potholders, toys and otner things. The committee from Fruitland was Mrs. Gertrude Blacks tone. She sored by the Kingman PTA will be started Tuesday, November 5. schools to investigate the hot lunch left Monday for California, where The hot lunches will be served at program, Dorothy Groves, Mrs. she will visit her sister before re noon. A charge o f 15 cents per Tacit and Mrs. Fry, vi .led the On turning home. She was the guest child per school day will be made. tario schools. They received many of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. H. Blanchard spent Due to a government support fund j helpful suggestions. Residents of : of only 6 cents instead of 9 cents Nu-Acres community hope to get Sunday in Weiser. Mrs. Pearl Percy of Nampa was as formerly stated, the increase i n ! a hot lunch program started in the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. price from 10 cents to 15 cents is ' the schools soon. For More Money For Roads necessary. Anyone having tea tow- j At the regular Grange meeting Chesney over the week-end. els, salad plates, saucers, teaspoons [ a discussion on reconstructing the or fruit dishes to spare are -asked Grange hall since the lightning to donate them to the school lor struck it to the ground was held. (Paid Adv. Malheur County Court) Mr. and Mrs. V'-'lden Callant and such use. The articles should be Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dairs and left at the Kingman Koiony grade daughter visitei a :e George Snnt Keith and Jean of Hunting Beach, school Monday morning, November family last week. California visited Mrs. Davis’ moth Mr. and Mrc. R. Va ic e Wilker- 4. Any surplus vegetables anyoue er, Mrs. Anna Dail, and other rel might have to give to the school son have rented their farm to Mit atives here a few days last week. and Mrs. Cuddevback and family. can be used also. Margaret Payne of Ontario visi A child dental clinic will be held Mr. and Mrs. Wilkerson are now ted in the Vern Butler home Sun in the Kingman Koiony school- living at Nampa. day. The Do-More 4-H meeting was house Monday, November 4. Otis Bullard, Charles Bullard, Mrs. Arthur Cartwright anti held at the Sager home. A pro Guy Shaffer, George Moeller, Vern children were callers in the Hurst gressive Hallowe'en party was plan Butler, Theo Matherly and Guy ned. Parents were grouped in home Sunday evening. Lane left Monday to hunt elk near G. H. Salter received word his threes, and were to plan a sur Prairie City. father died suddenly Friday of last prise for the clubbers at each Ethel Bullard o f Hermlston is week In Utah. Mr. Salter and fami stop. visiting relatives here this week. ly left Friday evening for Utah, t Olon Gallant brought his son. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Canada of Jerome, Idaho visited Mrs. Canada's sister, Mrs. Anna Dail, last week. They were on ttieir way home j from a two-months tour of the I states. Nearly one third o f Oregon’s 8,2$4 teachers possess only temporary ‘ Guy Lane of Portland spent the emergency certificates. Teacher turnover in the last school year was 24.2 week-end in the Vern Butler home, per cent throughout the state. Among the five State System of Higher and accompanied him on an elk Education institutions, the number o f teacher graduates dropped from 1,177 ia 1931 to an estimated 102 in 1946. Oregon schools must have a hunting trip. sound financial system. Keep qualified teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lakey and family of Boise, spent last Fri day in the Otis Bullard home. C. W. Barrett visited Sunday in the George Moeller home. Mrs. Salon Miner returned last fa m e . week from Salt Lake City, where she was called because of the ill ness of a sister. Pdid*Adv., B udc School Support Fund Commit!** *„8*W.tjnloWlWci* 5Ì0rt>ikum Bldg , (Fgr^ond, ‘ Kingman Koiony Vote 318— Yes Arcadia public employees public building costs with delinquent TAX NOTICES 3131,0 Vote f 1 — Wise choice, Mr. Farmer! You know which side your bread’s buttered on! The smart farmer is voting 313 NO on the Fish Bi l l . . . in order to keep Coastal Stteams OPEN 1 Why? Because he knows that HUNDREDS of Oregon farmers depend on fish ing those streams to supplement their incomes. DON 'T endan ger their livelihood! D O N 'T jeopardize our food supply I Remember when our countlei were knee-deep in delinquent taxes? W e learned then that you can't pay public building costs ...y o u can’t pay salaries o f school-teachers and public employees . . . with delinquent tax notices. Let’s not repeat past mistakes, with expensive tax measures we can't pay fort If we keep taxes within reason, we'll be sure they’re P A I D . .. not Delinquent! Go Slow! Danger Ahead! Yes, we must watch our step! We must not incur tax bur dens which will be millstones around our necks for years to come. Above all, let’s re member this: I N C O M E T A X E S W IL L N O T C O V ER T H E BILLS, UNLESS TH EY ARE G R E A T L Y I N C R E A S E D I Therefore, these tax measures would mean heavier property taxes! Tax authorities predict that property taxes may be in creased as much as F O R T Y P E R C E N T within the N E X T T W O Y E A R S, if these tax measures are pas sed. COULD YOU T A K E I T? Can you keep up with rising prices and pay higher taxes too? OR W O U LD Y O U BE CO M E A T A X D E L IN Q U E N T ? FOR Y O U R TABLE VOTE 313 NO 303 N O L IT T L E TO W N S EN D B I L L ...................... .... 315 ' NO B A S IC SCHO O L B I L L .......................................... 317 NO Do You W a n t Food for A l l . . . or Sport for A Few? Paid Adv OREGON F ISH E R IE S C O M M ITTE E Ralph Hamlin. Chairman. 309 W. First St., Tillamook. Ore. Paid Advertisement Orefoa Taxpayers Federation Claude Buchanan. President. Rt. No. J. Corvallis. Oregon Sumner Newell. Secretary OnCiNARY DAY URGENT RATI LETTE« SC RIAL DETERRED NIGHT l ETTER NIGHT LETTER i Don’t Endanger Oregon's Food Supply SAVE OREGON SALMON M IL L A C E FOR A R M O R IES . ....................... TtcIGRAM At the meeting of Adrian cham ber of commerce to be held Thurs day evening November 7. All who own stock in Big Bend park are invited to be present and plan for the future use of the place, es pecially the hall which is in bad condition. The Wade PTA will meet Friday afternoon. November 1 at the home of Mrs. Cyrus Bishop with Mrs. Virl Bishop assistant hostess. The Jolly Janes met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Virl Bishop. Mrs. J. E. Cameron entered Holy Rosary hospital Monday for a maj or operation. Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop and two children of Ogden arrived Tuesday and returned home Satur day. Mr. Bisop was looking after business in the Nampa and Nyssa sugar factories while Mrs. Bishop and children visited her mother, Mrs. E. H. Brumbach. Mr. and Mrs. Don Strickle are parents of an 8V4 pound boy born last Wednesday at Memorial Park hospital in Caldwell. Walter Bishop and Martin Wolf went to Long Valley Monday to look after shipping of ca’ tle. Phil Clucas received word last Monday that his father died sud denly of heart disease. Funeral services were held in the McCall Congregational church. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones re ceived notice of the birth of their first grandchild born to their dau ghter in a Caldwell hospital last week. Mrs. John Packwood's father, James D. Parrott, died early Fri day morning at a Caldwell hospit al. He was a member of Presiby- terial Church. Services were held Monday at 10:30 a.m. at Peckham- Dakan chapel with Rev. E. D. Me Kune officiating. Interment was in Kohlerlawn cemetery in Nampa. Mrs. Kinney and Mrs. Della Bun nell of Caldwell called on Bend friends Sunday. • W ise decision, Mrs. Oregon Homemaker! Shopping for the family’ s food it a problem. Sup plies are scarce — prices are high. But you can still thank youe lucky stars you live in Oregon, where you can supple ment the family’s diet with deli cious Oregon salmon and steel- head. Tell your friends to vote 313 NO! Make sure your supply of good fresh and canned fish will keep coming in) Don't Restrict Commercial Fishing VOTE NO MASS Of SFRViCt DESIRED CABLK o o v .e s T tc QK-f-i, ■V-Tl 1 STOP, LOOK, AND REM EM BER! J big bend * * * * * "h CHECK X. V, 1207 V accounting information U N IO N r>.™w ch«k claaa of --------- oesutd: cthtrwi»« tho m«M|i wUi U transmitted S» • Ul**ram W * \ _______ ordinary cablegram. f . A. TIME FILED r s N . W IL L IA M S ^«CSIDtNT Send the following telegram, lubjcct lo the term, on hack hereof, which are hereby agreed la _ t . J9-AJ5. Q c to b r r 2 3. RoWtrt S. F a r r r l l . Jr«------------------------------- Cart of or Apt. N o . 3 t o r i t o r y o f _stati. I Si-cel and No. ____ Salen------Oregon----- - T V '’ Place- _ TIE ACOTSAÎI0I HAS BE ö LMAK-TSAT _AT IBE_IIM LQF KARL HARBOR YOU T O I.ÏÏIIÜ U i T I E ----- m a et irjr thu * vnn nrnr m tfars m.n, i im that yott t op e . advantage cf ycur ---- OFFICIAL POSITION AS SECRETARY OP STATE TO SECURE HEMWION FROM THE DRAFT. THECÜ_ PASSE^THE^POTSICAL^IAMTNATION^BUT* t h a t "Y0UrS u S E D WT0*ENTER THE NAVY BECAUSE YOU — COULD KOT-REACg-ATASRCEtt-BT WI TH OOYO W OR 51KTLL AS TO WHO EE WOULD APPOINT Aô TCTTp - en rrrecn D sc c r r w t i R T (IF STATE. WILL YOU PLEASE TELEGRAPH 1C COLLECT YOUR AFFIRM- -— a t iö h o r t o i A i r o r these charges , i b ç l ië v e t œ 1 5 5 , 0 0 0 oregoh fen and w cæ n who SERVED IN f^RE ENTITLED 'TO T0ÜR EIPLiKATI0M;_ Buena Vista Mr. and Mrs. Ed McLary and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie of Nebraska have been visiting at the Jim Ritchie home. Mrs. McLary is a sister and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritchie are the parents of Jim Ritchie. Mrs. Willis Bertram spent sev eral days last week in Nyssa to be with her mother, Mrs. E. L. D r .J .H . B e r g e r VETERINARIAN T M IM l Box D Sender’» telephone number „ < Q 'g i X for BASIC SCHOOL FUND fs focóme? *•/ r m noting fo e f° r e 3° 316 _ ^ 0 o Paid Adv. Veterans Committee for Dave Epps, 8112 N. Claredon S t, Portland, Oregon Phone 135.1 Nyssa. Oregon PUBLIC Dairy Sal y2 Located 4 miles north o f Nyssa, Oregon, 2 west on Imperial avenue. I will sell all my daily cows at public sale. Saturday, Nov. 2 SALE STARTS A T 1 P. M. 24 C A T T LE 24 1 Reg. milking shorthorn cow, Valores Iva May, Q- M2091079. i Keg. milking shorthorn cow, Imperial Peak Valo- es QM2221608. I Reg. milking shorthorn cow, Imperial Peak Rose MX2306954. iveg. bull calf, born May 10, 1946. i Reg. bull calf, bom May 12, 1946. I Brindle cow, Beulah, gives 5 gal. now, 6 yrs. old. I Roan cow, Blossom, gives 5 gal., 4 years old. Roan cow, Clarabell, 4 gal. now, 6 years old. i Holstein cow, May, 3 gal. now, 3 years old. 1 Guernsey cow, Buttercup, 3 gal. now, 7 years old. I Roan cow, Bonnie, 3 gal. now, 9 years old. I Guernsey cow, Princess, 4 gal. now, 4 years old. I Holstein cow, Lady, 3 gal. now, 7 years old. 1 Brindle cow, Cherry, 2 gal. now, 2 years old. 1 Roan cow, 3 year’s old. 1 Fat bull calf. 1 Brockleface heifer calf. t 1 Whiteface heifer calf. 4 Roan heifer calves, 4 to 6 months old. 2 Red heifers, 18 months old, bred. Feed 18 Tons o f corn ensilage in pit. 50 Tons o f good alfalfa hay, 1st and 2nd cutting. Dairy Equipment 1 Conda milker,2 single units. 8 10-gal. cans, like new. 1 Galloway separator. Miscellaneous 2 30-foot long chains. 1 Eight-ton jack. 2 Sets good truck chains. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERM S: CASH LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS Cecil Houston, Owner Cols. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, aucts. L. H. Fritt», clerk