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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1946)
y Classified THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1946 BACÌE THREE ceased. First pub. Oct. 10, 1946 For TRADE FOR TRADE— 1940 Dodge truck Last pub. Nov. 7, 1946. with beet-bed. In excellent condi NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING | tion. will trade for late model pas NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that 1 senger car. Inquire at Journal of Rhoda L. Mettlen, the Adminis fice. 3103xp. tratrix of tne esteate of William RATES: Two cents per worn ior each Issue. After one month one| A. Mettlen, deceased, has filed in WANTED cent per word. Minimum, ca&h in advance. Is 30c. the County Court of Malheur WANTED— Beans. Red Mexican County, Oregon, her first and final j or Pinto, top prices paid. See K. L. account of her administration, and FOR SALE—Oliver tractor beet Jarrett. Veteran's Housing No. 10. that Monday, November 18th 1946. j For Sale the hour of 1:30 P.M. on said lifter. E. C. Larson, Columbia Ave. 3102xp. at and the County Court Room FOR SALE— 1945 two-ton Stude- 10-°lxp WANTED_ To buy ^ day in the City of Vale, Oregon have baker army truck. Never 'been used. FOR SALE!— Dressed hens, phone bee* or "eal. Also buy banger cows oeen fixed by the court as the Phone 122-J. 3103xc. orders to 128-M. time and place for the hearing of lOOtfo. or win handle for hide and offall said and any objections FOR SALE— New 4 -room house —-------- — — ~~~ , . „ Phone 31M or 0HJ1 22Atfc. thereto, account when and where anl per FOR SALE— Wood . _ or . coal , . heater, with bath, laundry trays, large . , .. WANTED— Will buy any mode son interester in said estate may porch. $1500. Between 6th and 7th Uikes 20 lnch wood' ° ' A' M sh U' file written objections on Park. 3103xp. [ Reece and Third. 10O4xxp Wlllys cars, highest prices paid appear, hereto and heard thereon. Said telephone 144J. Watts Motor com tccount is for be final settlement and FOR SALE— 1945 Ford truck, good FOR SALE—Three acres, close In. pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorize! upon being settled and approved tires, priced reasonable, can be seen \ Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc, — Idealer, Malheur and Payette coun- aid estate will be closed, and dis- at Signal Station. Finley Shuster. — -----—— No 1 field ----- bags, 10 ties. 3102xc. FOR SALE lAtfc. nbution made and said Adminis unce burlap, vacuum cleaned and WANTED—Dead or worthless an: tratrix discharged. .îhoda L. Mettlen, Administratrix FOR SALE OR LEASE)— 80-acre Jermulowske brothers, mals, horses, cows, calves, shee, Estate of William A. Meitlen, row-crop farm. Marlon Ohard. Box patched. Weiser, Idaho Phone 504. 5Stfc and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W Deceased. 814. 3104xp. SALE— New Willys engine. Payette 560J3. Frultlund 3713 o. itrst pub. October 17, 1946. bowl. It's easy on the budget too. FOR SALE— 1934 Dodge pick-up FOR 7Mtfc Last pub. November 14, 1946. Watts Motor company. ltou Nampa 1000. tdd It to your list of dishes on priced for quick sale, J. S. Hunt ington, north 8th street and Park TOR SALE- 1943 'Ford' Jeep, $875. For Rent NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING ' y°Mr menu planning list. Ave. 3101xp. New top, extra tlre. Willys ••JEEP ', TOR RENT— Truck with eight ton NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that SKILLET MEAL 26Stfc. beet bed. Inquire Powell Service Lois Knottingham. the Adminis 2 tablespoons fat FOR SAID— Used lumber. Inquire $800. Powell Service. tratrix of the estate of D. J, Knrt- 14 cup chopped onion lOOtfc. tingiham, Nyssa Pood Center. 3102xp. deceased, has filed In the FOR SALE— New Wlllys en County Court of Malheur, County, 2 Mi cups tomato juice TOR SALE)— Extra nice potatoes, gines, New Jeeps and Willys MISCELLANEOUS her first and final account 2 bouillon cubes $2.25 per sack delivered. Less in 10- Located 4 miles southeast of Adrian, Oregon, All makes and models MISCELLANEOUS— Reward Will Oregon, of her administration, and that 1 cup hot water sack lots. Ed Jamison, phone 65-J. parts. used cars. Watts Motor Co be paid for information leading to Monday, November 18, 1946, at the 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce y> mile east, then y south of Big Bend park on SlOtfc. Phone 144-J Nyssa. apprehension of any person or per hour of 11 o'clock a m. of said day, 114 teaspoon salt Idaho-Oregon state line. FOR SALE)— 1939 K15 Studebaker sons known to 'have mutilated or and the County Court Room in the 1/8 teaspoon pepper cabover engine truck, 16-ft. beet| REMEMBER THE HOSPITAL destroyed City of Vale, Oregon, have been 1 cup cooked cut string beans rack, 18:26 tires 2-speed rear axle. DRIVE STARTING NOV. 15 church. property of the Episcopal 2402xp. fixed by the Court as the time 1 cup sliced salami, cut In thin Good condition. Stanley Reffett. and place for the hearing of said strips. TOR SALE Rt. 2. 3!Otfe. 80 acres row and any objections tlxa1. 4 ounces spaghetti crop land on Adrian Always buying at top prices. account SALE STARTS AT 1 P. M. be made thereto, when and 14 cup grated American cheese Deer and Elk Hides may FOR SALE— 1946 Ford tractor. bench. Fair house, good well. where any person nlterested in Melt fat in skillet. Add onion, 310tfc. 80 acres, four miles from town. Stanley Reffett. Rt. 2. Raw Fur raid estate may appear, file ob until brown. Add tomato be bought with or without Hides, Pelts and Wool jections in writing, and be heard cooking juice, bouillon cubes, water, Wor TOR SAID— 1946 J. I. Case Com Can equipment ant^ stock. Priced $850u Jermulowske Bros. | thereon. Said account is for final cestershire Sauce, salt and pepper. 1 Red cow, Anna, 6 years old, springer. bine. Used to cut 200 acres. $1000. only. Phone 504 Weiser, Idaho settlement and upon being settled Stanley Reffett. Rt. 2. 310tfc. for 193 land skillet and simmer about 1 Jersey cow, Goldie, 6 years old, 5 gal., just fresh. acres within four miles of ----- --------------- ---— — ------------- and approved said estate will oe Cover 25 minutes. Add string beans, sal TOR SALE;— Guernsey bull calf _____ Nyssa. _____ This place has been gross- Mi icellaneous Episcopal church ed the aasets distributed to the ami, and spaghetti. Cover and sim 1 Black cow, Ada, 6 years old, springer, 6 gal when 9 months old, from registered stock. ^ j3o,000 a year. Terms. thrift sale eveiy Saturday, 2 jp .ta . | persons entitled thereto and said mer 20 minutes. Sprinkle cheese fresh. L. E. Fry, route 2, Nyssa. 2402xp. j g0 acres w[th good buildings In Parish Hall. 17®_*p j Administratrix discharged. on Skillet Meal before serving 1 Black cow, Jule, 6 years old, springer, 5 gal. when -------- New ~ grates , ------. , Bend equipment, Knottingham, Administratrix TOR ------ SAID cows Pull and line goo of pullets ready MISCELLANEOUS— Storage. See Lois Estate of D. J. Knottingham fresh. Jake at mx-it shop. 8Atfc pairs for any make of stove. Also Immedlate possession Deceased. 1 Jersey cow, Bessie, 5 years, springer, gal. stove pipe dampers, flue stops. ^ Jm d and MISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteed First pub. Oct. 17, 1946 Nyssa Furniture Co. 240tfc. when fresh. sewing machine repairing. Complete Last pub. Nov. 14, 1946 _________ _______________ _ | proved acreages. TOR SALE— Fat hens, alive or KEN RENSTROM, REAL ENT ATE. stock of new parts lor all machines, 1 Black cow, Smokie, 6 years, springer. dressed. L. G. Hawley, Nyssa- SUCCESSOR TO A. L. ATKESON including electrics. Rebuilt mach NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING 1 Holstein cow, Prize, 6 years, 5 gal. now, 3-4 cow. ines for sale. Buy and trade. F NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that Parma Junction. 2402xp Phone 47-J 1 Jersey cow, Jude, 5 years, 5 gal. now. 'Lete" Sackett. Ontario. 20Jtfc. Lois Knottingham, the Adminis Vale, Oregon FOR SALE —Eight-piece dining TOR SALE— Dwelling lot. 50 by 1 Jersey Cinnamon, 6 years, 3 gal. now. tratrix of the estate of George A. Editor: room set. Phone 06R4. 24-0tlc. I 147, insured title. Bernard East- MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra Knottingham. deceased, has. filed I voted against the PUD init 1 Bi'indle cow, cow, 6 years, 5l/ 2 gal. now. ------------------------------- I man. 19Stfc. dio service bring vour radios to in the County Court of Malheur iative when It became a law and TOR SAID— 12 new reducers, t w o ----------------------------------------- Nordale-Newsom Furniture store County, Oregon, her first and final I am votjng 1 Roan heifer, bred. l'Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. bred against the forming votjn inch. Inquire D. H. Timmerman, FC"l SALE— Good 10O acre ranch Gene Seybold. radiotrician. 13Jtfc. 1 Jersey cow, Sallie, 5 years, 4 gal. now. account of her administration, and i 0f a PUD district, November 5 for route 2, Parma. 2403xp G d modern improvements. $15,000 4Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car that Monday, November 18, 1946, at I the same reason. fc j Frank T. Morgan. 1 Black heifer, bred. 1 Red heifer, bred. TOR SALE OR LEASE— 160 acres, ;nd cylinder lock keys made. Gam the hour of 11 o’clock a.m., and the I wasn’t a Granger when It be 1 Holstein cow, Pet, 3 years, 4 gal. now. 850.90. TOR SALE—Hay derrick. 85 or 90 irrigated, 40 or 50 row 250afc. County Court Room in the City of came a law but am a member now, 13Jtfe ble store. crop. Seeded and built up for the See Frank T. Morgan. Vale, Oregon, have been fixed by and I am still opposed to parts 1 Holstein bull, 8 mos. old. 1 Red heifer, 18 mos. BUTCHERING past 8 years. Will lease for casn FOR SALE—Automobile insurance. Custom butchering every Mon the Court as the time and place of the law because I think they 1 Black cow, Tiny, 4 years, 4y2 gal. now. or will sell. Pouteen miles south Public Liability, Property Damage. day and Friday. Beef, sheep and for the hearing of said account and aren't fair and equitable to ail 1 Black heifer calf, 3 months old. west of Nyssa. Inquire at Journal Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed pork. Sanitary Dutcnertng guaran any objections thereto, when and people and private enterprise. office. 2102xp. In the best companies at lowest teed Phone 05R1. All stock must where any person interested in Under section 114-245 a PUD 1 Red cow, 5 years, 3 gal. now. estate may appear and file would have the right of eminent 1 Whiteface bull, 4 months old. come In Thursday or Sunday after said FOR SAID— Trailer house, phone possible rates. Bernard Eastman. objections in writing to said ac domain and in case of condemna 1 Black cow, 3 years, 3 gal. now. 14Ftfc noon between 12 o'clock and 6. No count 0H-J2. 1703xc. be heard thereon. Said tion would take possession immed stock accepted on butchering day account and is for final settlement and iately of all property, except utility 1 Jersey bull calf, 2 months. 1 Hoi. heifer, bred. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta upon being settled and approved, property, within or without the 1 Ayershire cow, Peachie, 3 years, dry. avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc said estate will be closed, the as boundary of the district without sets 'distributed to he persons en waiting for judgment t<f be rend 1 Red heifer calf. Found titled thereto and said Adminis ered. This would be like arresting 1 Brindle cow, 5 years, springer. FOUND— Tire and Wheel on First tratrix' discharged. a person, fining or jailing him and 1 Guernsey heifer, 7 months. 1 Whiteface heifer street. May have by Identifying. Lois Knottingham. Administra forcing him to serve his sentence calf, 3 months. Signal Service Station. 3101xp. trix before he would have the right Auctioneer’s note: These cows all tested in the last Estate of George A. Knottingham, to go before the courts and prove POUND— Light pink sweater-coat Deceased. 30 days for T. B. and abortion. This is a good herd his innocence. for child about three years old. First pub. Oct. 17, 1946 It has been man’s right since of cows. The public is invited to come and see cows Inquire at Journal office. 3101xc. Last pub. Nov. 14, 194 u the dawn of time to spend one’s before sale day. money where he willed, even to Legal Advertising NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT trading it for a mess of pottage. OPTOMETRISTS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF A PUD absorbs a percentage of PHYSICIANS NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING THE OF OREGON FOR Its members and forces them to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That J. A. MCFALL John Sebum, Administrator of the THE STATE COUNTY OF MALHEUR spend with them. A11 Co-ops or 175 tons of good alfalfa hay. SARAZIN CLINIC DR. In the Matter of the Estate of business get members by free-will 1000 bushels of wheat. 200 bushels of barley. DR. JOHN EASLY estate of Cecil Sebum, deceased ELIZABETH Dr. J. J. Sarazin choice. There seems to be a fal has filed In the County Court for Deceased. M. PILLSBURY. Malheur county, his first and final NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, that lacy among PUD advocates that If Dr. K E. Kerby account of his administration and the undersigned, Lora E. Pills- they knock the power companies Physician and Surgeons hard enough an election can be that the County Judge has fixed Saturday, November 2, 1946 as the bury, administrator of the estate won. 1 Hay rake. Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased, It is my opinion that voters vote 2 Wagons with hay rack. 1 manure time and the County Court Room of L. A. Maulding. M. D. spreader. 1 Hay derrick. has filed his Final Account as against PUD of their own free In the City of Val», Oregon as tne said Physician and Surgeon administrator in the County 1 Disc. 1 Mowing machine. will because they don't like the for hearing any objections Phone 21, Ontario, Ore place Phone 37 to said account and the settlement Courf of Malheur County, Oregon, application of the law and. If the 1 New set of harness. 1 Good saddle. and that said Court has appointed facts aren't faced and the law am 1 Three-section harrow. Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 thereof. 1 Land leveler. Monday, the 2nd day of December, JEWELRY_STORES All persons Interested In said es 1946 at 11:00 o'clock In the fore ended. the people may even amend 1 DeLaval milker, magnet, 2 single Daily—Except Sunday units. it themselves. tate may appear at said time and noon of said day, for the hearing Two wrongs don’t make one right. 1 Jackson fork. “ PAULUS place and file objections In writ of objections 1 Walking plow. DENTISTS to said Final Account To destroy one’s competitor by the 1 DeLaval cream separator. ing to said account and be heard and the settlement JEWELRY STORE thereof. condemnation process is Just as thereon. This account Is for final Union Pacific Time Inspector J. R. CUNDALL 1 Grain drill. settlement and upon the same be NOW, THEREFORE, all persons wrong as the freeze-out method of 1 Fresno. JEWELRY — DIAMONDS Interested in the estate of Eliza big business trusts. ing approved and settled said es 8 Ten-gallon milk cans. WAT "HES Dentist M. Pillsbury. deceased, are Should the farm organization tate will be closed, distribution beth Main Street a. Second Phone 56-J hereby notified and required to succeed In socializing business then 1 Valley Mound corrugator. made of the property remaining In Sarazin Clinic the hands of ths administrator appear at the County Court Room they in turn must expect to be soc 1 Extra good stock trailer. 1 rubber-tired milk cart WYCKOFF NYSSA OREGON and said Administrator discharged. in the Court House at Vale, Mal ialised by the same group. 1 Oliver 2-way plow. JEWELRY STORE John Sebum. Administrator heur County, Oregon, at said time, Think it over folks. Would you 1 Boom pole for derrick. Official Time Inspector for to then and there show cause, if Estate of Cecil Sebum, any there be. why said Account rather have competitors and free F. F. BODMER Union Pacific will spending or PUDlsm and take Deceased. ONTARIO OREGON Dentist should not be settled, allowed and what they give you? First pub. Oct. 3, 1946 approved and said estate distribu Fred E. Burgess, Ph. 187W Sales Service Supplies Last pub. Oct. 31. 1946 ted and said administrator dis Malheur County Farmer. 75 New Hampshire Red chickens, laying good now. Wilson Bldg. charged. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3 Sows. 1 Black mare, 6 years old. and first published October Ilere From Banks— WORLD FAMOUS NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN. to 31, Dated 26 Chester White pigs. 1946. Date of last publication Mr. and Mrs. Jean Northrop and the creditors and all other persons CONTRACTORS ELECTROLUX 28. 1946. Miss Pern Orover of Banks, Ore 1 Big.straw stack. Interested In the estate of Mary E November Cleaner & Air Purifier Coulter, Administrator of the Estate of gon were house guests of Mr and deceased, that the under General Contractor E. R. Anderson signed has been appointed Admin Elizabeth M. Pillsbury, deceased. Mrs. Jacob F’iacher this week. They Lytle, Kilpatrick and Campbell attended the cattle sale at Ont of the estate of Mary E Attorneys Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, istratrix Builder for Administrator ario Tuesday and the sale at 1 New bed. Coulter, deceased and has qualified 1 Rocker. Weiser, Idaho J. C. KRUL Weiser Wednesday. as such. All persons having claims Other furniture. against salcb estate are required to Box 509 No. 1st St. FLOOR SANDING Members Admitted to Uhurrh— present same duly verified as re TERMS: CASH Nyssa, Oregon by law to the 'undersigned Kitchen Chats Seven persons were admitted to New or old floors "sancT quired LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS the LDS church this week. They By leona Anderson at the office of A. L. Fletcher In HAY BUYER ed perfectly. Large the are Christine Jensen and Benja City of Nyssa. Oregon, within min Jensen, and Mr. and Mr* Nu- MEAL-IN-A-SKILI.ET months from the date of the commercial machine six first publication of this notice A dish, designed for easy prep- ben Olenn and three children. and experienced oper that W. F. JAHN th“ place hereby deslg- | ration and quick consumption. Is Dealer in hav and erain ators. Telephone Boise nated being for the transaction of all a one-dish skillet meal. It may all Here from Ontario— business pertaining to said estate, be cooked together and served dir- Preston R. Mortimer of Ontario Col*. Bert Anderson and Joe Church, Aucti. Third at Good Ave. 6189R. Llllie M. Crocker, Administratrix ectly from the skillet, thus ellmln- was tn Nyssa this week visiting L. H. Fritt», Clerk Estate of Mary E. Coulter, de-, atlng the "middle man" or serving friends. Watch This Space Every Week For A New Advertising Feature Advertising * Newsom Furniture Company Administrator’s y2 Sale 4 Monday, Nov. 30 CATTLE 30 Letter To The Editor S i» ? Professional Business Directory 5y> -r Feed Machinery Chickens, Livestock & Furniture Mrs. Myrtle Schafer, Administratrix