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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON PAGE TWO \ « \ J * ./ / The Gate City Journal KLANS V. POWELL SUBSCRIPTION - - - - RATES $2.00 $1.20 ...... 05 (Strictly In Advance* . . Editor and Church Notes 'HE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev H J. Gernhardt. Pastor Sunday school, 10 a.m. Worship and sermon, 11 a.m. Fellowship meetings, 7 p.m. Evening worship. 8 p.m. Mid-week Mible study, Wednes day. 8 p.m. Publisher ADVERTISING R A T „S Open rate, per Inch..........35c National, per inch............ 35c Classifieds, per w ord..........He Minimum ... 30c TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH OF PARMA "The Church of the Lutheran Hour" SH IFT TO RPM Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for transmission through the United States Malls, as second class matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. GEAR LUBRICANT y *\ FOR EASY SH IFTIN G G EA R S! Divine worship Sunday morning at 10 o’clock with the Rev. H. C. Schultze of Portland delivering the message. Sunday school and adult Bible hour at 11 a. m. S My Platform Includes Good Roads Your Support Will Be Appreciated Veteran World War I Favors For None; Fairness For All W. E. SCHIREMAN PHONE 61 FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Evening services, 8 o'clock. Prayer meetings each Thursday evening, 8 p. m. Our Neighbors in Union County Are Paying A STAN DARD OF C A LIFO R N IA PRODUCT $45,905.77 COLUMBIA AVFNUF Mr. and Mrs. Jake Groot, Sr., of Arcadia entertained Sunday at a luncheon and theater party for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot of Apple Valley, Mrs. C. Van Zelf and Mrs. K. Van de Winkle of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Saturday afternoon visitors at the Gerrit Stam home were Mr. and Mrs. L. Davidson of Parma and Mr. and Mrs. Groot of Apple Valley. Mrs. Klaas Tenren is enjoying a visit from her daughter, Lucille, who arrived here a few days ago from Oklahoma. I for A Dead PUD Horse Malheur County tax-payers have reason to be thankful the PUD proposal was defeated last May 17th. Union County tax-payers have not been so fortunate. Their non-operating PUD has spend over $30,000 without ever going into business or delivering a single kilowatt hour of electric service— $30,000 which has been collected from Union County tax payers. The total tax levied for a dead horse PUD in Union County is $45,905.77. Most of this money goes to lawyers and engineers who make it a business to foster PUD schemes, to self-promoting directors of PUD and to hired managers without a business to manage. PUD is a fine “gravy train” as long as tax payers will stand for it. The power to tax is one of the most undesirable parts of PUD, and one which its promoters seldom mention. After a PUD is created and goes into business, its power to dodge federal taxes is equally obnoxious. PUD refuses to help support Uncle Sam while dipping deeply into the pockets of all local tax payers in addition to the money it takes from electric users. Chinamen to hold real estate and mining claims, amendment per mitting legislative bills to be read by title only, constitutional amend ment Increasing number of sena- tohs to 31 members, bill regulating 11stmig in coastal streams and In land waters, Initiative petition to create state old age and disability pension fund, initiative petlon to create basic school support by annual tax levy, Initiative petition to authorize special tax levies for general road fund In Malheur county and to authorize a special levy for weed control fund In Mal heur county. Nyssa Interest Is In E'ection (Continued from page one) For representative in congress, second district: Lowell Stockman, republican, and Lamar Townsend, democrat. For governor: Carl E. Donaugh, democrat, and Earl Snell, republi can. For secretary of state: David C. Epps, democrat, and Robert S. Farrell, Jr., republican. For commissioner of the bureau of labor: W. E. Klmsey, republican, and Ralph W. Peoples, democrat. For representative, 31st repre sentative district: Martin P. Galla gher of Ontario, republican; dem ocrat. For district attorney: Charles W. Swan, republican; democrat. For county commissioner: G. C. Good of Ontario, democrat, and A. '1 v Lowell STOCKMAN for Re-election to CONGRESS Second Congressional District Send the man back to Wash ington w ho has already chalked up a fine record of work towards the full devel opment o f Eastern Oregon’s resources and utilization of the Columbia River’s poten tial value. Keep, as your representative, a man who understands the present need for stabilizing the full purchasing power o f the dollar, who believes in ade quate care and benefits for veterans. Support the man who advocates progressive planning for the construc tion o f necessary irrigation and flood control projects. Vote for Lowell Stockman, Republican, a proved repre sentative o f O regon’s second district for the past two Congressional terms. 1. Bill does not prohibit commer cial fi»hing in coaetal rtream i. It regulate« W HEN , W H ERE and HOW fiih moy bo taken. 2. Bill actually affect« year round employment of very few— perhapt not 25. 3. Bill would »avc about 9 0 % of our «tcelhcad. (Note: A »teclhead is o rainbow that has gono to too and returns.) 4 . Bill does not affect commercial fishing on Columbia nor does it effect the taking of SHAD. 5. Bill No. 312 would assure a fu ture supply of Oregon’s No. 1 foodfish, the salmon— and protect Oregon's No. I tourist attraction — the steelhead. 6. Bill directs Fish ond Gome Com mission to conduct studies in order thot we moy hovo FA CTS with which to managa and safeguard Oregon fisheries. 7. T a x p a y e r s o ra now p a y in g $165,000.00 each biennium to maintain fishing for commercial interests. More protection will help rebuild the fishing, thereby reduc ing taxpayers’ load. 8. Legislature has tried on two oc casions— 1941 ond 1945— to savo these fish for YOU and the FU TU RE. Now your help is needed to moke this bill (3 1 2 ) a law. 9. NO TA X ES. This is not a money measure. Rather it would help re duce faxes. Keep Common Sense Representation Paid Club. Adv., Lowell Stockman-for-Congresa James H. Sturgis. Chairman, Pendleton, Oregon. OPEN DATES Let’s keep out of the trouble afflicting Union County. Vote “N O ” Against the PUD Next Tuesday! And don't forget to vote. PUD schemes have been slipped over in other counties just because voters didn’t take them seriously until after the election. Malheur County Citizens Committee For the Protection of Tax Payers and Private Enterprise EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE * FRANK T. MORGAN, Chairman HARRY L. PETERSON, First Vice Chairman NEPHI GRIGG, Second Vice Chairman VERNON WILSON and ARVEL I* CHILD, Executive Committeemen DR. C. E. PALMER E. C. VAN PETTEN JOHN MEDLIN C. A. PATRICK JOE BUTTICE A. H. BOYDELL GEO. J. MITCHELL DR. J. J. SARAZIN V. MENDIOLA MEMBERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS DON MASTERSON FRANK HOPPER GLENN OLSON CHAS. SPICER PAUL BUNCH FRANK GRIBBEN LLOYD EDMONSON J. N. JONES S. E. FLANAGAN RAY DUNCAN ARTHUR ATHERTON ROY G. LARSON CHAS. M. HOFFMAN JOE DYER \ J. DYER BENNETT VAN CAMPBELL R. L. KIRBY EARL M. W1NEGAR A. W. QUAST ED OAKES HARRY MINER CARLOS BUCHNER LUTHER FIFE M. L. JUDD HOWARD HATCH BILL PETERSON V. PAUL BOWERS PERCY PURVIS G, Y. CHESTER v - 1 E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a.m., Sunday school. 11 a.m„ Morning worship ser vice. 7:15 p.m., N. Y. P. serivoes. 8 p.m., Evangelistic service. 8 p.m., Wednesdays prayer and praise service except first Wednes day of each month when we have missionary and crusaders meetings. You are always welcome at the church of the Nazaiene, 5th st., and Good avenue. a ALVA GOODELL P. Ooodell of Nyssa, republican For comer: R. A. Tacke of On tario, republican; democrat. For Jjudge of die state supreme court: position No. 7: George Ross- man. For superintendent of public . in- struction: Rex Putnam. hxrO xx xh htaloS State measures to be voted on as follows: Costitutional ameni- ment providing for succession to office of governor, bill authorizing tax for construction and equip ment of state armories, bill estab lishing rural school districts an school boards, bill authorizing 7 THE CHURCH OF THE NAZAKENE Sometimes, mister, you wonder how ears keep up their tough job in to- ay’s h ig h -p ow ered engines — and sometimes they just don ’t. That’s why RPM Gear Lubricant is compounded to protect modern gears— by carrying heat away, keeping pressure-resist ing oil film on ’em while making ex tra starts and stops. Keep in gear with RPM Gear Lubricant! Candidate For County Commissioner General Election, Nov. 5, 1946 31, 1946 COL. ELLIS WHITE COL. CLAYT TSCHIRGI White And Tschirgi YOUR AUCTIONEERS We have open dates for your farm sales. Our interest in your sale begins from the hour we book it for you. We will help you plan, advertise and manage your sale. During the past six weeks we have sold at Auction over one and a quarter million dollars worth of farm and ranch property. Reverse a phone call to 413-M —or— 264 Ontario or 5-22 Fruitland FOR OUR COMPLETE SALES SERVICE ELLIS WHITE AND CLAYT TSCHIRGI (SCHIRGE) Auctioneers Morgan Beck, Clerk ’