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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1946)
PAGE THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON s ix THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 land, California and Mabel Mas- Sunday dinner guests at the Alva drawn from another. Uoodell home. They called at the If the Idaho Power company will uye Kinoshlta of Ontario. Leslie Topliff home In the after not recognize the necessity of in- j Dale Russell Griffith or Omaha WANTED—Dead or worthless ani noon. Mrs. Washburn is a niece ter-linklng transmission lines, let’s and Dorothy Fay Sherwood of On mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING and Mrs. Goodell is a sister-in- organize a PUD and connect our and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that law of Mrs. Topliff and Alva Good- lines to the Bonneville lines so that tario. Joe Swan and Ruby Welch, both we will be ready to meet the needs Payette 560J3. Pruitland 3713 or Rhoda L. Mettlen, the Adminis ell. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver of our people here in our county. at Nampa. Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc tratrix oi tne esteate of William were in Ontario Saturday. Quoting Secretary of the Inter COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT RATES: Two cents per word for each issue. Alter one month one A. Mettlen, deceased, has filed in ior, J. A. Krug: WANTED—Ceiling prices paid for Jay A. Vinson vs. Donald Hop the County Court of Malheur cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. "Anyone in the northwest who kins. Damages. $15,000. hogs. No shrink, no commission. County, Oregon, her first and final tells anybody you don't need power Carmen M. Easterly vs. George See butcher at Eder Hardware co account of her administration, and out here Is doing the northwest E. Easterly. Divorce. mpany store. 26Stfc. that Monday, November 18th 1946. a great dis-service.’' patched. Jermulow.-ke brothers, Marjorie M. Minchew vs. Ernest at the hour of 1:30 PM . on said E. J. Williams, Vale secretary of Leon Minchew. Divorce. For Sale day and the County Court Room | Weiser, Idaho Phone 504. 5Stfc Malheur county P. U. D. Mary Helen Gordon vs. Marvin in the City of Vale, Oregon have (Continued from page onel FOR SALE— 12 new reducers, two FOR SALE—New Willys engine. E. Gordon. Divorce. been fixed by the court as the ¡ell, as the mutual object, Bill, FIRESIDE CHAT HELD Inch. Inquire D. H. Timmerman, ! Watts Motor company. 1 2 e t. Pacific Discount Co. vs. W. O. time and place tor the hearing of had the family and a cavorting ball Sunday evening the members oi route 2, Parma. 2403xp said account and any objections 0f yarn to cope with a* he tried tha Gleanor Girls and "M" Men’s Cheffings. Recovery on account. FOR SALE- 1343 'Ford' Jeep. $875. thereto, when and where anl per- j t0 speak his love for Julia. The classes met at the home of Mr. and $409.95. FOR SALE OR LEASE— 160 acres, i New top, extra tire. Willys “JEEP son interester in said estate may j family was well rounded by Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Lewis after church for 85 or 80 Irrigated, 40 or 50 row j $800 Powell Service. 26Stfc. appear, file written objections ' Cummings, played by Elaine Peter- another fire-side chat meeting. MISCELLANEOUS ciop. Seeded and built up ior the thereto and be heard thereon. Said | son. Klame played very well a kind Clarence Helth, president and Ro- past 8 years. Will lease for cash Always buying at top prices. account is for final settlement and and understanding mother. The sel Anderson were the hosts. The FOR SALE— New Willys en upon being settled and approved, audience received the play with evi program consisted of a vocal solo or will sell. Fouteen miles south Deer and Elk Hides gines, New Jeeps and Willys said estate will be closed, and dis dent pleasure. west of Nyssa. Inquire at Journal by Loa Mitchell, a book review by parts. All makes and models tribution made and said Adminis Raw Fur The fresihmen, new at this busi Mrs. Vibert Kessler and a comic office. 2402xp. We pay highest mar used cars. Watts Motor Co tratrix discharged. ness but willing to try, selected reading by Mrs. Ersel Beus. Re Hides, Pelts and W ool Phone 144-J Nyssa. Rhoda L. Mettlen, Administratrix "Humming Bird Hiccups," a hum freshments were served to 20. ket prices all varieties Jermuiowske Bros. FOR SALE— Trailer house, phone Estate of William A. Mettlen, orous play with an equally amusing Phone 504 Weiser, Idaho dry beans. 011-J2. 1703XC. Deceased. cast. Angela Peterson gently laid IO R SALE NEWS OF RECORD What Have You? Miscellaneous — Episcopal church First pub. October 17, 1946. people in the aisles in her role of FOR SALE— Circulator coal heat 65 acres on highway. Fair im thrift sale every Saturday, 2 p. rn. Last pub. November 14, 1946. Buyers alfalfa and Miss Luna Tick. Dr. Bugbird was er. Price $50. Phone 016-R1. 1702xp. provements. Well built up row crop MARRIAGE LICENSES Parish Hail. 1705xp played by Clarence Suiter, who ■lover seeds. Frank Ichiro Takenaka of Up- NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING was a fit choice for this part. Bar FOR RENT— Truck with eight ton land. ! MISCELLANEOUS— Storage. See NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that bara Henderson played his right 80 acres row crop land on Adrian beet bed. Inquire Powell Service. Jake at Fix-it shop. 8AtIc Lois Knottingham, the Adminis hand nurse. Miss Squink. A friend bench. Fair house, good well. lOOtfc. tratrix of the estate of D. J. Knot- and rival doctor, Dr. Twippe, was 80 acres, four miles from town. MISCELLANEOUS — Guarantied •ewing machine repairing. Complete lingtham, deceased, has filed in the portrayed by Lee Anderson. Some j FOR SALE—Oliver tractor beet Can be bought with or without stock of new parts lor all machines, County Court of Malheur, County. of the latter’s patients included Real Estate insurance. lifter. E. C. Larson, Columbia Ave. equipment and stock. Priced $850o including electrics. Rebuilt mach Oregon, her first and final account Mr. Gaye, played by Don John- 10-04xp for land only. of her administration, and that ton and Mr. Simms, played by 193 acres within four miles of ines for sale. Buy and trade. F Monday, November 18, 1946, at the Phone 144-J, Nyssa Deane Hunter. These poor fellows Lete" Sackett, Ontario. 20Jtfc FOR SALE— Five good 700-20 Nyssa. This place has been gross- Phone 64 liour of 11 o'clock a.m. of said day, were struck by needles and severe Phone 74, Parma truck tires. Harry Masto, five miles ng $30,000 a year. Terms. MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra Nyssa, Oregon south Adrian. 10O3xp. I 80 acres with good buildings in dio service bring vour radios to and the County Court Room in the bendities. Sad cases. Miss Hartack. City of Vale, Oregon, have been played by Carol Flinders was a Big Bend. Full line of equipment, Nordale-Newsom Furniture store FOR SALE— Dressed hens, phone fixed by the Court as the time lady who never succeeded in coll- milk cows and 900 pullets ready Gene Seybold, radiotrician. 13Jtfc. orders to 128-M. lOOtfc. and place for the hearing of said ecting the thousand dollars she to lay. Immediate possession account and any objections that came for. Vivian Ernest as Miss FOR SALE— Good 10 acre tract Remember the hospital drive start- MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate cai may be made thereto, when and Harp brought the entire cast down and cylinder lock keys made. Gam one mile from town. Has three-Ded- 1 ing November 15. 250afc where any person nlterested in with her repetition of the word room house. Ken Renstrom. lOOtic KEN RENSTROM, REAL ESTATE. ble store. said estate may appear, file ob needles. | SUCCESSOR TO A. L. ATKESON BUTCHERING jections In writing, and be heard The sophomores Chase “ Nobody FOR SALE— Wood or coal heater, Phone 47-J Custom butchering every Mon thereon. Said account is for final Sleeps” and placed Jim Rigney in takes 20 Inch wood. C. A. Marshall, Dwelling lot, 50 by day and Friday. Beef, sheep and settlement and upon being settled the hole of the harassed burglar. Reece and Third. 10O4xxp FOR SALK Now at his new modern offices 147, insured title. Bernard East pork. Sanitary Dutenerlng guaran and approved said estate will oe Marion Brown played Daisy, a tur FOR SALE!— Fleshman place, 100 man. 1931 fc. teed Phone 05R1 All stock must losed, the assets distributed to the key sandwich hunting miss, who 718 Arthur St. Phone 720 come In Thursday or Sunday after persons entitled thereto and said first gave said burglar a feeling acres, modern Improvements, See Caldwell, Idaho Frank T. Morgan. 15Atfc. F C 'i SALE— Good 10U acre ranch. noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No Administratrix discharged. that this family was “o ff”. The G d modern improvements, $15,000 stock accepted on butchering day Lois Knottingham, Administratrix second of the “ dames, dames, (Directly across from the American theater) FOR SALE— Thor electric wash Frank T. Morgan. 4Jtfc. One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta Estate of D. J. Knottingham dames” , was Mabel Toombs as ing machine. Good condition. $50. avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc Deceased Daisy’s sister. Beverly Hoehn as Phone 09-J11. Mrs. Charles New- FOR s a l e ;—Hay derrick, $50.00. First pub. Oct. 17, 1946 Gloria was the third interrupting 13Jtfc. bill. 1702xc. See Frank T. Morgan. LOST Last pub. Nov. 14, 1946 influence and when Joy Gann as FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance. LOST — Identification the mother appeared and began bracelet FOR SALE— One 1936 Public Liability, Property Damage. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING talking, the burglar developed an Sam C. Parks (face). 39931271- Ford truck. One 1938 Eire, Theft and Collision. Placed (back). Phone 08R2. 1702xp NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, that inferiority complex. Lois Knottingham, the Adminis Announcers for the four plays Ford truck. Ceiling price. in the best companies at lowest tratrix of the estate of George A. were Jerry Crandall, senior; Dean e c a l A d v ertisin g Herriman Motor Co. 24-1 possible rates. Bernard Eastman 14Ftfc. Knottingham, deceased, has filed Sutherland, junior: Bill Fayles. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING in the County Court of Malheur freshman, and Beverly Hoehn. FOR SALE Solid cabbage, Romes NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That County, Oregon, her first and final sophomore. WANTED end Stamen Wlnesap apples. Three John Sebum, Administrator of the account of her administration, and miles south of FTultland on High During intermissions, Adrienne HELP WANTED— Woman to do Having sold my farm, I will sell’ my cattle and way 95. C. R. Strawn. 1702xp. housework two mornings a ween. estate of Cecil Seburn, deceased, that Monday, November 18, 1946. at Peterson honored the audience with lias filed in the County Court for the hour of 11 o’clock a.m.. and the a piano solo and Marjorie Bishop machinery at my farm 4 miles southwest of Nyssa, FOR SALE;— New Electric range, WANTED— To buy anything in Malheur county, his first and final County Court Room in the City of offered two vocal solos, accom or three miles on Adrian highway to Enterprise av and dlnnette suite. See Mrs. Gray, beet or T,eal. Also buy banger cows i account of his administration and Vale, Oregon, have been fixed by panied by Mary Lou Schenk. first door east of R. R. tracks by or will handle for hide and offall. | that the County Judge has fixed the Court as the time and place enue, then one mile west and mile south. underpass. 1702xp. Phone 31M or 011J1 22Atfc. Saturday, November 2, 1946 as the for the hearing of said account and time and the County Court Room any objections thereto, when and FOR SALE—Three acres, close in. WANTED— Will buy any model In the City of Vale, Oregon as tne where any person interested in Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc. Willys cars, highest prices paid, place for hearing any obiections said estate may appear and file FOR SALE— No 1 field bags, 10 telephone 144J. Watts Motor com to said account and the settlement objections in writing to said ac count and be heard thereon. Said unce burlap, vacuum cleaned and pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized thereof. Sale starts at 1 p. m. All persons interested in said es account is for final settlement and tate may appear at said time and upon being settled and approved, From the front page of the Ore place and file objections in writ said estate will be closed, the as gonian of October 12, we quote: ing to said account and be heard sets distributed to he persons en "The Northwest needs more power thereon. This account is for final titled thereto and said Adminis and more facilities to distribute 6 MILK COWS settlement and upon the same be tratrix discharged. power—and quickly—private and 1 Guernsey eow, 3 years old, springer. ing approved and settled said es Lois Knottingham, Administra public power distributors ranging tate will be closed, distribution trix 1 Guernsey heifer, 18 months, bred, vaccinated. from the chairman of the board made of the property remaining In Estate of George A. Knottingham, of the Portland General Electric 1 Jersey heifer, 18 months, bred, vaccinated. tile hands of the administrator Deceased. company to managers of small rur 1 Guernsey cow, 2 years, fresh 3 mos., vaccinated. and said Administrator discharged. First pub. Oct. 17, 1946 al electric cooperatives told Secre John Seburn, Administrator Last pub. Nov. 14, 194u 1 Guernsey heifer, 2 years, springer, vaccinated. tary of the Interior J. A. Krug, Estate of Cecil Sebum, Friday. 1 Jersey heifer, 11 months, open, vaccinated. Deceased. "Franklin T. Griffith, chairman 1 Jersey heifer, 2 years, springer, vaccinated. First pub. Oct. 3, 1946 of the board of PGE, called for OPTOMETRISTS PHYSICIANS Last pub. Oct. 31, 1946 rapid development of the entire 4 Jer. and Guern. calves, 3 to 8 months. Mr. and Mrs! Howard Parson Columbia river power system "to 1 Guernsey heifer, 20 months, bred, vaccinated. DR. J. A. MCFALL NOTICE TO C REDITORS SARAZIN CLINIC and Mr. and Mrs. Arden Newsom get more power to the people" and DR. JOHN EASLY In the County Court of the State and Johnny of Nyssa spent Sun to provide an adequate reserve for Dr. J. J. Sarazin of Oregon, G. L. WILLIS WILL SELL day at the James Reeder home. development of the region.” In And for the County of Malheur Dr. K E. Kerby Mr. and Mrs. E. Gurss went to But the Idaho Power company 4 Guernsey heifers, bred, vaccinated. In the Matter of the Estate of Meridian Wednesday to visit at uses every means they can com Physician and Surgeons Fred N. Rorden, Deceased. the Henry Estrick home and left mand to prevent the building of The undersigned having been for their home In Colorado Sun Bonneville power lines into our appointed by the above-entitled L. A. Maulding, M. D. territory. They either have not a- day. Court administratrix of the Estate Edwin Muscgrave or Wyoming, wakened to the fact that electric- 1 1 Universal milker, 2 single units, large pump. Physician and Surgeon of FYed N. Rorden, deceased, and who was recently discharged from ity in immense quantities has be- 1 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Phone 37 having qualified, notice is hereby the armed forces, visited at the come a necessity c.r they are not \ 1 Large hay derrick, “ A ” type. Hours: 10 to 12 and I to 5 given to the creditors of, and all Leslie Topliff home Thursday. He acting in good faith, rop no matter 1 John Deere mower, 5 foot. JEWELRY STORES Daily—Except Sunday persons having claims against said is a nephew of Mrs. John Murphy who the distributor may be there 1 Large coal burning circulating heater. Phone Mrs. Kerby, 161. 17dxc. of Nyssa, with whom he has been is not enough power in our terri 1 I-H-C beet cultivator and two sets o f tools. PAULUS deceased, to present them, verified visiting. DENTISTS tory, and if there were, it would as required by law within 6 mon JEWELRY STORE 1 International fencer. Mr. and Mrs. James Washburn be much better to have a trans ths from the date of this notice, and Mary and David and Mrs. mission network so If power fail Union Pacific Time inspector 1 Oliver plow, tractor drawn, 18. J. R. CUNDALL to the undersigned at the offices W. E. Goodell of Caldwell were ed from one source. It could be JEWELRY — DIAMONDS 1 Rubber tired wagon. of E. Otis Smith in the Wilson w a t - hes Dentist building in the city of Ontario, Main Street a. Second PAT SWEANEY WILL SELL THE Phone 56-J Malheur County. State of Oregon. FOLLOWING MACHINERY Sarazin Clinic Dated this 26th day of Septem WYCKOFF NYSSA OREGON 1 John Deere beet cultivator. ber, 1946. JEWELRY STORE LOUISE HUGHES. 1 Grain drill. Official Time Inspector for F. F. BODMER Date of first publication Septem Union Pacific 1 Corrugator. ber 26. 1946. ONTARIO OREGON Dentist 1 Corn cultivator. Date of last publication October Aren’t All Alike! 24. 1946. Ph. 187W 1 John Deere mower. Sales Service Supplies Classified dealer. Manieur and Payette coun- , ties. lAtfc. ceased. First pub. Oct. 10, 1946 Last pub. Nov. 7, 1946. Advertising Seniors Take Play Contest i J Beans Watts Seed B ernard Eastm an Company Dr. G. W . Graves Optometrist PUBLIC ^arm Sale % Vi Letter To The Editor Monday, Oct. 28 CATTLE Professional And Business Directors Buena V ista M ACH INERY Eggs Wilson Bldg. CONTRACTORS WORLD FAMOUS ELECTROLUX Cleaner & Air Purifier & E. R. Anderson lit. No. 3 Sunnyside, Weiser. Idaho General Contractor Builder J. C. KRUL Box 609 No. 1st St. Nyssa, Oregon FLOOR SANDING New or old floors sand- H AY BUYER ed perfectly. Large commercial machine and experienced oper W. F. JAHN Dealer in hav and grain ators. Telephone Boise Third at Good Ave. 6189R. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN, to the creditors and all other persons interested in the estate of Mary E. Coulter, deceased, that the under signed has been appointed Admin istratrix of the estate of Mary E. Coulter, deceased and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present .«»me duly verified as re quired bv law to the undersigned at the office of A. L. Fletcher In the City of Nyssa, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, i that being th“ place hereby desig nated for the transaction o f all business pertaining to said estate. Lillie M. Crocker. Administratrix Estate of Mary E. Coulter, de- BUT— THEY LOOK ALIKE All insurance policies look very much alike but the real test is the service that you receive after you have had a loss or an accident and presen your claim. Wise property owners look into the stabilit' and reputation o f the company back of the» policies. Frank T. Morgan (Contribute to the Malheur Memorial Hospital» 1 Feed grinder. 1 Oliver two-way plow, horse drawn. 1 Two-section spring-tooth harrow. 1 Corn planter. LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS TERMS: CASH R. E. Willis, Owner Bill Lane and Bill Welty, auctioneers. Mrs. Lane, clerk.