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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1946)
_ PAGE FOUR THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON mmm i Sunset Valley Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner att ended the sale in Vale Monday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Landreth of Madras and Mr. and Mrs Charles Landreth of Nyssa en joyed a pheasant supper at the THE CHURCH OF THE home of Mr. and Mrs. Grover NAZAKENE Cooper Sunday. E. J. Wilson, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thornton and 10 a.m., Sunday school. daughter, Gall, of Coos Bay, Ore 11 a.m.. Morning worship ser gon are staying In the Newgen cabin while hunting pheasants in vice. 7:15 p.m., N. V. P. serivees. this vicinity. This Is the sixth 8 pin , Evangelistic service. season that the Thorntons have spent hunting here. 8 p.m., Wednesdays prayer and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nlshitani praise service except first Wednes visited Mrs. Nlshitani’s mother, Mrs. Ha-shitani, at the Holy Rosary day of each month when we have missionary and crusaders meetings. hospital in Ontario Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wilson and You are always welcome at the sons spent Saturday and Sunday church of the Nazarene. 5th st., with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wilson and Good avenue. near Roswell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hobson and THE COMMUNITY UNITED Sandra were Sunday dinner guests PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Seward of Rev. H. E. Moore, Pastor Nu-Acres. Bible school, 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner spent Morning worship, 11 a. m. Thursday with his brother, Bert Evening worship, 7:30. Turner of Vale. Choir practice, Wednesday ev Week-end guests of Mr. and ening, 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wilbur Chapin were Mr. and Mrs. Moody Johnston of Forest L. D. S. CHURCH Grove, Oregon. Sunday, 9:15 a m., priesthood Harry Counsll left this week for meeting. Alaska, where he Is stationed. m„ Sunday | Sunday, 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. Chester Newell and school. daughter, Sharon, left Monday af Sunday, 7:30 p. m„ sacrament ter spending several days visiting meeting. In the Charles Ditty home. Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Relief society Mr. and Mrs. Dubois, Mr. and meeting. Mrs. Beacon and Dr. A. T. Tucker First Tuesday of each month at of Seattle are among those hunt p. m. Primary for children be- lng pheasants In the valley. ween ages of 4 and 12. Berne Lorensen Is employed on Ices beginning Sunday, September the Sid Flanagan farm. ¿. Lloyd Landreth left for his home in Madras Monday after spending SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY a few days in the valley. OF GOD Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fry of Home- Alfred L. Brim, Pastor dale were Sunday guests of Mr. Sunday school, 10a. rn. and Mrs. Walter Hlllls. Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintended Devotional services, 11 a. m. Ed Howard and Mr. McLain of Young people's and children’s Bates were dinner guests of Mr. church, 7 p. rr. and Mrs. Cash Turner Sunday. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Chester Counsll, who has been Prayer meetlic;, Tuesday. 8 p. m. stationed In Japan, arrived Sun Bible study, Friday, 8 p. m. day at the home of his father, O. P. Counsll. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen 5th and Kr> ms Sts. had as guests Sunday Mr. and George Whipple, Pastor Mrs. Moody Johnston of Forest Bible school, 10 a.m. Grove, Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. There is a class for every age. You Wilbur Chapin. Mr and Mrs. James Knudson are welcome. Morning worship, 11 am. and son and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Krass of Wheeler, Ore-| Evening services, 7:30 p.m. Discussion groups for all ages, gon are among those hunting Song service. pheasants here. Mr and Mrs. Robert Ditty and I FULL GOSPEL CHURCH AT sons of Nyssa were visitors in the REBEKAII HAIL home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sunday sohool, 10 a.m. Ditty Sunday. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. COLUMBIA AVENUE ! At the request of many we are again starting services beginning James P. Kakebeeke of Ontario Sunday. October 27. We extend a called on relatives In this com cordial Invitation to all who want munity Saturday morning. the full gospel, especially those who Rlkus Van Twlsk of Valley View have once known the Lord Jesus. was a visitor at the Jake Van Twlsk Bro. and Sis. Lloyd Pounds, pas home. tors. C. M. Tensen was a business ADRIAN FREE METHODIST visitor In Vale FYlday. CHURCH Mrs. Paul Wise and Mrs. Jos Sunday school. 10 a. m. eph Anderson of Ogden, Utah re Sermon by pastor, 11 a. m. turned home after visiting a few Young people’s service, 7:30 p. m. days with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lars- Song service, 8 p. in. son and family. Sound motion picture. 8:15 p. m. Sunday evening visitors at the Jake Groot home at Arcadia were ASSEMBLY OF GOD Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Pastor, C. L. Snider Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Nell were in Brogan on business Saturday. Mrs. Florence Larsson and Mrs. J. N. Carskadon returned home Monday from a visit at Walla Wal- j la. Dick Groot went to the Uve- VETERINARIAN stock sale at Ontario Tuesday. Dr.J.H. Berger Here from Ogden— Mr. and Mrs. Thoe R. Bowers of Ogden, Utah were here thtsj week visiting their parents, Mr. ! and Mrs. C. E. Heath. They have leased the Ned Hubbert place, j j Box D Harold Heckman, pator Divine worship Sunday morning at 9 o'clock with the Rev. A. Bea- er of Caldwell delivering the mes sage. Sunday school and adult Bible hour at 10 a.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Sunday sohool, 9:45 A. M. Elder Robert AQnms, Acting Pastor Morning worship, 11 A. M. Sabbath school. 3 p. m., Saturday. Evanglistlc service, 8 P. M. Prayer meeting 8 p. m., Tuesday Tuesday prayer meeting. 8 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Mollie Nelson. Thursday prayer meeting, 8 P. M. HE METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor Sunday school, 10 a. . Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Intermediate fellowship, 7 p. m. Youth fellowship, 7 p. m. Young adults, 7 p. m. Hymn sing and sermon, 8 p. m. Men’s brotherhood supper Tues day. 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer, Wednes day, 8 p. m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24,_1946 Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Toll are visiting at the home of their dau ghter, Mrs. Rolland Holmes, and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. F*ry shopped in Ontario Saturday. Nancy Goodson of Parma is staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes, this week while her parents are deer hunt ing. Rolland and Roy Holmes made a business trip to Boise Saturday. De Mr. and Mrs. Max O'Brien and Lashmutt of Multnomah, Oregon j daughter, Maxine of Prairie City were week-end guests of Mr. and Jack Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Eddie Powell. Mr. Barnett is Earl Roberts. forest service ranger at Logan Val The Parker family entertained ley. a number of guests also. Mrs. Mentt Jackson, Eldon £ .W . PRUYN Don M. Graham Auto Repairing Insurance Agency Oregon Trail The Merry Matrons club met at the home of Alice Holmes Oct ober 16. The afternoon was spent sewing and visiting. Nine mem bers and two guests, Opal Holmes and Mrs. Anderson, answered roil call with “A Beauty Spot in Ore gon”. In q contest, Opal Holmes won the prize. Mrs. Anderson of Payette, home service advisor of the Idaho Power company, demon strated electric roaster cookery. The next club meeting will be held FIRST MISSIONARY October 30 with Viola Adams as BAPTIST CHURCH hostess. Roll call will be answer Sunday school. 10 a. m. ed by "Hallowe'en memories”. Morning worship, 11 a. m. A Hallowe’en party will be given Evening services, 8 o'clock. Prayer meetings each Thursday Saturday afternoon at the Oregon Trail schoothouse for members of evening, 8 p. m. the Oregon Trail Sunday school. Mrs. Aladean Davenport and Mrs. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Bill Weldy of Payette visited Mon OF PARMA "The Church of the Lutheran Hour" day afternoon with Mrs. J. E. Bow- j j Altman of Bums and her father, Here from Prairie City— Mr. and Mrs. Walt Barnett and Lem Lowe of Portland; Mr. and Upper Sunset Fire and Automobile Mrs. Edwin Bergam entertained club members last Thursday at her home. The afternoon was spent cutting quilt blocks and discussing plans for a bazaar. Seven mem bers were present. At the close of the meeting lunch was served. The next meeting will be held with Sadie Parker November 21. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clonlngei entertained the following guests during the week-end: Mrs. Sue Reboring, Valve Grind ing, Lathe work. Parts and accessories Insurance Rentals Bonds Phone 56w SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned and Repaired W ATER SOFTENERS Chrome Sink Mixing Faucets Eureka Vacuum Cleaners RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able to do my work that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.-NUE-OVO Laboratories Brower Plumbing Shop Phone 95J The Roman Tax Collector W orks for Whom? ,it" / ji^i /• < W e ’ve all heard of the tax collectors of the Roman Empire. They got a commission on the taxes they collected for the Emperor. And we’ve all read the power company ads, bragging about how much money the power companies turn into the public treasury. The power company takes all the credit, but haven’t you often thought that the power company operates just like the Roman tax collector? The power company gets its commission too, you know. Excessive debt charges, high management fees, political propaganda expenses and profits paid to Eastern holding companies — all these are the power company’s commission collected with taxes from the consumers! i Phone 135J Nyssa. Oregon PUDs pay taxes, too! PUDs in Washington and Oregon are re quired by law to pay all local taxes on the same basis as private power companies. PUDs have actually paid to local govern ments over $1,000.000 in local taxes. PUDs are exempt only from huge federal REPUBLICAN GOVERNOR “Site// gets Things Done" ^ P <1 A d v.— D oug los McKay. C h m , Salsm, Qrm excess profits taxes collected by the private companies for the privilege of profiteering on your light bill. PUDs pay no tax money to be taker, out of the home community. And, by eliminating the tribute formerly paid to that Roman tax collector, the private power company, the PUDs have saved electric rate payers of the Northwest $1,900,000 since 1939. Malheur County PUD L o w e r R a t e s Wi t h o u t T r i bu t e to E a s t e r n Hol di ng C o mp a n i e s Paid advertisement by Sponsoring Committee of Malheur County People’s Utility district Vale Oregon. E. J. Williams, secretary. > t \