Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1946)
..d á s e te ,. OCT 2 1 1946 - 7/ieNYSSA GA1ÍI TÎÜT39' J N - ^ JOURNAL ^NYSS A7 j ! )R E G O N ,T H URSDA Y , ~ O C T ( ) B E R _17, _ 19 4 f£ R iver Authority GRAVESIDE SERVICE P h p H e iin t K p -is n n NYSSA FROSH-SOPHS ¡VI n n v R p R l l t i f l l l ADRIAN PTA W ILL n t a r i o 13-0 K ... . sp o n s o r l ib r a r y IS HELD HERE FOR rn e a sa n t season BEAT BEAT O ONTARIO 13-0 P lan Opposed By WILLIAM CLELLAND O pening Oct. 19 F lo w er Displays Stanley E. Huffman, principal The frosh-sophomore football Reclam ationists Graveside services were held in With the pheasant season open team of Nyssa high school defeated Receive Ribbons the Adrian high school, spoke Straus O ff era Plans To Relieve Settlers On Projects the Nyssa cemetery Monday after noon, October 14 for William S. Clelland, resident of the Nyssa vicinity for many years. S tati ing October 19, the game commis sion is calling attention of hunters to the fact that all upland game birds must be properly tagged in the frosh-soph grid outfit of On- | tarlo on the Nyssa field Tuesday , afternoon by a score of 13 to 0. I Schireman made the first touch- Winners Announced A ft er Show Sponsored By Civic Club of to the officers and chairman of the Kingman P T A at their executive meeting, Thursday, October 10. Stockman H ears A bout N y ssa In H is D aily M a il Congressman Answers Questions On Various Subjects A t Meeting Mr Huffman suggested the Ad rian high school library be made The services were conducted by in the area in which they are kill- (tow11 011 a Une >jlunKe alld Bob OMAHA, Nebr..— At final sess Rev. H. J. Gemnardt of the Meth Congressman Lowell Stockman Despite recent frosts, a large into a community library, under ed before they may be possessed or Wilder scored the second when tie ions of the annual National Rec odist church. Commital was in intercepted an Ontario pass on the j number of exhibits were shown at the sponsorship of the PTA. Thus, of Pendleton, representative ln con transported to any areas in which lamation association convention charge of the Nyssa Funeral home. 40-yard line and rail GO yards for the flower show sponsored by the the P T A would be responsible for gress from the second congression Friday of last week, members re Mr. Clelland, who died in the there is a closed season or lesser a touchdown. Nyssa Civic club in the Episcopal keeping library hours and raising al district, laughingly told members elected Judge Robert Sawyer of Ontario hospital Thursday, had bag limit. The starting Nyssa lineup was parish hall lust Saturday. funds for maintaining this project. of the Nyssa Lions dub at a lunch Bend, Oregon as president and lived in this section for 40 years. A ll of the Willamette valley as follows: Center, Endow; guards, The Sliow was thè fU-st held on Those present voted to accept the eon Monday noon that “ I f you passed a series o f 24 resolutions He was bom In Ohio March 3, 1862. counties will be closed to hunting. Kayano and VanTwLsk; tackles, don't think I hear of Nyssa dally blasting President Truman's cur So far as known he left no relativ Anderson arid Alexander; ends, a competitive basis since before plan. In Malheur county the pheasant you should see my mail". tailment order and including the es. , .H ale and Darren; halfbacks, W il- i the „ war. The flowers . were .. beauti- . „ Mrs. Guy Glenn, as health ch&ir- Mr. Stockman indicated that the 'season will be open from October der and schltvman: fullback. Maw. ' ful y urranged about the hall Idaho-submitted opinion condemn mun, was given charge of arrang- housewives of Nyssa let liim know according to classifications. \ ID to November 3 with a daily bag j and quarterback, Ray ing “ authority" legislation, acc Mrs. George Mitchell, committee ^ mg a pre-dental clinic to be held something of their problems, ording to William Welsh, manager nmit of four cocks allowed but not I -----1"----------------- ! chairman, thanked all o l those , in this community. No definite especially about the sugar situa of the Idaho Reclamation assoc * ; more than eight in any seven con- _. I who helped make the show a plans have been made. tion. He also hears from other iation. success. Welsh declared the association's I The resignation of the president. sections, where rumors Indicate one time. The season in toe other * Among the prize winners w as; Mrs Lynn Hurgt wag that sugar is plentiful at Nyssa. resolution was patterned after the 20 counties open to pheasant hunt Ed Steinke city employee, w h c The old nomlnatlng commlttee was "However. I think we are play Distritoution of the attractive 20- Idaho statement opposing any ing will be from October 19 to Oc- _______ was awarded a ribbon for a dis- t0 0ffer a new candidate for ing Santa Claus to the rest o f the brochure published authority suoh as CVA "because it page two-color .. . , . .. „ tober 21 with a daily bag limit of _ world so far as sugar Is concerned", will Interfere with and destroy the under the sponsorship of the Nys- 3 cocka anU not more Ulan slx l n ! The Nyssa Bulldogs ran and pas- play o f roses which he raised at ,.us vacancy. the congressman said. program already in effect for th e t sa chamber o f commerce was start-, ^ consecutive days or ln i sed th« lr " ay ,t0 a 26- ° ™<-ory the city park. The judges were Mrs. Ray Wilson Speaking of the Truman-Wallace complete development of the nat- ed ^ i s week. possession at any any one over the U ^ on yelte possession au one time. The I October the Plrates Nyssa FWday- field. of Parma and Mrs. R. H. Young. feud, Mr. Stockman said “ I think ural resources now underway by, Copies may be secured a t t o e counties open include'Coos, Doug- The prize winners were as office of Flank T. Morgan, cham- i The Bulldogs seemed to care not the decision of Mr. Truman (to existing federal agencies". las, Jusephine, Jackson, Klamatn, dismiss Wallace from the cabinet) The other Idaho measure en- >*r of commerce secretary, across, Ue^chutegi crook, Hood ¿ t ver, Was- that Payette was undeafeated. hav follows: Cosmos, Mrs, Jake Groot, first; will directly affect all our our lives dorxed nationally toy the assocla- Main street from the post office, ^ g jierman ailliam , Wheeler, ing previously nosed out Caldwell, i and will have a direct bearing on tion urged formation within the at 8 nominal charge Merchants are Morrow, Umatilla, Union, WCiowa, Emmett and Adrian. For the Bull Celia Bybee, second. Calendulas, Mrs. G. Stam, fiqjt; F'uneral services for Mrs. O. P. politics during the next few bureajj of reclamation of a s m a l l . asked t0 buy copies of the brochure ^ Grant, Harney Lake with dogs it was their first conference Mrs. W. E. Schireman, second. Counsil of Nyssa were held ln the years” . projects division. c j for dis ribution to friends and in- exceptiou of Ule SuMmer Lake victory in three starts. Carnations, Mrs. Judd, first. Methodist church Wednesday, Oct The Bulldogs dominated the The congressman said that W all Another resolution urged legis- divlduals and firms with whom area in Lake county. Delphiniums, Mrs. Stam, flfst. ober 16 at 2 p. m. with the Rev. ace is smart and "'has plenty on game all the way as they marched lation to make flood control arid they do business. Other local resi Tagging stations will toe main Michaelmas Daisy, Mrs. Stam, H. J. Gernhardt officiating. Music the ball". resources development compljP with dents may secure copies to send tained at HOod River, Maupin, Sis- down the field in the first quarter, with ¡Bellon scoring from the 7- firsy Mrs. A. L. Fletcher, second was furnished toy Mrs. Carlos Buch " I don't always agree with him, state laws, according to Frank T. to friends. 1 ters, Goshen, Vale, Ontario, Nys Marigolds, large. Mrs. Stam, ner, pianist, and Mrs. Gilbert but he has a fund of knowledge yard line. °rh e try for point was “ Nyssa, the Fastest Growing Morgan o f Nyssa, who was app sa, Adrian, Juntura, Brogan and ,, . . good. The enraged Pirates received first; Mrs. Hansen, second; Mrs. Klinkenberg, vocalist. about national and International ointed by Governor Earl Snell to Town in Eastern Oregon,” is the Huntington and . at all state p o lic e ,* . „ . „„ Interment was in the Nyssa cem affairs that Is unexcelled in Wash ! the ball and pushed as far as the Laurance, third. attend the national convention as title o f t l^ brochure. patrol stations ln the counties open Marigolds, French. Mrs.u Groot, etery, with the Nyssa Funeral home ington. He Is the leader o f the , ,, , . , Bulldogs 3-yard line, where they "T h e well-chosen selection of pic a representative o f Oregon. to hunting. Malheur county sta-1 * ,. , , . ... * , „ „ I were held for a series of downs first; Mrs. Don Moss, second; Mrs. ln chaige. Pallbearers were Kenn liberal elements of the country. I The resolution on the Truman tures and terse descriptions re- tlons will be open trom 9 a.m. to i „ .. . . . . . , . Stam, third. eth Lorenson, Floyd Lomax. Clar think that this element Is the curtailment order urged assocla- " eet the .^y? a 9 pan. each day while the Cascade ' Nyssa attempted to punt out but Nasturrium, single, Mrs. Groot, ence Merrick, Oscar Kurtz, W. W. balance of power between the two tion officers to protest vigorously j affords, and the booklet will be stations will provide 24-hour ser the ball went out of bounds on Foster and Taylor Sandy. major political parties. As he has whenever funds which have been j effective in attracting others who vice. Tags will be sold at a fee of the 8-yard line, from where Pay first; double, Mrs. Groot, first. Pansies, Mrs. Joe Sutherland, Neva May Goodrich, daughter ol left the cabinet, he can do one ette tried to score but was again appropriated are impounded. ' may wish to become a part of the five cents each. held for four downs. Nyssa once first: Mrs. Schireman, second; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Goodrich, of two things, organize a third Earlier in the day members growing c o m m u n i t y , ” Herschel There will be no open season this was born October 14, 1897 at Long- political party or Job) one of the heard W. O. Sloan of Billings, i Thompson, president of the cham- year on Hungarian partridge, but again drove down the field and ln H. O. Hopkins, third. Petunias, double and purple, dale, Oklahoma and spent her other two parties” . Montana, of the bureau of recla- j b®r of commerce, said. Five thous- valley quail may be hunCSd from the «second quarter Herren went Because he was apparently mation and Brig. General Louis and c°P les of the brochure were October 19 to October 27 in toe i across from the one-yard line. The Mrs. Stam. first; single, Mrs. Groot, childhood and youth ln Oklahoma, try for point was good with a pass first, and Mrs. Stephenson, second, where she received her schooling. suffering from Influenza, Congress A Pick of the the army armv engineers emtineers . t C o o - ' Printed Tw o colors, green and ' following * counties: . 77. T T A Pick of Douglas, Jose- to Dick Teeri. | Phlox, Mrs. Groot, first; Mrs. She was united ln marriage to O. man Stockman resorted mostly to authors of the Pick-Sloan plan . black, are used to show o ff an ar- . -n e Coos, Jackson, Klamath, P. Counsil October 14, 1915 at Fafr- answering questions advanced by The third quarter started with Stam, second. discuss obstacles to the vast dev- ] fistic lay-out to the best advan- , Crook, Deschutes, Grant and Was- Nyssa taking to the air to pick Salphiglosses, Mrs. Stam, first: vlew, Oklahoma. T o this union six the Lions club members. elopment program for the west, ta* e' c0 children were born. up yardage. A pass from Iseri to Mrs. Groot, second. The congressman praised the re which Is planned by the two agen- ! Tlle facts prove that the Nys' Bag limit is five a day but not Anderson netted a gain of 30 yards Snapdragons, Mrs. Stam, first; Mr. and Mrs. Counsil moved to sults of the Tennessee Valley auth I sa area has been growing—and ! more “ Chan in any seven c o n -' and anotjper to.-hdown. The try! Mrs. Laurance, second; Mrs. R. O. Klin, Colorado ln 1916 and con ority, which, he said, has done Members t h ' 1947 growing fast—in Che last 10 J years, j jecutive “ days “ 10 or *** R^mujrs voted voiea to hold .oia cn is k in possession at Lason. third. tinued to live there until the family more for Tenneessee valley "than for point '.«er* ' nt «rood. convention in Phoenix, Arizona. 'Slave 1935, the- number) oi lamia Verbena, Mrs. Judd, fiikv; Mrs. moved t « Nyssa ln 1937 Mrs. C.van- anything I. lutye ever seen. The d e In the fourth quarter Iseri pitch The board of directors, all o f ) within Nyssa s 600 square mile tra- ed a long pass to Anderson ln the Laurance, second; Mrs. B. Brown, sll had been in failing health lor velopment has been tremendous. whom were re-elected, elected din« area has increased approxi- the past four years, especially so Farmers who formerly raised 6 to end zone, and Anderson fumbled third. Judge Sawyer as president: Harry uiately three times, gross income Roses, 6 best. Mrs. Stam, first; ln the past several months, during 7 bushels of com on the lowlands the ball but Bob Wilder caught E Polk of Willis ton, North Dak- has risen nearly 370 per cent. Otn- It before it hit the ground, making Mrs. Larson, second; 1 best, Mrs. which she suffered two paralytic are now raising 60 to 70 bushels first vice president: Judge er growth has been in proportion." ota first; Mrs. B. strokes. Mrs. Counsil. who died of com on the upper land". the fourth touchdown for the Bull J. L. Herriman, Clifford H. Stone of Denver, see the booklet states on the intro- dogs. Again the try for point fail- Brown, second; Mrs. Stam, third. October 12 in the Nyssa Nursing However, Mr. Stockman expressed ond vice president; James A. Ford , ductory page. Space is devoted to Chrysanthemums, 1 best, Mrs. home, was a member of the Meth doubt whether the proposed Col W ith time for crop reports o n ! ed. Payette attempted to drive for of Spokane, treasurer, and Don describing climate, soil, irrigation umbia valley authority would be McBride of Seattle, secretary-man source and system, the principle the Owyhee project already arrived, a touchdown but was still 40 yards Judd, first, second and third; 0 odist church. Survivors are her husband; two feasible at this time. He pointed crops, dairying, food processing, I. H. Findley chairman o f the from pay-dirt when the game end best, Mrs. Stam, first; Mrs. Judd, ager. daughters, Mrs. Robert Smith and out that the people are different, second. Owyhee Water Users association, ed. In resolutions passed by the and recreation. Nyssa was one of three Malheur Best chrysanthemum display, Mrs. Miss Vera Fay Counsil; four sons, the land is different and other Publishing a brochure is the out has issued an appeal to toe water members tribute was paid to Ora Joe, Chester, Elton and Harry, all conditions are different. He ex Bundy, former association presi growth of a comprehensive indus users to give accurate reports on county teams that romped to vic Stam. Potted plants, Mrs. Burton, first; of Nyssa; a sister, Mrs. Roy Hun pressed the opinion that the gov- tory Friday as Vale edged Baker dent who died at his home in trial survey which was conducted their crops. ter of Trinidad, Colorado, and sev srnment should build the dams. "W hile Uie report figures are not and Ontario conquered La Grande. Mrs, Groot, second. Ogden in - June, Floyd O. Hagie, by the chamber of commerce with Winter bouquet, Mrs. Hopkins, en brothers, Ray Goodrich of Den The Nyssa line-up was as fol I can't say that I am in favor who resigned as secretary-manager the help of the Idaho Power com the basis for income tax, we do ver, Harvey. Lloyd, Willie, Isaac of a CVA because that would give Guards—Orr and Kay- first; Mrs. Burton, second. recently after nine years of service, pany, Thompson said. pay a definite tax on this deport lows: and Artistic bouquet, high, Mrs. and Andy Goodrich of Kim, Colo one board too much control. I am The survey contains factual in as all you Owyhee water users | ona; tackles ^ Christensen and Jim Pauver, one of the assoc iation founders who died Decem formation on virtually every phase know ’, Mr. Findley said. "T h e Low: ends— D. Iseri and Anderson; Hunt, first; Mrs, Sweitzer, second; rado, and Alva Goodrloh of Boone, in favor of the government butld- tng the dams and then develop ber 9, 1945 at Areata, California. of community and farm activity. bureau of reclamation is demand center— Toombs; backlteld— G. Mrs. Groot, third; medium, Mrs. Colorado. our plans as we go along. I think In one of the principal addresses It contains statistics on the grow ing an unreasonable high pay Iseri, co-captain; Herren, Church Brown, first; Mrs. Groot. second; Mrs. Stam, third; low, Mrs. Groot. at the present time we have too at the convention, Michael E. Stra ing and marketing of alfalfa, let ment on construction plus cost of j and Bellon. co-captain. much centralization ln Washing and The Bulldogs will travel to Bums first, second and third. us. United States commissioner of tuce, livestock, dairy products, po operation and malmenance ton". reclamation, advocated that the tatoes, on sugar beet production, M r Newell refers to the high in- , for a game Friday of this week l Artistic basket. Mrs. Groot, first; Just a few hours before Presi recreation and wildlife departments processing of vegetables, etc., and come per acre as reported in 1945 «nd will meet Adrian on the Nyssa | Mrs Sweitzer. second Artistic, 1 variety, Mrs, Sweitzer. dent Truman announced lifting the ....................... pay a share of the cost of reclama on Nyssa Industries. The file in- as basis lor imposing the *2 p e r 1 «e ld Friday of next week at 2:30 Ud o ff meat prices, Congressman (Oontinued On Page 2) tion, that the government reduce acre for construction plus the reg- P-m- Malheur 4-H club members re Stockman told the Lions that " I Interest rates to western power ular cost of operation and main ceived over $2750 for the beef ani don't think we will have meat on users from three per cent to two tenance that we have been pay mals they exhibited and sold at the our tables at reasonable prices un per cent and repayments of set- ing. Pacific International Livestock ex til the O. P. A. Is eliminated. I (Continued on Page 7) "The bureau of reclamation now position held In Portland last week. think this country should return to has a new contract in the making Ten head ol beef animals were the old economic law o f supply and to set the future water charge on The housing project which has exhibited by club members from demand". The Service Parts company with i been built by the federal govern- this county, and were sold ln the The state highway department the Owyhee project and another inflated crop report like 1945 will main offices in Caldwell has ann- ment with the assistance of the 4-H fat stock auction which Is a has painted cross-walks for pedes trians across the highways con set this new contract unreasonably ounced that it will open a whole- | city on King avenue Is expected part o f the 4-H activities at the necting at the school grounds on high. So, Mr. Water User it is up sale branch store in Nyssa Satur- . t0 be ready for occupancy next exposition. The chib members re ceived from 33 cents to 35 cents week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berreth of west Main street, but the remaind to you to put in an aedtirate re day, October 19. The company has secured bus- The six apartment houses will per pound for the animals they Ontario have purchased a building er of the program suggested by port. Do not report the crop you living quarters for 24 marketed through this sale. at Main and First streets from local groups for temporarily re Intended to raise or the big one | ness qUarters at 54 Main street,! provide The basic school fund measure The grand champion 4-H steer George Abbott and will open an ducing the traffic hazard to school y °ur neighbor raised, but the one in the block east of the post office, families. The houses, which are Tiie concern will carry a complete furnished, are prefabricated build at the show was exhibited by Hen which will appear on the Novem auto parts store there within the children has not yet been under- really raised. The yield per acre I here is fair enough without in- line of automotive parts, as well ings moved by the government ry Jeager of Condon, Oregon, and ber election ballot and the pro next few days, probably by Nov taken. At the suggestion of school offic- «a th ig. So measure your hay and as shop supplies and equipment, from Vancouver, Washington. The was purchased by Henry Thiele posed playground and swimming ember 1. The budding was used by Mr. ials, a highway employe who was other ci»ps; d on t over estimate, all of nationally known and acc water and sewer connections were of Portland for $325 per pound. pool plans of N.vssa will be dis made and the roadways and side Mr, Thiele also bought the grand cussed at a meeting of the Parent- Abbott as a shoe repair shop and painting center lines on the high- Put in your report just as if you epted Une3. champion fat lamb of the show. Teacher association Thursday night Besides Nyssa and Caldwell, the walks were built by the city. dwelling for several years and ways painted the pedestrian lanes, » ere buying the crop. The total cost of the project paying a record price of $25 per October 24 at 8 p. m. ln the high “Every time tfhe committee h a s : s erViCP Parts company operates during the last several months the but said he had no authority to j Is understood to be approximately pound. ; seen Mr. Newell or any member of I stores at Welser and Payette. school building. An outside speaker shoe repair shop has been oper do any other work. In the meantime City Manager ( the bureau of reclamation about a j Howard Dunaway, formerly em- $36.000. Eight head of beef calves being will be secured to talk on the ated by Mr. Abbott's son, D. W. The houses will be occupied by fattened ______ by Malheur 4-H club measure. Musical numbers will also Abbott, Who has moved his shop E. K. Burton contacted the dis- reduction in construction cost they piOVPd in the company's Caldwell to the Kraal building on First trict highway engineer at LaOran- 1 have referred to the 1945 crop re- 1 store, will be the local manager. He families of war veterans. The rent members are still on feed ln t h e ! be provided /\f # 1 <W5 c r e / ic c anr Q P f P 11 ' i. ■ I ir o iA e n n io ir lt a iT e n p n t r ill Kn r tll nd Vat / l I l P ift/ il n r i / M iv s ft i A n «l i l 11 Kd nM 1 /vva 11 i f : I is a returned veteran, V having spent j « « will be A collected by the / s city and ( O county, and n will be c sold, locally. The program committee of the street Just north of the Nampa de. who agreed to ask the state ’ of $101.26 gross t per acre, 1 five years in the army, three cf after expenses are deducted the about the middle of November. The | P. T. A. met Monday night at the creamery plant. His shop Is now highway department to send a I Notes— i them overseas. He and M il. Duns- balance will be submitted to the | quality of these calves are about high school building and arranged open for business in the new lo traffic engineer from Salem to Nursing Home Nyssa to investigate the traffic j Four boys and one girl were bom way wm move to Nyssa as soon as ( government. When the housing the same as those marketed by to circulate petitions for the form- cation. | emergency Is declared over t h e ; Malheur club members at the Pac- atlon of a recreation district. The Berreth is completely remodeling situation at the schools. Sgt. W alt- at the Nyssa Nursing home this a house is available. petitions will be circulated soon. the inside o f the building and I er Walker of the state police With week The girl was bom to M r | Melvin Smith and Lelght Everly, j government will turn the build- lflc International. Mrs. B. B. Llenkaemper, chair Club members exhibiting at Port will paint the outside of the struc- headquarters at Ontario said he and Mrs. Leo Gallegos of Nyssa | oo-owners. have expressed thefr be- ings over to toe city. land were Rosemary and Patricia man of toe room mothers, has ture white. He Is toe largest and will send an officer to Nyssa to October 13. She weighed 7 pounds, lief ln the growth of Nyssa and the Reed, and Joe Silvers of Brogan; called a meeting to be held for oldest parts store operator tn Mai- 1 drill the school traffic patrol and 2 ounces. Parents o f the boys are territory of which it Is the natural Examination Announced— Mr. and Mrs. Julio Flguerola of center, and will "do everything' The civil service commission has , Irene Tucker and Oeorge Fergus- j the members o f her group at the heur county. He moved to Ontario talk to the students, announced an examination for , on. Willow, reek; Deane Anderson, home of Mrs. Frost Friday of this ln 193« and now has stores at The state men are expected to Nyssa. weight 7 pounds. 3 ounces, possible in the operation of our coal mine Inspectors to fill posl- | Curtis Gibbs Allen Alder o f An- week at 2:30. Ontario and Baker and has a com- arrive here within the next few bom October 10; Mr. and Mrs. store to make it a credit to the tlons in the various coal m in in g, nex; Don Purvis of PioneerT and Ora ton Eason of Wilder, weight 8 territory It serves." The P. T. A. executive committee plete stock of parts ready for the | days. sections throughout the United Betty Shaw o f Arcadia. will meet tonight at the home of pounds, 11 ounces, bom October 11; Nyssa store, he said. Mr. Berreth States. The salaries Tang* from Mr. and Mrs. W R. Allison of Attend Football Game— Club members who plan to feed Mrs. Frost stated that toe Nyssa store will Mother Visits Here— Mr and Mrs. Grant Rinehart $3397 to $5.905 a year. Further In- out beef calves for next year will be operated as a separate Unit and Mrs Arthur Weston arrived tola Nyssa, weight 9 pounds. 15 ounces, not as a branch. week to spend her vacation visit- | bom October 15, and Mr. and Mrs ! and children attended the Oregon formation and application forma be putting their animals on feed Here from Payette— Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Fulton of The Nyssa store will be managed ing her two daughters. Mrs. Les-1 Orville McEwen of Nyssa. weight state college—University of South- j may be obtained from toe com- ln the near future, ln order to Ralph have them ln shape far market by Payette are here visiting their by Hugh Smith, with Harry Erie- lie Stoker and Mrs. Ruth Bybee,! 4 pounds, 15 ounces, bom October | em California football game ln mission's Local Secretary. Lawrence at toe postoffice. daughter, Mrs. Tom Eldredge. Portland Saturday. show time next fall. 16. and their families. bach as assistant. Brochure R eadv For Distribution £ecutive days or 111 possesion at any N y ssa Deteats Payette 26 To 0 Funeral Is H eld For Mrs. Counsil Accurate Crop Reports U rg e d Youngsters Get B ig B e e f Price C ro ss-W alk s A t Schools Painted T. Berreth Buys A bbo tt B uilding Service P a ris Store Is Opened U.S. H ouses A re N e a rly R eady Activities O f P T A Announced