Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1946)
.Cv^ÔBsaav raeNYSSA V o l u m e XXXXl No~35~ JOURNAL JN f sSÄTÖREGÖN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1946 Nyssa To Play Ontario Eleven There Sept. 27 New Water Main Construction To Be Started Soon Bulldogs Easily Defeat Adrian By Score Of 20 To 0 Pipe Arrives; Master Plan Is Presented To City Council f Frank Morgan Elected As President; Solicita tions Planned The Nyssa Bulldogs, fresh from L. R. Stockman of Baker, con- Directors of the Malheur Mem a pre-conference football game | ulting engineer, presented a mast- orial Hospital association were elec- over the Adrian eleven, will play r plan for distribution of water i ted at a meeting held in the city their first league game of the sea n Nyssa at the last meeting ol hall last Friday night. son against Ontario Friday. the city council. Construction of The directors are Frank T. Mor he water system would cost $205,- The Nyssa-Ontario contest will gan, G. A. Billings, Mrs. Ed Frost, be played on the Ontario field 01 . Mrs. M. L. Judd, Richard Maw, The city will lay an elght-inoli Friday afternoon at 2:30. Bert Lienkaemper and Jacob Fis water main on Main street as soon In the practice game at Adrian her. Mr. Morgan was elected pres as possible, City Manager E. K. last Friday, Nyssa won by a score ident. Mr. Billings secretary and Burton said. Following arrival ol of 20 to 0. . O. Wells treasurer. Ope for the Main street project, Nyssa’s first touchdown was the city is asking for bids for lay- At a meeting of association stoc- made tn the second quarter by ng the pipe, which will include holders Thursday night 17 nomin George Iseri and the extra pofnt BROKE LA FOLLETTE TRADI trenching. It will be laid from the es for the positions of five dlrect- TION . . , For the first time In was made by Bob Wilder, who : mderpass to the schoolhouse and rs were selected. At the Friday 40 years, a La Fillette will not plunged the line. will be connected with the high be a member of the 11. S. senate D1GS GRAVES . . . Denna Bar ight meeting the group voted to Bob Church scored the second elevation tank. The work will re hange the articles of lncorpor- at next session. This was as thel, 19-year-old North Liberty, Nyssa touchdown on an offtackle quire six weeks. sured by the defeat of Sen. Rob Ind., miss. Is believed to be the tion to provide for seven directors buck in the third period and Iseri j The water mains in the other ert La Follette by . useph R. Mc- only girl grave digger in the U. S. nstead of five in order to get equal passed to Church for the extra BATTLE FLAG OF BATTLING SHIP , . , Before a large gathering, parts of town will be laid as soon Carthy, for the Republican nomi- | Her eagerness to obtain a musical representation from the entire point. the battle flag of the battered but still afloat USS Nevada was pre | as materials and finances are nation. La Folli tte had recently education led her to hire out as a ommunity. The final touchdown was regis sented to the state of Nevada. The presentation was made by Rear ’available. The Main street job, rejoined the Republican party. grave digger at Sauktown, Ind. I ! The directors will meet again tered by Reed Ray going over cent Adm. Francis W. Rockwell (right), former commanding officer which must be done before the She was proclaimed "Girl of the londay night of next week to er. Nyssa failed to make the extra of the Nevada, to Gov. Vail Pittman, accepting for the state. This is tate paves th e thoroughfare, will Year" by the Guitar Guild. evelop plans for completing sol- point after touchdown. the first time in naval history that a flag of a major battleship has e paid for with money already iations for the hospital building As previously announced by been returned to a state. vailable. fund. Coach Howard Lovejoy, the Nyssa Mr. Stockman was also here team members are small but fast. tiesday and Wednesday of this The starting lineup last Friday •eek to test the capacity of the F’uneral services will be held was as follows: Toombs, center; Thirty-six children from all parts lty wells, which he determined Itamuri and Kltamuri, guards; o be approximately 1,500,000 gall- for Irvin Joshua Tanner in the of the county were examined at the Christenson and R. Anderson, ns a day. T hat is sufficient water | j -DJB. church in Nyssa Saturday crippled children's clinic held Sept tackles; D. Iseri and M. And The Amalgamated Sugar com The Nyssa Future Farmers ol or a population of 5000 persons afternoon at 2 o’clock. The body erson, ends; G. Iseri, quarterback; ember 11 at Ontario. The child Kenneth William Bailey, convict- Church, fullback, and Herren and pany has closed its Burley, Idaho America re-organized the local or household use and irrigation, will be brought to Nyssa for inter- traveling the farthest distance d slayer of Sgt. Ted Chambers of ut all of this volume will not be ment in the Owyhee cemetery, Lowe, halfbacks. All of the 35 syrup plant because of government hapter and elected officers for Ontario, blamed society for his ame from Arock. squad members taken to Adrian restrictions and order, according he first time in two years at a available until further Improve-1 Mr. Tanner, formerly of Nyssa. ments are made in the water died September 17 at the home Dr. Richard F. Berg of Portltard rlmlnal career as revealed by an to Information given to the Assoc meeting held Tuesday, September played in the game. system. of p daughter in Portland after was the orthopedic physician who Associated Press story released The first home game of the iated Press. 10 . The council passed a new license a lingering illness, examined the children. Others rom Salem after the slayer had Bulldogs will be played against The restriction closing the door The 15 remaining members elect- rdinance, providing licenses for | Mr. Tanner was born May 27, from Portland were Miss Alyce E. >een executed in the state's gas Vale Friday, September 27. on a new scientific development ed LaMar Orr as president; James musements, games and some occ- 1871 at Payson, Utah and was Bloom, consultant orthopedic nurse; hamber last Friday. A frosh-sophomore game between were branded as "obstructionist Smiley, vice president; Donald Ber- Bailey, who was charged with Adrian and Nyssa has been set for and reactionary measurers" by R. gam, secretary; Lawrence Low, ipatlons. The ordinance provides married to Mary Jane Jacobs Dec- Miss Doris Johnson, medical soc illing Sgt. Chambers ln a gun penalty for convicted violators ember 8, 1897. He owned a farm ial worker, and Mrs. Mary Snook, 3 p.m. September 24. The contest H. Cottrell, company vice president. reasurer; Kenneth. Chard, mastcr- f not less than $5 nor more than in the Owyhee section and lived physical, therapist. Mrs. Amy May- attle at the Annex schoolhouse ln will be staged on the Nyssa field. The Associated Press story said t-arms, and Elred Irving, reporter. 100 or by imprisonment in the there for two years, Malheur county near Weiser, said the plant, which has been manu- The members also decided that ity jail for not less than one j Survivors áre his widow, Mary eda, secretary to Mrs. Kathryn •his crimes were the result of so Claypool, superintendent of schools, GRANGE TO HONOR facturlng syrup on a small scale for if it could be arranged a delegate day nor more than 30 days. Places Jane; a son, R. G. Tanner ol acted as stenographer for the clinic. ciety's failure to teach him he bottlers, confectioners, bakers and from the should . Be ,of . . . business , , , will ... be . Nyssa and . four daughters. . . . ., could achieve adventure without , / Nyssa . . __ . chapter .. so affected Mrs. NYSSA TEACHERS ice cream concerns, was recently1 chosen to attend the national “vie- . . . .. ... _ „ ,, „ . _ ’ . Mrs. L. W. Ruckman of Vale and stealing. . Mrs. Robert Hetrick of the Pioneer nr/iop, a u i^ i a., J L i ,t»v’* MmMnHnt. closed P°Iice- ' " ta PekelIa' Mrs. Ann P ratt and , . .. , closed after orders issued by the tory” FFA convention, which will Fled Moss of the Idaho Cann- Mrs. Merna Faull of Portland and The youth said he started life district assisted Mrs. Edna Farris, Nyssa faculty members an ie r su branch of the production be held in Kansas City October 21 ng company called on the council drs. Goldie T. Lively of Nyssa; public health nurse. Mrs. R. R resentful of discipline and that families will be special guests o and .marketi dlvlsion of m „ t0 24 the Oregon Trail Orange next & Department of ^ c u l t u r e and In each of the agriculture classes regarding water for the Nyssa 10 grandchildren and two great Belknap of O ntario' acted as hos- *,e e“r‘y ,earned to 'be a criminal plant, which the company Is erect- grandchildren. tess. Visitors for the day were Dr. ja> reform school. He stated that Tuesday night when the grange the 0 p A ln Washington, D. C., separate organization was form- Roderick Belknap, Mrs. Dorothy i1"* on>y haPPy were »P*nt will observe its annua oos er made pro<juction “practically im ed for the primary purpose of ng. The council assured Mr. Moss hat it would cooperate with him Burgher, administrator of the Mai- at the home of an uncle- who went night. possible,” Cottrell said. practicing parliamentary procedure. n providing stand-by water in heur county public welfare com -> wimmln« and hunting with him “Eaoh fall, granges . over the , . nat- . The sugar company executive The officers were named as f o l - __ _ . _________ . .. __ mission, and Mrs. E. C. Van Pet- jta Idaho and «ave hlm a 8™ and ion hold open house for e r r e - pointed out that this government lows: Juniors, Norvelle Robbins, |. . . 1 . Jf, y .. . nds and prospective members”, — now ---------- -________________ ten. a h™ *' . _ _ said agency controls the beet sugar president; Robert Rooks tool, vice lln« l(,a factory during The the concerns ,ans _______________ "That was the most enjoyable Hope Grider, lecturer of the Oregon ndUfitry under ^ sugar ^ Q, presldent; Don Herren, secretary; tQ ^ QWn water system I rw -vg- II I C C I 1 NIC C L IC i\A / *me ° t my life.” Bailey wrote. “I Trail grang. 11937 and under Commodity Credit David Highland, treasurer, and sold the L f U l j . J U I j l j L l I N I j B H U W , iever stole anything the whole a ,. resolution D. L. Anderson has The program will include a we - corporation. He said the control of Ferrei F*eterson, reporter. Sopho - 1 The , .. council .. . passed ., Owyhee Drug company to Ralph HELD FOR STUDENTS time I was there. I never even had come address by Loyd Adams, mas- the industry startg ^ a dlctation mores, Cecil Bair, president; Bill tn'thp feriera^cownnrnpnt Castator of Nyssa, who already ---------- the urge to steal. My uncle used ter, and musical and nove y num- of wages the farmprs musf pay for Stradley, vice president: Llewellyn “ _lV r H r .f U n /n i.m tnr for funds for drafting plans for owned the prescription department. An Interesting dog and juggling to go swimming and hunting with bers. f.eld labor In closing sugar beets Robbins, secretary; Nathan Orr, the construction of the proposed Mr. Anderson, who has been op show was presented in the Nyssa me every chance he got. But they All grange members are nv and continues until it covers the treasurer, and Randolph Manos- erating the store for a year, for gymnasium Tuesday afternoon to took me back home th at fall and to attend with their guests^ e (^tribution and price of the last tica, reporter, and freshmen. Dean Malheur Memorial hospital. merly engaged In farming ln the grade school youngsters by the that ended my happy days.” meeting will be held at the Oregon pound o{ sugar th at is produced Hunter, president; Norman Low, Nyssa section. He said his plans A1 Conners Novelties. | Bailey said he didn’t know the Trail school house, south of Nys- “It Is unfortunate that the Bur- vice president; ValDee Child, sec- AUTOMOBILE STOLEN are Indefinite. All of the grade school young- answer to Juvenile delinquency, ley plant was closed at the height retary; Alvin Cleaver, treasurer, IN NYSSA IS FOUND Mr. Castator has owned the pre- sters attended the performance,! "I don't know what to do with a of the canning season when house- and Lee Anderson, reporter, cription department of the store which lasted for 40 minutes. Mr. kid who Is a little wild. Putting wives need more sugar to put up | The FFA organization was dis- Caldwell police reported Tuesday or about a year. He has engaged Conners told the children how to me ln the gas chamber Isn't going SCHOOL FENCE IS BUILT AT HIGHWAY their fruit and at a time when the continued in Nyssa when the ag- hat a car belonging to Charles L. ln pharmacy for 25 years ln Idaho (train pups and how to feed them to stop other crazy kids from maritime shipper strikes have re- riculture instructor, Leno Ohrist- Yamiada of Nyssa, reported stolen and Oregon. land gave other Information. He doing the things I have done There ought to be a better way to Because of traffic danger to duced still further our limited sup- ensen, entered the service. In the ver the week end, has been re Jack Anderson, registered phar- also did a juggling act. ¡past the FFA has been one of the covered. maclst who has been ln charge o ' The entertainment was one ot teach kids that they should obey youngsters, the Nyssa school dis ply of sugar,” Cottrell said. ----------------------- most active school organizations Chief of Police Ernie Mason said the prescription department foi* series of eight to be presented the law and live right." trict board has erected a woven ¡at Nyssa. Some of the activities the auto was found parked ln the last three months, will assist o grade and high shool students wire fence between the grade school Weiser Conference Scheduled— Visit in Nyssa— grounds and the Nyssa-Adrtan Members of the L. D. S. church planned for the year are the FFA I ront of the residence on Chicago Ir. Castator. uring the year. will hold their conference at the banquet, the initiation of new street when the occupant of the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Glenn and highway. Weiser tabernacle next Sunday. All members, parliamentary procedure house there phoned that a car had House Guests Here— lesigns Position— The work was done by the ag sons, Lt. Tommy Olenn, who re- Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Curran had Miss Velma Fox has resigned her cently returned from overseas; riculture class under the direction leaders and officers are asked tv contests and the FTA home econ- Jjeen there for some time, attend. omics party. | Missing were two tires, a Jack as house guests the past week, Mr. position as secretary ln the high Jack and Blaine of San Diego, of Leno Christensen. . ----------------------- seat cushions and cover, receipt of nd Mrs. Oliver Curran of Brim- | chool office and will leave this and David Olenn of Rigby, Idaho, Erection of the fence will force Return To East— registration ahd license plates, field, Illinois and Mr. and Mrs. week-end for Eugene, where she] pent a few hours visiting Mr. and the pupils to cross the righway Fly to Bend— 111- will study music at the University Mrs Newbem Olenn Tuesday. They at a given point and will make Sherman P. Bybee, Herb Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterson of police were informed. In return, Richard Vorhees of Edwards, of Oregon. Miss Fox, a graduate were en route home after visiting them conscious of the danger, and Harold Grieg flew to Bend Ohio have returned home after a some tools were found ln the car inois. Friday on a 'business trip. Casey three-weeks visit with Mrs. Pet- which had not previously been --------------------- j f the Nyssa high school, attended ln Idaho and Yellowstone National school officials said. Jones was the pilot. erson's mother, Mrs. Hilda Tenseu. there, the owner told the police. Men Attend University— I ummer school at the university park. David Glenn, a brother of Return from Vacation— Mr. Peterson, who was recently j --------------------- Among those leaving Nyssa. to this year. Miss Winona Hender- Newbem Olenn, was en route to ACCIDENT BLOCKS Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fletcher re discharged frm the service, will be Here From Nampa— _____ _ ___ _____ attend _________ out-of-state _ colleges this on of Nyssa has been employed California for a visit. turned Tuesday evening after spen employed by the National C ash1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jordan and season are Oene and Dale Stoker, o replace Miss Fox. She has been 1 HIGHWAY 2 HOURS ------------------------ ding a month visiting relatives ln Register coihpany at Dayton, Ohio. Mrs Jordan's mother of California; sons of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. mployed by the Waggoner Motor Returns to School— Traffic on highway 30 between Massaohusets and Maine, were here visiting relatives and Stoker, who will attend the Uni- ompany and the Nyssa credit Ann Brady, a sophomore ln the the Weiser Junction and Hunting-1 Riding Club To Meet— vCTstty i Utah. They will be acc- bureau, ity of friends last week. Jniverslty of Oregon, has return ton was blocked for two and one shop In Boise— The Owyhee Riding club will ompanied there by their wives, who ed to Eugene, where she took an half hours Tuesday afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and meet Friday, September 27 a t 8 p. Go To Utah— will seek employment. A family re- Visiting Here— active part ln Rush week at the a freight truck and trailer over- Mrs. Harriet Holman of Baker were m. at the home of Mr. and M n Dennis Fife. Mark Brown and union dinner was given Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Edison Child and university as a member of Zeta Tau turned on a sharp curve, Sgt. Wal- in Boise Wednesday shopping. .Gilbert Holmes. Vivian Fife went to Utah on bus in their honor at the Stoker home Mr. and Mrs Andrew Child of Og- Alpha. Mrs. John Young of Spring- ter Walker of the Oregon state j ----------------------- I ----------------------- iness this week. at Adrian. Places were laid for 17. den were week-end guests at the field, former Nyssa teacher, who police reported Wednesday. Attends University— Returns from Utah Trip— Mr and Mrs Wilford Bybee and home of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Fltn- Is a Zeta alumna attends Zeta Miles Kenneth Fillmore, driver Tom Moore, left Saturday f o r , Mrs. Bumall Brown, Mr. a n d ! In Boise— amlly were guests. ders meetings at the university often. of the truck, lost control of his ve- Moscow, where he will attend the Mrs. Sidney. Brown and Mrs. Way- | Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bybee hicle and the trailer hit the guard ; University of Idaho. I.eaves For College— ard Talbot and son returned Mon- ; spent Friday ln Boise on busincs. To Attend University— Examiner Coming— rail and overturned, and then the ----------------------- day evening from a trip to Utah. | ----------------------- Harold Kurtz left Saturday for Several Nyssa high school grad- A drivers license examiner is truck careened and overturned, Here From Michigan— | Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown left Go To Portland— Monmouth college, Monmouth, 111- | uates wrlll leave Sunday for Provo, cheduled to be on duty ln the Nys- Walker said. Fillmore escaped with- D O. Cronk of Olivet. Michigan Thursday morning for Moscow Mr. and Mrs Gordon Ray and inois after spending a vacation of ¡Utah to enter Brigham Young un- a city hall Friday, September 20 out injury but several hundred was a guest at the H. R. Sher- where he will enter school. Mr. and Mrs. G rant Jones leftja few weeks with his family ln j lversity. They are Janet Irving, from 0 am . to 2 p.m. dollars damage was one to th e . wood home early this week. Sunday morning for several days' Newell heights. ¡Beth Mitchell, Heber Evans, Morr- Auxiliary Officers Meet— vacation in Portland and vicinity. truck and trailer. ----------------------- ell Bunn. Norman Sullivan and Ud- Ill In Hospital— The Legion auxiliary held an ex Scouts To Meet— | Fined In Vale— Go On Hay Ride— ¡ell Paulson. Ray Bybee will attend Oeneva Palmer is ill ln the Holy The Boy Scouts of Adrian troop J P. Williams of Vale pleaded ecutive meeting at the home of Geneologieal Society Started— The young people of Adrian the University of Utah. Rosary hoepltal a t Ontario. 3« will meet Monday evening at guilty last Friday in the Vale Mrs. H. O. Hopkins Tuesday. Mr. Joseph Bair was sustained as ¡Community United Presbyterian I -- -------------------- 7:30 in the Adrian high school justice of the peace court to a Anderson of Ontario, guest speak- chairman of the L .D. S. Oeneol- ¡church enjoyed a hay ride and Strtngfellows Have Son— o Visit Relatives— building for a regular meeting All charge of hunting game birds dur- er, talked on the chest drive. Re- ogical society at a meeting held watermelon feed Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. E R. Strlngfellow, Mr and Mrs. L. F. Collins of Sunday evening. Clarence Heath I --------------------- boys of scout age are invited t o , lng closed season. He was fined freshments were served. formerly of Nyssa. are the parents Parker, South Dakota spent the was appointed as counselor. Join the troop. $5 and assessed the court costs. SOCIETY TO MEET of a seven-pound son bom Sunday! past week at the home of Mr. Twins Arrive— ■ « The MethodLst W. 8. C. S. will at Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Stringfell- Collins’ brother, Harry Collins, Attend Boise Banquet and Meet— Fomins Visit Here— Mr. and Mrs. Jrfhn DorUy are Parents Of Son— meet Thursday. September 26 at ow reside at 649-28th street, Ogden. | Wilford Bybee. Bud Keller and Mr. and Mrs. J. B JellLson and the parents of twins a boy and a 1 Mr and Mrs. Carl Huffaker of 2 o’clock at the home of Mrs Bar- Utah. Mrs. Kenneth Cottle and ton. I MU Parents— D.D. Bybee attended a meeting and son stopped to visit Mrs Bernard girl, bom Friday evening at the Nyssa are parents of a son bom ney Wilson. The guests speaker Lyle left Tuesday morning for a : Mrs. Elsie Boren of Union, Ore- banquet Thursday morning and Frost, a cousin, while they were Nyssa Nursing home. The girl’s September 14 in the Nyaaa Nura- will be Mrs. Clarence Biggs of Bol- 10-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. gon has been visitlr^ at the home afternoon at Boise for dealers of ¡en route from Denver to SanU name is Patricia, and the boy *, lng home The baby weighed 5 se Special music will be furnished Strlngfellow Mrs. Strlngfellow U of her parents, Mr and Mr*. Lee ¡Patrick. i pounds. 2 1/2 ounces. ¡Barbara. California. by Mrs. Dwight Wytkoff the former Marilyn Dotile. ,Thra#her of Parma. the Kaieer-Frasler oar dealers. Syrup Factory Future Farmers Forced To Close Elect Officers Irvin J. Tanner Taken By Death ^ f “ J ?,cAT Bailey Blames Life On Society Anderson Sells Owyhee Drug Co. 1 Directors Named To Lay I Ians For Hospital Drive y s