THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 194G PAGE SIX F AR E W E LL P A R T Y G IVEN G R AN G E MEETS I FOR SALE —Two burner hot plate«. The Friendly Neighbor club gave The Oregon Trail Grange H om e! individual switches, single speed. a larwell party Thursday evening, Economics club met at the home $5.95. Nyssa Furniture Co. UStfc. o f M r and Mrs F. F. Cummings September 5 at the O. P. William » __________________________________ of Boise, became the bride of bome inRichland honoring Mr. anu oi Mrs- Grider September SALE—I am selling all of Robert Dale Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Trenn Jones, who left tor a- my household furniture at my Nine members answered roll call ptace west ^ the grade school, Mrs. C. Glenn Brown of Adrian, their new home hear Bonner s Doolin. Better known Oregon, at the First Methodist Ferry, Idaho. The evening wes with "A book that has been au|w l„ ^ m j church in Boise on Sunday, August spent in games, singing, and visit- inspiration to you". The dub voted as "Bill's Place” îasixp M AR R IE D A T VANCOUVER MR. AND M R 3. CLUB M EETS 25, lug. A lovely set of pictures were on projects for the coming year, Miss Peggy Herren was married The Sunday evening Mr. anu The Reverend Forrest Ward Werts presented to Mr. and Mrs. Jones on which Miss Black will give dem- MISCELLANEOUS — K e n m o r a September 3 to Norman D Dun* Mis. club met at the ¿.omc of Mr. washer for sale. $50. Carl Burning- officiated in the presence of 300 from the club. Refreshments o f , on.-ir-lions. and Mrs. R. G. Whitaker. Bridge Dp of Portland. They were married Refreshments were served by ham. Phone 74-R 12S2xc Kuesu>. | ice cream, cake and cookies were prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Harry at Vancouver, Washington, and en­ Miner. The bride's wedding gown was served to tliirty-two club members Ars. O. J. Kuritz and Mrs. Grider. joyed a week s honeymoon. ot white net with a taffeta bodice, heir husbands and other guests FO R SALE— Genuine PR E S­ - I - 1 0 0 Late to Cla$$if > and a veil which had been worn - 8 - HAVE D IN N E R QUESTS The couple will make their home T O COOKERS. Four-quart, Superintendent Entertains by her mother at her wedding. Her Elmer Ntilson, and Roy Child MISCELLANEOUS— Exceptional in Poitland, where Mr. Dunlap nas model "60". $12.95. Cook-book Superintendent and Mrs. Hart­ bouquet was of orchids, surround­ of Ogden, Utah, and Mrs. Alton Opportunity full or part time. Mai- j included. Nyssa Furniture Co. accepted a Civil Service job. ed by gardenias. Miss Mary Helen ley entertained the high school sonette Frocks will hire mature Roy, and Miss Joyce Ann Aston By Reclamation office. faculty and their wives with u Rounds, maid o f honor, wore a of Payette were Sunday dinner women to show our guaranteed j their country B R ID A L SHOWER G IVEN blue gown similar to that of the buffet supper at guests at the home of D. O. B y­ line of dresses, sizes 9 to 46, blou­ bride, and carried a nosegay of ¡home, following the Snake River ses. sweaters, skirts, suits, and rain­ FOR SALE—One pre-war daven­ About thirty guests were pre­ bee. Jamboree last Friday evening. carnations and pink rosebuds. coats. W rite P.O. box 8688 Port­ port and chair. Excellent condition. sent at the bridal shower held - 8 - Mrs. Hummell accompanied Mr. Phone 154-R. lasixc. , The bride's mother chose an CLUB u ltE T 3 Wednesday afternoon at the home ANNOUNCED I afternoon dress of aqua crepe, and Hummell, as he led In group sing­ land 7, Oregon. ENGAGEMENT The Wednesday evening bridge o f Mrs. Glennwood Pounds for club met at the home of Mrs. N ic k ! Mr. and Mrs. Rusae.l M. Jones the bridegroom's mother wore a ing of popular songs. Delicious re- FO R SALE— 1935 l ’i ton chevro- FO R SALE New. one-wheel traU- Mrs. Richard Holly, the former Rudelick last week. Beside club o: 82 Harrison avenue, Highland rose crepe dress. Both wore cor- | freshments of hamburgers, dough- et truck. Good condition, good er. Norton Randolph. Rt. 2. 12B2xp. Gloria Pounds. tires. Olsen beet' rack. Leo W. W A N TE D — Experienced bookkeep­ members. guests were Mrs. B. B p.trg New j er ey, announce the s4 **3 ^ rosebuds and gardenias. |nuts and coffee were served. Several games were played with Ora Durham was best man and I Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Child, PYhone 05-R3. 12S2xc er and typist. Apply Waggoner Llenkaemper and Mrs. R. B. Rob­ prizes going to Mrs. H. M. Roman, lmon were 'w on ' bv M ' engagement 01 tneir daughter, were ^ Durhanlf je rry ,MacPartland, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn lA,j i Motor company. 12Sxc. H jf M l Vnal Dim Vinn Tkffiv Tn inn,. “ ' _ _ . . . *-«. r _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... « _ _ _ _ _I * r.. . rr i — ... FC'R SALE— New w Mrs. Veri Bishop, Mrs. James Luray Trabert, Mrs. John Bowen Audrey Cahoon Jones, to Barney Lawhead. Don Ray and Max Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey 12SL3 Watts Motor company. McGinnis, Mrs. Richard Holly annd Keveren, Mr. and Mrs. Everett LO ST—Boy's Brown Leather Jack­ Houston Wilson, son of Mr. and Reineker. and Mrs. Llenkaemper. Ruby Brown. j Sue Murphy sang "Always” ,¡Hummell, Mr. and Mi*. Howard W A N TE D —Automobile repair man et on Main street. Call 138-W Mrs. Barney Wilson oi Nyssa. - 8 - The new bride received many 12S lxp accompanied by Mrs. Loren Basler. Lovejoy, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Watts Motor Co., Nyssa. E NTE R TAIN A T O N T A R IO 1—i c I The engagement was ann- lovely and useful gifts. ____ ____ _____________ A reception was held in the Lane and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. ____________ Edward Buydell and mother, The hostesses, Mrs. Gayle Mar- Hoastetter of Mon- 011 a wa at J °nes church parlors with Mrs. Gertrude Harold Burkey. tin and Mrs. BUI Willis, served mouCb entertained friends from home September 7 and the wedding Thomas In charge Nine girls, class- c*»'» * ° refreshments of sandwiches, angel Nyssa and Ontarlo at a brldKe wiU ^ performed November 30. mates of the bride assisted with Girls Entertain Boys— »VI The intermediate girls of the food cake with lemon sauce and llutloheoll at Ule Moore Hotel on Mr Wllfion attended Oregon the senring «ce Mr. Wilson coffee. Out o f town gue^Jts present f o r 1 Christian church entertained tbe Wednesday of last week. Prizes State college for three and one the wedding and reception included intermediate boys at a party he.d - 8 - were won by Mrs. Karry M iner and B R O W N IE TR O O P M EETING ¡O * half years before entering the tbe Reverend and Mrs. H. G. Lus In the city park Sunday. Mrs. Joe Sutherland. Brownie Troop No. 6 wUl meet rmy and has just finishd his combe of Seattle, - 8 - at the home of Mrs. V em Farson After a wedding trip to Cali­ HAS BRIDGE CLUB ermlnal leave as a captain in the on Friday afternoon after school. Mrs W. R. Campbell entertained ngineers. He plans to return to fornia, the couple will live in Boise This will be an Important meet­ while they attend Boise Junior the Tuesday evening bridge club. college for the winter term. ing and all members are urged to college. Both are graduates o f the Special guests were Mrs. George be present. Miss Jones was graduate from Boise high school. Sallee, Mrs. Tom Eldridge and Mrs. - 8 - Frank Cranney. Prizes were won Highland Park high school and | The groom was discharged from -s Attends Funeral Services— by Mrs. Artie Robertson and Mrs. New Jersey College for Women m ! t-^ a rm ed ^ fo rc e s this spring and Mrs. Dale Garrison attended fun­ until recently was employed at his J. J. Sarazin. 645. She Is now personnel assis- eral services for Captain Shirley father's store in Adrian. tu' Landon. which were held In Spo­ ant in the personnel bureau oi the - 8 - kane Tuesday September 3. Capt. JIM BLACKW F.! L VISITS cllege. SM IT II-C O U N S IL R IT E S Landon Is a cousin of Mrs Garri­ N YS SA A IR PO R T Miss Effie Ellen Counsil, daught­ son. He held the Distinguished Ser­ Jim Blackwell of Vale paid a er of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Counsil PLAN FIREM EN'S B ALL vice Cross, the Purple Heart and this of Nyssa, and Robert Clayton Plans for the annual Firemen's visit to the Nyssa airport British M ilitary Cross for valor lti Mr. Blackwell, a returned Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ball were discussed at the monthly week. campaigns from Normandy to the Smith of Nyssa, were married meeting of the fire department. It veteran, is manager of the Vale fall of Germany. Thursday, at the MethodLst Com­ and second prizes for the best hobo municipal airport, which has been b its ’ - 8 - munity church, the Reverend H. will be a "Hobo Dance” with first In operation for a considerable E N T E R T A IN FRIENDS time. At present the Vale field Is J. Oemliardt reading the double­ costumes. No definite date has been Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kuehn enter­ ring ceremony. Miss Bonnie Duel Ct, but it will be ill the latter undergoing construction of hang­ * . tained Thursday evening at a trout played suitable music as the couple, [ ,,art o f October. Tickets can be ers, grading, graveling and general dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Arden work. m on th ly payments, like - followed by their atendants. Mar- purchased at $1.00 per couple. NeWoom, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. B ill­ Several Nyssa residents turned 'ha Smith, sister of the groom and Demonstration of the "red comet” £ rent, bring debt-free hom e ings, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Leads Joe Counsil, brother of the bride. flrt, extinguisher was given, follow- out at the local airport to do and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke. volunteer work on the field and S I ownership to you safely, ~ murched to the alter. ed by a discussion on the proper Bridge was enjoyed during the hangers. Immediately following the cere- ase Quickly and econom ically. evening and prizes were won by Gordon Sohmelzer. manager of jmony, Mr and Mrs. Smith left on a possibility of some safety zone ’v » Mrs. Newsom and Mr. Lewis, I a two weeks honeymoon to San at Uie Y tor school children was the airport, made three separate ' Francisco. brought up. Hazardous points were charter trips for local farm mach- j Eastern Oregon Federal inery parts. Upon their return, Mrs. Smith abo stressed. Savings and Loan Ed Larson and Bob Rice, local i will resume her duties as secretary __j __ Association ranchers, made their first solo 1 at the Frank Morgan real estate HONOR B IR T H D A Y flights this week. office, and Mr. Smith will continue Mr. and Mrs. O. Ege honored working on his father's farm. their 18 year old daughter. Junice, with a birthday supper at their - 3 - I.eaves For College— home September 9. The guests in­ Miss Thelma H o re a left Mon­ cluded the Misses Gwen Smith day by bus to enroll In the Boise Margoric Merrick. M arilyn Ekan- | Bible College. She will teach art ( gcr and Kathryn F’agelman, all oi and major in vocal and piano. Nyssa. • Fach kit contain* 5 fall ©mues of Salon-type solution, (1 1 / — 5— Following the supper, an enjoy- 60 Cutler«, 60 and tunia*. _T f t 1 cotton applicator, neutralisa* 0£/ , CLUB HOLD3 M EETING able evening was spent at the and com plet* instru ction* I The Thursday afternoon club Nyssa theatre met last week at the home of Mrs. . __« __ 1 Artie Robertson. Guests of the H A P P Y E IG H T MEET club were Mrs. Arden Newsom and . The Happy Eight Pinochle club Mrs. Ed. Frost. Prizes went to Mrs. nipt at the home of Mrs. Sherman Frost and Mrs. R. G. Larson. P. B\bee Friday afternoon with Mrs. Dale Garrison receiving trav­ eling prize and Mrs. Toni Eldredge high score. Refreshments were ser­ ved to eight. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Dale Garrison. WEDS A T BOISE Mias Maxine Cummings, daughter -s - ..»rib. Let us help l|OU own o home? S ¿\* t je"® «*> io£ St) as"® J* gess Z ~ COLD WAVE niClSSlASHtD Z Baker, Oregon tv e ry t ur Guaranteed! (¿ate City Journal From N ew York to COLD WAVE t Com es This Greatest Sale of Owyhee Drug Co. “Nyssa’s Quality Store” THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, SEPT. 13-14 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM A wonder dog and wonderful kids in a differ­ ent kind of picture. Ted Donaldson—Mark Dennis and ACE, the wonder dog “RETURN OF RUSTY Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in “ GUNS AND GUITARS Mai.. Sat., 2:^U Adro. Adm. Kvenlnf*, 40c-9c, Inc. I'ax Intituling Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, SEPT. 15-16 A fronter saga—a town outside the law—and notorious badmen who fought to keep it there. Randolph Scott—Ann Richards and George “Gabby” Hayes in “BADMAN’S TERRITORY” Color Cartoon Mat.. Son., t:M Aura., ..«c-Sc. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Inrlnding Tax TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 BARGAIN NIGHT DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Forrest Tucker Charles Starrett • DANGEROUS BUSINESS “DESERT HORSEMAN” A dm . WEDNESDAY & tV -S r. In«. T a x THURSDAY, SEPT. 18-19 Back in civilian clothes he decided war was never like this when romance and murdei crossed his nath. “SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT” John Hodiak—Nancy Guild Lloyd Nolan and Josephine Hutchinson Latest News Adm. Evenings, «nr- v. in, noting Tax - 8 - M.I.A. HOLDS SO C IA L Officers and teachers of the Nyssa M.I.A. held their opening social In the school gymnasium Wednesday evening with approx­ imately 300 persons attending. Ponds orchestra furnished the music. All auxiliary officers met Monday evening to make a years outline for an activity program which will be carried out the coin­ ing year. -8 - HOLD B R E AK FAS T Approximately 300 persons attend­ ed the Sunday morning buckaroo breakfast last Sunday, given by the members of the Owyhee Rid­ ing club. Steaks and ground beef paddies, hot potatoes, coffee. Jam hot rolls were served a t the city park. Large tables were placed cn the tennis court, making a pleas­ ant dinning room. A large cement base and an Iron top stove were built In the park by members of | the club. Many persons took pic­ tures. The weather was grand and every one had a wonderful time. Members o f the club have been Invited to attend and participate in the horse show at Boise Sep­ tember 15. F AR E W E LL P A R T Y GIVEN A farewell party was given Tues­ day afternoon In the L .D A chapel. In honor of Mrs. Lillian Newby, oldest I D S. resident in Nyssa. who Is moving away Mrs Newby is the president o f the Relief Society here and helped to organize the first Sunday school. During the pro­ gram. she gave a "current review" of the officers and teachers of the society A one act play entitled "The result of Oorr.ip' was pre­ sented by the ladles. Refreshments _ were served to 60 persons attend- " tng Mrs. Newby was presented i with a beautiful gold and pearl pin with earrings to match. AMAZING! FANTASTIC! You'll say when you see the wonder­ ful quality and stylinql Low Prices! BUY NOW I Mr. Jack Hamilton EASY will conduct this show­ PAYMENT ing on Friday and Sat­ PLAN urday, and September XI. With (he full line of m AVAILABLE! Galden Rule Store Ed Hamilton 1947 tursi 20 , NYSSA OREGON * = * c Phone 1 0 8 Famous Ed Hamilton 1947 Fur Fashions PROGRAM essrp.i ï fl 2*.. rs»8H?2g&. g i s » * » \YSSA nyssa