Classified Advertising THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 I WANTED— Hop pickers. Register now, 25 acres late clusters. Picking will start around first of Sept. Write or contact Robert Runcorn, 'route 2, Jefferson drive, 7 miles 29A?p. southwest of Nyssa. PAGE FIVE por*. Sanitary butcnerlng guar an-1 of and be heard thereon. I back. nesday afternoon, teed. Phone 06RI. An stock must This account is for final settle- ' The P.T.A. sponsor«: a recept- Leeter Cleaver has started work come in Thursday or Sunday after- ment and upon being approved, the lon teachers at the saluxil qj , nis basement, noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No estate wUl be closed, the dlstribu- house evening. Music was Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Mrs. stock accepted on butchering day tlon made of the assets remaining furllished by Mrs Cook' ^ E E- Alva Goodell attended Home Be. one mile west of Nyssa on Alberta 1 in the hands of the Administrator CrockM and Rui8eU Patton’ J r - club a t the Charley Grider home 29Mtfc and said Administrator will be Son* s were sun8 by Mrs- Owen Thursday. WANTED— To buy anything in avenue. Jak e Fischer. discharged. End Virginia Cook. One song was George Boyles of Babbitt, Nev RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue. After one month one| beef or "eal. Also buy banger cows D. L. Anderson, Administrator of given by Virginia Cook and Georgia ada visited In this community last L e g a l Advertising or will handle for hide and offall. cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. Phone 31M or 011J1 22AUC. SIM M O N S FOR PUBLICATION the Estate of Hyrum B. Williams, Ward Refreshments of sandwiches. week. The Boyles family lived in cookies, coffee and cocoa were ser- ^ communlty several yeôr8 ^ o . Deceased. IN THE CIRCU IT COURT OF’ ved by the committee, ¿mesdames First Pub. Aug. 22, 1946 WANTED— Acreage or farm on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parson Reta Skinner and Evelyn Raymond. and Jam es Reeder returned from FO R SALE!—4 cocker spaniel pup highway. Box D, Phone 135J. 12Sc. THE STATE OF' OREGON FOR Last Pub. Sept. 19, 1946 THE COUNTY OF' MALHEUR Mr. and Mr». Kenneth McDon Kansas Wednesay Mr. and Mrs. I dc LLLANEOUS pies. Will be at sales ground S a t- w ^ t i d Z t o buyTbed fit a William C. Boyce, Plaintiff ald and son. Raymond, left Mon Parson returned to Kansas to move NOTICE FO R PUBLICATION For Sale urday at 2 p. m. Mrs. Frank Olson, 1 1936 Wrlte Biu Vs. Raligan, day for a fishing trip. Department of the Interior their furniture to Nyssa as they are 12Slxp Nyssa. Rt. 1 12S1XP H. E. Fuqua. Trustee and all other FO R SALE— Underman beet load Rt. 2. Parma. Several of the farmers in the locating here. Bureau of Land Management persons unknown claiming any community have been donating er, used very little. Can be seen | , . . , „ At The Dalles, Oregon FO R SALE—One used I t i to 2% WANTED— Will buy any model nght title or interest in or to the j August 21, 1946 work on the Owyhee Cemetery at first house west of Oregon Trail Visit Here— Wlllys cars, highest prices paid, NW1/4 of the NWl 4 of Section NOTICE u hereby given that during the past week. h.p. International motor. 1 Mont Mrs. Bob Pasley and children telephone 144J. Watts Motor com schoolhouse. 5S4xp. 23, Twp. 19 South, Range 46 E. gomery Ward washing machine. pany, Nyssa, Oregon, authorized Harold Rooks tool of Rt. 2, Nyssa, Mrs. Charlotte Montgomery mov- and Rev. E. P. Lawrence of Cald W. M. in Malheur County, Ore- Oregon, who, on Janu ary 3, 1939. ed her trailer-house to the school well spent Sunday with Mr. and dealer, Malheur and Payette coun gou. FO R SALE;— Canning tomatoes, Leo Fife, Phone 05-R2, Nyssa. made original homestead entry, yard where she will make her home Mrs. C. W. Buchner. lAtfc. $1.25 per bushel. You pick them. FO R SA LE—Coal and wood heat ties. Defendants „ „ „ _ . . J „ Act 6-17-02, No. 031311, for Farm during the school year. One mile from Nyssa on first road er, 3 ti miles wist of Jim Lang- WANTED—Dead or worthless ani To H. E. Fuqua, trustee and a.l Unlt „g.. ^ the E1/2SE1/4 Sec. i Nell Nicholson and Claude Skin- NEWS OF RECORD 18, ner went to Bend Sunday to meet 12S2xp mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep other Persons unknown claiming 7 and E1/2NEl/4, Section south off Adrian highway. George ton's Corner. MARRIAGE LICEN SES and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, any right title or interest in or to Xownshlp 2i s , Range 46E, W ill- Mrs Frank Crocker who, with Mr. Gabriel. 5S2xp. FO R SALE—1943 Studebaker truck Payette 560J3. F’rultland 3713 or ^ 'e „ NW1'^ Q Harry Finley Kirker and Mary °f 4 amette Meridian, has filed notice and Mrs. Louis Skinner, left Mon- final proof, day morning for Beaver. Oklaho- Elizabeth Harris, both of Vale, FO R SALE;—Coal range, Quick- 214 ton, tandem drive. Has a fa c- ! Nampa 1000 7M tfC 23, Twp. 19 South. Range 46 E. W. o{ lntentlon to M _ _ tory built fifth wheel and steel __ ______ to establish claim to the land ab- ma. Mr. Skinner and Mrs. Crocker **’ a”' 4® _ Meal, all white enamel, used one LOST extension for the beet box on the IN TH E NAME OF THE STATE „„„ described, before Frank T. were called there by the death 0l I R1fhard K. Mason, of Bremerton. year. Mrs. Sam Home, 481 Third. | frame. Good Wash., and Veleta Rose Bibbey, of condition. Jam es O F GRFXION, you are hereby not- Mor¿ an Notary Public, at Nyssa their father, B. G. Skinner. Nyssa. Ore. 8/27/46. 5S2xp I Trummell, Box 455, Nyssa. 12Slxp Log. cbaln’ be^ en Les" ifled to appear in the above en Oregon, on the 21st day of October, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder _______________________ _ lie Ditty and Charles Ditty farm s titled court and cause within four Ivan Lyle Dunbrasky and Inez had a melon feed Sunday tot the FO R SALE— 1940 Indian Chief ] FO R SALE—Condie milking mach- j in Sunset valley. Leslie Ditty. 5S2p weeks after the date of the first 1946. Claimant names as witnesses: following members of their family: Pauline Barton, both of Payette, motorcycle, Model 74. Good ^ 'h ¿ ^ L O ST ^ B y schoolboy. $70 in curr publication of this summons, whicn Forrest Dennis of Adrian, Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. George Schweizer, Ida. 8/29/46. dition. See Jim Russell at Thomp- rf._ ency Saturday, August 31. Liberal date is August 15th 1946, to wit: Leo Ohard and Ernest Sm ith, both Mr and Mrs. Oce Schweizer and COMPLAINTS, CIRC U IT CO U RT one year. Write Box 472, Estel Bayless Moser vs Nellie leward. Kenneth Lisle, Parma, R t - • ° " or. , Sept(?,mb®r 12tb 1948 of Rt. 2, Nyssa, Oregon and Frank son, Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Mar- son OU. 29A3XP Nyssa. 12S2XP 2 5 S 2x p ifaid ,d at?_ hf.1? . tbe í í . day _of Rook-stool of Rt. 1, Nyssa, Oregon, shall and son. Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Moser. 8/27/46. Divorce. | four weeks from the date of the Ted J . Bartl vs Norma Lee B a r- FO R SA LE—145 acres, 45 under FO R SALE— 1942 Ford Jeep, $900. I Charles Schweizer, Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Kennedy, Clerk. first publication of this summons, water, livestock and machinery New top and spare tlre 1942 w u,_ MISCELLANEOUS Guy Glenn and children, Mr. and tie 8/30/46. Annulment of marriage. First pub. Aug. 29, 1946. 'and answer the said complaint, and Anna Sharp vs Clyde Sharp. Deep well. Soft water. Electricity. i , Mrs. Chuck Share. Mrs. Betty P ar Last pub. Sept. 26, 1946. Third cutting of hay. Terms. ■' Jeep ’ 4850 ^ class condl- NOTICE—Not responsible for any J if you fail to answer, for want s e r and three children, and Miss 8/30/46 Divorce. C. H. Douglas, 114 miles south- tlon- Powell Service station. 22Atfc hills contracted by anyone other | thereof, the plaintiff will apply to Ethel Louis McElroy vs William Betty Toombs of Adrian, and Mr. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE than myself. Violet Petersen. 5S2p. the court for the relief prayed for K. McElroy. 8 30 46. Divorce. east of Napton Siding. 29A3xp 'and Mrs. Bud Vanseoy and two TO CRED ITO RS POR SALE—Modern two-bedroom in his said complaint on file here N THE COUNTY COURT OF’ children, recently of Deary, Idaho, FOR SALE— Fleshman place, 100 house with basement, three lots, MISCELLANEOUS— Storage. See In. ' . .. . . . . . .. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR and Mrs. Ruth McConnell of Owy- Jak e at F ix-It shop. 8AtIc acres, modern improvements. See trees, lawn, snruoDery and electric This suit is brought for the pur- THE COUNTY Q, MALHEUR hee. Frank T. Morgan. 15Atfc. water heater. Bernard Eastman, tic MISCELLANEOUS— For reserva poise of obtaining a decree quiet - 1 T„ .. un. . In N»® M atter of the Estate of ing the title in the plaintiff t o ' — iw eased FD R SALE— No 1 field bags, 10 POR SALE— Linoleum to cover 14 tions for horses and guide write ^ A’ Donald at the Hart ranch, Van, the Northwest quarter of the I unce burlap, vacuum cleaned and by 18 room. Phone 10R. N < C E 13 H EREBY GIVEN, 25Jtfc. Oregon. 29A4xc. Northwest quarter of Section 23, patched. Jermulowske brothers, Township 19 Range 46 E. W. M„ I u n d e r s i g n e d . ¿ E ' a ^ H ie r Weiser, Idaho Phone 504. SStfc FOR SALE— Good 100 acre ranch. MISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteed in Malheur County, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Amm and ° n , has , * ^ n appointed Adminls- Good modern improvements. $15,000 sewing machine repairing. Complete children of Nebraska and Mr. and CLOVERS, ALFALFAS. GRA S- This summons is published by tratOT of the Estate of Nlck Esca’ FO R SALE— Some good Chester See Frank T. Morgan. 4Jtfc. stock of new parts for all machines, orcter of “the Hon. M. a .“ S £ T c £ ES, ONION SEEDS P ° Unly C° T * M” H L " Day caUed a t ° lenn White brood sows to fallow soon. cult Judge, dated August 13, 1946, Malheur County, Oregon, and has Hoffman home Sunday. Mr. Amm HIGHEST MARKET VALUES L. E. Robbins, Gem avenue, Nyssa, FO R SALE—Hay derrick. $50.90. including electrics. Rebuilt mach ualified. ils a son of Mrs. H. L. Day. MAIL SAMPLES 13Jtfc. ines for sale. Buy and trade. F prescribing th at this summons be Oregon. 5S2xp See Frank T. Morgan. ’’Lete"’ Sackett, Ontario. 20Jtfc. served by publication thereof, once . NOW TH EREFO RE, all persons! I Loyd Cleaver was In La Grande W RITE TO US. POR SALE—Three acres, close in. FO R SALE—Automobile Insurance. each week for four consecutive and h,aVlrf „ J! ? * 1* . the Thursday and Friday. MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra f Nick Esca, Deceased, are here- | Alva Ooodell and Alva Jr., were 29Atfc. j Public Liability, Property Damage, Bernard Eastman. successive weeks in the Gate City - ! Fire, T heft and Collision. Placed dio service bring vour radios to Journal, a newspaper published In y notified and required to present in Ontario Tuesday. Nordale-Newsom Furniture store ¡the same same with FO R SALE Three-room house in the best companies at lowest Malheur Countv Orwron T h e !tne wlth proper ProPer vouchers vouchers I Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Willis Willis Betram Gene Seybold, radiotrician. lS Jtfc. dale Qf the ilrst DubUc^ ion herP. i duly verified within six months \were in Caldwell Thursday. with bath, $3047.05. Part cash. | possible rates. Bernard Eastman. Bernard Eastman. 29Atfc 14Ftfc. MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car of is August 15, 1946 and the !™ m date of 11115 notlce’ 1 0 1 Alva «Pent Wednesday the unoersigned, J . E. Cameron, in Boise on business. and cylinder lock keys made. Gam date of the last publication is FO R SALE—General electric con Nyssa, Oregon Phone 144J at the law office of Charles W. George Cleaver went to New WANTED ble store. 250alc. September 12th 1946. sole model radio. Excellent condi Swan, First National Bank Build- Meadows after a band of sheep Parma, Idaho Phone 74 A. L. Fletcher, Attorney tion. Bernard Eastman. 5Stfc. WANTED—Lease, with option on MISCELLANEOUS—Taken up May ng. Vale, Oregon, which place the Sunday. For the Plaintiff. •T- j 40 to 80 A. farm. R. L. Jarvis, 20, 1946, pinto Shetland mare, In - Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and FO R SALE—Linderman beet load- , Residence and Post Office add ndersigned selects as his place of I usiness In all matters connect- Delbert, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Oood er. 1 year old and In good shape. I Talma« e’ u tah -_____________ ^ x p . quire V. T. Ranch, 15 miles south ress Nyssa, Oregon. d with said estate. ell and Donna Goodell were among Floyd Eason, R t. 1, Nyssa. 5S4xp WANTED First class mechanic. |of Homedale on Succor creek. 5S4p Dated and first published Aug- those from Oregon Trail Orange | Shell Service Station, Nyssa, Ore- ' 5S4xp. NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING FO R SALE—1935 1V4 ton Chevro NOTICE H EREBY IS GIVEN, st 29, 1946. Date of Last Publica who attended the traveling good gon. 5s2lcP BUTCHERING ron September 26, 1946. let truck. Grain box and stock rack __________ ________________ meeting a t Bragran Friday even- T hat Flank T. Morgan, the admin Custom butchering every Mon J . E. CAMERON complete. Price $600. Write or see WANTED— High school boy wants ng. istrator of the estate of Charles VETERINARIAN Administrator of the ISstate Glenn Hoffman, Nyssa, Rt. 2, or work after school and on Satur- day and Friday. Beef, sheep and C. Wilson, deceased, has filed in Mrs. C. C. Wycoff and Barbara f Nick Esca, Deceased. lnqulre at Ole’s corner. 12Slxp days. Phone 16. 5S2xp of Baker were calling in this com the County Court of Malheur munity Saturday. County, Oregon, his first and final Box D Phone 135J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Mrs. Clifford Nellson and Jill Don M. Graham account of his administration, and Department of the Interior ailed at the Mrs. Willis Bertram th at the first day of October, 1946, General Land Office and Mrs. Alva Ooodell homes Wed- at 11 o'clock A. M. and the Coun Nyssa. Oregon Insurance Agency ty Court Room in the City of Vale, At The Dalles, Oregon September 5, 1946 Oregon have been fixed by the Court as the time and place f o r , ? 0 ™ 012 15 h(‘reb>’ « lven Ulat Vto- Fire and Automobile Lhe hearing of said account and !et ^ “ y’ of R1 2’ «bmedale. Ida- any objections thereto, when and, °' AssiZnee oi Heirs of May M Insurance Serving 5 Counties where any person interested h l '^ n n ey , who. on May 9. 1946, made Real Estate Insurance From the Largest Stock of .said estate may appeal- and fU eiDesert Assignment No. 032164, Genuine Rentals Bonds written objections thereto and be Acts 3-3-77 and 6-17-02, being a heard thereon. Said account is partla assignment of Desert Land Phone 64 for final settlement and upon be- Entry- No- 025526 (Vale, 06211) Nyssa, Oregon ing settled and approved said es- made on February 6, 1920, for Farm PHYSICIANS OPTOMETRISTS tate will be closed, the assets dis- Unit A or the S E '4 S W S , Sect- Parts tributed to the persons entitled *on Township 22 S„ Range £.W . PRUYN Orders Shipped Immediately DR. J. A. MCFALlV SARAZIN CLINIC 46 E., Willamette Meridian, has thereto and said Administrator dis BILL LANE filed notice of intention to make DR. JOHN EA SLY charged. Dr. J. J. Sarazin final Proof, to establish claim to Auto Repairing August 13, 1946. Auctioneer Dr. K E. Kerby the land above described, before Frank T. Morgan, Payette, Idaho Phone 49 Reboring, Valve Grind Administrator of the estate of FYank T. Morgan, Notary Public, IPhone 116J Nyssa Physician and Surgeons at Nyssa, Oregon, on the 25th day Charles C. Wilson, deceased. ing, Lathe work. Parts 1st pub. August 15, 1946 ol October, 1946. Claimant names as wltneses: L. A. Mauldin?, M. D. Last pub. September 12, 1946. and accessories Marcus J . Pinney, of P. O. Box Physician and Surgeon NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING 818, Pendleton. Oregon, FYank R. Phone 37 Phone 21, Ontario, Ore NOTICE H EREBY IS GIVEN, Dazey, and Ed. E. Nelson, both ol Phone 56w Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 T h at Hilda L. Tensen, Adminis Rt. 2, Homedalt, Idaho, Otto K. t r a t e of the estate of Herschel Q. Blackaby, of Homedale, Idaho. Daily—Except Sunday JE W E L R Y STORES Johnston, deceased, has filed In Grace Oavlre Lewis the County Court for Malheur Nyssa Post No. 79 Aoting Manager AND SUB-SOILINGY PAULUS County, her first and final acc JEW ELRY STORE ount of her administration; That Union Pacific Time Inspector Dragline and Shovel Work the County Judge has fixed Tues JE W E L R Y — DIAMONDS day, October 1, 1946 as the time WAT "R E S and the County Court Room In By Leona Anderson C. E. LESEBERG Main Street a . Second Vale as the place for hearing and THE OLD settlement of said estate. SWIMMING WYCKOFF The American Legion KITCHEN CHATS All persons Interested In said es Phone 154J Nyssa CHICKEN—C R ISP AND BROWN HOLE Holds regular meetings JEW ELRY STORE tate may appear at said time To save time in meal preparation, Time Inspector for Remember when It and place and file objections In First and Third Thurs Official Union Pacific writing to said account and be use your electric oven. I f you have was the outstanding days, every month. ONTARIO OREGON heard thereon. This account Is an automatic timer—so much the attraction on every All veterans and service for final settlement and upon be- better, for you can come home summer afternoon? ing settled and" approved Tald i s - ohuf h ’ « P " 11“ NOTICE men and women are Sales Service Supplies The last one In was tate will be closed, the admlnlstra- ! " d hav* a h o t, meal « welcome to attend our trix discharged and distribution ^ d < * * * ' " always takes an ad- a “monkey’ and the WORLD FAMOUS made of the remaining assets. dRl<>nal hour 50 why not fry It In meetings. last one out usually ELECTROLUX Hilda L. Tensen. Administratrix, the oven with found his clothes W E ARE NOW IN THE MARKET FOR DENTISTS Estate of Hepchel Q. Johnston ed potatoes and oarrots, and cherry Cleaner & Air Purifier obbler would make a nice combin tied in a thousand deceased. E. R. Anderson ation and they could all be baked J. R. c u n d à L l knots and had to First Pub. Aug. 22, 1946 t 375*. Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Last Pub. Sept. 19, 194«. use his teeth to un Dentist OVEN-FRIED CHICKEN Weiser, Idaho Phone 58-J tie them — “chaw 3-3 <4 lb. frying chicken NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Harealn Clinic beef'. Remember? ti cup flour NY SNA OREGON NOTICE H EREBY IS OIVEN: FLOOR SANDING_ % teaspoon salt NYSSA T hat D. L. Aderson. Administrator >4 cup melted fa t . Chopped Hay $21.00 a Ton delivered. FU N ERaL HOME New or old floors sanJ- of the estate of Hyrum B Williams, , . . i B u e n a Vista Seeds Cash Buyers Watts Seed Company Dr.J.H. Berger Professional And Business Dlrcciory B e r n a r d E a stm a n Manser, Inc. Land Leveling MEMORY E T T i ANE Küchen Chairs Grain And Chopped Hay F. F. BODMER Dentist Pli. 1ST W Wilson Bldg. CONTRACTORS ed perfectly. Large commercial machine and experienced oper ators. Telephone Boise 6189R. HAY BUYER ltenoral ('on!motor & Builder W. F. JAHN J. C. KRUL Dealer in hav and grain Box hot» No. 1st S t Third at Good Ave. Nyssa. Oregon deceased, has filed In the County Court of the S tate of Oregon for Malheur County, his first and final account of his administration, and the County Judge has fixed O ct ober 1, 1946 at the hour of 11 o'clock A M as the time and the County Court Room In Vale, Ore gon, as the place for hearing said account and any objections th at may be made thereto. All persons Interested in said estate are notl- fied to be present and file any objeettons they may have to said account and the settlement there- waah- dry ■ ** dla^ nt chk> <*»» «warned Hour and P**ce In Shallow baking dish Pour melted fat over each piece of hie ken Cook with oven meal In a 375-degree oven for 1 4 hours. The Amalgamated Sugar CO. OWYHEE FEED YARDS Members of the Owyhee Com-] munlty club on the "Pink" side of the contest for attendance will en- tertaln (he ’’Yellow»,'' m the reg- ular date. Thursday. September IS. at the home of Mrs. M artha KHng-| PHONE 80