Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1946)
PAGE FOUR THE NVSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 south Idaho the new overriding table was attractively decorated celling price on cattle and calves,1 with fall flowers. Lunch was ser- --------- except bulls. Is $20.45 per cwt. In I ved to 35 guests. The return of price controls and Malheur rounty, Oregon, the over- j Mrs. Boy Holmes entertained at NEW OPA PRICES SHOULD BE LISTED FASHIONS 1 C. A. Camp Ponderosa at McCall August 31 to September 2. They were Joe Council,^Merjildean Rob- | bins, Oscar Bratton, Keith Herr- man. Cliff Main. Irwin Topliff, Winona Henderson, Velma Fox, Harriett Herrman, Effie Ellen Counsll, Mrs. Main and Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Gerrthardt. Irwin Top liff was elected vice president and Oscar Bratton was elected chair man of the commission on wor ship and study. erable attention. Nyssa Firemen were called, but they did not at tempt to extinguish the flames as the fire was outside the city limits. However, the firemen were‘ stand ing by to protect city property should the fire spread farther to the south when a rainstorm ex tinguished the blaze. slaughter controls this week, fol- " t " , ■ Vor^Uve hogs Ls' a Wrth<Uy surprliie Tu“ * lowing action of the national de- $16,20 in Adams, Washington Val- day afternoon honoring her sister, control buaid, brings several an- iey, Payette, Gem, Boise, Canyon, Bonnie Kressly. The afternoon was noucemenls from W. T. Lockwood, Ada, Elmore and Owyhee counties, spent playing games. The guest of Idaho CPA district director. end $16.10 in Twin Palls, Camas, honor received a number of nice Retail celling prices on meat re- Gooding, Jerome, Power, Clark gifts. Lunch was served to the Returns Tuesday— turned September 9. Celling price Butte, Fremont, Bonneville, Lin- following guests. Marianne, Winnie Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan re lists are being posted for different io ln, Blaine, Minidoka. Cassia, j and Louise Relk. Neta Smith, Jack turned Tuesday from McCall where cuts and grades of meat In every Bingham, Custer, Jefferson, Madi- i and Billie Bowen, Deanie. Lila they have been vacationing since retail meat outlet and consumers SOn, Caribou, Bannock, Bear Lake, Mae and Larry Holmes, Alta and \ Visit Here— Friday. are urged to check Che new prices. Franklin, Oneida, Teton and Lemhi Gi iselda Chard, Betty Alice and \ Guests at the B. F. Rookstool Retailers must place tags or cards counties. In Caldwell only the price Stanley Byers, Jack Chard, Gerry iiome last week were Mr. and Mrs. Attend Convention— on meat trays giving grades, and is $16.30 per cwt. on live hogs, and Oherryie and Kenneth Toombs,' Clay Morgan and Don Clinch, Alvin Rockefellow of Spencer, celling price. in Malheur county, Oregon, It Is | Mrs. Marion Chard, Mrs. Rihoda South Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Har who has spent the summer at the New wholesale meat prices on $i6.40. Mettlen and Mrs. F. S. Byers, vey Rich and daughter of Weep Morgan home returned Thursday beef, veal, pork, lamb and mutton Consumers were refunded $391 j The Oregon Trail Sunday school ing Water, Nebraska, and Mr. and from Chicago, Where they attended were effective September 1, in ac- 36 and the US. Treasury received held their birthday party Satur- Mrs. Robert Pierce and children the Delta Tau Delta convention. cordance with actions of the de- $208 during August as a result of I day afternoon at the school of Callaway, Nebraska. control board and the USDA. actions taken by price panels at home. Games and contests fur ----------------------- j Vacation at Lakes— Meantime, a much stronger slau- local OPA boards, reports W. T. nished the entertainment for the Brush Fire Reported— Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings and «hter control program than was in Lockwood, Idaho OPA district dir- afternoon. Lunch was served to A brush fire racing through the Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis spent operatlon previously has been set ector. 28 guests. Table decorations were agebrush and weeds north of the week end and Labor day at up, with OPA the sole control ag fall flowers and candles. Nyssa Saturday attracted consic- Payette lakes. ency for federally inspected and non - federally inspected plants. These controls are designed to give s» Propose Merger each slaughterer the dight to kill The Merry Matrons club met hts fair share of meat animals, and at the home of Lavinnie Smith Suitable for everywhere, a year-round indispensable, la the suit shown strong enforcement actions will be Wednesday afternoon. August 21. above as pictured in the September issue of Good Housekeeping maga taken against violators, Lockwood The afternoon was spent embroid- sine. Available in brown, winter white, and loganberry. New Stude- said. OPA’s meat enforcement staff ering and visiting. Plans were made baker car is shown in background. has been strengthened in the Ida- for the club to sponsor a bridal ho district by several investigators, | shower for Donna Mitchell, Sept- he stated. ember 4. Lunch was served by the the Veterans Administration, ac Will hold a special horse-sale Saturday, Sep Slaughterers must sell only grad- hostess, / cording to infomation received by ed cuts of meat under the present I The Oregon Trail Sunday school tember 21. On this date we will have buyers the Oregon Department of Veter controls, and USDA meat graders Ls planning a Rally Day program for all kinds of chicken-feed horses There will will be available upon application for September 29, following Sun ans’ Affairs this week. also be buyers for Medium kind of work-horses, w . « Veterans were advised that they Invited To Horse Show— by the slaughterer. day school. New overriding celling prices on The Merry Matrons club were and for a few saddle horses, so have your should first contact the Veterans Members of the Nyssa Riding live cattle and calves became ef hosts at a bridal shower honor horses at the Nyssa Livestock Commission Com Administration regional office at club have received an invitation fective September 1. Slaughterers ing Donna Mitchell Wednesday 1019 S.W. 10th, Portland, to ascer to attend and participate in the pany yards September 21. This horse sale who pay more than the overriding afternoon, September 4. Games celling will not receive any subsidy | were played. The bride received tain their need for dental treat horse show to be given by the is in connection with our regular livcstocl payments, Lockwood explained. In many nice gifts. The refreshment ment. Boise Western Riding club at the auction. This Is in accord with recent fairgrounds September 15. Various dental regulations of the VA, which contests and races will be given, a free-for-all, race, a Regular sale of Livestock this week will b< provide that within one year after including potato race, palimino race, pinto NOW 70 REEP A combine of six affiliated com- discharge, a veteran with faulty race, laies race and others. Saturday, September 14. If you have stock to panies, including Western Auto . . . . . . sell you will find they will sell at high as any S u p p ly Com pany (California) «*etto can have them fixed at ex- yooR fences into one organization is discussed pense of the Veterans Adminis- Attend Retreat— place you can take them. Ceiling downwan Sr Several members of the Metho by Bert C. Gamble and Phil W. tration without need or medical for fat hogs at $16.40 here. Skogmo. cofounders of Gamble , dist church of Nyssa attended the STRONG AND HEALTH Y Stores. The new organization’s Proof that the fault was service In- young adult retreat held at Y. M. proposed name would be Gamble- curred. Skogmo, Inc. I In many Instances, VA officials _ said, It will be possible for that GAMBLE, SKOGMO agency to authorize aentar treai,- WILL MERGE STORES ment through the veteran's own ______ private dentist. His dentist will MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 3— A plan first be required to apply for and for the unification of the business fill out a VA form, in order to be ¡and assets of Oamble-Skogmo, Inc., approved by the Veterans Admin- retail and wholesale merchandising istration. The patient will fill out Plenty —and plenty of electricity, too. A hungry young Here’s a potent preservative that fights the causes of j organization operating Gamble sto- form 2827, and “Request for Den- | res, and six affiliated companies tal Rating." wood decay. It lengthens the service of your grape citizen needs food—lots of it —often. That food needs into one organizaUon Gamble-Sko- I These forms are avaUable either stakes, fence posts, mud sills, underpinning, hop poles, 1 gmo, Inc., is proposed In a letter M VA field offices, at the Port- and any wood you put in contact with damp earth. preparation — refrigeration — reheating. and statement mailed to stockhold- land regional office, from veter- Standard Wood Preservative contains 90% active ingre cre today by B. C. Gamble and P. »ns' service officers, or at the Port- dients — selected for their permanency. Apply it the W. Skogmo. co-founders of Gamble land or Salem offices of the De- j stores. For the first seven months, partment of Veterans Affairs; same as ordinary creosote — and keep your wooden Baby needs hot water —lots of i t —often. of 1946 gross sales of the combined Those teeth which are determ structures from toppling before their time. ined by VA dental examiners In companies exceeded $65.00.000 Gr So does his wardrobe. And because Mother worries oss sales for the entire year of 1945 Portland to need treatment, will be taken care of by the patient's den I exceeded $75,000,000. about germs, she boils practically | The plan has been unanimously tist, who in turn, bills the Veter approved by directors of all oomp- ans Administration. everything but Baby himself. i antes involved. It will be voted up- Those veterans out of military |on by stockholders of Oamble- fervlce more than a year also may Skogmo, Inc., and other compan have their dentists’ services incur ies, at meetings to be held Septem- red—in other words, those teeth Clocks must be dependable when there’s a which the veterans’ service records iber 26, 1946. I Oamble-Skogmo, Inc., and affil show to have had treatment dur baby in the house. Lights must iates, own and operate 521 retail ing time in service. ^stores, and supply merchandise to go on —quick —when he 11.656 authorized dealer stores, in 25 states, four Canadian provinces A S T A N D A R D OF C A L I F O R N I A PRODUCT- cries out in his sleep. and Hawaii. Certain merchandise is also exported to Central and Rooms must be kept South America. The companies involved In the 100 warm —the list is endless. proposed plan, in addition to Gam- ble-Skogmo Inc., are Gamble stores Incorporated, Nasco Inc., Solar Corporation. Western Auto Supply Company (California), Gamble Sk ogmo Limited, and Macleod's Lim ited, the last two being Canadian corporations. These companies con duct a retail and wholesale gener al merchandise business Including automotive supplies, household fur niture. electrical appliances, men's, women's and children's clothing Made To Government Specifications ¡and accessories, hardware, and farm tools and equipment. Solar Corporation, a manufacturing unit, SURPLUS STOCK I cakes batteries, washing machines, paints and varnishes, and motor scooters which are sold through affiliated stores and to Independ Mohair Lining ent dealers. Stock of the seven companies ls held by some 3.000 stockholders. A Mohair Collar Today’s mothers are luckier majority of the outstanding com mon stock of Oable-Skogmo, Inc., than those of 20 years ago. ls owned by employees. Total per Zipper Front sonnel of all companies Involved INSTALL A NEW W ith electricity ready at exceeds 6.000. Among the purposes of the pro all times—in any quantity —to help Storm Cuffs in Sleeves posed unification plan as outlined by Gamble and Skogmo In thetr 4 P ' ^ with the household chores, mothers have statement to stockholders are the following: W ater Proofed Simplification of corporate struc more time to enjoy their youngsters. ture; extension of voting rights to j all equity stock; provision of a wid N ever before has electricity done so many tasks for so Heavy Duck er dl tribution and broader market | No other stoker will d e for the Common Stock ultimately; liver greater comfort, little cost. Actually, the average family today unification of management of the j greater convenience — WHILE THEY LAST i companies ; consolidation of ac- cleoner heat than the gets twice as much electricity for its money as it did 20 years ago. 1 counting and other numerous de- ! new, modern CO N CO partemnts; all of which It ts be- I STOKER. It is the most Your friends and neighbors in this company — and your I lieved will result In relatively lar efficient stoker being ger earnings due to the efficiencies own increased usage-helped make that possible. m ade today. and economies effected. OfSOOH Trail The Nyssa Livestock Commission Company If LOCAL NEWS li Á What does i t take to run a baby ? u. Navy Foul Weather Jackets C0NC0 STOKER $ 9.95 Bracken’s VETERANS TO GET FREE DENTAL CARE World War-two veterans are en titled to dental care for one year after discharge from active duty, at government expense through STOP IN TO D AY See thl* beautifu l new sto ke r; le a rn haw little it w ill cast to t w it and e n |a y. EDER HARDWARE COMPANY I DAMO V P O W E R A CITIZEN WHEREVER IT S E R V E S «-«CTtKi MOW W llN g /n M , M $> • * . in i- Bmr t h a n , am , to a, TU cn m w a