TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N AL TH U R SD AY, SEPTEMBER jot school work here. of Ogden, Utah, are visiting ner now stationed parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Church. South Pacific. DlMCD J 2 E SPORTS CALENDER High school teachers and pupils began their school work Septem September 20—Ontario, there ber 3. Mrs. R. L. Haworth is sub September 27—Vale, here stituting in Nyssa high. Mrs. Joe October 7—Payette, here BrumbaCh teaches in Adrian high October 21—Adrian, here and Miss Mary W eir in Kingman. October 28—Emette, there Mr. and Mrs. Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Nowa and three children, returned to their home in Monrovia. Cali n L . v LLL h e i g h t s THE C O M M U N ITY UNITED fornia Monday, after a three- P R E S B Y TE R IAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zammru, Sr. week visit in the Bishop home. 10 a. m., Bible school. and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zamora Both ladies are sisters of Walter 11 a. m., morning worship. Come and fam ily attended the graduation I Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. W ill Sweet left nd welcome our new pastor, the of Miss Aurora Zamora, In Baker, Oregon. Miss Zamora became a Friday for Tacoma, Washington to teverend H. E. Moore, and his registered nurse. She Is the daugh visit their son, Homer, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Roberts amlly. ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zamora. 8 p. m., evening worship with and Ruth of Roswell were calling H O NOR BEES G R AD U ATE evotions and discussions for all. Five girls who have completed on Bend friends last Sunday. Wednesday, 8 p. m., choir prac- Wade school opened Tuesday, their course in the Mutual Honor ice at the Hurst home. Bee class received certificates of September 10 with Mrs. Ruth M or Friday. 10 a. m., prayer group. graduation from their president, gan and Charles Witty, teachers Mrs. M. E. Rogers is visiting Mrs. Rosel Hunter, last Sunday ASSEM BLY OF GOD Mrs. Watts, in evening a t exercises held In the her daughter, Pastor, C. L. Snider L.DB. chapel here. The girls were Parma. Sunday school, 9:45 A. M. Elva Montague, Marion Grace Br Morning worship, 11 A. M. own, Dorothy King, Genevle Bal- W A T E R USERS W IL L Evanglistic service, 8 P. M. iantyne, and Deane Irving. Their SEND D E L E G A T IO N Tuesday prayer meeting, 8 P. M. teacher is Mrs. Irving. Each girl Thursday prayer meeting, 8 P. M. gave a number on the program. Idaho will send a large delegation to the annual meeting of the Nat A D R IA N FREE M ETH O D IST S U R P L U S PR O PE R T Y ional Reclamation Association at CHURCH Omaha, to join with water users 10 am ., Sunday school. IS SO LD IN O R E G O N of the seventeen western states In 11 a.m.. Sermon—"G od’s Faith- P O R TLA N D , September, 12 — vigorously opposing the Steelman ulness." 7:30 p.m., Young peoples' hour. The Portland War Assets office Directive, especially as It would 8:15 pan., Song service and sound liquidated surplus property worth stop construction on supplemental more than four million dollars, gov water projects, according to W ill noving pictures. ernment cost, during August, ac iam E. Welsh, secretary-manager | cording to C. T . Mudge, regional of the Idaho State Reclamation HE M ETHODIST C O M M U N ITY association in Boise. CHURCH director. “ This directive", Welsh said, “ was Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor Property in this region's inven Sunday school, 10:00 tory, with a book value o f $2,744, Issued by John R. Steelman, direct Worship, special music, sermon— 972.40 was sold for $1,217,356.09, a or of War Mobilization and Recon recovery of approximately 48 per version, on August 5. This direct- Where Do We G o From Here".. 11. Intermediate fellowship, 7:30 cent. Through inter-regional oper ve was preceded by the President the United States under date Youth fellowship, 7:30 ations— locating maertial, equip- ¡of ( Young Adult fellowship, 7:30 ment and supplies all over the cou of August 2, authorizing curtail Evening hymn sing and sermon, ntry for buyers in Oregon and ment of the program for const- southwestern Washington— $250.007 j ruction of public works projects. We Would See Jesus." 8:30 Wednesday bible study and pray- worth of surplus was sold for $169. ™ e ,Tresldent’ ? leMer' reqUeS’ 899, a recovery of 66 percent. ! f d that expenditures for construc- r, 8:15 O F F IC IA L BOARD M EETING The Portland region's rapidly “ on,,by “ >e Bureau of Rec amation growing automotive and construct- ltmlted t0 «5.00)000 for each TTESDAY, 8:30 i Local News Big Bend Leave Tuesday— Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Cranney and son Cam. left Tuesday for Logan. Utah. They have been visiting at the home of Mrs. Cranney’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Camp bell. Teachers Hold Picnic— A get-acqualnted picnic was sponsored by the faculty members of the Nyssa schools last Sunday at the Memorial park In Caldwell. Golf, cards and softball games provided the entertainment for the teachers and their families. Preparation for the food was un der the management ~of Miss Boy- dell, Mrs. Rigney and Mrs. S teff ens. Here From Boise— Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Jones of Boise were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bums. At the Lakes— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bellon and family and John Gerrthardt spent the week-end at Payette lakes. Flower Show Sponsored— The Nyssa Civic club -will spon sor a flower dhow to be held Octo ber 12. The show will be held In the afternoon and evening. There will be a list of flowers for compet itive parts next week. Ribbons or prizes will be given. Receives Promotion— Private Dareld Steinke has re ceived a promotion to Sergeant, according to word received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stei nke of Nyssa. Sergeant Steinke Is TH E C O N V E N IE N T T IM E T O S A V E M O N E Y N EV E R COM ES T O A N Y O N E ! Did You Ever Talk With Yourself SERVICE Like This? NORTHERN UTAH. Do the An»wers Satisfy You? 1946 For your Royal Chef solid aluminum needs, consult us. W e have cake pans, dutch ovens with trivets, open roasters for electric ovens, and other kitchen utensils. N-N Furniture Co. ......I f Not—Let the C. G A L E B A K E R LIFE A G E N C Y ID A H O This fine five piece group below ceiling price at only $169.95. This group includes the davenport, chair, two end tables and cocktail table; all in matched blonde hard wood Idahos Fastest Growing Life Agency Telephone 94 Nyssa, Ore. National L ife Assurance Company Salt Lake City, Utah McOumber. Ervin Peterson, Taylor Clark, Chad Andenon, Irving Hock — OFFICES— 9th and Bannock 6786 Box 1036 857 Walnut Phone 7*1 Twin Falls Fonts Building Phone 253 or 331 Bnrley, Idaho Security Credit Office Phone 11IS-J Pocatello C. Gale Baker, General Agent Life I n n m e e and Annuities Brother Visit»— Our mGdem horn* loan plan allows you to pay off tfte loan with r^nt-money <=Heur SCHEDULES St S E R V IC E S mrWEik. Eastern Oregon Federal Saving! and Loan Association Baker, Oregon No Shortage Of Meat Here A L W A Y S P L E N T Y A T C E IL IN G PRICES Nyssa Packing Company Wool Blankets Cannon-Leaksville 50 Per Cent W O O L B L A N K E T $6.14 $14.50 $12.95 Many other kinds o f blankets to choose from Use our lay-away plan in purchasing blankets for winter. Our »tock of rubbers, glaoshes, and overshoes is practically complete now, so plan ahead for stormy weather. Just arrived this week some sw nice Fall Rayon Dresses at the J k '■ I I I reasonable price o f \J — LO CAL AGENTS— “ The Store o f Quality and Dependability” 165 Main Street of the Pacific See You Albert the the manager. Cannon-Leaksville 100 Per Cent W O O L B L A N K E T .. Over $2,000.800 in new business first 8 months of In Welwyn 100 Per Cent W O O L B L A N K E T by Nashu I am ............... .......... years old I have worked hard for years. My income for this period totals $ O f this amount I have saved $ ...... EASTERN OREGON Korea, Nyssa Boat Club— The Nyssa Boat club and families spent Sunday at the Owyhee dam. V IC T O R Y B O N D S and LIFE IN SU R A N C E C O N T IN U O U S in Girl Hurts Knee— The little 7-year-old daughter of Mr. Edward Bertsch was a week Mr. and Mrs. Don Moss fell on a end guest of his brother, George cement curbing last week, and had Bertsch of Nyssa. Mr. Bertsch, a to have 4 stlches taken in her knee. resident of Bismark, North Dakota, hau only seen his brother once In Sunday Dinner Guests— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker CHURCH 4o years. He left Monday morning , L. and family were guests at the D. for BoLe to visit a sLter, Mrs. i m„ priesthood | Sunday. Mary Wllmot. and her husband, O. Bybee home Sunday. The child leave For School— 'meeting. ! George Billings left Sunday for before returning to his home in ren enjoyed horseback riding. Re m., Sunday i i Sunday, 10:30 Eugene where he will enter school. 1 Bismark. He has visited a brother freshments were served to 12. school, j in Ban Francisco, a brother in Nursing Home Notes | Marceds, California, and a sis Cottage Meeting Held— Sunday, 7:30 p. m., sacrament An L.D.S. missionary cottage meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Devon Leavitt are ter in Sangard, California. He is Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Relief society parents of a boy, born September an uncle of Mr. Lon Root of Nys meeting was held at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skeen Thurs meeting. 7. The baby weighed 8 pounds. sa. day, with 16 interested people pre First Tuesday of each month at 6t4 ounces. sent. p. m. Prim ary for children be- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mahoney are Visits Relatives— ween ages o f 4 and 12. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sherwoed parents of a boy, born September 8. The child weighed 7 pounds and and small son spent the Labor Go To Utah— Mark Hartley and Ray Bybee SEVENTH D A Y AD VENTIST Day week-end at the H. R. Sher 14 ounces. were in Utah the past week on A baby girl was bom September wood home. Elder Robert Aonms, Acting Pastor business, and making arrangements 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Chaney Sabbath school. 3 p. m , Saturday. to attend the University of Utah. of Adrian. The child weighed 7 Fire Department Called— Prayer meeting, 8 p. m„ Tuesday pounds, lt t ounces. Members of the Nyssa Voluntary at the home of Mrs. Mollie Neison. Mrs. Walter Marshall of On Fire Department were called Tues Picnic Held— A picnic supper was held in the tario returned to her home on day afternoon to extinguish a grass C H R IS T IA N CHURCH litre north of town on Fourth street. park Friday evening In honor of Saturday. 5th and Knms Sts. ‘ No damage resulted from the fire, Mr and Mrs. Homer Amm and lthough two tent-houses were mo j family, who are visiting a t the H. Here From Corvallis— George Whippie, Pastor , L. Day home. Mr. Amm Is a son mentarily in danger. Mr. and Mrs. Don Holmes Bible school, 10 a.m. | of Mrs. Day. Corvallis were Sunday guests The Lord’s supper served each Many Atend Firestone Opening— Those attending were M ran d Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eldriidge. Lord's day. Several hundred people attended IH. L. Day, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morning worship, 11 a.m. the new Firestone store opening ’ Day and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sermon Topic, "Children of Ab Here From Salt Lake— Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson of In Nyssa Friday morning. A grand H a i4 l Robbins and daughter, Mr. raham." guests scramble for tires, and many other and Mrs. Cecil Florea. Adult discussion period, Christ- Salt Lake were Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cottle. scarce articles was the main attrac an Endea vor. tion. A free g ift was given each Evening services, 7:30 p.m. lady, also many fine prizes were Lot Civic Club Will Meet— Song service and sermon, The regular Civic club meeting given away at the 5 o’clock draw n Sodom” . Don 1 will be held at the Parish hall ing F’riday and Saturday. Wednesday, September 18 at 2:30. Moss, formerly of Salt Lake, Is ST. P A U L ’S EPISCO PAL The public is invited to attend M ISSSIO N and join the club. Rev. C. L. Callahan, Rector Regular services will be resumed t 7:30 p. m. Sunday, September 1. Visit Here— Holy communion will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt Karren and a. m. on September 7. No evening J family of Richland, Washington, m e n ervjte were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure. Mrs. Karren is a sister to Mrs. Ure. THE CHURCH OF THE Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown of I Moscow are visiting at the home ! of Mr. and Mr? Burnall Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Sdd Brown and Mrs | burnall Brown left Wednesday for ¡Ogden for a short visit. NAZAREN E ion machinery division disposed o f * “ “ flscal years' and 1948” | E. J. Wilson, Pastor SUN>'ET V A LLE Y ASSEM BLY $1,607,000 worth of surplus for $1 ' The„ Watr !' ? erS 0f Idaho'” WeU OF GOD 11 a.m., Good singing and prea 125,000, about 70 per cent recovery. ^ C“ ?tlnU‘!d' are J ery ,?1.UCj. con" ching by our special workers, Mr. Alfred L. Brim, Pastor Coming months will show rap- ?emed “ the e“ ect Ud* dlrect- ' and Mrs. A. L. Craine and Rev. idly increasing sales from the nat- ,ve wiu have on the construction! Sunday school, 10a. m. Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintendent. J. Russell Brown. lonal Inventory as the result of of reclamation projects in this state. They are particularly con- Devotional services, 11 a. m. 7:15, Young peoples’ services. current plans for surplus In large Young people’s and children's 8 p.m.. Evangelistic service. This auppiy” to "'b e ‘ d e f^ t e iy a lio ^ te d cer» ed * * sddh Bpreau * ? “ la- will be the last service of our rev to the thirty-three regonal offices nation projects as Anderson Ranch church, 7 p. ir. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. ival, come. so that each can make direct sales ™ ™ lr' Casfade reservoir and Prayer meetin?, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Wednesday, 8 p.m., the 18 will to its customers without checking Pa iaadcs reservoir. These projects Bib’e study, F-iday, 8 p. m. be prayer and praise service. You to see if the items are still avail- wlU p™vlde supplemental water to You are cordially invited to at- are always welcome at the church able. Mudge said. more than a mHllon acres * tend i of the Nazarene. In addition, the Portland office in southern Idaho. Supplemental tend these services, water has long been recognized as served hundreds o f persons by in- forming them of various site sales. * the most serious needs and animously. This delegation from •where the buyer Is required to be ‘ tnportant Problems “ »fr o n t ing water users of this state. Idaho daho is made up very largely of present, over the nation. water users have been well pleased arm€rs- officers, directors and with the consideration that has 'nanag,ers * canal companies and Return From Yellowstone Park— been given to this problem by the l i g a t i o n districts, representing a Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shaw and Bureau of Reclamation.” very large portion of * * » irrigated family, and Mrs. Shaw’s mother, Wade P.T.A. wall hold It’s lirst The question of valley author!- ref® I ^ 1?' Mi's. Taylor, returned from a trip meeting of the school year, Friday, ties will be another importante is- I Idabo wlU * represented at the >"ear by the through Yellowstone Park. They afternoon, September 13 at the ue to be considered at this meet- annual meetlng pictures and Wade school house. Mrs. Darrell tag. Each year for several years Iargest delegation to attend such took many lovely English is the new president and past the National Reclamation As- a mf etlng slnce prlor to the war," caught many fish. They returned sedation, one of the most powerful contlnu^ ^ e k h “The meeting this by way o f Jackson Hole. They Mrs. Walter Bishop, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop and water organizations in the United year wlU * * held 111 ° maha’ Neb‘ brought their son, Bernard, home on 0ct'°ber 9, 10 and 11. after being employed this summer baby spent the week-end at their States, has gone on record strongly opposing the creation o f valley first time the annual in construction work at Yellow cattle ranch near Donnely. authorities. Idaho ------- delegation ng * * * 1>een School opened in District 46 ----------- S i The ---- ---------- ------- a‘ee“ . ^ _ held in anF * stone. September 3 with the Misses Han- has always voted in opposition to 1 e east o i the eleven west- ley returning for their second year the authorities—in most cases un- earn state? which first organized Celebrates Birthday— he association In 1932. Dennis Fife, who recently re From the correspondence coming turned from services in the navy o this office it is expected that was guest at a family dinner Sun 'M R . BEET G R O W E R — dalho will have at least seventy- day. lve delegated In attendence. A r Place your order now for rangements have been made with Opening Postponed— T H E L IN D E M A N BEET L O A D E R ailroad officials to obtain two spe Due to delays in the housing Cleanest loader on the market cial cars to carry this delegation, projects, the opening o f the Coll which will leave Boise on train ege of Idaho Is delayed one week. Supply limited— Give us your order now, No. 16, 11:45 a.m. Monday. Octo- Fnehman Orientation will begin save labor costs later. er 7, and arrive In Omaha Tues- September 18 and registration fnr K R O PP A N D SONS ay evening at 8:10 p.m. upper-classmen will be Saturday, September 21. The dates for the Phone 85 Ontario, Oregon Return From Ogden— opening of football practice will Mrs. C. H. Stevensen returned not be changed. Sunday from Ogden where she has been visiting her children for the Here From Ogden— past ten days. Mrs. Boyd Cole and son Billy, 17 YE A R S PAGE THREE 12, 194C “A Policy foe Every Purse and Pjdpoae" Wilson Brothers Dry Goods Dept. Phone 32