Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, September 05, 1946, Image 1

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    » v> '~ r ~ r - f- t~ i~ r - r ^ y P r a g -X é .
NÖ. 34
500 Participate OWYHEE
In Kids Program The Owyhee Riding club of Nys­
a record of win­
Given By Clubs sa ning has two established
trophies In one week.
Clever invitations to the teach-
rs reception to be held In honor
of Nyssa school teachers were given
o the faculty members Tuesday,
The Invitations, signed by the
Nyssa Civic chib, the Merry Mat­
rons club and the Chatterbox club,
ead as follows:
"Wishing you a pleasant year.
Teachers reception September 10,
8 p. m„ high school home econom­
ics room”.
Along with the Invitation, each
woman teacher received a corsage
and each man teacher received a
E irollment In
Nyssa Schools
Shows Increase
The riding club drill team won
students Enter Regular
a beautiful bronze trophy at the
Classes Wednesday
Western Idaho State fair a t Boise
last Friday evening. The Owyhee
riders won the drill team trophy
Between 500 and 600 youngsters at the Malheur county fair In com­
A large increase in the number
enjoyed the Kid's day program petition with the teams of Weiser
of high school students for the
sponsored last Friday afternoon by and Nampa.
1946 term as compared to last year
the Nyssa chamber of comerce and
were reported by school officials
the Nyssa Civic club.
Wednesday following the opening
Those in charge of the event
of school.
estimated that the parade, the first
Registration figures show approx
event on the program, was more
imately 1028 pupils enrolled In the
varied and twice as long as last
schools in Nyssa and at Arcadia,
which became a part of the Nyssa
The parade winners were as Opening Of Food Market
school system by vote of the
people earlier in the year.
And Firestone Store
Floats— First, Vella Dee Paul­
The high school records show
Set For Friday
son; second, Carlos Telford, with
an increase of between 30 and 40,
cake, and third, Kay Riggs, clown.
with prospects for additional reg-
Gordon F. Ray and Don B. Moss
Bicycles—First place prizes awar­
strations within the next few days.
ded to Betty Fife, LaDonna Schoen,
The enrollment by classes Is as
new stores at Sixth and Main
and Clifford Mefford
Large Crowds Attend follows: Freshmen 78, sophomores
Costumes— First, Veda Gunnell, streets Friday and Saturday, Sept­
65. juniors 65 and seniors 48. The
Three-Day Rodeo And enrollees
representing a fisherman; second, ember 6 and 7.
Include eight or ten ex-
Mr. Ray has already opened Gor- j
Nannett By bee; and third, Lona
Fair At Ontario
don's Drive-in market in the new
„ „
. ..
The classes in English, home ec-
Pets—First, Danny Savage; sec­ white concrete building which he
The Owyhee Riding club of Nyssa onomlcs and typl
are lmusually
ond, Bucky Gunnell, and third,
won the drill team contest and
Winners in the Kids’ day par­
costume section are Veda Gunn­
Red Morris.
and many residents of the Nyssa A new class ln I>utoUc Kpeaklng
ade held last Friday are shown
ell, Nannette Bybee and Lona
Ls shown the Paulson girl and and Adrian communities won ro- lhaa ibeen startedi wllh Miss ^
Miscellaneous— First, Marjorie space formerly occupied by Gor- above. In the upper left hand
Chadwick. The boy and two
Kratzburg, and second. Anita don's market.
Telford boy and Kay Riggs,
corner with miniature bride and
girls on the right divided the
d“ , " n d “grlCUltUral and Uvestoe‘c Pedrick as instructor,
| The space occupied by the Fire- gloom is Vella Dee Poulson. The
third place winner In the floats exhibit honors at the Malheur I slxty.seVen boys have enrolled
bicycle division money. They
After the parade the children stone store has been remodeled and two little tots with Olean Wells
fair held in Ontario Sat- ln the agriculture course, which
are Betty Fife, LaDonna Schoen
section. The boys on the ex­
played games and engaged In races the Inside has been finished in are Marjorie Kratzburg and An­
urday, Sunday and Monday.
and Clifford Mefford. Second
was discontinued two years ago be­
at the city park. Later they were cream and brqwn. Mr. Moss, who ita Chadwick. The three girls
Throngs attending the rodeo and aus e of the absence of the ag. in-
place winner in the float sec-
given ice cream In Dixie cups, ¡came here from Salt Lake City, In the center, winners in the
fair were greater than any attend true tor, Leno Christensen, who
etion was Carlos Telford shown
winners In the pets section.
The youngsters were then guests will handle a complete line of
log the events during the past few erved ta the navy during the war.
of the Nyssa theater management home and auto supplies,
jears. Every exhibit building on The students completed prelimi­
at a one and one-half hour show 1 The new drive-ln market Is 50
t te grounds was filled with dis­ naries Tuesday and entered regu-
of comedies and cartoons.
by 66 feet, with concrete walls and
.r classes Wednesday morning.
Olean Wells was in charge of floor. The outside Is painted white
The program in the arena and The Nyssa grade school enroll-
the parade, Sid Burbidge was in and the Inside is finished In cream,
on the track was opened each day nent ls as follows: First grade,
charge of the races and Mrs. Leslie W. Stoker was the contract-
with a parade of floats and other 12; second 91, third 88, fourth
Srhireman was in charge of the or in charge of construction,
entries ta front of the grandstand 8, fifth 87, sixth 96, seventh 85,
refreshments. Mrs. Bernard East-
Ray has Installe a frozen food
i nd the introduction of the offic
nd eighth 81, or a total of 718
man represented the civic club In cabinet, an air-conditioned vege-
als and other dignitaries. Includ­ n the grade school and a grand
planning the event. Members of table keeper, an open type dairy
ing Queen Delores Blanton and otal ta town of 978.
the chamber of commerce and civ- case, which Is air conditioned, and
Princesses Florence Wobb and Last year the grade school en­
ic club helped with the parade and modern low-type shelving. He has
Glenna Turner and Miss Blanton's rollment was 556 and the high
games at the park.
installed all modem equipment in
escort, Bobby Osborne.
chool enrollment 236.
Mr. Wells extended thanks to the meat department, which in-
Col. Bert Anderson, Malheur Figures on the Arcadia school are
s 11 of those who assisted In making eludes a walk-ln cooler, with new
ounty auctioneer, and Wilbur as follows: first 12, second 8,
the program a success.
sterile lights to reduce bacteria.
Plaugher, rodeo clown, kept the third 7. fourth 5, fifth 6 and sixth
______ ’________
.Vegetables In storage are kept wi­
rowds amused during the rodeo,
lder refrigeration at all times.
announcer. Plaugher sprained an
nkle on the second day and did
been engaged In
business in Nyssa for the last three
r o t appear on the final day's pro­
drive-ln market to the new side of the building is now occ­ hold its formal opening Friday
Members of the fair board were
and Saturday of this week.
Barbecue Planned—
Nell Dimmlck, chairman; Blaine
The Nyssa Bulldogs will engage i Members of the Owyhee Riding
Oirvin and Nell Hoffman, with
in their first competition of the club, their partners and stock-
Harry Sandquist as secretary, E. Discussing the critical school
year when they participate ln the holders are Invited to attend a LIGHTNING KILLS
M. Hauser ta charge of 4-H clubs building situation this week, Super­
annual football jamboree to Be barbecue breakfast to be served | D V i u p F ' C A T T l 'i r "
and E. W. Eldred ta charge of intendent Henry H. Hartley stated
held at the fairgrounds at Ontario between 8 and 10 am . Sunday,, 8 n r t i ' I t j L L A I I L L
he F.F.A. exhibits.
th at "The school population of the
Friday night of this week.
September 8 at the city park. In-
“ ~~
The sage and Saddle club com- Nyssa community has Increased
Deane Hunter of Arcadia has mittles and officers were Lonnie 25.6 per cent since last year. At a
Teams from eight Snake river vltations have been mailed to city
Powell of Nyssa reported
valley towns will compete against officials to attend. Mr. and Mrs. seeing six range cows
and two
The electric storm that occurred been awarded the calf given by the Ward, president ; Roy Brewer, arena comparable date last year there
each other In accordance with a Ora Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Curt calves killed by lightning in Logan Monday and Tuesday nights in ! Avoset corporation to an o utstand-! director; M. W. Osborn, parade were 818 youngsters enrolled ln our
drawing to be held the night of the ingles donated an 800 pound heifer -valley recently
this vicinity caused considerable 1 lng 4-H club mmber in Malheur marshal; H. F. Logue, secretary ; schools. This year there are 1025,
the performance. Each team will for the barbecue. The remainder!
ughtnlng struck a bunch of
V. B. Staples, assistant secretary; ’an Increase of 209 youngsters. The
play one quarter.
of the day will be «pent In working ' small lrees Ullder whlch thp cattle loss of time and some property to county.
John Williams, Wayne Guilford, I coming of the Avoset factory and
In addition to the football, high on t)he rodeo grounds, so th at shov- were standing and killed all of the Idaho Power company as well ‘ The five-year-old jersey heifer Louie Shaffer and Ed Anderson, the corn cannery will increase the
school bands from the eight towns els and carpenter tools will be them. It also started 18 fires which as inconvenience to the residents given to Hunter comes from the rodeo committee, and Wes Blanton, enrollment. The community faces
represented will perform.
Pease herd, Parma. The youth, son M. W. Osborn and Roy Brewer, problem s reminiscent of those en­
were controlled by the forest ser­ of the rural community.
Coach Howard Lovejoy r e p o r t e d _______________
countered when the Owyhee pro­
Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Hunter of racing committee.
th at he has 40 men out for foot- Visit son—
Results of the rodeo events dur- ject was opened for settlement.
for two hours both nights ln some | Arcadia, will feed the animal until
ball, including six lettermen. T he' Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Newsom of
ng tile three days were as follows:
"Your schools were crowded last
light squad started practicing Mon- Goodland, Indiana returned to CHAMBER AGAIN TO sections of the rural area. A large next fall, when he will take It to
Saturday—bronc riding, Wilbur year. This year a point has been
day. Lovejoy said he has “a good their home Saturday after spend- SPONSOR PROGRAM
tree blew into the line Monday j the Pacific International Livestock Plaugher, Fresno, first, Numa Mc- reached where an adequate educa­
snappy bunch of players.”
tag a few days a t the home of
night in the Owyhee section and exposition at the expense of the Coln, Pilot Rock, second, Russ tional program can proceed only
Lettermen returning are Ted Ta- their son and daughter-ta-law, Mr. Considering the Kids’ day pro-¡Tuesday night rata caused a line Nyssa chamber of commerce,
lales, Caldwell, third and Buck with difficulty, and then only when
kaml, end; Bob Church, guard; and Mrs. Arden Newson.
gram held last Friday very success- to short out in three places, where
sunders, Keating. Oregon, fourth; he community as a whole realizes
Don Lowe, fullback, and Jerry Bel- |
ful, the Nyssa chamber of- com- ¡youngsters had broken insulators Visit In Community—
ull riding, Jimmy Shaw, Jamison, he problems Involved and ls willi­
Ion, guard. Dean Sutherland, a Return With Mother—
merce voted a t its weekly luncheon during the summer.
Guests at the C. H. Carskadon, ’harile Phipps, Payette, Jack Tay­ ng to cooperate to the fullest ex-
letterman who underwent an ap-1 Mrs. Edward Boydell and son Wednesday to sponsor the event A broken insulator may hold Sr., homo on route 2 during the lor, Payette. Jack Hilger, Ontario, ent.
pendlx operation recently, will be left Friday for Monmouth with her again next yeai.
together, but when rata falls and last three weeks were Mr. and Mrs. Bun Anderson, Pilot Rock, Harold "Your board of directors, realiz-
unable to play this year.
mother, Mrs. Dessa Hosstetter, who
The program was sponsored i provides a conductor for the elec- Edwin Mohr and daughters, Karen »sen, Losttae, Dwight Maddux, ng that an Increased enrollment
George Isert, 1946 baseball star has been visiting a t their home.
Jointly by the chamber and the . trlcity the current may start a ! and Norma Jean of Holdredge,
as forthcoming, arranged to oper-
(Continued on Page Two)
of Nyssa. has returned from Wy- |
Nyssa Civic club.
fire on the cross-arm or ground Nebraska, Mrs. Eldon Mort and
te the Arcadia school this coming
omlng and ls out for football for ! Return Home—
Olean Wells reported on the out.
1 daughter, June, and son, Leland, Irre from Welser—
year. It Is being operated as a
the first time here. He ls tryingj Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peinen re- program at the luncheon yesterday,
-----------------------of Twin Falls, Idaho, Mrs. Floyd
Wanda Long, daughter of Mr. three-teacher school, housing the
for halfback position. A nother, turned to their home at Bremerton |
Return From Visit—
'Covier and son, Donald of Din- nd Mrs. Max Long of Welser, first six grades. In order to relieve
transfer is Ted Langton. who looks Friday after visiting at the home , Go o Portland—
Albert Hcldt and family have uba, California, Mr and Mrs. R. L. pent the week with her grand- the pressure on the town schools,
good In most any position.
j of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell. Mrs. j Lloyd Lewis left Wenesday for returned from a business and Carskadon and daughter, June, of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long, and at the same time provide an
The Nyssa schedule ls as follows: Felnen Is a sister of Mrs. B oy-! Portland for a short visit w ith 1 pleasure trip to the coast. They Portola, California, and Mr and
adequate educational opportunity
September 6, Jamboree: Sept- dell
I relatives. He accompanied
his visited in Portland, Seattle and Mrs. Bert Smith and daughter. lere from Ogden—
or the children Involved, young-
tember 13. Adrian at Adrian; Sep­
.brothers, Myron and Willard, who Newport,
Glenda Jean, and granddaughters,
Elmer Neilson returned Sunday eters of these ages in the north
tember 20. Ontario at Ontario; Here From Utah—
have bten visiting at the Lewis ■
Alberta and Barbara, of Renton, fter spending the week-end with end of what used to be the Nyssa
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Campbell home
September 27, Vale a t Nyssa; Oc­
Attend Meeting—
Washington, The visitors have re- his family a t Ogden. He Is em- j (strict were slated for attendance
tober 4, open; October 11, Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bitters of 1
Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Oemhardt turned to their homes,
ployed at the sugar factory here, 'at that school. Some resistance to
at Nyssa: October 18, open: Octo-¡Logan, Utah spent the week end Urns Operation—
attended a meeting of the board
toy Child, also of Ogden, spent this arrangement has been en-
her 25. Adrian at Nyssa: and No- with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Camp-
Dean Sutherland was operated of missions and church extension May Locate Here—
he week-end here.
¡countered although most people
vember 1, Emmett at Emmett.
on for the removal of his appendix of the Idaho conference of the j Henry N. Byrd and family of
ave accepted the arrangement as
Saturday morning at the Holy Methodist church in Gooding Fri- Fort D ps Moines, Iowa are visit- | Go to Salt Lake
offering the best solution to the
Return from Pendleton—
Rosary hospital in Ontario.
¡day, August 30.
¡tag at the home of his brother, I James Aston and ills sister. Dor problem.
Reid Cottle and • Keith Russell Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paige of
Floyd. Mr. Byrd Intends to locate)is, spent the past week visiting “At the present time, there are
returned Saturday from Pendleton, Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Ber- Visit In Twin Falls—
, Visit In Idaho—
on a farm near here.
¡friends and relatives ta Salt Lake 47 youngsters attending the Arcadia
where they were employed by a nerd Frost this week on their way
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Sarazln and i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings
school. There are that many ta
construction company for nine from Nebraska,
family spent the week-end visiting and Romaine and Earl and Mr Talks from Germany—
¡nearly every room at the Nyssa
weeks. They will enter school at
ln Twin Falls.
and Mrs. R. E. •ennings drove t o ! pfc. Frank J. Pike, who Is stat- Josephus Lakes Vacation Spot— grade school. If there are families
On Wedding Trip—
Oregon State college this fall.
¡Glenns Perry Sunday and spent toned with the army ta Germany,
Mr and Mrs. Vlbert Kessler and living ta the north end of the
Mr and Mrs. Jack Galloway re­ Visits Parents—
the day with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. telephoned his wife ta Nyssa Tues- family and Mr. and Mrs. Sher- district who would like to have
Go to Corvallis—
turned Sunday from a two w
Mural C. Lewis of Pocatello Hendry and family.
day morning at 5 :30. Appointment man P. Bybee and family spent | heir children attend the Arcadlla
Mrs. John Ikicfcham and children trip to Lake Louise.
Louise, Vancouver spent the week-end at the home
— —
for the call, which came by way four days a t Josephus lake.. They school where conditions are better
left Friday for Corvallis to visit and other points of Interest.
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Spends Week-end Here—
of Chicago, was mode three days also hiked to Lost lake and Hell- at the moment than ln Nyssa, I
Mr and Mrs. Herb Smith Mrs.
Ray C. Lewis.
Miss Joyce Ann Aston, daughter before. The couple talked for three diver lake, returning home by way would be exceedingly glad to hear
Bockham will also visit In Port- Return Home—
of Clarence Aston of Payette, spent minilutes. Pfc. Pike has been stat- of Cascade.
from them.”
Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and children Viaittng Here—
the week-end ln Nyssa. She was a toned In Germany for the past
land before returning.
etumed last week from Pocatello. I Mrs Fred Von Hollen of Stam- guest of Nannette Bybee. The girls five months.
Visit Here—
Bays Airplane—
where they visited for two weeks, ford, Nebraska and her daughter attended the Idaho fair and car- |
_____________ _ _
Bitten by Dog—
Mr. and Mrs. C. E Oregory of | Bob Rice, Owyhee farmer, has
Celia Carol Bybee. 4-year-old!
Mrs. W. W. Nail of New Orleans nival Friday evening.
Visit on Coast—
Caldwell and Mrs. Belle Jennings purchased a Taylorcraft airplane
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. O .' Visit Here—
are spending their vacation at the
Mr and Mrs Clyde Long return- and daughters. Muyhell and Blan- throt»h the Gordon Air Service
Bybee. was bitten by a dog Thurs- | Mr and Mrs Max Matson of Ban home of Mr and Mrs Albert Held Here from California—
ed home last week from a
three- che. also of Caldwell, spent Tuesday of Nyssa. He flew the airplane, a
day afternoon, and had to have Francisco spent three days last i
Mr. and Mrs Edward Pressman weeks trip to the coast. Mr Long a t the J. W Jennings home. May deluxe model, two place light plane,
three stitches taken In her fore- week with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert In Barley On Business—
of Los Angeles are vi.slt*ng^at_the attended a state game commission bell and Blanche Jennings will from Vancouver August 27. The
head. f*ie Is recovering satlafact- Fisher. The group spent Wednes- I Vlbert Kessler and son were ta home of Mr. and Mrs W B. Rus meeting ln Portland and
visited teach ln the achool at Wilder this machine will be used for btalnees
day ttahtag at the Owyhee dam. j Burley on business this week.
.relatives and friends.
and pleasure.
Paulson Girl Wins First
(Place In Float Sec­
Ray & Moss To
Hold Opening Of
New Businesses
Nyssa Residents
Win Some Honors
At Malheur Fair
40 Rcudy For
Grid Jamboree
School Housing
Problem Acute
Electric Storms
Reduce Service