PA FOR Ing 1/2 FOR with liir« Fait fo i trac Inqt FOI wati Def] Thü C. east THE NYSSA HATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 194G PA (JE SIX GlilL WEDS SOLDIER Miss Eleta Blbbcy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bibbey, and Richard K. Mason, son ol Mrs George Mason of Bremerton, Washington were married at a beautiful candlelight service at the First Christian churon Tuesday evening In the presence of 100 rela­ tives and friends. Rev. E. J. Hel- seth of Ontario officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, ware a gown of white lace over taffeta. Her short veil was held in place by an arrange­ ment of flower.;. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Irene Bibbey, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wore a blue crepe formal and carried a bouquet of red roses. Mildred Bibbey, another sister of the briae, and a cousin, Florence Bibbey, were fo i 183 V FOI el / FOI Her WA 3/4 482 FOI let ber. The Dea FOI mot lngf FOI non Fra FOI Nev y» tlor FO atoe wor pac con FO hot tree wut PO d c á fy n e fl . . . F O R LIVING WITH THI SUN ® Here's a house that is fresh and new—created for better liv­ ing. It is typical of the scores of modern and practical designs ju '11 find in the Weyerhaeuser . Sep are Home Building Service. By ingenious planning the lar house admits the warming r.iys of the sun in winter and ex­ cludes them in the summer. 1 iving with the sun is the solar •ure. Come in and see a full color duction of the solar home and a floor plan that visualizes every feature. See too how you can use our service in your home planning. Nyssa Lumber Co. NYSSA Phone IOÔ Friday afternoon at two tables of bridge. Mrs. John Olson of Hunt­ ington was an out-of-town guest. Prizes were won by Mrs. A1 Kuehn and Mrs. Olson. -5 — g iv e D in n e r Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boydell en­ tertained at dinner Sunday even­ the candlelighlers. They wore blue ing at the Payette Country club for Des. a Hofstetter, Mr. and Mrs. ».repe dre.^es. Kooerl Florea was Edward Boydell, Mrs. John Beck­ best man. The ushers were Lucille ham and their hou..e guests, Mr. Hill, Dorothy bartholoma, and and Mrs. W. J. _V Feiner. 'irva Garren. _ The avading march was played NEBRASKA COUPLE MARRIED by Claudinw Tomlin >un. ’luel- Clarence Raymond Hammer and ma Florea sang “'Because" and I 1 ile Ellen Roden, both of Nebras­ Thelma and Donna f lorea sang a ka, weie marr.ed in the Methodist cuet T Love You Truly”. In.roh Saturday, August 24 by Foliowing the weduing ceremony Rev. H. J. C.ernardt. They were e. reception was held in the church companii d by Reeves A. Ball and basement. The bride and bride­ Edna Adamson. groom cut a beautifully decorated - I - three-tier wedding cake. Punch ENGAOFMENT ANNOUNCED and cake were served to the guests. At an Informal party Monday Mr. and Mrs. Mason received evening, Mr and Mrs Ed Hender- many gifts, which were opened ;un announced the engagement oi and displayed on a table. their daughter Winona, to Mcril- After a wedding trip to western dean Robbins, son of Mr. and Mr;>. Montana, Mr. and Mrs. Mason L. E. Robbins, of Nyssa. w:ll make their home in Tacoma, Twenty-two guests attended the Washington, where Mr. Mason is party, which was in observance ot stationed with the army. Miss Henderson's birthday. The evening was spent In playing parlo; EMPLOYES GIVEN SUPPER games with Mrs. Cliff Main and Howard Smith and John Reeves Ellen Ann Herrman winning firsi of the J. C. Watson Produce com­ prixes and Mrs. Orland Che’dtlhi pany gave a fried Chicken supper and Mrs. H. J. Gemhardt, “Booby’ in the city park for Watson em­ prizes. ployes Thursday evening. The At the close of the evening, a women prepared the food, later in diploma was given to each guest the evening ice cream, oake and Mrs. Forest Tennent, formerly Miss Alta Loma Howell of Nyssa, v.-ho opened them and read them watermelon were served. These were verses announc­ Those attending were Mr. and was married in the Congregational church at McCall, Idaho August aloud. the engagement. The honoree Mrs. Howard Smith and son, Mr. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Tennent will make their home at Cascade, Idaho. ing received many lovely gifts. Mrs. and Mrs. John Reeves and son, Mr. Thel Pike assisted with arr­ and Mrs. Ed Stelnke, Mr. and orming the double ring ceremony, of Adrian, announce the marriage Dar angements. Ice cream and cake Mrs. Dick Maw, Mr. and Mrs. Immediately following, a wedding cf their daughter, Gloria, to Rich- were by the hostess. Clifford Ferguson and son, Fred reception was given for the couple ard T. Holly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss served Henderson and Mr. Robbins Mull, Florence Miller, Mr. and at the Roy ward recreation hall j d . T. Holly of Adrian. re both graduates of Nyssa high Mrs. Ricliard Mikelson, and Mr. |at Roy, Utah, with £00 persons The ceremony was performed at I school. She attended Williamette and Mrs. James Ditty. attending. ! Winnemucca, Nevada, August 7 by university in Salem for two years - 5 - The bride wore a floor-length the Reverend Forman of the Meth- and has since been employed In the NYSSA TEACHER WEDS of white lace, with finger- ■ odist church. .bureau of reclamation office In Miss Ruth Larsson, daughter of t gown p veil and crown of white flow- After a short honeymoon trip to Nyssa and is now bookkeeper for Mrs. Florence Larsson, and Ray­ ers. groom wore a dark gray McCall and Bergdorff, Idaho the the Waggoner Motor company. Mr. mond Weatherspoon of Pendle­ suit The with white carnation button- couple returned to Adrian to make Robbins is employed on his father’s ton were married at a wedding l>r. The bridesmaid was Miss El- their home, farm. ceremony performed Tuesday Avondet, sister of the bride, j —§— No definite date has been set for morning, August 20 at the bride's ma and the groom's man was Jenej CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY he wedding. home, with Bishop Arvel Child of­ Stoker, brother of the groom. Dec- J Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Thompson ficiating. used were green palms, entertained Sunday in observance PICNIC 5 IS HELD Edward Larsson, brother of the orations large vari-colored gladioli and of Mrs. A1 Thompson’ s birthday, The junior girls of the Meth­ bride, was best man and Mrs. Ed­ petunias. Mrs. Jene Stoker and other guests were Mr. and Mrs. odist church were entertained at ward Larsson was matron of honor. Miss Joyce Stoker presided at the A1 Vaughn of Portland. Mr. and a picnic held on the lawn at the Out-of-town guests were Mrs. gift table and Mrs. William D. Cos- Mrs. Robert Thompson and A1 | home of Mrs. Vern Parson. Berry Monson and Mrs. Don Bai­ tley and Mrs. Alton D. Robert pre­ Thompson. The girls engaged in folk dances, ley, cousins of the bride, of Ogden, sided at the refreshment tables. _ games and group singing. Among Utah. On cacti side of the bride Dancing was enjoyed during the MARRIED IN NYSSA those present were Sylvia and nd groom were large vases of var­ Miss Myrtle Bowers and Mark Shirley Dolan. Claudine Wilson, ious colored giant gladioli. The remainder of (lie evening. R. Andersen, both of Burley, Idaho Bonnie Atkinson, Bonnie Lerner, 3 bride was dressed in light blue, CLUB MEETS were married at the home of Mr. Marilyn Lytle, Joan Narragon, Lil­ wearing a corsage of six dark red Mrs. OARDEN Lamb was hostess and Mrs. J .E. Brower Wednesday lian Crisp, Sherrell Chadd,, Betty roseburs. The matron of honor to the A. Hugh Garden Club last evening, August 21. Bishop Arvel Weeks, Patty Ann Williams, Edna wore a corsage of white chrys- Tuesday at N. the K. home of Mrs. Carl Child performed the double ring Mae Bums and Sue, Pat and Kay anthemunts. Newell Hleghts. ceremony. Farson. omics in tlie Adrian high school Hill Mrs. In Maurice Judd talked about j A wedding supper was served the past two years. Mr. Weatlher- small bedding plants. 3 Mrs. Charles at Payette lor the immediate famt- poon taught music in the Pend- Schweizer gave an interesting acc- ly, after which Mr. and Mrs. 1 ton schools prior to going to Ad- ount of her recent trip to Washing- Anderson left for Boise. They will ian to take the the position of ton, D. C. and Jacksonville, Fior- make their home at Riggins. Idaho, music instructor. The couple left ida. Mr. Anderson has accepted immediately following the cere­ Three new members were voted where position of superintendent of | Nursing Home Notes— mony for a honeymoon in Idaho into the club. They were Mrs. Geo - 1 the the high school. Mr. Anderson is j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris are and Utah. rge Schweizer, Mrs. NLss Hatt, and a brother of Mrs. J. E. Brower parents of an eight pound, 10 ounct Mrs. C. H. Bennett. and Mrs. Phillip Clowers. ! girl born August 24. MARRIED IN UTAH | A son weighing 6 pounds, 4 Vi 5 - 3 - v Dale W. Stoker, son of Mr and ENTERTAINS FRIENDS ANNOUNCED 'ounces was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leslie W. Stoker of Nyssa, Mr. WEDDING and Mrs. Glenwood Pounds Mrs. Edward Boydell entertained R. H. Cruse of Adrian August 25. and Linda Aiondet. daughter ot j A boy weighing 5 pounds, 7 oun­ Mr. and Mrs. Lamt Avondet of ces was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. Ogden, Utah were united In mar­ W. Phillips of Parma August 26. riage August 9 at a pretty home I Mrs. Walter Marshall of Ontario wedding at the heme of the bride’s formerly of Nyssa, and E. R. Mc­ •sister, with Bishop Dee Holly per- Curdy are receiving treatment In the nursing home. - - - - - Scouts Go On Hike— j Girl Scouts of Troop No. 1 went on an overnight camping trip Fri­ day. They were accompanied by 1 Mrs. Coffman and Mrs. Schireman PR O G R A M THEATRE Go to Boise— Mrs. A. H. Boydell, Mrs. John Beckham and Mr. and Mrs. W. J Feinen spent Monday in Boise. Catch Salmon— Adm. Evenings. 40c-9c, Includiip T ax___________ SUNDAY AND MONDAY, SEPT. 1-2 William Powell, Judy Garland, Lucille Ball, Virginia O’Brien, Esther Williams, Gene Kelly, and Fred Astaire and a host of top stars in “ZIEGFELD FOLLIES OF 1946” Passing Parade and Color Cartoon Mat.. Sun- i:J0 Adin- :tOc-»c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax TUESDAY, SEPT 3 DOUBLE FEATURE Leslie Brooks and George McReady in “MAN WHO DARED” Also Charles Starrett In “TWO-FISTED STRANGER” Adm. U c -> r, Inc. la x WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY. SEPT. 4-5 Jean Fontaine, Mark Stevens, Rosemary De- Camp and Henry Morgan in “FROM THIS DAY FORWARD” The love and laugh account of that perilous period when newlyweds run out of luck, but never out of hope and humor! It’s as down-to- earth as the family budget! News and Color Cartoon Adm. Evening*. «•»-*». Including T ax HENRY VAI.I.KAt! Midnight Show Sat. Sept. 7 Zombie Jamboree SPOOK SHOW HYPNOTISM MYSTERY LAUGHS THRILLS Directed by Henry Valleau On the Screen: AN OUTSTANDING HORROR PICTURE Admission: Adults and children 50c Nyssa Theatre (Get Chest X-Ray Sept. ‘ 5) Whitey Scubal of Nyssa learned Sunday that an exellent way to break a fly rod is by hooking a salmon. While fishing in Seasash river 30 miles from McCall, Scubal landed the nine pound fish after the tip of his fly rod had broken. Del Poor of Nyssa. fishing with a casting outfit, caught two salmon. One of the fish weighed 12 pounds. A'isit Here— Mr. and Mrs. Ab Vaughn of Port­ land flew to Nyssa from Portland Sunday in Mr. Vaughn's plane. They visited the A1 Thompson. Robert Thompson and Hersche Thompson families until Tuesday. Mrs. Verna Beutler of Twin Falls came to Nyssa to visit Mr and Mrs. Vaughn and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Thompson. Returns from Visit— Mrs. George Mitchell has re­ turned from a visit In New York. Pennsylvania and other eastern states. While in the east she at­ tended the wedding of her son. Peter Mitchell, and Miss Jean Nor­ man in Berwick, Pennsylvania Aug­ ust 3. Mr. Mitchell who also at­ tended the wedding, returned home earlier In the month. The Nyssa residents made the trip by air­ plane. Visit In SALE CALENDAR 1 W flllll"* Notice Dr.J.H. Berger VETERINARIAN Box D Phone 135J Nyssa, Oregon To our Customers SHELTON DAIRY is now operating in its new plant at Alberta avenue and the Ontario road. Holstein Heifers For Sale 3 head milking now. 1 to freshen. 1 six years old. 4 head long yearlings. First house west of the Owyhee school house. Russell Patton, Jr. ROUTE 1 NYSSA - LOCAL NEWS ‘ |CaU evenings. 198 Second Ergood. W. J Grover has returned t.j MISCELLANBOUS_ wul u k g j Nyssa from Hillsboro to work dur- lag the campaign at the Amalga- passengers to Long Beach, Oalifor- mated sugar company factory. nia Tor share of expense. Leaving . _____________ last of this week or the first of 29A1XC I o«i Late to Cl as* 1 y next. Phone 90M WANTED— Carpenter work, both new building and repairing. Built- ins and cabinet work. Johnson and Hansen. 151 North Third. 29A2xp. Pi RM SALE—Wednesday, Sept­ 4, 12 noon, lunched served FOR SALE- 1934 Chevrolet truck ember on grounds. Located % mile West with beet bed and stake bed. Leon of Vale on Graham Blvd. Horses, ard Olson, 7 miles southwest of cattle, farm machinery, and dairy Nyssa, at B. F. Rooks tool ranch. equipment. A. Perdew, owner, 29A2xp Cols. Bert L. Anderson and Joe FOR SALE— 1940 Indian Chief Church, Aucts. motorcycle. Model 74. Good con­ dition. See Jim Russell at Thomp­ son Oil. 29A3xp FOR SALE—Norge washing mach­ ine, laundry tubs and Proctor nev- er-llft iron with steam attachment All in good condition. Mrs. Ne. AND INSECT SPRAY Dimmick, M mile south CCC cam. 29 A1 MISCELLANEOUS— For reserva­ tions for horses and guide write Donald at the Hart ranch. Van, Oregon. 29A4xc FOR SALE—Tulip planting time. Have a limited supply of tulip and daffodil bulbs. Sam McConnell - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUG. 30-31 A singing, shining romance brimming with youth, laughter and song. Alfred Drake, Janet Blair, Marc Platt and Jeff Donnell In “TARS AND SPARS” 2-reel Comedy and Cartoon M at., S*t., *:»» Aum . 25e-5c Inc. Tax ■ - Returns From Coast— Mrs. Robert Long and daughter, Evelyn visile 1 relatives in Boise from Sunday until Tuesday. They also .«topped In Nampa Tuesday NOW, MORE THAU THE ARMY GOOD JO B EVER BEFORE HAS A FOR YOU! NON-COMMISSIONED GRADES NOW OFFERED TO FORMER ARMY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALISTS G ood jobs in non-commissioned grades are being offered note by the Regular Aim) to qualified former servicemen! Veterans discharged on or after May 12, 1915, who enlist or reenlist for 3 years may he enl sled lu the non-commissioned grade for which qualified, provided this grade is not higher than lliat held at lime of discharge, ami provided that at least 6 months of former service was in one of 400 designated military occupational specialties in which enlistment is now desired. Important, interesting jobs are open in hundreds of skills and trades in the Army, with splendid training and educational advantages! These are in addition to free food, housing, cloth­ ing, medical and dental care, low-cost insurance. There’s adventure, travel, education, a secure and profitable future in this vital, realistic profession. Get full details at your nearest Army Recruiting Station. ★ H ig hlights of Regular A rm y E n listm e n ts 1. E nlistm ents for lVfc, 2 or 3 years. ( 1-year enlistm ents perm itted for m en now in the Army with 6 or more m onths of service.) 2. Enli*t»T'ert age from 18 to 34 years inclusive (17 w ith parents* consent) except for men now in the Army, who may reenli«t at any age, and form er service men depending on length of service. 3. A reenlistm ent bonus of $50 for each year of active service since such bonus was last paid, or since last entry into service, provided reenlistm ent is w ithin 3 m onths after last honorable discharge. 4. A furlough for men who re­ enlist w ithin 20 days. Full details of other furlough privileges can b e ob­ tained from R ecruiting Officers. 5. M ustering-out pay ( based upon length of service) to all m en who are discharged to reenlist. 6. O ption to retire at half pay for the rest of your life after 20 years’ service — increasing to three- quarters pay after 30 years’service. Ail previous active federal m ilitary service counts tow ard retirem ent. 7. G I Bill of R ights benefits as­ sured for men who enlist on or before O ctober 5, 1946. 8. Choice of branch of service end overseas theater (of those still open) on 3-year enlistm ents. N E W PAY SCAL E la A d d iti« « te C le tM n q , Food. Lodqinq, M e d ic a i and D e sta i C are. i k In addition to pay «hown at rtqht: 20% Inrrease for Service Overtees. 50% if Member of Flyinq or G lider Crewt. 5% le- crea«# in Pay for Eech ) Years of Service. S f a r t i.* ■ at« Pay P .r M.aft M aster Sergeant or First Sergeant > 165.00 Technical Sergeant 115.00 Staff Sergeant . . 115.00 Sergeant . . . . 100.00 C orporal . , . 90.00 Private First d a s s . 80.00 Private . * , . 73.00 Liston to "Worrioro oi Pomco," -V oico o i tho A rm y," “Proudly D a H o il" M a rt Wornow’o A rm y Show , "So u n d O il.’’ “Horry Wio- m rr Sporty P rrio w " mod "Sp o t­ ligh t B ondi" on your radio 4 0000 IOB M ONTHLY RETIREM EN T IN CO M E AFTER: 20 S .r Tmi’ SO Yomrt' S .r v ie . W c. >107.25 87.75 74.75 65.00 58.50 52.00 48.75 FOR YOU U. S. A r m y CHOOSE F - 4 HE THIS P R O F E S S IO N HOW! A rm i, » -c r./ N » , S fo H o o m o d ______ ______________ 419 FEDERAL BLDG. BOISE, lD>UfO >185.6) 151.88 129.18 112.50 101.23 90.00 84.38