THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and children were In Ironside Sun­ day visiting in the home ol Gordon Dickson. They were also fishing. Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb and Dorothy. Betty Jean and Dick­ ie were Sunday dinner guests in the Rueben Graham home. The occasion was to celebrate Mr. RHEUM ATISM and ARTH RITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I am free from pain and able t>j do my work that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.—NUE-OVO Laboratories Graham's birthday. Mary Jun e Winchester and son, Daniel, left for their home at Part Townsend, Washington Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown, Ruby Brown, Bob Eastman and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Korman were in Boise Sunday to attend the wedding of their son and brother, Robert Brown. Nadine, Jewel and Charles Wil­ son and Delora Hurst were guests at supper Sunday evening in the Toomb home. I Spoon dolls were made by the Brownie troop girls at their meet­ ing Saturday afternoon, August 24 at the Defier home. The girls home work was handed in. They are pressing and mounting flowers In notebooks a t the present time. Some very nice work was handed SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned and Repaired W A T E R SO FTEN ERS Chrome Sink Mixing Faucets Eureka Vacuum Cleaners Brower Plumbing Shop Phone 9 5 J Follow The Crowds To The Church Of The Nazarene and hear the old-time gospel in sermon and song every night at 8 o’clock and on Sundays at 11 a. m. from Sept. 1 Through The 15 th SPEC IA L W O R K E R S : REV. J . RU SSELL BROW N AND MR. AND MRS A. L. CRANE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 29, 1946 and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider picnicked Sunday at the Owyhee dam. . Miss Betty Mitchell spent the week-end at Fayette lakes. Bill Fugat, who has been a house guest of Rlibard Diven, has re­ turned to his home in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider, Lawrence Cleverly aird Gene Bair attended tlhe Jersey club meeting at the Rosel Hunter home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams left Saturday for a week-end at Pay­ ette lakes. HEALTH FOR ALL PAGE THREE the child's food and milk from contamination. It is particularly important, however, to be on the alert In the summer when food Is more apt to spoil than In cool weather. -since milk is often the cause of summer complaint, the mother itoou.d be very careful to give the bh-ld only milk which Is free from all harmful bacteria. The safest thing, after the child Is weaned, is I to use pasteurized milk. I f this cannot be obtained, then the moth­ er should bo.l the milk thoroughly herself and permit it to cool in containers which have been thor­ oughly cleansed and sterilized. Mrs. John Zittercob. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kipp and daughter spent the week-end in Boise with Mrs. Kipp’s parents. Sixteen boys and girls gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gene Kipp August 19 to help Delons celebrate her third birthday. She was the recipient of many gifts. Two birthday cakes and ice cream were served to the children and their mothers and to C. W. B ar­ rett, whose birthday was on that date. Accepts Position— Miss Annie Lucero has accepted a position at the Nyssa Nursing home. , Arcadia Mothers are inclined to dread Mrs. L. Gillispie and son of Twin G ET TH A T baby's second summer because of Falls. Idaho visited Mrs. Gillispies the disease commonly called 'sum­ sister, Mrs. Gene Kipp, and family mer complaint’. last week. Broken or Missing Summer complaint, or Infant The Fugitia family, who have diarrhea, is most apt to attack lived on the Ira Ure farm, moved children between one and two this week to Ontario. years of age and it is peculiar to | Mrs. Ada Butler spent the week­ hot weather. It is very serious and end in the Vem Butler home. usually costs the lives of many | Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Swearen- young children. replaced at our shop ger of California visited his sister, EXPARATROOPERS GO RIGHT ON ’CHUTING . . . When Lucius | The disease makes the baby's Mrs. Gene Kipp, and family last bowels move frequently and it may before winter. Rucker, left, and Fred Cole got out of the army, they thought they week. Mr. and Mrs. Swearenger cause vomiting. I t is often accom­ will leave soon for China, where were through with parachutes. They had trained and dropped some panied by pain and fever. One of he will be employed for three years, 5,000 agents behind enemy lines in World War II. W R EC K ER SERV ICE several tilings may cause infant j Mr. and Mrs. Dave Brady and diarrhea. Probably the most fre- ¡family of Caldwell were dinner in by several of the girls. After V. V. Grider. quent cause is impure milk or | guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. a few games were played Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Pat Bennett and ’ ater or spoued food I Glenn Dowers and family. Frances Deffer served. ice cream Mrs. Fred Bennett of Nyssa called J The child has greater difficulty Otis Bullard, Theo Matherly, and cookies, the meeting was closed at the Golden Leavitt home Thurs- in digesting food in hot weather George Moeller and families re­ by giving the Girl Scout promise day morning. ¡and if he eats anything which is turned Saturday from Strawberry and singing Goodnight Song“. The i Mrs. Gene Fleshman and Shirley even slightly tainted it may create lake. next meeting will be held Septem- ' n(j Donald, Mrs Bill Mazuch and a poison which his system attempts Tom Marsh spent last week ber 14 a t the home of the leader, Mrs. Charley Grider went to Boise | to throw off and diarrhea results. #n the Vern Butler home. 2d & Bower Ph. 107W Mrs. Clyde Steelman. Friday. j Nature should be assisted, not Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thurman A surprise handkerchief shower j Mr. and Mrs. Dick Udlinek and hampered, in the effort to get rid of Medford, Oregon are visiting was given for Laura Louise Nevin Mr. and Mis. Bill Mazuch left of the poison. This means that Mrs. Thurman's parents, Mr. and by the girls of the intermediate Saturday morning for Sun Valley, | the child should not be given any troop No. 2 at their meeting S a t- Idaho. , food at all during the attack. Only urday afternoon, August 24 a t the j Mr. and Mrs. Gene Fleshman water, which has been previously Legion hall. Laura Louise received and Shirley and Donald were Sun- boiled should be given him. Food many nice handkerchiefs from the qay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. j including milk, may cause a fur- girls to remember them by in her R 0y Herman. jther upset and must be withheld, new home in Portland. Several i Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Diven and j Of course, great care should be games were played and then re- Margaret and Richard, Bill Fugat exercised at all times to protect Bring your custom curing to freshments of cookies and lime drink were served. Mrs. J . C. Nev­ in was a guest of the girls. A surprise birthday party was held for Donna Lee Steelm an S a t­ PARM A, IDAHO urday evening, August 24. Bingo was played during the evening All meat received is covered by money-back with prizes going to several girls. 20 HEAD OF HIGH TESTED .Many lovely gifts were received guarantee. from Jean Dille, Donna Peterson, Laura Louise Nevin, Betty Lou Jarvis, Mrs. Frank Johns, Nonna Custom slaughtering * Meat cutting Jean Dierking and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dierking. Refreshments of open-faced sandwiches, potato sal­ Fifteen Jerseys and five Jersey and Guernseys. Lard rendering ad, fruit salad and birthday cake Also 2-unit Surge milker. Used two months. were served. The cake was decorat­ MODERN COLD STORAGE LOCKERS NOW ed 'with “happy birthday’ and 12 white candles in pink holders. On Friday morning, August 23 AVAILABLE Lee R. Cooke, Nampa architect, came to Adrian and staked the Adrian Road Grand Avenue Second and Stewart street Phone 9 r»raise Oven with Aluminum Finish f e m r in m d S e e it Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sm ith and Patric and Gary Lee spent last week-end near McCall fishing and visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kurtz and Dale are visiting at the M. L. Kurtz home while waiting for school to open in La Grande. Charles Bowers, Lou and Gene Pratt and Frank Ray and two sons spent from Tuesday until Satu r­ day fishing near McCall, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. John Nevin and Laura Louise were dinner guests at the W. E. Piercy home Tuesday evening and were overnight guests at the M. L. Kurtz home the same night. Mrs. Borge and children are visiting relatives in Denver. Mr and Mrs. Tony Zubizaretta and Permln called at the Kurtz and Hardman homes Sunday. They also called at the Hardman home to visit Mrs. Healy and small dau­ ghter, who are visiting here from Portland. RICHLAND Nyssa Furniture Company Across from Reclamation Office Mr and Mrs. Chester Stephen­ son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. OokJen Leavitt Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Cox and children of Center. Colorado were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. #]ttP# UMURft ■ ? and 4-wh***‘ _Sel«c*,ve 2 ‘ y Tnlre O ff ol R*of#y __ Power Take and Fro Center »«novoW. PaaenB* ■— gemoTu~~ Gear*» _H ypoid »yP* ^ Wh ~ i H r * « * Lora* CMd* See i t ;::d r i v e it yourself; ; ; and you’ll know why the Universal "Jeep” is the practical, economical vehicle for a thousand jobs in industry and on the farm. With its mighty Willys- Overland "Jeep” Engine and 4-wheel- drive, the "Jeep” goes places no other vehicle can go. It will pull plows, S E IH harrows, mowers, etc. It serves as a handy pick-up truck and runabout. It tows a 5,500 lb. trailer payload. The "Jeep” power take-off furnishes up to 30 h. p. to operate shaft- and belt-driven equipment. Come in now and check the many features of the all-purpose Universal "Jeep.” tMIGHTY W AT WATTS MOTOR CO. Nyssa, Oregon Phone 144-J