Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, August 22, 1946, Image 1

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Registration In
High School To
Begin August 27
NO. 32
skilled in needlework and floricul­
ture are urged to take their prod­
School Authorities Hope ucts to the county fair, to be held
August 31, and September 1 and 2.
No Harvest Vacation
Miriam Black, tiome demonstra­
To lie Necessary
tion agent, will be supervisor ol
needlework and floral exhibits
Prospective high school students Members of extension units will
will register from August 27 to assist her in arranging the exhibits.
August 30, in preparation for the | "No matter how small your ex­
opening of school on September 3, hibit is bring it anyway," Mrs.
i Black said, “ It is the little things
school oificlals announced.
Ninth graders will register on that make the fair successful."
All entries will be listed Friday.
Tuesday, the 27, the • sophomores
A u ght 30 and before 9 a.m. Sat-
on the 28, juniors, the 29, and the
| urday, August 31.
seniors on the 30.
School will start a week later
this year tlian it has for the past
several years. It is hoped that lab­
or will be plentiful enough to elim­
inate the harvest vacation that
has seemed necessary during the
past four years. School authorities
One hundred and ninety-seven
have found it to be a very disrup­ Malheur county farm veterans
tive factor, particularly where high have submitted applications for
school students are Involved. Each | on-the-farm training in agrlcult-
year it has been the cause of many 1 ural courses offered by the vet­
withdrawals from school. Young­ erans’ administration.
sters fall behind, Bfecome discour­ I To qualify for the program, which
aged and drop out of school.
I pays educational benefits under
"The new school attendence laws the so-called G.I. bill of rights,
icquire the children to remain in veteran farm employees or farm
school until they are 18 or have owners must file a certified or
graduated from high school,” sch­ photostatic copy of their discharge
ool officials said. "Youngsters be­ papers together with an applica­
tween the ages of 16 and 18 can tion with the county service officer.
secure work permits if certain con­
ditions are met. Among these con­ weekly four-hour session have al­
ditions is the attendance in school ready begun in Ontario and Nyssa.
of at least five hours per week.
Equipment for the instruction
Children younger than 16 cannot will be furnished by the govern­
secure work permits and their em­ ment agency and at the completion
ployment during school time con­ of the trainig program will become
stitutes an evasion of the law on the permanent possession of the
the part of the parent and of the school district. Approximately 23
veterans will be taught in each
“ Employers who use youngsters class. Part of the instructor's duty
below the age of 18 without a work will be to visit each farm during
permit are liable to certain penal­ the month where students are
ties should the state labor comm­ working. It is planned to have state
ission discover the fact. Parents of agricultural authorities as guest
children who evade attendance pro­ lecturers in the classes.
visions of the law are liable to
Thirty-five men have signed for
fine and Imprisonment if the evas­ the course at Nyssa, where the
ion is discovered."
program is just beginning to fun­
ction. James Allen, veterans agri­
culture instructor, will teach the
classes. He will be a member ol
the high school teaching staff.
Course Opened
In Agriculture
xwV*;. fri—
^ r r i r —i r r r r r , g ,-r r .- . g ^ .
'~ - - á Z S ¿ \
Tne new corrugated metal warthouse and pack-
ing shed of tne Malheur Produce company is shown
above as it appears on the Hoinedale branch ol
the Union Pacific railroad south of Nyssa. The
entrance to the office is shown on the far end of
the building.,Owners of the concern are H. C. Grelg
and Herbert Fisher.
¡Mean Bulls Will
Perform At Fair
Two air-minded deer, a three-
point buck and a doe, visited at
the airport Saturday evening, but
Pilot-Manager Gordon Bchmelzer
was not at liome to take them lor
a ride.
Tlie deer, walking along the
road to the airport near the Snake
river boat landing, were first seen
by the Scubal boys who live near­
by. By the time the deer reached
the airport on top of the hill they
had attracted so many persons they
were frightened away. They ran
across the top of the hill, crossed
highway 20 just east of the bridge
and ran onto the hill on the north
>ide of the highway.
While in a field on the hill, the
deer were chased by cows and ran
back onto the airport side, where
they remained at least until dark.
Bernard Frost, well known Nys­
sa sportsman and airplane pilot,
who saw the deer, said that in a
private conference the buck prom­
ise to return September 28, the
opening day of the deer season.
Flans Complete
For Kid Program
To Be Held Here
Main Event O f August 30
Celebration To be
Complete plans for the annual
Kid’s day program to be sponsored
by the Nyssa chamber of commerce
and Nyssa Civic club Friday, Aug­
ust 30 were announced this week
by the committees in charge.
The main event of the day »111
be the kid's parade, which will be
started at 1:30 pan. on First street
between Main street ana cow er
avenue. The procession will move
west on Main street and thence
to the city park. The parade will
be divided into five sections, floats,
pets, costumes, bicycles and miscel­
laneous. Prizes of $2, $1.50 and $1
will be given in each section.
Upon arrival of the youngsters
at the park, games and contests
will be conducted and refreshments
will be served. First and second
prizes will be given in each race,
making a total fund o f $15 in
prize money.
After the games at the park the
party will move to the Nyssa thea­
ter, where the kiddies will be en­
tertained lor the rest of the after­
noon. Prizes of the parade winners
will be given at the theater.
The Chairmen of the event feel
that a splendid program has been
arranged for the kiddles of the
grade school age and hope that
the parents see that their child­
ren participate in all of the events.
Expense for the entries in the par­
ade should not run over $1. No
commercial advertising will be al­
General information may be sec­
ured at the Nyssa theater or Nys­
sa Packing company market or
from Mrs. Bernard Eastman.
Tlie terminal leave pay bill was
The Nyssa chamber of commerce
discussed at a meeting ol the Vet­
went on record at its weekly lun­
erans of Foreign Wars of Adrian
cheon Wednesday noon in favor
in the Legion hall in Adrian Tues­
of installation of on electirc warn­ Outstanding
Animal* day night, August 20.
ing signal at the west end of the
More information will be avail­
Lined Up For Malheur
highway underpass.
able at the next meeting, which
Co. Event
Funeral services for Mrs Frank
Through a motion approved by
will be held September 17. Two
the members the secretary was
new members were accepted at the Hall of Nyssa, who died August
instructed to write the state high-
There 11 be
fast horses on the meeting. Meetings are held on the 19, were held at 10:30 tliis morn­
way commission requesting that t>ack as well as mean horses and third Tuesday of each month. Re­ ing in the Episcopal church in
such a signal be installed.
vltk,us Brahma bulls in the arena, freshments will be served.
Nysa with Rev. C. L. Callahan
The traffic hazard at the under- at. the Malheur county fair rodeo
August 31 and September 1 and 2,
The Nyssa Funeral home was in
pas is considered very great.
fair officials announced this week.
charge of interment in the Nyssa
Eight or more notable strings
ol "bangtails” are coming to the
Mrs. Hall, who had been in poor
Ontario track for this event, in­
health for some time, was born
cluding those of Carl Whiteley
in Saginaw. Michigan April 3, 1875
from Halfway, Harry Talbot from
Announcement was made today and was married January 18, 1905
Star, Idaho, Ike Whiteley and Herb of the second annual Boy Scout to Frank D, Hall at Silver City,
The Bybee Motor and Equipment Taylor
Wallace swimming meet to be held in the Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Hall came
company has started construction Laird from Weiser, Vernal Peter- Caldwell city pool August 26, acc­ to Nyssa in August, 1911. Mrs
of a concrete building at the “Y ” son from Buhl, Idaho, and the ording to Dick Tuttle, field scout Hall, a past worthy matron ol the
near the grade school for display home town
runners owned by executive, who will be in charge Order of the Eastern Star in
of the new Kaiser-Frazer a u to -, Tony Guyer, Roy Brewer and oth- of the meet.
Nyssa, was grand Ruth of the
I ers.
Entrants are expected from Wei­ grand chapter of Oregon, Order
The building will be 56 feet on
Outstanding rodeo stork owned ser, last year’s champions, Ontario, of the Eastern Star, In 1925. She
the north and 50 feet on the east j by Arlle Tucker of Joseplf, Oregon, Payette, Emmett, Nampa, Nyssa, was a member of the Episcopal
with the west side of the building! will be on ha rid to test the mettle Parma, Wilder, Vale, New Plym- church.
conforming to highway 20. It will I o f the visiting and local buckaroos. | 0uth, Fruitland, the host city Cald-
Survivors are her husband, and
be erected west of the new Fire-1 "This notable rodeo string inclu- well, and other comfriunities of the a half-brother, Donald R. Camer­
Loyd Adams, master of the Ore­
stone store, which will occupy th e , des the meanest Brahma bulls in ! Ore-Ida council,
on of Chicago, A niece, Mrs. Gor­ gon Trail Orange, urged at a meet­
space vacated by Gordon's drive- captivity. Out of nine who attemp-
Tuttle explained that the meet don Clithero of Sitka, Alaska, arr­ ing of the Orange Tuesday night
in market.
ted it, only one rider stayed aboard will start with qualifying heats at ived here by plane Wednesday to that farmers cooperate in the Ora­
Breeders association was organized
I Leslie Stoker, Nyssa contractor, the last night of the Weiser show," 11:30 on Monday morning, and attend the services.
nge's yearly campaign to keep
at a meeting held in the Nyssa
Fred Hertig of Parma and John is in charge of constructioh.
fair officials stated.
that finals in all events will be
»weds mowed from road-sides.
high school building Tuesday night. Shuler o f Parma received treat-1 The bulling will be used temp-
Buckaroos already signed up for | held at 7:30 p.m. Interest is high Uere from Utah—
Special attention should be giv­
Rosel Hunter, Glen Peterson, ment in the Nyssa Nursing home orarily for the display of cars and ' the various contests at the county in the meet this year as several
Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Parker and en to Intersections, Mr. Adams
Grover Vest, Glen Dowers and El­ Tuesday night for injuries sus- will later be used for other p u r -1 fair rodeo include Johnny Ross and Boy Scout swimmers have bettered three children, and Mrs. Ann Flin­ said.
ver Nielson were elected directors, tained when they slipped from a poses after the Bybee Motor and ] Lester Waneberger of Ontario, Leo some of the marks which were ders, have been here visiting at the
The Orange made plans to spon­
with Rosel Hunter as president.
load of baled hay.
Equipment company moves to a Cox of Ilomedale, Dwight Maddux made in the event held last year, home of their brother and son, sor a booth at the Malheur county
The group also adopted by-laws.
When the load of hay slipped, new building, which the concern of Weiser, Jack Taylor of Payette, and will be out to lower the pre­ Elwood Flinders, and family. They fair. Alva Goodell was appointed
Roger M. Morse, extension dairy the two men were tossed onto the expects to build on the corner of and Hal and A1 Evans of Nyssa. vious records.
returned to their home Saturday. chairman of the committee. Other
husbandryman of Oregon State ground. They were dismissed from Sixth and Main streets east of the Some of the west’s noted profess­
All entrants must be registered
committee members are Frank
college, discussed the program ol the nursing home Wednesday.
ional riders are also planning to Boy Scouts. Scouts will compete Mother Visits—
night club building.
Sherwood and Mrs. Garret Stam.
artificial insemination which will
Plans for the new structure have compete.
in three age divisions, 12-13, 14-15,
Mrs. Ben Shaw has been enjoy­ Approximately 50 Grangers and
III At Home—
be followed in this county.
Aside from the racing, bronc and and 16 years and older.
not been completed.
ing a visit from her mother, Mrs their guests met in the Caldwell
Ray Peterson, who will be plant
bull riding contests, there will be
Mrs. Nick Rudellck is ill at her
Troop No. 50 of Weiser is defend­ Jackson Taylor, who resides at park Sunday for their annual pic­
manager of the Avoset corporation home this week.
calf roping, bulldoggtng, cow milk­ ing champion.
Here from Portland—
Homedale, but who has been In nic.
in Nyssa, praised the breeders pro­
Mrs. Ross Healy of Portlnd is ing and other arena events each
Idaho Falls for some time doing
Learning First Aid—
gram very highly.
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of the three days. Each day also, Visits Brother—
Visit Here—
t -mple work.
The area of operation of the as­
Troops 1 and 2 of the Nyssa H. H. Hardman of route 2. Mrs. one or more riding club drill teams
Mrs. Bessie Brown and two chil­
Guests at the Bumall Brown
sociation will be limited for the Girl Scouts were given instruction Healy Is a former Nyssa resident. will perform and their work will dren of Echo, Oregon visited from On Business Trip—
home over the week-end were
time being to the district between by Kenneth Pond o f the Idaho
be judged and a prize awarded. If Wednesday until Monday at the
Arden Newsom, accompanied by Miss Beverly Bear of Nampa, Mr.
Ontario and Adrian, with a cen­ Power company in first aid and Go To Camp—
more than three teams enter, two home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard his son, Johnny, left this morning and Mrs. Solon Lewis and Mr. and
tral office in Ontario. Later a route artificial respiration last Thurs­
A group of young people of the will perform the same day. So Frost. Mrs. Brown Is Mr. Frost’s on a business trip to Portland.
Mrs. Stanley Brown of Twin Falls.
will probably be established toward day evening at the home of the Church of Christ of Nyssa and far, the Nyssa. Weiser and Houston sister. The visitors were en route
Vale and north of Ontario. A man girls’ leader, Mrs W E. Schireman. Payette left Monday for Payette drill terms have announced they to Twin Falls, where they will Visiting Father—
Getting House Plans—
approved by the college extension The next meeting will be held at lakes to attend the Christian ser­ will participate.
make their home.
Mrs. John Bishop arrived Sun­
John Ostrom announced this
service will be employed as tech­ the home of Bonnie Ward.
vice camp to be held this week.
day from Ogden to be with her week that the Nyssa Lumber com-
nician to handle the program when
Those attending from Nyssa are Go To l akes—
Ilcrc From California—
father, E. H. Brumbuch of Big any has arranged to receive a ser­
sufficient membership has been se­ School will Open—
Genevieve Eachus, Glenda Moss,
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolfer and Bend, who suffered a paralytic ies of house plans to be shown at
The Adrian high school and Dorothy and Johnny BarUiotoma, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson, daughter, Mary of Los Angeles, stroke.
the lumber office. The arrangement
Eqh member will pay a member­ Kingman Kolony grade school will | Thelma Florea. Kenneth Snodgrass, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mitchell, Mr. spent the week-end at the home of
will include pictures, plans and
be opened for the ÜH6-47 year o n ! Dwane Kressley, Mrs. Cora Tom- and Mrs. Leonard Marshall, Mr. Mrs. Wolfer's
brother, Ira Ure Return to Idaho—
ship and a breeding fee.
specifications. One set of plans will
Sept ember 3.
I Uns on and daughter Claudine, and and Mrs. Ormand Thomas, Mr Another sister,
Miss Doris Ure,
Mrs. June Beck and son left be received each month from the
Attends Conference—
■ -
Mrs. Jess Rigney and Doris and and Mrs. S. P. Bybee, Mr. and of San Francisco, has also been Monday for their home In Mont­ Weyerhaeuser company.
Miss Frances Foster returned Gets Plumbing Contract—
Jimmy. The trip was made in a Mrs. Herbert Fisher and Ralph visiting at the Ure home for the
pelier, Idaho after a week's visit
Wednesday morning from Syracuse, | J. E. Brower of Nyssa was giv- bus driven by Maurice Bishop.
Hanna spent Jrom Friday until last 10 days.
with her two sisters and brothers- In Portland—
Indiana, where she attended a en the contract for plumbing the I
Monday at Payette lakes.
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bur­
Twiia Crawford and Donna Jean
conference of the Christian Bus- j government houses located at V ale! Aunt Dies—
See Itoke-Ogden Game
Visit Herr
bank and Mr. and Mrs. Newbern Warren have accepted positions
iness and Professional Women of and Emmett. Mr. Brower has re­
Mrs. Thelma Glenn and Mr?.
Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Vanscoy and
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bybee, Mr. Qlenn.
with the Pacific Telephone and
America association. Miss Poster turned from Vancouver. Washing­ Leslie Burbanks received a tele­ family and Mrs. May E. Vanscoy and Mrs. Vibert Kessler, Mr. and
Telegraph company in Portland.
has been assigned to do home ton, where he made plans to re­ gram telling of the death of their of northern Idaho arrived last Mrs. Wayne Barker and Mrs. Kes- Move Residence—
missionary work at Pilot Rock move plumbing from 48 housing aunt. Mrs. Ivan Quayle of Mont­ Monday to visit at the home of sler's brother and wife of Seattle
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis mov­ Go To Boise—
units, which will be moved to Em­ pelier, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Servoss. Other were in Boise Tuesday evening to ed this week into the house for­
Mrs. Wayne Morris and Mrs.
mett and Vale.
guests at the Servoss residence last witness the Bolse-Ogden baseball merly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Jones spent Thursday in
Veterans To Meet—
week were Ms. and Mrs. Harold game.
Picnic Planned—
John Bishop
The annual Colorado-Idaho pic­ Moore and family of Livermore,
Exservicemen are Invited to at­ Returns from Vacation—
Sid Burbridge returned Sunday nic will be held in the city park California.
Looking for ¡.oration—
tend .a meeting of the Veterans of
Visit Here—
Here From Lehi—
Foreign Wars to be held Tuesday, from a week’s vacation spent in | in Caldwell Sunday, Augut 25. A
B. A. Vanscoy, Carl Beyer, and
Miss Oayle McCoy and her moth­
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Willis
Art Servoss left for Salmon City, er, Mrs. D. L. McBain of Salem, o f Lehi, Utah are guests at the
August 27 at 8 o'clock in the Odd Portland and Netarts, Oregon. Mrs. 1 basket dinner will be serve at 1 Called To Portland—
Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Mauldtng Idaho. Friday to look at property and Mrs. McBaln’s sister, Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Phill­
Fellows hall. Application blanks Burbridge and girls, who accomp- p. m. Ice cream and coffee will be
for terminal leave pay will be anted him, will remain in Portland furnished. The program will in- were called to Portland last week (or a location.
Louise Spell of Seattle, visited Mr. ips, route 2, Parma. Other guests
for two more weeks.
and Mrs. Artie Robertson last at the Phillips home were Mr.
elude music by Bowen's string because of the death of Dr. Mauld-
band of Nampa and the Ozark ing's father, F. K. Maulding of Freak Squash Shown—
week. Other guests at the Robert­ Phillips’ mother. Mrs. Alice Phill­
Nursing Home Notes—
A freak squash grown by T. M. son home were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ips, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robin­
Visit Relatives—
Singers of Wilder and Marring. I Cottage Grove. Dr. and Mrs. Maul-
r. and Mrs. Max Scirwel 2 er of
A son weighing 6 pounds, 11 oun­ All former Colorado residents are I ding expect to return to Nyssa Lowe at Mitchell butte has been Cooper of Twin Falls, former Ny­ son and two children, and Mr. and
placed on display in the window ssa residents.
Spokane visited his parents, Mr. ces was bom August 16 to Mr. a n d ' Invited to attend.
September 1.
Mrs. Jean Phillips, all of Utah.
of the Gate City Journal office.
and Mrs. George Schwelzer, and Mrs. Earl Ward of Parma.
The vegetable is a squash within Return From Trip—
other relatives last week. They re­
Mr. and Mrs Wayne McOhec Released From Navy—
I Go To Weiser—
I On Fishing Trip—
turned home Monday. They were of Parma are parents o f an ■ pou­
Keith Bybee. Y J.c, arrived home
Mrs. Ward Wleneke and son. a squash. The larger part o f the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pounds re­
Bernard Frost and son, Bunky,
dinner guests at the home of an nd, 12*4 ounce girl born August after spending one and one-half j Garry, spent Wednesday and Thurs- squash is orange in color and the turned last week from a two-weeks d e a n
Wells and Darrell Hem
years In the navy. He spent navi day visiting in Weiser at the home smaller part is a pale green. The fishing trip to B .dOenegrmfwye spent part of Monday and Tuesday
aunt. Mrs. Lee Householder Sun­ 20 .
¡of Mrs. Wieneke's sister, Mrs. Ohar- entire vegetable Is in the shape of fishing trip to Bend. Oregon. They on the north fork of the Malheur
Miss Jessie Trensue has been of the time on Okinawa.
an acorn.
dismissed from the nursing home.
les Martin.
visited Mrs. Pound's brother, Clyde river.
Go To Tex»»—
Go to Utah—
Beam, and family.
Returns from Visit—
Mr and Mrs. Joe Woodard and Visiting Brother—
Mr and Mrs O R. Anderson and Guests at Jamisons—
Vacation at Payette lakes—
Mrs. Dean Smith returned home Returns To Utah—
Mrs. Letha Jeffrey and daughter,
Bernard and Robert Bodmer of family spent the week in Ogden
Mr and Mrs. Ed Jamison had
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fife and
Wanda, left by car Friday for Natoma. Kansas are visiting their and vicinity visiting friends and as their dinner guests Monday eve- Sunday from a two-week vacation
Miss Ivy Jean Carver left for family spent the week-end at Pay­
Mason. Texas. Mrs. Jeffrey, who brother. Dr. F. F. Bodmer T h e y 1 relatives. Anderson is in the LDS nlng, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tay spent visiting her daughter, Mrs. her home In Plain City, Utah ette lakes. Mrs. Ballantyne and
has been a patient in the Nyssa »111 leave for home the end of this | ward bishopric here. MLss Helen lor and children and Mr. and Mrs Alton Paris. In Pocatello and with after spending three weeks visiting Mrs Maw took a car of young
Nursing home, will enter a hos­ week. Bernard Bodmer U a former Anderson plans on entering nurse s Lloyd Clowers and children of Bun- relatives and friends in Ogden and at the home of her aunt. Mrs. folks to Fayette lakes Monday for
pital in Texas.
Frank Skeen
Nyxsa resident.
I training soon.
<061 valley.
I Balt Lake City.
a few days’ vacation.
Dairy Breeders
Organize Here
Mrs Frank Hal]
Of Nyssa Dies
Scouts To Hold
Swimming Meet
Bybte Building
Space For Cars
Grange Urges
Mowing Weeds