Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1946)
went to the park for a picnic lunch, CLUB MEETS The D. W. T. Pinochle club met at the home o£ Mr.,. W ill Beam laot Weuneoday alte.noon. Prizes were wun by Mrs. Nick Rudeiick. Mrs. Walter Fox and Mis. Elder: Will. h consisted of fried chicken, potato salad and a cake with Girl Scout decorations. Those making the trip were Edna Mae Burrs, Glenda M a i, Sylva Dolan. Bar bara Duncan. Sherrill Chadd, Joan Narragon, Doris Jean Ure and Mary Sue Parson. T h e girls were accompanied by their leader, Mrs. We .ley Brown ana Mrs. A1 Kuehn. - t - CLUB3 M E ET J O IN T LY - I - HOLD S W IM M IN G P A R T Y The Friendly Neighbor club en Girl Scout troop No. 4 held a tertained the members of the Out- swimming party Friday afternoon Our-Way club with a lawn party at Caldwell. After a swim, the girls July 25 at the Virgil McGee home Visits Here— Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Pecliin and Butler, Sr. Quests ot the club were Mrs. Butler of Ontario. Mrs. Rud eilck and Mrs. Jess Lawrence. Mrs. C. M. Bennett will be hos tess to the club members Wednes- tay, August 6. ,r<mdaau«hter, Susann, of Sidney, Nebraska left Wednesday en route Give Surprise Party— A group o f young people motored to North Hollywood, California a l ter visiting for three days at the to Caldwell Saturday evening to home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe liellon. surprise Robert McDonald, former Nyssa resident, on his birthday. The group enjoyed swimming and On Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Julian Johnson will were then served ice cream and leave Saturday for a two-week va cake at the McDonald home. cation at Yellowstone National park and other places of Interest Go to McCall— Martha Brown, Margaret Sararin, Merry Norcott and Lucille Sallee Go Fishing— Mr. and Mrs. Arden Newsom and spent last week vacationing at Mc- Dr. and Mrs. K. E. Kirby returned Wednesday from a fishing trip to the mountains. AH Business Men From Payette— Polly and Nancy Gibbon, twin aaughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Gibbon of Payette, visited at the Bernard Eastman home last Thors- , day. local credit bureau Friday Evening, Aug. 2 Vi si tin?; Re’atives— Mrs. W. F McLing and daughter, Patty, of Albany arrived Sunday ior a vi. it with Mrs. MeLing's sir- ter, Mrs. Herschel Thompson, and At the City Hall Gordon’s Air Service Announces the commencement of flight oper ations at the Nyssa municipal airport. provide student instruction, charter flights and passenger rides. W e are dealers for Taylorcraft planes and are using a new 1940 Taylorcraft for student instruction. Planes are now available for pur chase. GORDON SCHMELZER, MANAGER NYSSA Phone IOÖ PROGRAM THEATRE SATURDAY, A U G U S T 3 D O U B LE F E A T U R E PR O G R A M Carole Landis In “B E H IN D G R EEN L IG H T S ” Sunset Carson In “D A Y S OF B U F F A L O B ILL ” Shows continuous Saturday from 6 p.m. Mat., Hat., 2:5« Amn. 25c-5c Inc. lax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax S U N D A Y A N D M O N D A Y , A U G . 4-5 A strange story of a strange devotion of two sisters loved by the same man who couldn’t hi long to either. Paul Henreid, Olivia De Haviland, Ida Lupino and Sidney Greenstreet In “D E V O T IO N ” Special: "Bikini— The Atom Island” Cartoon: Bugs Bunny “ Hare Remover” Shows continuous Su iday from 6 p.m. Mat., Sun. 2:20 Aum., 2Uc-9c, Inc. lax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax In Richland. The Joint business se.slon was presided over by Helen Hoffman, OutOur-Way president. Plans were made for entertainment of the associated clubs at a meeting to be held next spring when the two clubs will be joint hostesses. After I he business meeting a program wes presented as follows: Reading, “Sister and I by Iva Dewey; three humorous skits by Phyllis Bair, Lois McGee. Barbara Baker and Darlene Henderson, and a piano duet by Mary and Ellen McGee. Refreshments were served to 19 members and their guests and several children. The next regular meeting of the Friendly Neighbor club will be held August 29 with lva Dewey. Sissons and Mrs. Hubert Terhune as guests. Mrs. C. H. Bennett was appoint- j ed to secure flowers and cards for j the sick members. The club voted j to give cards and Bowel's to mem- j bers only. Refreshments of sand- | wiches, pickles, olives, potato chips, ice cream, cookies and punch were served. The next meeting will be held at the Willis Bertram home August 15. LOCAL NEWS Visiting Here— Mrs. Robert Holman and three daughters of Pocatello, Idaho have been visiting the past two weeks at — 5 - ENGAGEM ENT ANNOUNCED the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Brown Lewis. announce the engagement of their daughter. Ruby, to Robert E. East Nurse Visits Here— man, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miss Jean Snader, Nyssa high Eastman of Napton siding. school graduate, who is taking cad Miss Brown graduated from Boise et nurse's training in the Pendleton high school and for the past year hospital, visited In Nyssa this week. and one-half has worked in the Early in September she will be Brown mercantile store in Adrian. ransferred to the Doernbecker hos Her finance graduated from Adrian pital in Portland for special train high school. He was recently dis- ing. , charged from the marines after ¡'pending three and one-half years Visiting Relatives— , In the Pacific theater of war. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fagan of Salt T ile wedding will be held in the Lake City are visiting at the home near future. of their daughter, Mrs. D. L. And erson. They will leave for their OBSERVE AN N IV E R SAR IE S home this week-end. Mr. Fagan is Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison en engineer at the Elks club In Suit tertained Saturday evening at din Lake City. ner for four couples whose wedding anniversaries occurred in the month Returns to Work— of July. The honored guests were Miss Velma Pox has returned Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, from the University of Oregon, Mr. and Mi's. Herschel Thompson, where .she attended summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Thomas, and She has resumed her duties as sec the host and hostess. Twenty guests retary in the high school office. attended the party. Left for California— - 8 - CLUB HOLDS M E ETING ’ Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Brady and Mrs. E. C. Terhune was hostess daughter, Barbara, left Saturday j to the Chater Box club at her for Livermore, California, where j tKmie Thursday afternoon. Eight Mr. Brady will be located at the members attended, with Mrs. Jake navy air station. They have been Notice Farmers And Truck Operators Richard Dix and Ken Curtis In “M YSTE R IO U S IN T R U D E R ” Also Ken Curtis In “T H R O W A S A D D L E O N A S T A R ” continuous Tuesday from 6 p.m. Adm. tftc-se, Inc. Tax W E D N E S D A Y & T H U R S D A Y , A U G . 7-8 Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Cummings, Diana Lynn and Patrie Knowles In “T H È BRIDE W O R E B O O TS” The gayest ninety minutes of rollicking rom ance since springtime got so popular. latest News, Cartoon and Sports Inctndlng well as on country trips. 2nd and Main Phone 187J Nyssa Cab Service Come On Are You Proud Of Your Hat? If you are not satisfied with the way It looks, why not let us clean and block it? Expertly cleaned You Air-minded Veterans W e are in a position to enroll new students now for flight training. Take advantage of the G. I. bill of rights. The only actual cost to the student is $6 for a phys ical examination. Tax IN ORDER T O BE C ase y al shape. KEEP U NEAT CLEANERS F ly in g Jones S e r v ic e Phone 197W Ontario, Oregon l I Original “Sue Parker” Girls School Dresses SIZES 4 T O 12 Girls Party Dresses 2.98 $ Boys Sanforized Slack Suits SIZES 6 T O 12 R E A D Y FOR F A L L H A U L IN G Herriman Motor Company * then restored to origin W E S U G G E S T T H A T Y O U B R IN G Y O U R T R U C K S T O US N O W k and $ B A R G A IN N IG H T Evening». 4# r-V . will give good, courteous service in town as \ SIZES 3 T O 6 DOUBLE FEATUR E Adm. W e have acquired a new automobile and $ 2.00 TUESDAY, AUG . 6 Shows Returning To Service ST A N D A T SH E L L S T A T IO N | Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Schoen of Nyssa were married June 28. Mrs. Schoen was formerly Miss Donna Jean Matherly We B U ILD IN G PE R M IT S Joe L. Sutherland, remodeling re ¡den-e, Park street, block 29, Teutsch's addition. $400. Nyssa Cab C a ro ing credit accounts are urgently requested to attend a meeting for election of officers of W ANTED— Part-tim e or full-time help in hotel. Phone 114. lA2xp 2.69 $ BRACKEN’S