Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, August 01, 1946, Image 1

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    The NYSSA G A Â
________________ _____________________
in o
Nyssa Defeats
Baker Softball
Outfit 15 to 3
ööA, O REGO N, T Ü tm S D A Y , A U G U S T 1, 194(i
l t ‘ INCREASES BY 100
*,— Statesman)
¡¡— i
In ________
Gravel Fit
f a m il ie s in y e a r
School . VN ill « be
nnE^ NnSHtTL^PR10l>i School District
D U I N t d i j I v i ININLK
Ke-upened Here The largest single clean cultlvu- Plans To Erect
On September 3 tlon program ln Malheur county Is Garage Building
C ALD W E LL—“Shades
of Bun-
Eugene Oran May 5, and Edwin
A check of water accounts in the
being earned on by Curt Skinner
yan,” a spectator commented Mon- , Allen May 4, sons of Mr. and Mrs. city recorder’s office this week re­
Rob Wilson Leads Clout- day as he watched three draglines Willard May of Richland, Oregon, vealed that the number of famille-. Staffs in Two School: of Jordan vaiiey. according to oeo- Structure W ill be 153
tear across the desert five miles who were camped with a highway in Nyssa have
by at
Are About Completed, ¡ r ie w - Bam, assistant county agent ! poet Long; W ill House
ers With Six Trips
Mr. Skinner has approximate >
.north of Caldwell, constructing the crew on Gem avenue near Nyssa,1 least 100 during the last year,
10 Russes
Hartley Says
To Base
main canal for the Black Canyon were drowned about 9:30 Monday
150 acres under cleun cultivation
Connections with the city water
Plans for the instruction of a
T iie Nyssa Clowns trounced the pumping units.
The Nyssa schools will be opened this season to rid the area of a bad
morning when they waded into a | system have Increased to 550. an
The $621,000 contract is held by gravel pit filled with water, R. A. \ increa e of approximately 100 dur- \ September 3 for the 1946-47 year; Infestation of white top, morning garage and shop building by school
softball team of Scott's Men's store
of Baker Ln a one-sided game on Marshall and Haas. The draglines, Tacke, Malheur county coroner, *n8 Uie last yeai In many cases j Superintendent Henry H. Hartley glory, and Russian knapweed. He dLstrlct No. 26C north of the high
reports that two years of Intense tahool building were announced by
the Nvssa diamond Sunday after­ working the clock around, are now and Sgt. William H. Roach of the more than one family Is using one announced today.
tap as families are crowded Into
operating ln Hartley gulch. The Oregon state police, reported.
The district has employed a com­ cultivation followed by a heavy Luperintendeiit Henry Hartley.
noon by a count of IS to 3.
basements and attics and even in
The building will be 153 feet long,
plete staff In the high school with seeding of alfalfa has given guoo
was canals are scheduled to be com­
The boys were reported missing the same rooms.
with a shop 30 by 40 feet. The re­
scheduled as a doubleheader, but
Figuring four persons to a fam­
about 9:30 a.m. and the bodies were
mainder of the structure will be de­
Meanwhile excavation is under­ recovered at 10:17 and 10:20 o'clock, ily, the 550 connections would In­ about completed arrangements for lunch.
one Baker team failed to make the
voted to the garage. It will be con­
The machinery he uses is a D-B structed o f cinder or cement blocks.
dicate that Nyssa has a population the grade school faculty.
trip, so the Scott's men agreed to way and piling has arrived for the Tacke said.
of 2250. However, more than 550
The floors have been reflnished ln aterpillar with double disc to get
Space will be provided for eight
play nine innings Instead of the 100x24 foot concrete pump house,
Nyssa police officers used a res­ families are believed to be living both buildings and 12 rooms Ln the he soil in shape to work with a
busses in the garage and two ln tlie
construction of whloh Is expecteu pirator on one of the small lads here so that the population is elementary building have been kal- duck-foot cultivator. Skinner keeps
u iu l seven.
shop. A concrete floor will be laid
one man on full time at this job.
Baker was held
by to cost $.:0u.lX)0, and equipment for while Tacke and Roach worked probably at lea■ t 2500.
somined by district employees.
in the shop, but no floor will be
The district expects to install
Hurler Tommy Holman until the which is expected to cost another with the other, but "they were both | The city has a record of 350
laid in the garage section.
dead when they were taken from ewer connections.
fluorescent lights ln 12 rooms In the
» it *
Clayton Jensen will be In charge
seventh inning, when Castle scored $150,000. Vernon Brothers of Boise
the water," Tacke said.
of the shop and garage.
grade school building.
c ^ C O U lS
a home run. The visitors scored hold the pumphouse contract.
A double funeral service was |
Bids will be opened tonight and
their other runs in the eighth | The pumping unit Is expected to held for the boys in the West and
work on construction will be start­
company chapel in Baker Wed-
ed as soon as possible.
The Clowns scored ln every Inn- Canyon project land for the 194« | nesilay morning interment was ln
Members of troop 58 and their
ing except the second and some ot crop season,
the Baker cemetery.
A special meeting held Sunday scoutmaster. Leo Child, returned KEN RENSTROM BUYS
the players scored more than once.
Besides their parents, the boys
Four-H club members attending afternoon In the city park by Mr. home last Friday evening from ATKESON BUSINESS
Bob Wilson, reached base six time«
are survived by their grandparents.
and scored four runs and Blair
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. May ot Sparta the annual club camp at Payette and Mrs. Grover C. Fretwell fo ; a Warm lake, Idaho, where they att-
Hendricks went to first five times
Kenneth Renstrom of Nyssa lias
and Mr. and Mrs. James Pratt of lokes August 5 to 10 will receive discusión of conditions existing In ended the annual Boy Scout sum­
instructions ln crafts work that can mental Institutions In the United mer encampment.
and registered three runs. Other
purchased the read estate and In­
be useful In making more useful States was well attended.
scores were made by A. Hendricks.
surance business of A. L. Atkeson,
In his talk Mr. Fretwell revealed lake July 16 and there participated and took possession at the office to­
and decorative articles, according
B. Short, Holman, Tobler, 2; Heidi,
The 1916 hunting regulations were .07 INCH OF RAIN
to Mrs. Clara Thompson, home sup­ that ln many cases Innocent victims ln the activities sponsored by the day.
and L. Wilson, 2. Other Nyssa
finally adopted by the Oregon sta'e FALLS IN NYSSA
ervisor of the farm security admin­ were “ railroaded" into these Instit­ district. After breakfast, cooked by
players were C. Wilson and J. Bell-
Mr. Renstrom will maintain o f­
game commission at a meeting
istration, who will teach the crafts utions, where he said they were the boys, classes were held each fices ln the present quarters In the
A total of .07 of an inoh of rain classes, this year.
maltreated and murdered. He said forenoon in swimming, rowing and Atkeson building. Mr. Renstrom,
Baker made five hits o ff Holman ! he‘ d July 21
The general deer season will ex­ fell in Nyssa Tuesday evening,
The recreational features of the the patients' outgoing mall Is cen­ other activities. The noon and even­ field man for the Dessert Seed
and Nyssa registered 14 hits o ff
tend from September 28 to October according to figures released by the
camp will be in charge of Mrs. Nell sored and ln many cases withheld ing meals were cooked at the main company for three years, is a son
Sowers. Both pitchers went the
25 inclusive, with a bag limit of j bureau of reclamation,
Bowers o f Arcadia, and Mrs. Threl- from delivery so that those victims kitchen and sent to the unit din­ of Elmer Renstrom, who Is engaged
entire route.
one deer having not less than fork- | The rain was the first since July ma Elliot o f Kingman Kolony. have no way of contacting their ing rooms, but the boys washed In the real estate and Insurance
ed antlers. Five special antlerless g except a trace that fell on the Games are planned that will appeal relatives or friends.
their own dishes and did other business in Nampa.
ueer seasons have been authorized: 26th.
Mrs. Eva G. Cadrey, who main­ chores.
to all members of the group. Spec­
Mr. Atkeson will assist Mr. Ren­
on problem ranges.
During the last week the tem- ial camp fire programs will be held tains a children's home on her farm
On Sunday, church services were strom In the business for some time.
The general elk season will ex- (perature reached a high of 103. each evening.
near Wilder, presented 13 young­ conducted by Rev. Frank Evans of
tend from October 29 to November registered on the 28th, but dropped
the Nazarene church of Emmett,
Previous camps have shown that sters, wiho sang several choruses.
20 inclusive in eastern Oregon and to 93 Tuesday of this week. The quite a few boys and girls cannot
with several boys participating ln
Alva Watts, operator of the Watts close one week earlier in western high for the month of July was swim, so Special swimming classes
the service. In a water carnival
Motor company has made arrange­ Oregon. T h e bag limits differ by 107, which was recorded on the for beginners will be taught by Miss
held Sunday afternoon Nyssa wen
ments to erect a garage building at areas.
second place, despite the fact that
Miriam Black, home demonstration
First and Main streets.
| Tw o small special elk seasons
Nyssa has no swimlng pool.
agent. Every boy and girl should
The building, erected of concrete have been authorized on problem
W ILD E R —Over 600 fans brav­
The Nyssa boys left Monday noon
at least have the rudiments of
blocks, will be built in an L shape, elk ranges in eastern Oregon.
on an overnight hike to the south ed the wind and rain here Tues­
•swimming by the end of the camp-
, J. A. Black of Nyssa rural roujf fork of Uie Salmon river and re­ day night to view the first two
40 by 62 by 80 feet, leaving a space
The upland game bird season
ling period.
for parking and driveways on the will extend fruui October 19 to 27
Club members signing up for died this mormug at 1 o’clock ln turned to camp Tuesday. On Wed­ games o f the opening round of the
southwest corner of the lot.
j 111 most counties with a bag limit of
camp this year are Jean Dille, the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontar­ nesday they hiked two and one- state semi-pro tournament, and
io of complications resulting from half miles to Warm lake,where they saw Wilder defeat Boise 6 to
The Main street and First street 2 cock pheasants and 5 Valley
Bettv Lou Jarvis, Barbara Hatch,
Two Nyssa residents were in-
sides will be devoted to window Quail. The season will extend to
1 and Ontario beat Payette 5 to 1
and Lester Parker of Kingman K ol- injuries sustained ln an accident they enjoyed ^wlmming.
July 12.
display space. The shop ln the November 2 in Malheur county i jured in automobile accidents uu i ___
During th i encampment six Ny- to retain the favorite roles.
Mr. Black was thrown from a ssa boys received merit badges for
W hile big Bob Batt was hold­
southeast corner will be 40 by 32 .,«1 »111 not open In me w m .m e .te | ih . Id .h o M t or Sn .ke « , * dnt- j “ / ¿ v
horse while he was working with rowing, swimming, and life-saving. ing the BoLseans to two hits, bis
Construotion Is expected to be
i ako Inouye, and Donna Eisenbarth j cattle on the range ln the Owyhee Jerry and Rahe Williams, Valdee mates pouiued on Don Fordea ln
for licenses to hunt in the special [ ceived facial injuries in an auto­
started In about a week.
Child, Richard Anderson and Dean the fifth, and from there on it was
i of Oregon Slope. Wesley Richmond, section.
Mr. Black is survived by his wid­ Hunter received badges for rowing, all Wilder. The hosts tallied only
big-game seasons will be accepted mobile accident Saturday evening [ “ c ^ R u b T s o ilM “ ^ ^
until 5 P. M. August 21, after which four miles north of Parma when a
ow and a brother, Orland Black, swimming and life-saving, Roger once in the fifth, but they came
Bolles of Valley View, and Beiva
lime drawings will be held and ¡car driven by Jack F. Ford of
who lives near Lake Lowell tn Skeen badges for swimming and back ln the sixth to score their
Hunter of Arcadia.
successful applicants notified. (No Nyssa left the highway and over­
the game,
Marvin Niccum, David Benedict, Idaho. He had engaged ln farm ­ life-saving and Reed Ray, an Eagle other five runs of
person shall be entitled to receive turned In the barrow-pit.
and Paul Benedict of Chalk Butte, ing ln Sunset valley since 1937. Scout, a badge for rowing
more than one special deer li­
George Quick of Nyssa suffered
Six of the Nyssa boys learned to homer being the grand climax.
Neal Goodell of • Lincoln, Mary Other details of his life were not
cense and elk license.) License fees facial injuries Monday night three
Ontario banged out four straight
swim and others improved their
Knudson, Eleanor Reed, Patsy Lang available this morning.
The body is in the Nyssa Fun­ swimming at the camp.
hits ln the first inning of their
Delores Blanton of Ontario wes remain the same as last year ex­ miles east of Parma. He was a Evelyn Lang, Vea Loy Franklin,
chosen as queen of the 1946 M al­ cept that the special deer licenses passenger in a car driven by Peter and Marjorie Johnson of Grove eral home. Funeral arrangements
Three Nyssa boys were Initiated game to take a commanding three-
heur county falit at a point show will be $5 for residents and $25 for Johannessen of Homedale route 1 I Irene Tucker of Willowcreek, Joe had not been completed this morn­ Into the Order of the Arrow, a nat­ run margin. Don Dibble hit a hom­
when it struck the rear end of a
conducted by the Sage and Saddle tion-residents.
ional service organization. They are er inside the park in Payette's
; Silvers and Colleen Presley of Bro- ing.
All hunters will be required to truck driven by Reed Walkings ot
club o f Ontario
at the county
Jerry Williams, Farrell Peterson half of the first, but that was as
| gan, and Gladys Wallis of White
check in and out of special big Parma route 1. State Patrolman
far as their threat went. The win­
fairgrounds Sunday afternoon.
and Richard Anderson.
Florence Webb of Ontario and game hunting areas; and no person Ray Lewis said the
For their head-dress the Nyssa ners got their other two runs in
Leaders who will assist with the
Meyrl Long,
Glenna Turner of Vale were selece- shall possess any game birds or parked alongside the highway for activates of the camp Include: Mrs.
troop received three feathers for the
ed as prlncesess. The winners were game animals in an area ln which repairs.
camp Inspection, a blue feather for catcher-manager of the Ontario
Fred Hyde, K. P director. Mrs.
Lewis said that Johannessen was
among nine candidates for queen, j the season is closed or inconsistent
the overnight hike, and the green crew, suffered a split finger ln
Clara Hauser, dietician, and Mrs
the fifth inning and will be on the
The fair will be conducted three unless said birds or animals have following closely behind
T. B. Duncan, cook.
As soon as a few details are feather for cleaning the grounds sidelines the remainder of
days, August 31 and September 1 been properly tagged within the car which passed the parked trupk
cleared and the civil production
and 2 and rodeo events will be ¡area in which they were legally and he did not see the truck in
and cleanliness of the boys. Mr. tourney.
time to avoid the crash.
Games will be continued each
staged every day of the fair Instead taken
Avoset corporation will start con­ Child received a red feather for night through Sunday.
Gun regulations remain the same
of on two days as in the past. All
leadership. Most of the boys made
of the mounted drill teems in the as last year except that the m il­
their own Indian head-dresses. One
The Owyhee Riding club of Nyssa Vice President Jdhn Slrex reported of them is shown in the window of
valley will be invited to enter the itary M -l carbines and Garand and
. _.
this week.
drill team competition.
the G ate City Journal office. Other i ^ r C Q l t l i l i r t H U
night rodeo next week.
Ontario stores will be closed chine guns have been banned for
articles made by the boys and
The Nyssa group will be one of was here Tuesday clearing a few shown in the window are belts, lan­
Saturday afternoon for the fair.
four teams that will hold a dress
yards, key chains, watch chains
Malheur rehearsal Sunday night. On Sun- ed.
A final meeting for the organi­
rrouinr company ..as com pleted, „
the four teams win draw fo r i Speaking at a luncheon of t h e ' ^ ^ f r o n ^ o r d l n l ^ b in d « t^hTe*
construction of a packing shed o n the teanvs on whlch they are t0 Nyssa chamber of commerce, Ray i made rrom urdlnttry Dmder ‘
zation of a local credit bureau
•- south
..... of . . Ny
Peterson said th a t the A voset p l a n t 1
the ».-----.--------------
Homedale branch
will be held hi the city hall Fri­
TO BUILD day night at 8:30.
A 2000-acre fire ln the Black
Rep. Lowell Stockman has been
The Nyssa drill team will held
The sheet metal building Is 159 its last practice before the rodeo milk produced ln this area.
A ll persons who extend rredtt
notified by the bureau of reclaim»- canyon section has been extlng-
Mr. Peterson, former county ag­
are urged by the sponsors to att-
tion that Its plans to consider con- uished by a 20-man crew that by 50 feet. I t contains all new on Bob Adams’ pasture tonight.
ent of Canyon county, Idaho, who
struction of the Bully creek reser- battled the flames for eight hours,1 equipment for handling potatoes,
Mr. and Mrs. L .E. Newgen have end-
will be manager of the new plant, purchased the Ray Bnslow prop-1 Officers and directors of the
voir o f the Vale Irrigation project the U. S. grazing service reported. ] onions and lettuce. The company
erty on Seventh and Park, where organization, which will be owned
as part of the Vale irrigation dis­ The fire, classed as “ man-caused", has already shipped 40 cars ot
for our milk will be an asset to the they wm erecC several dwellings.
by t*ie merchants, will be elected.
was started near U. S. highway potatoes.
The business is owned by H. C.
The new program will provide 30 between Caldwell and New Ply-
M I K think
" this section
" has
T h e new owners will remodel the The local group will be affiliated
Residents living In the vicinity a very fine dairy future".
extension of irrigation to approxi­ mouth by a discarded match or Greig and Herbert Fisher,
former laundry building Into three with the national credit bureaus
o f the city's main well on Third
cigaret, the officials said.
mately 5000 acres o f land.
apartments and will remodel one organisation.
street were without water for I Former Residents VlsR—
Although the fire was ln an Schmelrer Starts Service—
other small building. They will j Tw o previous meetings have been
area where much building and
Gordon Schmelzer, local aviator a time Wednesday because the j Mr and Mrs. Rock Shelton of build three entirely new one-fam- held for consideration of the or-
Takes Position—
Elden Ulmer has taken a posi­ improvement work is in progress, and manager of the Nyssa airport, pumping facilities went out of corn- Toppenlsh, Washington, former Ny- tly residences, which will be as i ganlzation proposal,
ssa residents, stoped here Tuesday modern as possible.
returned home Wednesday evening : mission.
tion as assistant manager of the the only damage was the range.
The pump had to be stopped for a short visit. They were en route
with a new 1946 Taylorcraft air­
Nyssa Pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. U l­
The buildings, of frame construe- Returns From Oklahoma
Mrs. J. E. Wlldman returned
a home from BoLse. They operate a tlon, will be erected to rent. Mr.
plane. which he will use In his when
mer and son have moved heie from Masons Will Meet—
A Masonic and Eastern Star pic­ operations at the airport. He flew valve under the street loosened, lunch counter In Toppentah.
Boise and have purchased a resi­
and Mrs. Newgen hope to have Saturday from a month's trip to
dence from William Scroen on nic will be held in the Vale park rhe plane here from Vancouver, creating a leak in the line. Dlscon
them In readiness for occupancy Vlcl, Oklahoma, where she visited
friends and relatives. She was ac­
north First street. Mr. Ulmer was August 11, I. W. Hope of Vale, Washington. Schmelzer. dealer ln j tlnuance of the use o f the well Takes Position—
within the next two months.
companied Mr. and Mrs. George
Del E Poor of McCall has taken
graduated ln pharmacy from the district deputy grand master, ann­ Taylorcraft planes, will give stu- caused a reduction in pressure in
Wlldman of Oktasyn. Saskatchewan,
a position as mechanic for the
Southern ounced. A potluck dinner will be dent instruction, fly on charter all parts of the town,
Canada, who visited In Nyssa over
Nyssa Implement company. He was OFFICERS NAMED
Branch, at Pocatello in 1943. He served with the Vale lodge fur- trips and give passenger rides.
the week-end.
employed as a mechanic by the BY LDS MUTUAL
III At H o m e -
was discharged three months ago nishing coffee. The Job’s Daugh-
Dr. John Long Is seriously HI ¡equipment section of the forest tor
from the navy, in which he served ters and Rainbow Girls and each To Speak In Caldwell—
O fficers of the Mutual Improve­ Here from Boise—
two and one-half years and prior
Grover C. and Flossie Fretwell, at his home
as a lieutenant. Junior grade.
j lodge and chapter in the district
to that time was with the Morri- ment association of the Nyssa L -
Mr and Mrs J. M. Tyler of Boise
representatives of the American
' are asked to furnish a number for
son-Knudsen Construction company D fl church were Installed at a and Mrs. Jim Beam spent Sunday
Visits In Seattle—
: the program. Softball games and Equity association of Washington, 1 Automobile Damaged—
meeting held Sunday evening In at the home of Mrs. Vernena Beam.
Harry Shelton has been ln Se- horsedioe pitching will also be D. d.. will speak at a general mass
An automobile occupied by Mrs. for several years.
the chapel.
Over-night Guest«—
attle the past week vlsKiiut his arranged. Nyssa residents may se- meeting ln the memorial park ln Harry Shelton o f Nyssa and her i
Mrs. Rosei Hunter was Installed
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Christen­
son, Joe A. Shelton, and family, ¡cure any further Information from Caldwell Sunday. August 4 at 2:3<: son, Larry Fisher of Nyssa. was| I .eaves Hospital—
Larry Nell Hickman, five-year- aa president and Mrs Duane And­ sen and son, Larry, of Pocatello,
p. m. Their subject will be "T h e damaged Saturday night when they
E. S. Frost.
Greatest Crime of the Ages, the drove Into the barrow-pit five miles old son of Mr. and Mrs. Onrll erson and Mrs. Frank Skeen coun­ and Mrs. Arlle Olsen and son. Nor­
Parents of Girl—
Accepts Position—
Insanity Racket and
Its Cure", north of Nyssa to avoid striking Hickman, returned home Wednes­ selors. Mrs. Ersel Bens was re­ man. of Rupert. Idaho were over­
Mr. and Mrs. Veri Reltenbaugh
are parents o f a girl bom July 31 Mrs. Grant Peterson has accepted Special music will be presented and a horse. One wheel and fender day from Ontario, where he under­ leased as president in order that night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
at the Nyssa Nursing home The a position as beauty operator at the free refreshments will
be served were crushed, but the occupants went a major operation tn the she might fulfill a stake mission Maugtian. The visitors were en rou­
Holy Rosary hospital.
te to Beattie.
baby weighed 8 pounds. 8 ounces.
Owyhee Beauty drop
The public la Invited to
attend. of the machine were not hurt.
Awards At Camp
Many Sign For
4-H Encampment
Hunting Laws In
Oregon Adopted
Watts To Erect
Garage Building
J.A. Black Dies
After Accident
Ontario, W ilder
W in Ball Games
Nyssa Residents
Hurt In Crashes
"ss ssr«. ■„
j“""' "■*-
Ontario Girl To
Be Fair Queen
Avoset Company
Officials Visit
Malheur Produce
Shed Completed
To Be Organized