__ THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL ’AGE THURSDAY, JU L Y 25, 1946 and Mrs. Pomplun were presented of J . E. Brower. many nice gifts. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served Make Business Trip— by Mrs. Clyde Hoke and Mrs. Ed. Wild and E. O. Rathbun left Tuesday morning for Portland on Glenn Hoffman to 38 guests. a business trip. They expect to be —I — gone about a week. CELEBRA TES BIRTHDAY lU iU ie J o e tginlh, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Sm ith of Mitchell butte. Week-End Guests— Mrs. Ruth Petty and children |celebrated his fifth birthday with a party last Sunday. Refreshments and Mrs. Violet McGinnis and chil dren of Kingman Kolony spent were served to 18 guests. the week-end with Mrs. Andy Mc I —5 - Ginnis. The two ladies are nieces SOCIAL GIVEN ' The St. Paul’s guild held a cab of Mrs. McGinnis. W ith m w m NEERASKA COUPLE WED Miss Jean ALpaugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Alspaugh or Broken Bow. Nebraska, and Alvie L. Pomplun, son of Mr and Mrs. B. R. Pomplun of Broken Bow, v ere united in marriage Tuesday July 11 by Judge Rlordan of Cald well. The bride wore a light brown suit with white accessories. The couple will make their home in a house on the Glenn Hoffmun ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Pomplun were hon ored w.lh a miscedaneous shower at the Glenn Hoffman Itome Thurs- aret and ice cream social laik F ri eveiim„’ After playing games. Mr. day evening in the Episcopal parish | hall. Dancuig and group singing weie enjoyed by thobe attending. I Music fur the dancing was furnish ed by Mrs. J. L. Church and son, 'Tom. Relrcshinents, consisting of Lome-made cakes and ice cream, Vacuum Cleaners were served. Assisting with the ser ving weie Merry Norcott, Margar et Sarazin and Barbara Richie. BROWER PLUMBING SHOP Eureka Soflo W ater Softener Electric Water Heaters Phone 95J F o r S a le Fred J. Kiesel Estate Parma, Idaho Ranches 678Vi> Acres W ater Right— Farmers Co-operative Ditch Co. All— or can be sub-divided. Each tract has set of buildings. Tract No. 1— 163.7 acres. Tract No. 2— 105.94 acres. Tract No. 3— 96.18 acres. Tract No. 4— 312.68 acres See or call Mr. Stanley Robins, Mgr. 515 Kiesel Bldg., Ogden, Utah Phone 6571 Or Moore Hotel, Ontario, Oregon From August 3 to 9th, inclusive NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 26-27 Tom Neal— Barbara Hale In “F ir s t y a n k in t o t o k y o ’" " “ His one-man mission inside Japan was a bold prelude to the atomic bomb. Also Wild Bill Elliott and Bobby Blake In “WAGON WHEELS WESTWARD” Shows continuous Saturday from 6 p.m. Mat., hat., K:s(l sum. u c-M Inc. la s Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c, Including Tax SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JU LY 28-29 The perfect crime picture with the perfect cast. Barry Fitzgerald, W alter Huston, Louis Hay ward and June DuPres In “AND THEN THERE W ERE NONE’ Agatha Christie’s sensation of suspense reaches the screen with all of its terrifying, baffling mystery. Cartoon and Sports Shows continuous Sunday rrom 6 p.m. Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 30c-9c, Inc. lax Adm. Evenlngx, 40r-9e. Including Tax TUESDAY, JULY 30 BARGAIN NIGHT .Peter Cookson, Warren William and Anne Gwynne In a spine-tingling thriller “FEAR” Also Comedy, Cartoon and Film Vodvil Shows continuous Tuesday from 6 p.m. Adm. tB c - e v . I nr. T u WED., THURS., FRI., JU LY 31, AUG. 1-2 Drawn together from worlds apart : : : a ven geance-bent, fortune-seeking beauty and a rug ged Texas cowboy-gambler..... Ingrid Bergman and Gary Cooper In “SARATOGA TRUNK” Ingrid Bergman Gary Cooper, the roman tic "F o r Whom the Bell Tolls” team, together again in a powerful, moving adventure drama. Late News Adm . K n n liix s e r- * I n c lu d in g T u Visiting Here— I Mrs. Earl Anderson and two ! daughters, Marcita Ruse and Mary Ruth, of 3alem. formerly of Nyssa. I visited friends here several days last week. They were en route to Ohio to visit Mrs. Anderson's moth er and other relatives. Mr. And erson was unable to make the trip because of ill health. On Trip To Mid-west— Mr. and Mrs. John Moran and two sons, Johnny and Tommy, re turned from a 16-day vacation spent in North and South Dakota, Nebraska. Yellowstone National Spends Day in Boise— Mrs. O. E. Dorman spent Tuesday park and the Black hills. n Boise. » Visit Here— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gibbs of On Trip— D. L. Anderson of the Owyhee Seattle visited last Wednesday and Drug company left Sunday on a Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dorman. busines trip to Portland. Organize Sabbath School— L-.aminer Coming— A Seventh Day Adventist Sabb A drivers license examiner will be in the Nyssa city hall Friday, ath school was organized last S a t H OSTESS TO CLUB urday at the home of Molley Nel Mrs. Aden Wilson was hostess to July 26 from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m, son. Elder Robert Adams will be the Wednesday evening bridge club the acting pastor. The followiiii last week. Special guests of Mrs. Go Fishing— Andy McGinnis. Wallace Paul officers were elected: Naomi Buch- Wilson were Mrs. A. L. Fletcher and Mrs. Artie Robertson. Prizes in and son. Junior, spent Saturday ert. superintendent; Carl Bentz, as the card game were awarded to and Sunday lishing ut the Owyhee sistant superintendent; Molley Nel Mrs. Fletcher, Mis. Luray Trabert Dam. Mr. McGinnis caught a trout son, secretary; Mrs. O. L. Haney, chorister; Mrs. Carl Bentz and L that was 26 inches long. and Mrs. John Bowen. C. Waters, teachers. Twenty-thrtx - 8 - persons attended the meeting. Return from Twin Falls— TUESDAY CLUB MEETS Mr. and Mrs. A1 Thompson re- Members of the Tuesday after noon club were guests of Mrs. K en tured Monday after taking their Child Injured— Valorie Fivecoats, 5 year old, of neth Cottle. Bridge prizes were won granddaughter, Sharon Beutler t< Mitchell butte section, suffered a by Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. her home in Twin Falls. severe muscle bruise in the right Joe Sutherland. Guests of the club shoulder when she fell while play were Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Arden Suffers Arm Fracture— Theodore Rust of the Mitchell ing with neighbor children. Newsom. butte broke his arm in two places 5 - l o t i L a t e t o Classify while roping a horse last week. He O U ESTS AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Francis of was given medical attention In FO R SALE—1936 Plymouth coupe, Depot Bay, Oregon were dinner Nyssa. radio-heater. Clowers broth e r s, guests at the home of Mrs. Lillian north First street. 25J2xp Newby Monday. PORÂALE—800 feet of 2 by 8, 2 by 10 and 2 by 12 lumber. Jake's Fix- ENTERTAINS CLUB it Siiop. 25J1XC Mrs. Tom Eldredge invited mem bers of the Thursday afternoon FO R SALE—8 piece walnut dining club to her house last week. Extra room set. Phone 31W. 25J1XC. guests of Mrs. Eldredge were Mrs. Ed. Frost and Mrs. Bernard Frost. Prizes were won by Mrs. Frank O u r H om e Loans are Morgan and Mrs. Ed. Frost. —f — C O M P lE T E MR. AND M R i. CLUB M EETS E a ty - to - The Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. club met at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Bernard Eastman. Guests of the club were Mr. and Mrs. George Sallee. Mrs. Sallee and Harry M in er won high scores in the bridge gome. live With LOCAL NEWS Have Guests— Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Brower had | as their house guest last week Bruce Brower of Weiser, brother part-tune FOR SALE—Modern two-bedi oom 25J2xc i house with basement, three lots, trees, lawn, shrubbery and electric FO R SALE—15 sacks Blue tag water heater. Earl Gray, Box 336, Montana White Rose potato seed. Nyssa. 25Jtfc. Irving T. Duflin, 2 miles north on STRA YED—Female red cockei highway. 25Jlxp. spaniel. Child's pet. Answers to FOR SALE—Boy's Hiawatha bi- name of Wiggles. Notify Robert 25Jlxp sycle. Verla Blodgett. 25Jlxp. Runcorn, route 2, Nyssa. WANTED—Woman for house work. Phone 82. iïion th !y payments, like rent, bring debt-free home ownership to you safe!/, quickiy and eco n o m riilv Eastern Oregon Federal N EW STEEL PIPE 6" O.D. — 12 G auge 20 ft. Lengths with Quick Couplings SPECIALLY PRICED Any Quantity — Immediate Delivery Also New Steel Rounds, Flats, Plates Writ« or W ir« for 0 «talU ] STEEL DIVISION California Bag & Metal Co. 24th & Nicolai PORTLAND 10, ORE. BRoadway 1678 “Dirt will get your Diesel if you don't watch out truck SERVICE HERRIMAN MOTOR COMPANY Savings and Loan Association New Higher Pay For Sale! . lis O O t «rucks rolline *• K“ p ^ „ . w “ * 1'”- Sure as shootin’, if there’s Old Man Dirt in your Diesel fuel, there’s trouble ahead. Every drop of fuel goes through injector-nozzle holes small as a human hair. And if these injectors get dirt-worn, that does it, brother. Cuts the power o f your Diesel and leads up to repair bills. Because it’s all- important to use a CLEAN fuel, use Standard Diesel Fuel — distilled 100% for PU RITY. i* « * fo r the A rm y ! W. E. SCHIREMAN PHONE 61 NEW X SCALE PAY A STAN DARD OF CA LIFO RN IA PRODUCT IN A D O IT tO N T O C L O T H IN G . F O O D , L O D G IN G , M E D IC A L A N D D E N T A L C A K E . A N D L IB E R A L R E T IR E M E N T P R IV IL E G E S M o n t h ly R e fira m a n t In c o r n a A t t e r i S to rtin g Maxier Sergeant or First Sergeant Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant . . Sergeant . . . . Corporal . . . . Private First Class P riv a te ................. IN B a te P a y 2 0 Y ea r s' 3 0 Y ea rs’ P e r M on th S e r v ic e S e r v ic e $165.00 135.00 115.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 75.00 $107.25 87.75 74.75 65.00 58.50 52.00 48.75 $185.63 151.88 129.38 112.50 101.25 90.00 84.38 A D D IT IO N T O C O L U M N Softball Game Sunday, July 28 NYSSA SCHOOL DIAMOND O N C O P T H E A B O V I» DOUBLE-HEADER STARTING AT 2 P. M. 2 0 % In c r e a te fo r S e r v ic e O v e r t e a s . 5 0 % In c r e a te i f M e m b e r o f F lyin g o r G lid e r C re w e . 5 % In c r e a s e in P a y lo r fo e ft 3 Y e a rs o f S e r v ic e . Highlights o f Regular Army Enlistment 1. E n lis t m e n ts fo r 1V^» 2 o r 3 y e a rs . ( O n e -y e a r e n lis tm e n ts p e r m itte d fo r m e n now in th e A rm y w ith 6 o r m o re m o n th s o f s e r v ic e .) 2 . E n lis t m e n t a g e fro m 1 8 to 3 4 y e a r s in c lu s iv e ( 17 w ith p a r e n ts ’ c o n s e n t ) e x c e p t fo r m e n now in A rm y , w h o m a y r e e n lis t a t a n y age, a n d fo rm e r s e r v ic e m e n d e p e n d in g o n le n g th o f s e r v ic e . 3 . A r e e n lis tm e n t b o n u s o f $ 5 0 fo r e a c h y e a r o f a c t iv e s e r v ic e s in c e su ch b o n u s w as la s t p a id , o r s in ce la s t e n tr y in to s e r v ic e , p ro v id e d re- e n lis tm e n t is w ith in 9 0 d a y s a f te r la s t h o n o r a b le d is c h a rg e . 4 . U p t o 9 0 d a y s ' re e n lis tm e n t fu rlo u g h w ith p a y , d e p e n d in g on le n g th o f s e r v ic e , w ith p r e s c rib e d tr a v e l a llo w a n c e p a id to h o m e aiid re tu r n , fo r m en now in t h e A im y w ho re e n lis t. 5 . C o n s u lt y o u r A rm y R e c r u i t ;ng O ffic e r fo r o th e r fu rlo u g h p riv ile g e s . y e a rs ’ s e rv ic e in c re a s in g t o th r e e - q u a rte rs p a y a f t e r 3 0 y e a rs ’ s e r v ic e . ( R e tir e m e n t in c o m e in g ra d e of M a s te r o r F ir s t S e r g e a n t u p to $ 1 8 5 .6 3 p e r m o n th fo r l i f e . ) A ll p rev io u s a c tiv e fe d e ra l m ilita r y s e r v ic e c o u n ts tow ard re tir e m e n t. 8. B e n e fits u n d er t h e G I B i l l of R ig h ts a ssu red fo r m e n w ho e n lis t on o r b e fo r e O c to b e r 5 , 1 9 4 6 . Nyssa Clowns Versus Scott’s Men’s Store And 9 . C h o ic e o f b ra n c h o f ae rv ico an d o v e rse a s t h e a te r ( o f th o s e s till o p e n ) on 3 -y e a r e n lis tm e n ts . ENLIST N O W Knights O f Columbus AT Y O U ! N K A R IS T U . S . ARM Y M C IU n iM O * GOOD lO t S T A I IO N FOR ' t o f ' 6 . M u s te rin g o u t p a y ( base«! u p o n le n g th o f s e r v ic e ) to a il m en w ho a r e d is c h a rg e d t o e n lis t o r re e n lis t. U. S . A rm y 7 . O p tio n to r e t ir e a t h a lf p a y fo r t h e r e s t «if «•>«•* lif e a f t e r 2 0 FI UK CHOOSK Baker’s two best softball teams, who won first and second places TNI% P R O F t S S ION in the first half of their league schedule. y* NOW! 4 1 9 F E D E R A L BLD G ., B O ISE , ID A H O Admission 25 cents, Including Tax