TllE NYSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N AL now ripening, due to lack of cann ing sugar by housewives, and GRANGE IS ASKING CHECK ON SUGAR "W H EREAS this is resulting in The executive committee of the depressed market prices for a num- Oregon State Grange passed a 1 ber of products, and WHEREAS there are conflicting resolution at a recent meeting in leports as to the amount of sugar Portland asking for an immediate on hand in this country; therefore re-survey of sugar stocks. The resolution reads as follows: "W HEREAS the present sugar allocation for home canning is en tirely inadequate to care for home canning neeas, and be it "RESOLVED, by the executive committee of the Oregon State Grange that we ask our delegation in congress to request an immediate re-survey of sugar stocks ana "WHEREAS, even at this early allocations with the purpose of in date in the season, there is con creasing sugar allotments for home siderable wastage of fresh fruits canning purposes”. Don’t Rub The Spot Send the garment to us. Home cleaning can ruin sensitive fabrics. Parker’s Nyssa Cleaners RANGE LAND BURNED oi any type flle OVER IN VALE AREA ” Z 5 ' “ TH URSDAY. J U L Y 25, 1916 PAGE FIVE lhat endang- doubles and one the aforementioned et al. VIS/4« T o quiet title. bert. 7/18/46. Divorce. Tessie Qwynn vs. Meri B. Gwynn. °“ that permit hand' Nys-a ------- batte*s tou.hed Hunei . 7/14/46 Divorce. m at a a burning ournmg permit ---- --------- --------- I o ‘ r n where such a fire is to Jaik Fre.:ch for eight mows, out | Roy Wallace vs. Pioneer Meat. | berVlflg 5 L O U m i e S they i>rorn the Larsest Stock they were all singles and Jack Packers. Packers, 7/18/46. Recovery of m on-' mandatory mandatory A range fire in the hills east of be obtained Vale started, ale burned over 3,600 acres of pas- be started. of ture land east of the Saddle and kept them well scattere 1. ey 8678 20. south to Lytle boulevard. It was Nyssa's lineups were as follows: Loraine Gilbert vs. Cecil L. G il- A. Hendricks, rf; B. Wilson, lb; confined on the east by the Owyhee D | rix B. Hendricks, 3b; C. Wilson ss; ditch. Parts Holman, p; Tobler, c; Heldt, cl; Grazing service crews backfired Orders Shipped Immediately ________ Bellon. if; L. Wilson, 3o; Lewi,, II, from Lytle boulevard and cut fire guards through the hills to the j (Continued Prom Page One) | and short, rf. east in an effort to stem the blaze. an() scored when Hendricks' ground No cattle were endangered it was pitcher was d COLUMBIA AVENIJF Payette, Idaho PI. >m 49 reported. I „ j Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Martin H. Galt, grazing service Flrst Baseman bowers. 1 family, who were home for a few director here, said that the range While the Scott batters were try- t)ays relurned to the mountains at is very dry at this time and that lng to duplicate their first inning Summit Prairie Thursday, every precaution should be taken uprising—but with little success— | Mrs. Gerrit Stam attended the to prevent the beginning of fires, the Nyssa hitters suddenly jumped Civics club meeting at Ny.ssa Wed- A Plate law, enforced by the state on Cline for four run in the fourth nesday. fire marshal, prohibits the starting canto which turned out to be the Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Groot ot winning margin. The rally wasn't j Apple Valley called on relatives in Cline's fault entirely, however, as this community Wednesday evening, BY SCHIEMER AND STONE two costly errors gave the Beet Mrs. Gerrit Stam was an Ontario Pickers two unearned runs. In fact, visitor Thursday, only one hit was made in the big | Tony van Twisk visited at the Excavating, basements, sewer line, pipe line inning, but two walks, three stolen home of his uncle, Rikus van Twisk, bares and the aforementoned boo- ,of Valley View last week, and back filling. hies did the damage. j Mrs. pick Stam of Oregon Trail The Clothiers, trailing 5-2 going was a guest of her daughter, Mrs | into the final frame, put on a little Pete van der Ord, Saturday. General Delivery Ontario, Oregon spurt to score their final run W 1th . ----------------------- one cut Wendt drew a walk and] B U IL D IN G PE R M IT 3 • Each kit contains 3 full came all the way home when An- ---------- ounces o f Salon-type solution, 60 Curlers. 60 end tissues, erron rifled a double to left center Bud Anderson, addition, 5th and cotton applicator, neutralize* field. The rally died, however, as Reece, $1000. 14 by 24. a n d c o m p le ta in stru ction s. NOTICE Sowers and Wright lofted out to C. B. Burningham, Main street, end the contest. alteration. $500. That county warrants not presented will lie i The second game was close all Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, 3 cabins. cancelled. the way with neither squad holding Fourth and Bower, lot 1 and 2, more than a two-run advantage at block 148, Ward addition, $2700, “ Nyssa’s Quality Store” any Notice is hereby given that the following one time. Nyssa opened the frame construction. fireworks in the second frame by | Robert W. Ditty, construction, warrants will be cancelled and the payments scoring one run on a walk and two garage, $400, 14 by 26, Fourth thereof will be refused unless said warrants singles and adding another mar Street, lot 7 and 8, Teutsch ad are presented to the County Treasurer for pay ker In the third on a hit and a dition. KC error. Charles Richards, construction, ment on or before September 1, 1946. Kilbury, playing snortstop for the basement house, Bower street, lot Knights of Columbus, scored his 9, block 148, $1000, 26 by 28. Date Issued Claimant Amount No. team's first run of the game by | c'riving a long home run into the j Aug. 5, 1938 E. D. Martin $ 1.70 5859 extreme left field corner of the 4.25 6696 Dec. 10, 1936 School district No. 10 ball park. The ball dropped Just out of the reach of thn charging Dec. 10, 1938 .50 Miss Johnson 6717 left fielder, Bellon, and rolled t o . D ISPO SAL SALE—Friday, Aug. 18.00 6779 Jan. 7. 1939 the fence. Antonio Arana 2, at 12:30 p. m. on Ei Dorado ran Three singles in the fourth put' ch on John Day highway, north of June 10, 1939 Mrs. Dorothy Burger, Sec. 11.50 7415 Nyssa ahead 3-1, but the Knights Vale, midway between Brogan and cqnie back with a run in their Jamieson. More than 500 items half of the frame when Nelson of farming and household equip H. S. Sackett, doubled down the left field line, ment. Eastern Oregon Land Co., took third as the left fielder fum owner; Bert Anderson and Joe County Clerk. bled In the field and scored on an Church, aucts. ir field out. The KC's finally knotted the NEWS OF RECORD count In the fifth a/> Bowen, lead ing off, went all the way to second when the pitcher threw his bunt M AR R IAG E LICENSES over the first baseman's head. Paul Steve S. Zrellak and Phyllis Mary Castle then scored him with a steaming double to right center— Powell, both of Ontario. 7/8.46. Lloyd George McCrillls and P at end it looked like a big rally was on. However, the Nyssa chucker settle ricia Ruth Scott, both of Pend 7/13/46. down and forced French, Stone and leton, Oregon. Daniel Smith of Indian Valley, I Crapo to loft out to end the Inning An unearned Nyssa run in the Idaho and Marjorie Martin o f Jas 7/20/46. . ' ixth proved to be the winning per, Alabama. margin as Hendricks, playing sec- CO M PLAIN TS. C IR C U IT COURT Clifford E. Putnam vs. Edna Mae ! ond base for the Beet Pickers, leached second when the center- Putnam. 7/11/46. Divorce. Charles Purdy vs. Dorothy Bur fielder dropped his low line drive. ( He scored a moment later when gher. 7/11/48. Recovery of money. I Pitcher Holman lined his third $960. David Marlon Suiter vs. Elene hit of the game into right field. The K C hitters made only four Emma Suiter. 7/11/46. Annulment hits o ff Holman, but all o f them of marriage. were for extra bases, three being t W illiam C. Boyce vs. H. E. Fuqua Nyssa To Play 2 miner l earns Manser, Inc. ba„ tQ ,h e Excavating GOLD WAVE mCtSSlASH tV j COLD WAVE 38 Owyhee Drug Co SALE CALENDAR Drapes Night Baseball Grand Opening tggBaskets! Idaho’s Newest and Most Modern Lighted Field At Wilder, Idaho IDAHO-OREGON LEAGUE FIRST HALF PLAY-OFF Wilder Versus Ontario Friday Night, July 26 8:30 P. M. * .. And prepare for them, too, by giving 4 your hene the belt of everything this ~ fall. Give them every break pouible _^and they’ll pay you back because thie year there’* money in egg*. &UI ok 1U, fox tyon*, TteetU W e have a limited supply of beautiful ready $13.95 Pair made, lined drapes Baby deserves a com T U R N YOUR GRAI N Real fortable, INTO A sturdy high chair made of beautiful waxed birch. Lull-a-baby, Balance your grain for lots of eg gs with Purina Lay Chow. Feed half and half w ith g r a in a n d s e e the difference. proof and sanitary high chair pads to add com fort at meal time. Large, Tickets on sale by Nyssa chamber o f commerce at water beautiful, all wood, folding, clothes dryers you have FRANK MORGAN’S OFFICE been wanting. Come in and see them today. Admission $1 ; children 50 cents, including tax PURINA LAY CHOW Al Thompson and Son Nordale-Newsom Furniture Co. 165 Main Street