Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1946)
TH E N YSSA G ATE C IT Y JOURNAL PAGE FOUR TH U R SD AY, J U L Y 25, 1946 “ V A N T E D - Auto mechanic and parts his wile; Harold C. Hoxie ana of matrimony now existing between £ [man Phone 144J, Nyssa, post ot- Evva Hoxie, his wile; Herbert C .'th e parties hereto and for an or ' I t ___1 . ____J n ..e v <>____1 _ Ulifn' 13 Jtfc. Hoxie and Ruth Hoxie. his wile; uer bee to wing upon the plaintitt Ik e box A ______ I being the heirs of W. B. Hoxie, the care and custody of the three jueceased; Oertrude Eva Boydell, Found -------- a single woman; J. Blaney Boy- minor children of the parties. This summons is published by FOUND— Two 3-gallon army gas dell, a single man; Arthur H. Boy- cans near Dunaway. Stanley Gou- dell and Blanche Boydell, his order of the Hon M. A. Biggs, R ATE a: 1 w'v cent» per wora Ici tech Issue. Alter uiie month one let, Newell heights. Owner may wiie; Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. Clrcult Judge, dated fluly 2 194 o have them by paying lor this ad- Sarazin, her husband; Elizabeth ______ i____ \ _______^ etnt per word. Minimum. cash In advance, is 30c. prescnblng tnat this summons be vertlsement. 25Jlxp. Agnes Nedry and E Britt Nedry, served by publication thereof, once -------------------- -------- ■ ------- her husband; Winifred B. Thomas, MISCELLANEOUS sole heir of Win S. Brown, deccas- each week tor four consecutive Classified Advertising M IS C E L L A N E O U S Elizabeth Gooueu is visiting at Mrs W E. Goodell s home in Mer idian. Mr. and Mrs. John Cleaver of Centerville, Iowa spent several days the past week at the Geoige Cleaver and Jim Reeder homes. Mr. Cleaver is a brother of Mrs. Reeder and George Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and LaVern, Bernice Bowen and Donna Belle Ooodell were In Ont ario Sunday. Mis. Hoke and Mrs. Glenn H off man entertained at a shower for Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Pomplun at the Hoffman home Thursday evening. Thirty neighbors and friends att ended. Refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served by the hos tess. Lovely gifts were received by the honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Goodel and Donna Belle attended the Grange meeting at Chalk Butte where the Oregon Slope Giaugi presented the traveling gavel to tin Chalk Butte Grange. August 1. The Do-More 4-H club r. et with Richard and Roger. Mary Jo and Larry Jenkins last Friday night. Washoe 4-H club members were visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Arnle Flnnigsmier and family drove here from Twin Falls Satuday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preston. Sunday dinner guests In the Jim Preston home were Mr. and Mrs. A. Flnnigsmier and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood and Horace Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blakesiey. *50. JO. vctc/iisi r AM ROUS— Custom com- ed’ and P ' Thonms her hus* and successive weeks in the Gate 13Jtfc “ r . “ uth of Parma- d- n a l , a newspaper pub- Junction. Martin Turtle, p Thomas ¿ er husbani . and ‘ “ hed Ul Malheur County. Oregon. FO R SALE— Hammermul h«> FOR S A L E - 2 houses on one lot, Nyssa 18J2xp____j lhe unknown heirs, if any of H. K Tne date of the first publication chopper. Also Jersey cow. Robert one 3 rooms and bath. One 2 rooms route 2. Parma. A penny saved Is a penny earned, Stoaks, Eureka avenue. 2 miles and bath. *l6c'J.OO terms. M ISCELLANEOUS—Attention irr- Brown, deceased, and Hoy W ill- j hereof is July 4, 1946 and the but dollors are lost In forests burn north and 3 west of Nyssa. 25J2xp 3 HOUSES^-all have electric water gators. We have for sale several oughby and Jane Doe Willoughby, j ate 0f publication is ed. It may be your neighbor’s pro tanks, furnaces, baths, garages. thousand steel pipe 18 inches long, his wife; also all other persons and Augm£ l, 1946. 1 OR S A L E - Baby stroller. Prac Good location. Shade and lawns. perty but every tree lost by fire is suitable for row crop or corruga- parties unknown claiming to have, A L f1etcher, tically new Phone 183W 25J2xp Terms money out of your pocket. Protect tlon irrlgutlng. Also 20 store, gar- any right, title, interest in or lien j Attorney f 0r tne plaintiff, payrolls. KE EP OREGON GREEN FOR S A L E — Safety roller kates 3 ROOM HOUSE with bath, elect age or warehouse bins or shelving upon Lot 7 of Block 27, feutsch s . ^ g i^ e iic e and Post O lfice address: hot water tank, garage, lawn | 7 ^ h 10 ^ feel long addition to the City of Nyssa, Mal- lor beginners. Solid steel one-piece rie Nyssa, Oregon. _____ i a . __ —— * > t o n n T u rm u ® ' i L ___ m _____ . . . a ___ _ .. . r ----- FPEE CLINIC FOR sturdy and well built. L. J. Joseph- heur County, Oregon. Defendants, wheels for safety. Sizes from 3 to and trees. *2200. Terms, BERNARD EASTM AN son and Son. Payette, phone 392J j T o M ALH E U R COUNTY, a pol- HARD OF HEARING 10 years. *2.49 a pair. Nyssa Fur- OWYHEE 27Jtfc ltical sub-division of the State of Iture store. 28Jtfc. FOR SALE—Portable air condition __________________ ________ Oregon. H. S. Sackett, County 20Jtfc. Mrs. Martha Klingback and son, FOR SALE— 1941 Ford five pase- er. Bernard Eastman. MISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteed clerk and Ex-Officio, registrar ol ;f*r deluxe coupe, radio, heater,' _ OR 3ALF. Two-wheel trailer cwlng machine repairing. Complete t.tles for said Malheur County; Fred, left Wednesday for Tilta- J fog lights. Car In A - l condltlcm. ,_ ble model radio. Phone 'took of new parts for all machines. Lulu L. Hoxie, widow of W. B. mook. Oregon U> visit her sister. " with (95J5 *1400. Can be seen at ranch 18J2xp 1 including electrics. Rebuilt mach- Hoxie, deceased; Dewey B. Hoxie They will visit in Seattle, Yakima, ines for sale. Euy and trade. F and Doris F. Hoxie, his wife: Helen and Walla Walla before they re- lock corral four miles below Owy FOR SALE —Five room basement L ete" Sackett, Ontario. 20Jttc. a . Wilson and Paul Wilson, her turn home. They plan to Be gone BRIDES GET ADVICE hee dam. 25Jlxp. house, north Sixth street. *2100. — - — —.. — — —--------- husband: Lloyd E. Hoxie and Ruth about a month. ON SOCIAL SECURITY FOR S A L E — Rex cement mixer A. L. Atkeson. 9Mtfc. M ISCELLANEOUS For better ra- Hoxle hu w ife. cleston c Hoxle The club met Thursday with and equipment. 1935 V-8 coupe. -------------- dlo service brmg v„ur radios to Hoxle. his wife; Harold Mrs. Lem Wilson, Jr., with Mrs. Women workers should notify See taxi driver. 25Jlxp FOR S A L E — Automobile Insurance. Nordale-Newsom Furnl ure store Hoxie a n i Hoxle ,us wlfe; Blanche Hite assisting. The pink ., Public Liability, Property Damage, Oene Seybold, radlotnclan. HJtfc. | HefbeK c Hoxle and Ruth Hox- side lost in the attendance con the social security board when they marry so their names can be FOR S A L E - Dining room table p)re Theft and Collision. Placed test, which ended at the Thurs- changed on the board’s records at ami chairs. Mrs. W. F. Flndllng, (n t,)e j companies at lowest M7SCEULANEOUS — For Insured ie, his wife, being the heirs of W. and first class hauling see Stanley B. Hoxie, deceased; Gertrude Eva day meeting. The losers will give Baltimore. 817 North First St. 25Jlxp possible rate... Bernard Eastman. w.nners a party, ’’I f they do this they will Keffett. Phone 7«. Powell Service Boydell, a single woman; J Blaneyj the FOR SALE— Linoleum to cover 14 _____________ tation 7Mtfc Boydell, a single man; Arthur H . 1 Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Gordon make it easier for themselves and --------------------------------------------- ' Boydell and Blanche Boydell, his are the parents of a girl born Sat- the board when the time comes by 18 room. Phone 10R. 25Jtfc. pQR s a l e - 1937 l i t ton Interna MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate cai- j Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. Sarazin, urday, July 13. Mrs. Gordon was to file claims for old age and FC R SALE— Tiny Toy Chihuahua tional truck. Inland OH Service, and cylinder lock keys made Gain- her husband; Elizabeth Agnes Ned- formerly Alta Bradley, survivors insurance benefits", acc puppies. 172 East Fourth St 25J2xp ^ __ _____ ___________________ 18J2xp ble store. 250afc ry and E E ritt Nedry, her rus- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon- ordiag to Vernon A. Welo, manager bandr Winifred B. Thomas, sole aid and children, K ay and Ray- of the LaGrande field office. FOR S A L E - W illard” piano,” good FOR SALE- One «"legible to regls- BUTCHERING heir of W in S. Brown, deceased, mond, went to Homedale Sunday, conditlon. For quick sale, »100. ter milking shorthorn bull roan For the woman who marries Custom butchering every Mon and Louis P. Thomas, her hus- K ay stayed to spend a few days and wantes to change her name, Douglas Bateman, 451 north First calf. 2 months old with registra day and Friday. Beer, sheep and tion papers *75. William Gregg, 10 band; W inifred B Thomas, devisee with her grandparents, Mr. and the board has provided a special 25Jtfc. street. miles south, 5 miles west of Nyssa. pork. Sanitary butchering guaran of H F Brown, deceased, and Louis Mrs. Ray Fletcher. form, which may be obtained at teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must 18J3xp FOR SALE — Alarm clocks. Also route 2. Orville and Athol Felthut of the local field office of the board. come In Thursday or Sunday after P Thomas, her husband, and the one 8-day mantle clock. All good California are visiting in the Lew She should fill it out, attach the noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No unknown heirs, If any of H. F. New “ Hearing Lenses” T o Be For Rent timekeepers. Oeorge Bertsch. Ac is Skinner home. social security card bearing her stock accepted on butchering day Brown, deceased, and Roy W ill Demonstrated at Nyssa Friday ross from nursing home. 18J2xp Solicitors have been calling on maiden name and send the form to oughby and Jane Doe Willoughby, FOR RENT— Rooms. One m ile . One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta E. M. Hollenbeck, experienced his wife; also all other persona 1 residents of this community the the board. llJ 4 x p ' avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc Acousticon, will be in Nyssa F ri FOR S A LE — 1937 four-door Dodge west Nyssa. Fred Lindner. and parties unknown claiming to past week to raise funds for the The board does not assign her a day, July 26 to conduct a free sedan, good condition, W. M. M c have any right, title. Interest In improvement of the Owyhee cem new number, but issues a new card Legal Advertising W A N TE D clinic for the hard of hearing at Ewen, route 1. 18J2xp or lien upon Lot 7 of Block 27. etery. It is planned to put in a bearing leer present name and the [ the Owyhee hotel, 10 a. m. until SUMMONS Teutsch's addition to the City of water system and seed the ceme number that was originally assigned FOR SALE —Used mohair daven- W ANTED- - T o do laundry in my 6 p. m. ' poit Good condition, »24 Nyssa home. Will pick up clothes at 2nd IN THE C IR C U IT COURT OF Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, tery to lawn. This work cannot be to her. She thus will have only Hollenbeck offers his new scien 18J2XP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR done without the help of inter- defendants. Furniture Co. Phone 149W. llju ly t f and Locust. one social security number during tific free diagnosis to anyone troub __________________________________ THE CO U NTY OF MALHEUR IN TH E N AM E OF THE S T A T E ; ested persomi as the money is to her lifetime. I f she had more than led with any degree of deafness at SALE—Tw o registered Here- W ANTED Party with power saw | v. Kirk and James E. O F O REGON: You and each of ¡be raised by donations. one number, she might lose her absolutely no obligation. .ord cows with caives S. C. Larsson, 1 to cut wood Mrs. E. P. Larsson, phmips, Plaintiffs. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and you, are hereby required to appear benefits. “ This personal diagnosis," said Columbia Ave. . 4J4xp one mile west on Columbia avenue. | vs and answer the complaint filed Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc The board keeps all lnforation It 25J2xp 'Malheur County, a political sub- against you in the above entitled Ginnis and family and Mr. and receives from the worker confiden- Hollenbeck, “ is based on results FO R SALE— Slightly used side- ol Acousticon's new ’speech-hear- Plumber who can pass tllvislon ot t,le State of Oregon, court and cause within four weeks Mrs. Alvin McGinnis went fishing t al. Welo said. mount heavy duty, six-foot Ford W ANTED ig test' and points out with scien „ i - c,, hn..‘r H. S. Sackett, County Clerk ar.d from date of the first publication Thursday at Prairie City. They The worker may obtain further tific accuracy the exact nature of mower. See at J. CL Olsen ranch, Oregon exan • l ‘5° Ex-Officio, registrar of titles for of this summons, said first pub- ! «turned Sunday. information from Mr Welo by a person’s defective hearing. Just .. miles north of Nyssa on ^hUh- Burners Plumbing p. said Malheur County: Lulu L. Hox- lication date being July 4, 1916.' A picnic was held Sunday at writing to him at LaGrande. las a scientific eye examination de- ua3r’ ____________;_____________ _ W A N TE D -To buy any kind of brer le, widow of W. B. Hoxie, deceased: and if you fail so answer, for want Mrs. Anna Larson’s home honor- I termlnes the degree of defective FOR SALE— Good 100 acre ranch.'or veil; also we buy banger cows Dewey B. Hoxie an i Doris F. Hox- thereof, the plaintiffs will apply ing Le ter Lar.-on. who was recent. vision.” NU-ACRES r • ood modern Improvements, *15,000 Phone 31M or 06J1. llA t ic le, his wife; Helen A. Wilson and to the court for the relief den:and- ly discharged from the army. Be- I New “ Hearing-Lenses” Shown •c Frank T. Morgan. 4 J t f c . ---------- —---- - Paul Wilson, her husband; Lloyd ed therein to wit: For a decree sides Mr. and Mrs. Larson and son, One of the most dramatic of the Miss Jeanne Seuell, daughter ol ---------------------------------W ANTED Dead or worthless an.- E Hoxle and Ruth Hoxle, his wife: adjudging the plaintiffs to be the Wayne, other guests were Mr. and FOR BALE— 11 acres, seven-room nals, horses, cows, calv-s, sheep cleston C. Hoxle and Lucy Hoxie, owners in fee simple of the foil- Mrs. Albert Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Mi. «a o / n *.,. ii.ui-.oii - *.Ci-c»i, aiiu many scientific discoveries made house and shop. Inquire at Bill-« and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 1U2W, owing described real property sit- Hugh Glenn and son, biny, unu Blakesiey, son of Mr. and Mrs. during the war resulted in a dev- Harry Wood, were married Satur elopemnt called "Hearing-Lenses". lace west "of grade school build- Payette 560J3. Frultland 3713 o r 1 uated in Malheur County, State Tommy Evans ing. 20Jtfe. Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc day evening at the Roswell Bap [These special Tenses' are now being of Oregon, to wit: Don M. Graham tist parsonage by Rev. Opfer. They used in a plan periected by Am - Lot 7 of Block 27, Teutsch's add were attended by the groom’s bro arlca's oldest manufacturer of hear ition to the City of Nyssa, Mal- ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ing aids, to correct almost any type ¡heur County. Oregon. Insurance Agency Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sabin and ert Blakesiey of Van Nuys, C alif of defective hearing. That the title of said property The latest development of these be quited in the plaintiffs; that Geoige and Rita returned last ornia. The l: wlyweds left Immediately "Hearing-Lenses", featured In the the defendants be required to set *eek from Portland, where they Fire and Automobile for Twin Falls, where they will new Acousticon "Super-Power" Un- forth the nature of their respect pent a week, Claud Tezier of Valence Rhine, spend a tew days before returning ipac, will be demonstrated by Hol ive rights in said property; that Insurance the court adjudge and decree that France visited Mr. and Mrs. Gene to make their home In this conf- lenbeck at the free clinic. Hollenbeck pointed out that munity. all the right, title, estate, lien I K1PP week, Rentals Bonds or Interest which any of the de- j E11‘s Warner went to the hills The Farmerettes met last W ed those unable to come to the Owy fendants have in and to said prop- ' w'cek with Harry Hull to cut nesday at the home of Mrs. M ar hee hotel could probably obtain ion Seuell with Mrs. F. A. John,oil the free diagnosis and a private erty. or any part thereof. Is inferior i poles. demonstration in their homes, by ] In right to the plaintiffs’ esta te' Mr and Mrs. Martin Farmer and Mrs. Sam Henne assisting. The Nu-Acres Grange met at phoning 114, Nyssa. Private app [therein; that each of said defen- and son of Hagerman, Idaho are O PTO M ETRISTS E.W. PRUYN dants, and all persons claiming b y ,1 vsiting Mrs. Farmer's parents, Mr. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam ointments, he said, would be filled Henne. The next meeting will be in the order received, as far as PH YSICIANS [through, or under them, or a n y ■ and Mrs. Enter Stradley. DR. J. A. M C FA LL Aa>. | of them, be perpetually enjoined I Frank and Leo Teshida of Dead held at the Henry Blanchard home possible. Auto Repairing [ and debarred from asserting any O * fiat visited at the Otis Bullard S A R A Z IN CLINIC DR. JOHN E A S LY Reboring, Valve Grind such right, title, estate, lien or ¡dome Sunday, Dr. J. J. Sarazin interest In said property, or any j C. W. Barrett returned Friday . Dr. K E. Kerby ing. Lathe work. Parts 'part thereof; that by order of this from McCall, where he took a bus court, H. S. Sackett as R egistrar' >°«d of Girl Scout for a 10-day Physician and Surgeons of Titles, be ordered to cancel outing. and accessories certificate of title No. 392, and to Mrs. Ana Dail visited Mr. and L. A. Mauldin?. M. D. Physician and Surgeon is the freedom from fear o f loss o f tha issue transfer certificate of title Mrs. Dale Lakey and family In Phone 56w Phone 37 in lieu thereof to the plaintiffs Boise last week, Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 covering said Lot 7 of Block 27 Charles and Ethel Bullard and Phone 21, Ontario, Ore. D ally-E xcept Sunday ot Teutsch’s addition to the City Guy Shaffer returned Friday from B Y FIRE [of Nyssa, Oregon. a 10-day fishing trip. ThLs summons Is served upon Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ireland vis- .T ev V EERY STORES Nyssa Post No. 79 Hon. I I. A. Biggs, Judge of the lied Friday evening In the John Insure in Sure Insurance above-entitled court, made and en- Ztttercob home, PAULUS tered or. the 2nd day of July. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and With JEWELRY STORE 1916 directing that summons be family attended a picnic supper on Union Pacific Tim e Inspector rei ved upon you by publication j the lawn at the home of Mr. and AN HONOR thereof in the Nvssa Qate City Mrs. John Carr at Wetser Friday JE W E LR Y — DIAMONDS Journal once a week for four succ- j evening. W AT ' T»ES Remember when The American Legion essive weeks. 1 Arthur Sabin spent the week- you were extra good Main Street ... Second Holds regular meetings A. L. Fletcher. end in Burley with his mother, who hi school and the Attorney for Plaintiffs j has been 111. First and Third Thurs- teacher let you car WYCKOFF Residence address, Nyssa, Oregon. ( ------------------------ ry the brass bell to iavs, every month. JEWELRY STORE the door and ring It SUMMONS FOR PU B L.U ATIO N All veterans and service Legal Advertisement to call the others In Official Tim e Ins|>ector for IN THE C IR C U IT CO URT OF men and women are from recess? That Sealed bids will be received by Union Pacific THE STATE OF OREGON FOR was an honor, along welcome to attend our O N T A R IO THF CO U NTY OF M ALH EUR Henr>' H Hartley, clerk of School OREGON with passing copy , District No. 26-C, Malheur county, meetings.____________ _ Loretta Bell. Plaintiff paper and gathering j Oregon, at his office at Nyssa, v*. Sales Service Supplies the "exercise" after DENTISTS Melvin Bernard" Bell. Defendant Ore« on untl1 Au<fu-‘,t «• 1946 at » ^ ' the writing lessou. T o Melvin Bernard Bell, deien- p M - for tlle construction of » Remember? ' dant: ' one story concrete block garage j. R. n i N f i A t t r W O R LD FAM O US I IN THE NAM E OF T H E S T A T E >nd sl'° P building and w’iil then The Bridgford company, Frozen Food Div Dentist ELECTROLUX NYSSA O P OREGON, you are hereby not- u,d there ** op«'ned and publicly Phone 5Í-J Cleaner & A ir Purifier , (fled to appear In the above en- J ead a'oud ®lds recelved after the PU N ER a L HOME Sarazin Clinic ision, Ontario, Oregon, needs 300 women to tlt’ed court and cause within four fixed for opening will not be E. R. Anderson NYSWA OREGON weeks after the date of the first considered. Rt. No. Sunnyside, publication of this summons, which Plans and specifications may be register for work at plant during com harvest. F. F. BODMER Weiser, Idaho date Is July 4th, 1946, to wit: on examined at the office of Henry or before August 1. 1946. said date 11 Hartley, clerk, Dentist FLOOR SANDING being the last day of four weeks TBe board of education reserves W oik will start about August 1. Apply immed Ph. 187W ¡from the date of the first publtca- right to reject any or all bids, Wilson Bldg. New or old floors sand tlon of this summons, and answer Each bid shall be accompanied iately to main office in Concolidated Freight- (the said complaint, and If you ^ * certified check, cashiers check ed perfectly. Large HAY BUYER I fail to answer for want thereof, the or Md bond i with authorized sure- commercial machine I plaintiff will apply to the court ‘ V company as surety! made pay-| ways building or direct to the plant. W. F. JA H N and experienced oper- for the relief prayed or in her abl* *> owncr In amount not I complaint on file herein. Iess fr“ " 10 P*r cent of the amount Dealer in hav and grain | ators. Telephone Boise I This suit Is brought for the pur- Iof •****- Third at Good Ave. GI89R. pose of obtaining a decree of dlv- O E Cheldelin. chairman, ore*, forever dissolving the bonds ^Attest Henry H Hartley, clerk For Sale lO H S A L E -H a y derrick. Lee Frank T. Morgan. Buena Vista Arcadia Professional And Business H ire d ory The Nth Freedom Hay Frank T. Morgan J Help Wanted .