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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL Cow Hollow While he was chopping hay last week Joseph Callahan was thrown Into the gears of the machine and was badly bruised before the outfit could be stopped. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee were in Weiser last Sunday. William Beus and Irvin Duffin visited the Owyhee branch of the L. D. s . church last Sunday even ing In behalf of the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrud will visit relatives and friends in Boise this week. Mrs. Alvin Despain of Ontario visited her daughter, Mrs. Onita Callahan, last Sunday. Word was received last week that John A. Callahan, who is stationed with the army at Oeiger field. Washington, will be in Ny- ssa the latter part of this month. Ray Porter is now employed by ilk father on the Charles Durfee ranch. Fred Stevens and family, John THE COMMUNITY UNITED Utrickland and family and relatives PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH enjoyed a swimming party at Kingman Memorial Sniveley's springs last Sunday ev J. C. Nevin, Pastor ening. 10 a. m.. Bible school. Th^re is The Chalk Butte Grange will 11 a. m. morning worship^ hold a social meeting this week a class and welcome awaiting you. for new members. A lunch will be I Wednesday, 8 p. m., choir prac provided by the members. tice. _ The L. D. S. Relief society of SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY OF GOD Alfred L. Brim. Pastor Sunday school, 10a. m. Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintendent. Devotional services, 11 a. m. Young people's and children’s church, 7 p. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m. scarcity of fryers, place Bible study, Friday, 8 p. m. You are cordially invited to a t tend these services. your order now for September-hatched chicks. They will make nice early winter fryers and reduce your cost of meat. N EW H A M P S H IR E R ED C H IC K S Hatching every week after September 1 16c Each In small or large quantities. Lemon’s Hatchery Phone 111J tives at Idaho Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holly are *t home after an extended visit in Walter Schole s home in Bos ton and with relatives in illinot-. Mrs. Ulmer returned to her home in Alma, Nebraska after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cyrus Bishop, and family. Mr and Mrs. Verl Bishop en L. D. S. CHURCH tertained at dinner Thursday ev Sunday, 9:15 a m„ priesthood ening in honor of Mrs. Ulmer of Alma, Nebraska and in celebra meeting. m., Sunday tion of the fifth birthday of their Sunday, 10:30 son, Leroy. Besides the honor school. guests Mrs. Walter Bishop and Sunday, 7:30 p. m., sacrament Mr. and Mi's. Cyrus Bishop and daughter were present. meeting. Gerrit Muntjewerff of Parma Tuesday, 2 p. m., Relief society was a Bend caller Saturday. He meeting. . and his family were leaving tor First Tuesday of each month at j a vlslt at th€ Ted Newton lvome 4 p. m. Primary for children be- at Joseph, Oregon. ween ages of 4 and 12. Walter Bishop returned home Saturday evening from a few days TIE METHODIST COMMUNITY stay at -his ranch in Long valley. CHURCH With the help of his nephews, who Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor have a ranch near his, he starved Sunday school, 10 a. m. building a new house. Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Rev. A. R. Herring will be guest W O R LD N EEDS M ORE speaker. Fellowship meetings, 7:30. RED C LO V ER SEED No evening service. “The world needs mo.» red c'c- Bible and prayer meeting Wed ASSEMBLY OF GOD ver seed.'' said Harry Sandquist, nesday, 8 p. m. Pastor, C. L. Snider county agent, today. U.S.D.A. oft- Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. icials have asked for a national in TIIE CHURCH OF THE Singing, preaching, prayer at NAZARENE crease of 16 per cent over last year'' 10:45. harvested acreage. E. J. Wilson, Pastor Fasting and prayer Sunday even Last year Malheur county har 10 a. m„ Sunday school. ing 11 a m„ song service and ser- vested about 5000 acres and pro Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. duced around 1,500,000 pounds Tuesday, 8 p. m., prayer meeting «non. at parsonage. 1 7:15 p, m. the three groups of The county can increase this a- Thursday, 8 p. m cottage p ra y -1 young people will have charge of mount of seed by some or all ol the following means: the services, er meeting. : 1. Make arrangements to have 8 p. m. evangelistic service. Wenesday at 8 p. m. a good pray- at least one hive of bees per acre CHRISTIAN CHURCH er and praise service excepting the of clover seed, 5th and Ennis Sts. first Sunday of the month, which 2. Cut out weedy patches for hay George Whipple, Pastor so that weeds won't be scattered will be missionary service Bible school, 9:45 a. m. through the entire lot of seed. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com LUTHERAN CHURCH 3. Rogue out weeds that have munion served each Lord’s day. Services will be discontinued dur inseparable seeds, such as dodder, Evening services- Christian En- teavor, 7:30. For all ages, junior, ing the ramainder of the summer. sweet clover, and buckhorn plan prior and adult. Church services Our next day of worship will be tation. 4. Mow sweet clover or other September 1. 8:15. plants attractive to bees around tlie Owyhee branch will discontinue ,heir couslns. Mr- and Mrs- p - A- the edge of the field or the road | sides. Make the bees work the clo- j Us weekly meetings until OetoDer. Miller. Leroy Bishop celebrated his fiftt'. Only work and business meetings birthday Thursday by entertaining will be held during the summer. five of his boy friends. A happy afternoon was spent playing gam es, followed by refreshments of Ice cream and cake. Mr, and Mrs. McCormick of Boise Miss Helen Hatch returned home were overnight guests Thursday of Thursday from a visit with rela- PAGÉ FIVE BURGH Baby Chicks To help relieve the THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1946 Nyssa, Oregon Big Bend J ver fields instead of the fence row. CARD OF THANKS 5. If the field Is irrigated, stop We wish to express our thanks the water so that the field can be and appreciation to our many cut for seed in August, thereby a- friends for their thoughtfulness t hiding the danger of losing the anJ kindness In our recent te - cro p b y fall ra.ns. I reavement. 8. Provide other pastures, thus j Mrs. Alton Roy. • saving clover fields for seed. Mr. and Mrs. Ira R. Ure ana in order to encourage seed har- family. v e t in small, low-yielding f i e l d s , ------------------------ the government is offering a bonus BUILDING PERMITS payment for red clover of 9 cents Mable Peterson, construction. 7th per pound. This offer is limited to stieet, Glasgow addition, t>U00, small acieages. Details are avail- frame. 24 by 24. able at the local P.M.A. office. | John A. Points, sonstructlofi, lots ------------------------ 112 and 13, block 141, Ward addition. In Robe— »2000. frame. 24 by 30. Mr. and Mrs. Cordon F. Ray A. Gallegos, construction. 14 by 16. and family were In Boise Thursday $100. Ehrgood avenue, lot 8, block on business. 85. Westfall addition, frame Dr. G. W. Graves Optometrist Now at his new modern offices 718 Arthur St. Phone 720 Caldwell. Idaho (Directly across from the American theater) nr For Sale! NEW STEEL PIPE 6 " O .D. — 12 G au ge 20 ft. Lengths with Quick Couplings , SPECIALLY PRICED Any Quantity — Immediate Delivery A lio N tw Steel Rounds, Flots, Plates WrH* «r W ir« f«r O .talU 1 STEEL DIVISION California Bag & Matal Co. PORTLAND 10, ORB. 24»h & Nicolai BRoadway 1678 ATTENTION Pay Your Bills and V Head off Inflation > 4 « Here’s what those new Chevron signs mean to you W h e n the C h e vro n sign goes up over a gas station, you know the dealer is an inde pendent businessman in your community. You see, kxs of folks appreciate the friendly, per sonal brand of service they get at independent stations but they don’t always know they are "home-owned.” So the new Chevron sign and the distinctive burgundy, cream and green paint job is the way we’ve taken to drive that fact home to folks around here. REM EM BER. e We want to be sure our customers get the best — and you just can’t beat new Chevron Gasoline, RPM Motor Oil and all our other fine accessories and services. We’ll be happy to honor Standard of Cali fornia’s Chevron National Credit Cards, too. Incidently, those Credit Cards are mighty handy to have around — so if you don’t al ready have one, we’ll be glad to take your ap plication any time you’re in the neighborhood. sam e products, the sam e service, the sam e folks to serve you YOUR LOCAI INDEPENDENT CHEVRON GAS STATIONS B. B. Lienkaemper Owyhee Garage POWELL’S SERVICE OWYHEE CORNER Brown Merc. Co. ADRIAN, OREGON DO YOU KNOW W HAT YOUR CREDIT RATING IS WITH COUNTY CREDIT BOARD OF PIONEER SERVICE Merchants and professional ing where he owes the bill am men have formed county credit the amount he owes and if he hoard which is in turn part of is paying or arranging to pay the state-wide credit organiza Be sure you have either an / tion, to protect each other froi or a P which means satisfac willful delinquent debtors who tory arranged, before your refuse to pay their due acc name. Where no P or A is in ounts. Each month a credit re front of your name,that mear port is ¡sued to all members o' that you are making no effort the county credit board carry to pay on past due accounts. ing each debtor’s name show- * No commissions charged on collections. * All money paid direct to creditors. *No contracts to sign and regert. Remember that every time you ask your merchant, doctor or hospital for credit you are asking for a personal loan. You can readily see that if you where and the one who does do not try to make some effort not pay soon loses his good to maintain your credit ratim name and his credit rating. with your county credit board When you receive a Pioneer you soon become a social out pay. Pay part, or satisfactorily cast, lose your credit and you service statement bearing out- lose something you may never registered trademark, try to regain. Remember, the man arrange to pay and keep your who p a y s. is welcome every- credit rating good. “Become A Member of Pioneer Service County Credit Board” When a merchant joins the The debtor pays no docket or county credit board of Pioneer filing fees and he pays direct service, he pays no commission ly to his creditor. The Pioneer on his accounts. He signs no service company is not a coP contract to regret. ection agency. •Pioneer Service Information Is Most Valuable Watch for Green and Black Handbills With Accounts For Sale Division Office State Office Box Hilt} I. O. O. F. Building Eugene, Oregon Boise, Idaho Use your sales resistance. Do not allow yourself to be oversold on installment plan buying. Pioneer Service, Inc. The Merchants’ Own Organization Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada Division