v *A>V r/ieNYSSA GAÍ Vüt.U M E X X X X f NYSSA, 0R E G O Ñ TTH U R SD A Y. JU LY " nü '. "ST ATTENDED Regulations on PICNIC BY 30 FAMILIES Hunting Are Set By Commission The Nebraska picnic held at the Big Bend park Sunday was ett- j ended by 30 families. No Hunting O f Antelope And Partridge W ill Be Allowed H TY JOURNAL 18, 1 9 4 t) Growth Of IN 760 APRIL AND MAY u.s. Plans For j Several Hundred Acres of land , . Cities In 1 his Given Publicity!Flooded As Canal Break Occurs Area Is Shown RaDid c a t t l e tested *r/ . During April and May, Dr. J. H Berger, state-county veterinarian, conducted official Bang's and tub­ At a short business meeting In Nyssa Expected To Reach erculosis tests In 85 herds in Mal­ heur county, totaling 760 head. the afternoon officers were elected 5000 Population In The.se te^ts revealed only three lor the coming year. The new o ff­ Short Time tuberculosis reactors but Bang's icers are Mrs. Clyde Hoke, presi­ reactors In eight herds. The extensive growth and dev­ dent; Mrs. L. W. Dierking, secre­ This year, for the first time, tary-treasurer; Ed Price, George elopment of the towns In the low­ enough veterinarians are available Cooper and Mrs. John Ridder, pro­ er Snake river valley during the to carry out the compleie Bang's and tuberculosis control program gram committee; Mrs. Ira Price, last year were revealed tn reports given by chamber oi' commerce ! as provided card committee, and Mrs. James - - , __ _ , in the . Oregon .. . state .. Stephens. Jr., drink committee. secretaries at the quarterly dinner code. This law requires that all Those present voted to hold the ".eeting Associated Cham- dairy cattle be tested annually, picnic at Big Bend park the sec- 1 bers of commerce of Southwestern Each owner will receive one free ond Sunday In July again next 1 Idaho and Eastern Oregon in th# test each year If th herd is clean. ¡Moore hotel in Ontario Monday' and additional free tests if the Purchase Program W ill A,ND Be Continued Until BABY ARE INJURED August 31 Crops Destroyed & Some Basements Filled; Re- pailS UndeiW Uy Mrs. Lawrence Bailey and babj Plans for government purchase were injured when the automobile . . . , ~~7 ’ , , A flood of water covering several of potatoes in Malheur county beginning July 17 and continuing that Mrs. Builey was driving wa hundred acres of land caused an to August 31. 1946 were announced .struck by an army-type truck that une-,tlmated amount of damage its hearing held Saturday, July 13 this week. was being backed from the Pete The announcement reads in part: Tensen sheep sheds on Columbia when a break occured ln the main in Portland, will be given final canal of the Owyhee project near "The United States department of consideration at an adjourned avenue last Friday evening. -agriculture (Including the Com­ milepost 36 about noon Sunday, meeting to be held by the comm­ The truck Is said to have been modity Credit coroporationl here­ July 14. ission July 27. inafter referred to as the depart­ driven by Dick Tensen of Nyssa The break released about 400 sec­ rural route. The automobile was The general season for blacktail ment, announces that in accord­ ond feet of water, which passed and mule deer was set for Sept­ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. W t . U (Whhen ' “ “ "S '5 ance with its previous announce­ quite badly dumaged. The ^ e t e r i e s **v e reports on being conducted in hLs area, the ember 28 to October 20. with a Orvil Hickman and family, Mr. and across the Ben Shaw place and two ments on December 7, 1945 and bag limit of one deer having not Mrs. S. B. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. . « « » construction, establishment of ¡owner will receive a 24 hour notice. March 14, 1946 of a price support other ranches before crossing the James Ritchie and family Mr new businesses and other develop- He Is responsible for confining and j less than forked antlers canal. The Owyhee-Nyssa canal was program for Irish potatoes, it will The 6rowth lhe e,uire s t r a in in g hls animals for inspec-1 consider the purchase of Irish po­ For Rocky mountain elk the and Mrs. Howard Day and family broken ln two places and the wat­ general season will be from Oct­ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and f a m - ilower Snake rlver valley was re- | tio" ' , , er flooded several hundred acres of tatoes produced in Malheur county. | Any te«ts other han those con-1 ober 28 to November 17 in the iiiy. Mrs. Myrtle Baroholoma, Mr. <>«*ted * » ‘ »e reports. farm land before reaching the With President Prank Morgan of dieted in routine testing are con- Oregon. aiea east of The Dalles-California and Mrs John Ridder and family, 1 i ----- ------------- --------- — — i ,, . , . . . __ Owyhee Ditch Company ditch. The "Payment for bulk potatoes will “ Remove a hazard a day to highway. Bag limit will be one Mr and Mrs. George Cooper. Mr. Ny~ * Presiding, Elmo Smith. O n t-L ld ered private tests. The owner, be on the basis of the percentage Owyhee ditch, being supplied with elk of either sex except that In and Mrs. H. L. Day. Mr. and M rs.:“ ™ Publisher, delivered the add- Is responsible or payment of fees, of the acceptable grades without live the safe way" is one of the sufficient spillway capacity was slogans for National Farm Safety Glenn Hoffman, Mr. and M rs.1 re“ ot welcome and Ned Harlan. ! for private tests Wallowa, Union and that part of tolerance for defects or undersize. week. July 21 to 27, which will be able to hold the water and appar­ An Indemnity on slaughtered re-; Umatilla county east of highway Clyde Hoke and family. Mr. and > ec.eU ry of the Boise chamber o f. ently no damage was caused to the In addition to regular grade re­ ' del i vered the response. actors Is paid by the county state; quirements, potatoes must be free observed in Malheur county and ditch or to the farm land below it, 395 the bag limit is one bull elk ¡Mrs. Harold Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. ¡ other parts of Oregon, announces Bolse' new ln' dnd « “ vemments. No In­ from serious damage caused by with antlers. Also the bag limit Jim Bayard and son. Mr. and Mm. I ° rland Mayel' according to James Spofford of the Harry Sandquist, county agent. By L one bull elk with antlers in the E. II. Price and family. Jess Price. dustries director of the Idaho Pow- rlenmity Is paid on steers and grade1 dirt or other United States bureau of reclama­ foreign material. press, radio, placards, car stickers announced that the bulls. At the present, testing of Muddy creek area, Baker county, Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, S r„ er company, Potatoes not meeting specifications have been made to call attention tion. theme of the meeting would be | beef cattle is not compulsory in miring the open season from Aug­ Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr.. The water, racing across the farm “ New Industries". He also announc-1 this county, but the owner Is of U. S. No. 2. 1-718 inches min­ ! and other means arrangements ust 31 to September 2, inclusive. imum, which are co-mlngled with ! to the need for constant care to land, wiped out row crops, filled 1 Zore O sborne M rs ^ A that practically everything s e rv -1 responsible for maintaining Ills In addition several special deer several basements and carried away bulk potatoes purchased by the ! a h o f’ « * ™ al " a> and herd In such a way that; the cattle department shall become the prop­ overcome the many hazards ot a considerable number of chickens. and elk seasons were declared to M r a n d M m or^ver I farming. take care of problem areas, for . Nysra; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ax- P r e s s e d in the Snake river valley., cannot Infect dairy cattle. erty of the department without I Accident rates on the farm as An estimate of the damage was al­ must of which only a limited num­ ¡tell of Wilder, Mr. and Mrs. Char- " When anyo,le thinks of the meal cost. Soft rot in any car or truck well as elsewhere are on the In­ most Impossible, especially in view ber of permits will be issued. While i les Reno, Burt Roberts, J. C. K o o k -: Uus eve,lin* he ca" 1x5 lot shall not exceed two percent. crease since the end of the war, of the fact that the water had not food hunters may file for more than one ! stool. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L e - ! tlc about the P o l i t i e s Potatoes must be Inspected by the according to word received from completely subsided ttie first of the j Grande. M r and Mrs. John Truss- Processing in this section Mr. special deer tag, in the event he is federal state inspection service at Dean Win. A. Schoenfeld, Oregon week. One farmer said the lass of emphasizing the ad successful in more than one draw­ ;ell of Parma; Mr. and Mis. L. W. Mayer vendor's expense, nd certificates State College, appointed chairman his crop was not as great as the vantages of proceostng food at Its ing, only one tag will be issued. ' Dierking of Homedale, and Mr. ! covering each lot shall be furnished of the Oregon farm safety week cost o f leveling the ground for irr­ source. Hunters, however, are asked not to and Mrs. Henry W. Orcutt and ¡ A contest for the selection of a by the vendor. The following prices | committee by Governor Snell. The igation again. “ More and more Industry is mov file applications for tags until after family, Mr. and Mrs. T. **• H. Castell- break apparently was caused ------- ' ■ -------------------- ----- — ¡ I i , „ I k . in u rce o f th e m a te r ia ls " queen H uecii and auu two iw u princesses princesses of o i the m e per rundered weight at point of Oregon Industrial Accident com- ... The _. the adoption of the final regu­ , . . . . . . . . . . by saturation through the lower delivery will be paid by the de­ l* * \ iJ>naIdHCM tella,W “i PayeUe' t the h e cnenlrpr -A ll uinrs h a v e i Malheur COUilty fair Will be held mission has noted this increase but ____ u speaker said. “ All wars h a ve , | and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barrett ot lations on July 27. bank of the canal, which failed been fought by two persons- t h c 'July 28 at the county ^ g ro u n d s partment for potatoes which may does not know the reason. Archeis will have two special deer Boise. without a great deal of warning os be accepted and delivered to the "Statistics such as 16,000 farm haves and the have-nots. We h a ve, ln 0n.t'ar'0, rea ons. One is from September 28 The Sage and Saddle club of On­ department in bulk, FOB carritr; resident accidental deaths ln 1945, the ditch rider had crossed the them in our own country. As the to October 6, inclusive, In a small spot where the break occured earl­ (Continued on Page Tw o) tario will give a point show, which or 44 farm people dead by accidents sources of minerals and other raw ier In the day, when conditions ap­ area in the vicinity of Paulina each day of Lhe year, may shock us materials become depleted and farm will be highlighted by selection of peared to be all right. The water creek on the Deschutes game .ref­ the queen and princesses. The pub­ L. D. S. MEMBERS TO but they dp no good unless they re­ (Continued on Page Two) uge. limit U one deer of either ln the north canal irrigates about lic is invited to attend the show HOLD CELEBRATION sult tn actual removal of hazards.” 14,000 acres of land farther down sea. Tire other season is tor deer tree of chajje. said Dean Schoenfeld ln asking co­ MR., MRS. PARKER the canaL of either sex from October 9 to 18 Any unmarried girl ln the county The Nyssa Clowns were forced to A celebration will be held here operation ln the yearly emphasis . The bureau of reclamation has in a portion of the Canyon Creek Is eligible to enter the competition GOING TO HAWAII on safety. go nine innings to defeat the On­ refuge sufficient heavy equipment on the Interested girls are urged to reg- by members of the L. D. S. church “ As President Truman said in No anlelope hunting or Hungar­ tario softball team by a score ol Mr. and Mrs. Erie Parker and j ister at the county agent's office in July 24 commemorating the arrival proclaiming the special week this scene and expects to have some water flowing through the canal by ian partridge hunting will be allow­ 2 to 1 on the Nyssa field Wednes­ family returned to Vale l3st w eek' Ontario, but they may enter the of the saints from across the east­ year, experience ln previous ob­ day night. the end o f the week. All of the wat­ ed this season after Mr. Parker’s graduation j contest at the fairgrounds July 28. servances of National Farm Safety ern plains to Salt Lake City. The Ontario team registered a T a jg in g regulations will be en­ er had been dammed back Tuesday from Oregon State college. I Selection of the royal family will The day’s entertainment, start­ week have Indicated real benefits noon. The bureau anticipates that forced this year, and all game held Both Mr. and Mrs. Parker have be based on horsemanship, person- from this nation-wide emphasis on the last of the sixth,1 repairs on the Ontario-Nys.su ditch during the closed season or shipped the lead until ... . J i accepted teaching positions in the ality and appearance. Pair board ing with a children's parade at 2:30 safety practices.” will be completed by tonight. Into closed areas or out of the state when (wo hits and an error scoied fHawallan islands. They will teach officials said they would like to will be given under the direction While every family and every will have to be tagged by the game Be Ion. The game (hen developed i ln the plllbUc schools on the island one or more representatives from . . . . . . . Although the break has occured, .___ of officers of the Mutual Improve­ individual on the farm has personal .. . . . . , the bureau is delivering water to law enforcement authorities. a- , P‘!,C.herS ,dU! ‘ ™ * ! ° f Molokai. Mr. Parker will ln- ( Nyssa in the contest. reasons to be concerned with farm ... - . .. . ment association. Children are In­ . . . . . . . _ . . i all o f the ranchers on the canal The open season on Rocky moun­ man of Nyssa and Keize of On­ struct Smith-Hughes agricultural The queen and princesses will safety Utls year, adds County Agent i .___ . . . . . . tain elk will be from October 28 tario that lasted until the ninth classes and Mrs. Parker will teach lead the fair parade on Labor day vited to decorate their dolls, bugg­ «»„ • ¿ ..u .. down to u point two miles above Sandquist. Every accident on a ies. bicycles, and wagons and wear the break. to November 17, Inclusive, In the inning. B. Wilson singled with the home economics. They expect to and will be feted at the fair, farm this year threatens production bases loaded to score L. Wilson. costumes.Each child participating ln area east of The Dalles-California sail from the states in August. to that extent at a time when ev­ The umpires were Kuehn and the parade will receive a free gift. highway. The bag limit will be one ery pound of food is needed badly YOUTH BURNED IN The program, on the high school elk of either sex except in a cer­ Bingham of Nyssa. place ln the world. Tne victory gave the Clowns a MOTORCYCLE CRASH grounds, will Include a men's base­ some tain prescribed bull area In the Strange as It may seem, farming ball game at 3 o'clock, a softball John Day-Anthony lake section record of six wins and no defeats. Burne Lorensen of Sunset valley, game between married ladles and is considered one of the most haz­ Several special elk seasons will be They defeated the Payette Eagles by a score of 26 to 8 Monday night, seamon, 1st class in the United single ladies from 4 to 5 o’clock, ardous of occupations, largely be­ arranged. Robert Lowell Glover o f Parma, July 15 on the Payette diamond, States navy, suffered first and sec­ horseshoe pitching, volleyball, pen­ cause It is so varied and Inclusive. The Chinese pheasant season In Mrs. Rosalie Stewart Carlisle, ond degree burns on the hands ny toss booth, duck booth, novel­ Farm machinery, buildings, fires, Idaho, who was killed in an auto­ Malheur coimty will run from Oct­ and won their first game against animals, electricity, tools and the mobile accident on the Trenton- ober 19 to November 3, Inclusive. Ontario 8 to 4 on the Ontario field 84, died July 15 at the home of and feet in a motorcycle accident ty contests, nall-drlvlng, sawing her daughter. Mrs. C. E. Sohweizer. at Red hill on the Island of Oahu and races, and a softball game be­ farm home all present hazards Smlthfield highway near Logan, The bag limit will be four cocks last Friday. July 12. C. Wilson led the slug lest ln where she had been cared for dur­ In the Terltory of Hawaii July 2. tween the Elders and the Nyssa that can and do cause Injury and Utah July 4, was a son of Maurice .•even consecutive days or In poss­ When taken to the hospital, the Clowns from 5 to 6:30. Plans are death unless constant care is taken. Glover, an employe of the Amal­ ession. Tagging stations will be Payette with two 4-baggers a triple ing the last six years. gamated Sugar company ut Nyssa. Funeral services were held at youth was expected to remain there underway to have booths where ice per day, but not over eight In any and a single. His performance was The case was referred to the Wednesday ln the for three week. He is a son of cream, “ hot dogs” and pop will e tablLshed at Ontario, Nyssa, Ad­ equalled by T. Holman, who slugged 2:30 p. m. Cache county Juvenile court for and three Owyhee sohooihouse with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Loren.se n be sold. A program will be pres­ rian, Juntura, Brogan and Hunt­ out two home runs a hearing sometime this week by singles. George Whipple officiating. Miss of Sunset valley. ented ln the evening at 8:30. All ington. County Attroney Oeorge D. Pres­ C. Wilson’s home run broke up Claudtne Tomlinson was the piantst L. D. S. members and their friends ton. who said “There Is .sufficient a tie in the sixth inning in Ontario j Interment was in the Owyhee cem- Go On Trmplr Excursion— are Invited to participate. evidence of carelessness to Justify Mr and Mrs. A. C. Swensen left last week and the Clowns went etery with the Nyssa Funeral T h e Morrison-Knudsen company our referring the case to the Juv­ on to score six runs In the last home in charge, Sunday to attend tlie Idaho Palls of Boise started laying 4200 feet of enile court for trial” . inning to cinch the game. | Rosalie Stewart was bom ln Scott temple excursion, which all high new track along the Homedale Young Glover was crushed to The Clowns will play the Elders county. Indiana August 31. 1861. pi tests in the Welser stake were brarirh of the Unlpn Pacific rail­ death when the car on which of Nyssa on the local diamond She was reared and attended school, invited to participate in. Mr. and road as a siding extension project. he was riding struck tha rear of A proposal allowing the Nyssa July 24. They will play Baker on in the eastern part of that county. I Mrs. Wilford Peterson left Nyssa A new main line will be laid and a coal truck and then careened •school district to exceed the six the Baker field Sunday. July 21. In April, 1880 she was married to Monday morning to Join them. the present line will be used as a into a borrow pit to burst Into J. A Black of Sunset valley was uer cent limitation ln levying tax­ The local boys have scored 67 Thomas M .Carlisle ot Scott county. Other L. D. S. members from surr­ siding, making a double siding for es for the 1946-47 year was approv­ runs as compared to 21 for their To this union were born eight ounding territories were expected critically Injured last Friday morn­ packing sheds and other industrial flames. The boy, who was staying ed by a big percentage but by a opponents. children, four of whom survive. to attend. This is the first excursion ing about 7 o'clock when he was plants. The double siding will be during the summer with hls grand­ small number of persons ln the The surviving children are Dr. from Nyssa since the dedication thrown from a horse In the Owyhee extended as far as Uie property on parents, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Allred o f Trenton, was riding on the right election held tn the grade school Here from Huntington— I. E. Carlisle of Mtchigantown, some time ago. All who enter the section. which Avoset, Inc. expects to start front fender of a model A Ford With a group of other men. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Olsen and Indiana. Mrs. Eirie C. Miller of temple are required to have a building Wednesday. construction of a plant soon. sedan driven by Sidney Ellerman, and recommendation from Black was branding calves The vote was 27 to 4 ln favor of i daughter. Mary K . spent the week­ Mackay, Idaho. Mrs. C. E. Sch- personal The grade for the roadbed is lhe proposal. end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. weizer of Nyssa and Paul H. Car­ their bishop and have it signed by doing other work with cattle when expected to be completed ln about 17, of Trenton. Six boys, Including Glover, were the stake president, Luther Fife. the accident occurred at corrals two weeks. Approval of the voters allokvs Charles Garrison. lisle of Darlington, Idaho. en route to the Amalga cheese the school district to levy ln excess During Mrs. Carlisle’s active life Mr. and Mrs. Swensen will also south of Nigger Rock. Ha was factory to pick up another friend. pitched onto a pile of rocks, suffer­ of the six per cent limitation the Visits D aughter- she was a member of the Women’s go to Preston to visit relatives. The group then expected to go to ing a concussion of the brain, a JERSEY BREEDERS Rev. E. P. Lawrence of Caldwell Relief corps, auxiliary ol the G.A.- sum of »24.539.38, which will be Franklin, Idaho for a baeball game. fracture of the Jaw, lacerations and TO EXHIBIT CATTLE used for new construction and re­ la visiting this week at the home R.. as her father was a veteran Goes To Baker— Funeral services were conducted pairs and to pay Increased coats of his daughter, Mrs. C. W. Buch­ of the Civil war. She was a char­ Lloyd Lewis attended to business other Injuries. The injured man was taken to of operation. Including more per­ ner. At a meting Sunday on the Saturday. July 6 in the Trenton ter member of the Eastern Star ln Baker last Tuesday and Wednes­ the Holy Rosary hospital In On­ lawn at the Charley Grider home, ward chapel. Interment was In the sonnel ijnd higher teacher salaries. chapter organized at Little York. day. Visit In Nyssa— tario ln an ambulance by Bert the Malheur Jersey Cattle club Lewiston city cemetery. Indiana ln 1905 and was Its first Goes to Payette lakes— Robert Glover was bom tn Tren­ Llenkaemper. He regained con­ made plans to exhibit livestock at Go Fishing— Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Dierking and worthy matron. Bernard Frost. Charles Newbtll. daughter. Norma Jean, of Napton MLss Joyce Todd spent the week­ sciousness Tuesday night and has the Malheur county (air to be held ton February 8. 1934, a son of Besides her sons and daughters. Maurice and Larlta Allred Olovcr. the Bernard Mrs. Carlisle is survived by six end at Payette Lakes as a house since shown some improvement. In Ontario this (ail. Dr K. E. Kirby and AK ie Robert­ visited Monday • son spent the week-end fishing Frost home. The club will also place a float He attended the Trenton school grandchildren and one great grand­ guest of Gloria Aguer of Ontario. in the parade. Gene Bair, club until May. 1946. when the family Stop Overnight— south of Jordan Valley. child. moved to Parma. i Working in Ontario— Girls Camp Overnight— Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sheldon of president, said. Survivors are hls parents; three Go on Vacation— I Miss Merry Norcott has accepted Visits Daughter— Ten G irl Scouts of troup 3 Seattle were overnight g u « t of Mr. Rosel Hunter will be chairman sisters. Sharon. Elaine and Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess and a position with Dr. R. A. Tacke as Mrs. R C. Nelson of Salt Lake camped overnight Monday on the and Mrs. A. C. Sallee. The visitors of the exhibit committee C lifford Cox, superlntendCTit of Glover, all of Parma, and hls son. Jerry left Saturday for Belling­ an assistant in the clinical labora­ CHy arrived last week for an in- bank of Snake river, with Mrs. J. were en route to their home after a vacation spent ln Salt Lake city. cattle for the fair, met with the grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Riley ham. Washington, for a two-week tory in the Holy Rosary hospital, definite visit with her daughter, 'R . Dolan as chaperone. vacation. Jersey club to discuss conditions Allred o f Trenton and Mr. and --------------- Mrs. W O. Peterson, and family. ------------------------ Go to Institute— Mr. L. Glover of Mapleton, Idaho. ¡Visit In Nysan— -------------------------- Shop in Boise— o f the exhibition sheds. Visit Here— I Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brower had Stop Here— Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Oemhardt, Mr and Mrs. Charles Oarrlson Visit in Nyssa— . Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hooper pent last Thursday shopping ln accompanied by a group of young Interviewed at Nursing Helical— Mr and Mrs. Lee Hoskins and as their house guests last week people of the Methodist church, Mrs. 8. M. McNeil and Lola two sons spent the week-end at the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brower and taro stopped in Nyssa enroute to their Boise. Miss Helen Anderson left Monday left Monday for the annual summer for Idaho Pails, where 4 ie will Miner of Mt. Shasta. California home of Mr and Mrs. C. W. Buch­ sons. Wayne and Dick, o f Paul. home ln Utah after making a trip -------------------------- Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Burl W v- have an Interview with officials of are visiting In the home of Mr. ner. The visitors were enroute to Idaho. The v is ito r « were en route up the roost from San Pranslaco. Ptenlr To Re held— their home ln Salem after a to Coeur d' Alene. Idaho. Bari to Canada, and down through Ore- The annual Nebraska picnic will ckoff of Baker will Join the party the L D S Nursing school I f quali­ and Mrs. Harry Miner Mrs. Mc­ month’s vacation spent in Minne- Brower la a brother of J. E. Brow­ goo. They stopped at the W Ben be held July 21 at the Nampa city and act as councellors for the Nyaaa fications are met. she Intends to Neil Is a sister of Mr. Miner and er group. teta. Lola Miner la a niece. a o i U O . Bybee homes. ¡pork. taka up nursing. The 194« hunting seasons and bag limits, tentatively set by the Oregon state game commission at Safety Week To Get Recognition ot ol Cooper ol ***• Queen To Reign At Malheur Fair Nyssa Takes 6th Win InJSoftball • Nyssa Worker’s Son Is Killed Mrs R. Carlisle Of Nyssa Passes U.P. Extending Nyssa Sidings Voters Approve Increased Levy J.A. Black Badly Hurt In Mishap J.