TH E NYSSA G A TE C IT Y JO U R N AL TH U RSD AY. J U L Y J 1 , 1946 In-law, Mrs. Lulu Cummins, called J. G. Lane has been indisposed I on Mrs Nellie Newbill and her because of a wienched back the j ister Friday in Newell heights. past week. Mrs. Prank Cummins and moth- 1 C liff and Mae Beaumont were Mr. and Mrs. Corley and family Monday shoppers in Nyssa. of Rosemund, California are visit RHEUMATISM ing the W'U Hall family. and ARTHRITIS The 4-H club members of the I suffered for years arid am so ivulony who returned Friday from thankful that I found relief from „Limner school In Corvallis were this terrible affliction that I will ' Ilea Kreager, Ardls Hurst, Patsy KOUSI /S LS THE C O M M U N IT Y UNITED gladly answer anyone writing me L D. S. I H I H L 'I I | DeHaven, Delores Salters and POWDEI PR E S B Y T E R IA N CHURCH for Information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, Sunday, 9:15 a m . priesthood Francis Thiel. P. O. Box 825, Vancouver. Wash. Kingman Memorial meeting. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nevin. Pastor Sunday, 10:30 a. m.. Sunday Salters Saturday morning. 10 a. m., Bible school. There is school. Mr. and Mrs. Fredericks of Los- a class and welcome awaiting you. Sunday, 7:30 p. m., sacrament Angeles are visiting Mr. Frederick’s 11 a. m., morning worship. Ser meeting. parents. Tuesday, 2 p. m.. Relief society mon, “ Do You Amaze Anybody?" Guy Moore and daughter, Esther i 8 p. m., evening worship. Devo meeting. First Tuesday of each month at tions and discussions for all the at the Tommy Hall farm In Apple 4 p. m. Primary for children be , family. valley Monday. [ July 15-22 Columbia synod and tween ages of 4 and 12. Mrs. Ruth Sneed and two chil Seabeck conference at Seabeck, 20 ft. Lengths with Quick Couplings dren of Letha, Idaho visited In . . . M ETH O D IST C O M M U N ITY TH E the Guy Moore home Sunday. The m® ° n' _ m „ choir prac- CHURCH Children remained at the Moore *!J*‘ ay’ P Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor home over the Fourth. Sunday school, 10 a .m. Mr. and Mrs. Petty, who for- ' — Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. merly lived on the Greeling place otls home’ "Longing For God’s House” Also New Steel Rounds, in tne Kolony and more recently | Flats, Platee Pelowship meetings, 7 :30 ST. PAUL'S EPISCO PAL MISSION at Mitchell butte, are at the W a l Youth institute at Wallowa lake C. L. Callahan, Vicar W rit« or Wlro for Dotali« } ter Pinkston home at present while ! July 15-21. Evening prayer, 6 p. m. looking for a new location, STEEL DIVISION Holy communion, second Sunday Ruby Dell and Phyllis McKee, THE CHURCH O F THE in month, 9 a. m. small daughters of Mr. and Mrs. NAZARENE SUNSET V A L L E Y ASSEMBLY Wesley McKee, are spending the 24th & Nicolai PORTLAND 10, O RE. BRoadway 1078 E. J. Wilson, Pastor OF GOD summer with relatives in Alturas, 10 a. m., Sunday school. Alfred L. Brim, Pastor California. 11 a m., song service and ser Sunday school, 10a. m Art suarks and son, Guy, attend Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintendent. mon. ed the rodeo in Vale the Fourth. 7:15 p. m. the three groups of Devotional services, 11 a. m. Those from the Kolony seen at Young people's and children's young people will have charge of Sniveley’s springs the Fourth were the services. church, 7 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and 8 p. m. evangelistic service. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. David, Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Wenesday at 8 p. m. a good pray Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m. son, Wayne, Irma Sparks and chil er and praise service excepting the Bible study, Friday, 8 p. m. dren, Dick and Shirley, Marianne You are cordially invited to at first Sunday of the month, which Thiel, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Moore will be missionary service tend these services. and Kenneth and Esther McCor mick and small daughter. C H R IS T IA N CHURCH ASSEM BLY OF GOD Myrna Lane, Maryanne Thiel and 5th and Ennis Sts. Pastor, C. L. Snider Shirley Sparks attended a theater j George Whipple, Pastor Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. birthday party in honor of Duane Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Singing, preaching, prayer at Kressley in Nyssa last Saturday. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Com 110:45. Bernice Toomb and son, Dickie Fasting and prayer Sunday even munion served each Lord’s day. Miss May Beaumont and Mr. and Sermon topic, "T h e Lord’s Prayer". ing Mrs J O Lane and Myrna were E lutlc servlce, „ p. m. Evening services: Christian En guests in the M«jses home Tuesday ^ g m„ prayer meeting deavor, 7:30. For all ages, Junior, m observance of the birthday o f i#t parsonage. serior and adult. Church services Kingman Kolony FLEA [j¡¡323¡ü For Sale! NEW steel PIPE 6" O.D. — 12 Gauge SPECIALLY PRICED Any Quantity \ ^ Immediate Delivery California Bag & Metal Co. f*AGE FIVE Lunch served on the grounds. R. E. by 33, Third street, lot 5, block 36, Moss, owner. Col. Bert Anderson Park addition, (4000, frame. and Col. Joe Church, auctioneers; Roy Pounds, construction, garage, L. H. Fritts. clerk- Smlson street, lot 11-13, block ?, B U ILD ING PE RM ITS original townslte, (500. V. V. Gnder. construction. Sixth Otis Nichols, removal to lot 2, street, lot 8, block 40, Park addi block 145, Ward addition, frame. tion. (3200, frame. 26 by 24. Clifford Main, construction, 18 20 by 30, Dr. G. W. Graves O ptom etrist • Now at his new raodern offices 718 Arthur St. Phone 720 Caldwell, Idaho (Directly across from the American theater) MR. BEET GROWER - Place your order now for THE LINDEMAN BEET LOADER Cleanest loader on the market Supply limited— Give us your order now, save labor costs later. KROPP AND SONS Phone 85 Ontario, Oregon PO TA TO Picking Belts Crop Dusting All Sizes By Airplane Nyssa Implement Co. DO YO U W ANT BETTER Cleaning Service? W e are offering deliv ery service anywhere in Phone the city limits. 70 Cleaning, pressing, dye ing. North of Main Hats cleaned and blocked. on 2nd St. vrdyS ¿ ! ° Set M | Thursday, 8 p. m., cottage pray- 8:15. Sermon topic. “ Bible Faith” . Mrs. Blanche Moses and daugh- er meeting On Thursday night at 8 o'clock ter, Gladys, were Ontario shoppers * ' ________ there will be a reception for all Friday. new members added during the LU TH E R AN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. George De Haven Services will be discontinued dur- Alber meeting. All members and and children were week-end visitors ing the ramainder of the summer, friends of the church are invited in Weiser. 1 Our next day o f worship will be to attend. The reception will be Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abbott and held In the church basement. September 1. two daughters of Medford h a v e ___________ been visiting in the Guy Moore j , home the past week. Esther Me-1 Ufe Payette night rodeo were the j NEWS OF RECORD Cormick will accompany them back L. Kreager fam ily and Ardyce M A R R IA G E LICENSES to their home. Dale James Hollingsworth of Dul Hurst. David McLaughlin was a Sun Mrs. Lynn Hurst and Delora uth, Minnesota and Mary Phyllis day dinner guest of David Hurst. shopped in Caldwell Wednesday. Dyer of Ontario. 7/6/46. The DeHaven family spent the Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson C O M PLAIN TS Fourth fishing near Unity. recently went to northern Idaho, United Credit Men’s association The Home Economics club met where Mrs. Hudson will remain vs. Ontario Sign Co. 7/2/46. Recov with Frances Hurst Tuesday. The for an indefinite stay. Mr. Hud- ery of money. $303.45. next meeting will be held with son returned home after a week’s (Correctiou: Last week a suit rtowena Kreager July 16. visit there. to quiet title was listed, to wit The Hugh Glenn and Guy Glenn Patsy DeHaven stayed with Lau “ Harry D. Littlefield vs. First Nat 'amilies enjoyed a picnic dinner ra Louise Nevin in Adrian over ional bank In Vale, et. al. This was 'he Fourth with the L. L. Kreager ilie week-end while Mr. and Mrs. an error, as the correct defendant family on the Kreager lawn. Nevin were in Portland. is First National Bank of Vale. Those from the Kolony attending PE TITIO N S. PR O B ATE COURT issiuie of Jefferson D. Billings ley, deceased. 7/1/46. Kitchen Chats Serving 5 Counties W e also dry clean all From th e' Largest fermine Stock ] kinds of blankets. KEEP-U-NEAT CLEANERS LES MYERS Orders Shipped Parts Immediately Manser, Inc. Phone 49 Payette, Idaho Just Arrived The New Rassmaun Beet Loaders Proven To Be the Best On the Market. Come In and Inspect Them. By Leona Anderson of Supply Limited. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR SALE: • New McCoomick-Deering Six-foot horse binder with tractor hitch. Six-row beet planter with fertilizer attachment. One-row potato planter. O A TM E A L FO R GOODNESS Oatmeal Is one of the cereals ■ which we can use and still econ omize on that hard-to-get wheat, l i t is a leader In supplying iron 1 and the B-complex vitamins so include it in your meals. This spicy pudding can be steamed In your economy cooker at »he same time you are cooking a roast— another economy—and who Isn't ready to economize on food now- a-days. S P IC Y O ATM E AL PUD D ING 1 cup sifted enriched emergency flour. 3/4 cup sugar. 3/4 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. 1 1/8 teaspoon soda. 1 cup uncooked oatmeal. 3/4 cup raisins. 3 tablespoons shortening 1 1/8 cup of sour milk. 1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla S ift flour, sugar, salt, soda and cinnamon. Add oatmeal and rais ins. Add melted shortening to sour milk, and add to the dry ingred ients. Add vanilla, pour Into well- greased pudding pan or squat cof fee can. Cover with waxed paper and tie securely. Place on trivet o f cooker and steam. Turn switch to high until steam escapes from vent; then to low for 1 1/2 hours. A fool and his money are soon parted. The forests of Oregon rep resent many millions of dollars to | the Oregon taxpayer. Don't be foolish. Use extreme caution with ■ fire. Keep Oregon green. COLD WAVE mcissump Farm truck on rubber. Spring-tooth harrow Public Dairy Sale— Wednesday. July 17 starting at 1 p. m. on the Englehorn place 1V4 miles east of Fruitland 30 fine dairy cattle Dr.J.H. Berger New special crop dusting equipment flown by experienced pilots. W e can do your job better at lower cost than any other method. Reserve Dates While Time D Still Available CASEY’S FLYING SERVICE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Phone 197 W Ontario Building Materials A ll dry and seasoned coast fir: 2 x 4, 2 x 6, 2 x 8, 2 x 10 and 2 x 12— up to 20-foot lengths. Sheathing, siding, flooring, doors, windows. Electric wiring and fixtures. Toilets, lavatories, showers, tail pipes and galvanized pipe. Cow barn and chicken house ventilators and all-metal roof jacks and stacks. Timbers, 6” x 8” x 20’. Veneer, 5-ply, new. Tents, 7 x9 to 14 x 16. Tarpaulins, 7 x 9 to 14 x 16, waterproofed. Unfinished chests, metal beds, coil springs and mattresses. JUST A FEW OF 1000 BARGAINS V E T E R IN A R IA N Box D Phone 135J Nyssa, Oregon ED C A S E S Hi-W ay Mdse. Mart Nyssa, Oregon Crow And Magpie Contest I W IL L BE CLOSED Saturday, July 20 A ll feet must be turned in by that date in order to be counted Various other new machinery A ll our prices are at or below previous O P A ceiling prices. COLD WAV! BUY NOW WHILE AVAILABLE Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. .Phone 83-J N y»8». Oregon Owyhee Drug Co. “ Nyssa’s Quality Store” in the contest. Malheur Game League