Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE C IT Y J O U R N A L PAUK FOUR TH U R SD AY, J U L Y 11, 1946 at the country home of Mr. and Roy Rookstool home were Frank home. Mrs. Storm, Baptist church labels for use upon lettuce crates you by virtue of an order of the or other wooden containers, the Hon. M. A. Biggs, Judge of the Mrs. F. A. Miller A picnic dinner Rookstool, Chris Rookstool of Par- apartment. llJ lx p same to be pasted on such con- above-entitled court, made and en- and social visiting for the older ma and Mrs. Clara Mackey of j W ANTE D — Elderly woman for talners. The labels for lettuce will 1 tered or. the 2nd day of July people and horsesnoe pitching and California. Mrs. Mackey is a sister 1946 directing that summons be croquet playing for the younger tbe Roogjtool brothers, | light housework and company for be printed on paper having for a served upon you by publication folk were enjoyed. Those present old lady. No laundry. Vcages. Par- background color a blend of yellow thereof in the Nyssa Gate City were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson manent home Mrs. C. E. Schwei- and red wlth the word "O W YH E E ’ Journal once a week for four succ of Roswell and their son, Wayne zer, route 2, Nyssa 27J3xp. n, vvhlte, surrounded by either a essive weeks. of Bellingham. Washington, Mr. RATES: Two cenus per word lor each issue. Alter one month one A. L. Fletcher. ' W ANTED —To buy any kind of bcei circle or oval shaped black line. Mrs. LUy Dement left for her and Mrs. Robert Weir, Miss Mary That the name of the partnership Attorney for Plaintiffs cent per word. Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. ¡or veal; also we buy banger cows. Weir, Charles Weir, Mr. and Mrs. home on the coast after a visit ¡Phone 31M or 06J1. 11 Atre owning same is Eastern Oregon Resldence addresSi Nyssa, Oregon. George Swigert, Mr. and Mrs. Lee here with her daughter, Mrs. Ellis Produce Co., and the principal Baldridge, Miss Bethia Baldridge, Warner and family. W ANTED Dead or worthless an:- office or place of business of such SUMMON8 FOR PU B L.C ATIO N Mrs. Comb of New Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bruipbach. yxjR SALE—Hay derrick, $ j O.'JU mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep owner Is located at Nyssa in the IN ^ THE ____ C _________ iv llo v „ h . L L A lN £ O U b IR C U IT _________ COURT OF Mr and Mrs Jue BnJmba'~h. Ezr l vistied her daughter, Mr. Jack See Frank T. Moigan. 13Jtfc j and hogs. Phone cullwt My$U 1WW. County of Malheur, State of Ore- THE STATE OF OREGON[ FOR I Brumbach, Mr an.’ Mrs. Will Gib- For Sale ____ ____ ___ ____ Corn, and fam ily Sunday. _____________ ______ _______ - __________ I Payette 560J3. Frultland 3713 or gon. THE CO UNTV OF M ALHEUR "ion Bert Roberts, Lora Pillsoury, Beatle and Giles Lay o f Redmond FO R SALE—Two registered Here- SALE—Olson made corrugator Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc. ^ June 25, 1946 Loretta Bell, P laintiff Miss Lessie McDonald o f Parma spent the Fourth here with their EASTERN OREGON lord cows with calves E. C. Larsson, dke new. Also large MtCor.-rick vs. and Mrs. N. S. Phelan and Mr. parents. Mr. and Mrs. OUn Lay. W A N T E D Auto mechanic and parts PRODUCE CO. 4J4xp crejm seperator in good condition. Columbia Ave. Melvin Bernard Bell, Defendant and Mrs. Grover Lee of Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and man. Phone 144J, Nyssa, post of- 7J2XS T o Melvin Bernard Bell, defen and Mr. and Mrs. John Samer. E. A. Dewey. FJJtfc. family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dali lice box A. FOR SALE— Fryers and heavy SUMMONS dant: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hatch spent and family went to Logan valley hens J. D. Smith, 1 ‘4 miles east p o R SALE—2 houses on one lot, I IN THE C IR C U IT COURT OF IN TH E NAM E O » T H E S TATE MISCELLANEOUS and 114 miles south. llJ ix one 3 rooms and bath. One 2 rooms | TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR OF OREGON, you are hereby not the Fourth with their son, Homer, last week lor a few days of fishing. and family in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Pryor and TH E C O U NTY OF MALHEUR ified to appear in the above en Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Garren and ™ .HALE Fryers S T S ^H O U ^K S T T v “ trie water ^ ^ T v ^ T x a T ” George V. Kirk and James E. We have for sale several titled court and cause within four and Mrs. Cyrus Bishop and daugh family attended the rodeo In Pay south of Nyssa airport. E. D. Nor- , )urnaces bathSf garages. “ gators. *" ~ thousand steel pipe 18 Inches long, Phillips, Plaintiffs, weeks after the date of the first ter, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop ette the Fourth. man' _________ P Good location. Shade and lawns. suitable for row crop or corruga vs. publication of this summons, which and children and Mrs. Ulmer en Mr. and Mrs. Behymer and son FOR SALE-- Slightly used side- Terms tion irrigating. Also 20 store, gar Malheur County, a political sub date is July 4th. 1946, to wit; on joyed a picnic dinner at theu of Portland visited Mrs. Behymer's mount heavy duty, six-foot Ford 3 ROOM H O U S E -w ith bath, elect- age or warehouse bins or shelving division of the State of Oregon, or before August 1, 1946. said date ranch near McCall. grandfather, Charles Bullard, last mower. See at J. C. Olsen ranch, ric hot water tank, garage, lawn 7 feet high by 10 to 16 feet long, H. S. Sackett, County Clerk and belng tbe iast day of four weeks Miss Pat Clark, who was a guest week. Ex-Officio, rrategisrmfwyahrdehrde | irom the dale ot tbe first publica- 3 miles north of Nyssa on high- and trees. $2200. Terms. sturdy and well built. L. J. Joseph- in the Shipley home, returned to Mrs. Vera Butler and children BERNARD EASTM AN day. llJ3xp son and Son, Payette, phone 392J ®x-Officio, registrar of titles f o r ; Uon Qf ^ summons, and answer her home in Portland Friday. spent the week-end at McCall. said Malheur County; Lulu L. Hox- 27Jtfc the said complaint, and if you FOR SALE- Slab wood, truckload Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bennett and FOR SALE— 1934 Dodge ton and Mr. and Mrs. Denver Lay and le, widow of W. B. Hoxle, deceased: fail to answer for want thereof, the half truck, with 1939 Dodge differ- 1 lots. Leave oraers at Hancock Ser MISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteed Dewey B Hoxie and Doris F. Hox- plaintiff will apply to the court children, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey family and Bob Lay returned this 27J4xp entlal. Beet bed and stock rack. vice station. sewing maohlne repairing. Complete ! ie, his wife; Helen A. Wilson and relief prayed” or in her Bennett and children and Mr. and week from Bremerton. Washing Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and ton, where they visited Mrs. Lay's Inquire at Oate City Journal or FOR SALE— Portable air condition stork of new parts for all machines. p aui Wilson, her husband; ^ o y d , comblalnt on ju e herein. . I .., ! ; ., .. 1 i D n R liilf mns>V«_ r-i t r ___ 1 _ 1 n ..iL Kin nri f a • I * fam ily spent the Fourth fishing parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Nyssa Elevator. llJlxp . his wife; j er. Bernard Eastman. 20Jtfc. including electrics. Rebuilt mach- E Hoxle and Ruth Hoxie, . „ . This suit Is brought for the pur- Melba and Adel Sabin spent the Ines for sale. Buy and trade. F Cleston C. Hoxie and Lucy Hoxl* ; 1pose 0f obtaining a decree of dlv in the Jordan valley vicinity. FO R 8 A LE — Car radio and Ice Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bishop week-end at Parma with friends! FOR SALE—Five room basement "Lete" Sackett, Ontario. 20Jtfc. his wife; Harold C. Hoxie and | orce, forever dissolving the bonds box. Inquire at apartment of Bap Monday looking for mater- house, north Sixth street. $2100. Mrs. Alice Butler spent the week Evva Hoxle, his wife; Herbert C. bf matrimony now existing between spent ,al3 Jn Caldwell Notus, Nyssa, Par. tist church. llJ lx p A. L. Atkeson. 9Mtfc. MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra Hoxle and Ruth Hoxle. his wife; end with Vera Butler. the parties hereto and for an o r - ; am and om arlo for the bulldlng dio service bring your radios to Miss Pearl Orris is employed in being the heirs of W. B. Hoxie, der bestowing upon the p la in tiff,Qf a new house on thelr ranch FO R S A L E - Four room 1 10use with FOR SALE—Registered Jersey bull. Nordale-Newsom Furniture store the Shane Variety store In Ontario. deceased: Gertrude Eva Boydell, the care and custody of the three t near McCau bath, new 50-gallon electric hot Serviceable age. Phone 06R5. 20J4xp. Gene Seybold, radiotrician. 13Jtfc. Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Dowers and a single woman; J. Blaney Boy minor children of the parties water heater, new kitchen linol | A meeting has been caUed at family went to Coeur d‘ Alene. eum, oil furnace, newly painted FOR SA LE-Autom obile Insurance. M ISCELLANEOUS — For insured dell, a single man; Arthur H. Boy This summons Is published by Bend house for Tues- Idaho last week to visit Mrs. Dow and roofed. Good garden, lawn, Public Liability, Property Damage, and first class hauling see Stanley dell and Blanche Boydell, his order of the Hon M. A Biggs, d evening, July 9 to organize ers’ brother. Mr Ross, and family. shrubs and trees. New sewer sys Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed’ Reffett. Phone 76. Powell Service wife; Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. Circuit Judge, dated July 2, 1946, a new Grange Miss Beverley Com was a dinner Sarazln, her husband; Elizabeth tem and fencing. Oarage and chic in the best companies at lowest Station. 7Mtfc. prescribing that this summons be The r ^ ' Neighb0rs held a guest of Joan Moeller Sunday. Agnes Nedry and E Britt Nedry, served by publication thereof, once 1 meetl ken coop and 6 lots. Also a good passible rates. Bernard Eastman. at the home of Mrs. well with Parma pump. House Is Mr and Mrs. Arthur Sabin left 14Ftfc. STO R AG E — Consolidated Freight- her husband; Winifred B. Thomas, each week for four consecutive Walter Blsh Monday evening. ways building, First street. See sole heir of Win S. Brown, deceas this week for the coast for a week's wired for electric stove. $4000 cash and successive weeks In the Gate . __________________ 94Mtfc ed, and Louis P. Thomas, her hus- visit. or $4500 terms $2500 down and $35 FOR SALE —"N ew '’ 1946 Motorola Jake at the Fix-it shop. _ , U City z lv j o Journal, u u i lla if u a newspaper n o j/ n j/ v A p u b -; I « a per month. Bernard Eastman. 27Jtf six-tube radio, table model, ivory Vem Butler. Oeorge Moeller and band; Winifred B. Thomas, devisee lished in Malheur County, Oregon. I l)O D C T S llflS fl color, price $10. 98 south Third MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car of H. F. Brown, deceased deceased, and — . „ k ,,™ *.™ ! | w p p trr Art Sabin fished at the dam The date of the flrst „ publication and cylinder lock keys made. Oain- FO R SALE — 5-rooms, bath and street. 27J3xc. Saturday, reporting good catches. Louis P. Thomas, her husband and hereof u Ju,y 4 1946 and the j ble store. 250afc. Mr. and Mrs. Bob R effett and glassed In porch, with electric wat the unknown heirs, if any of H. F. date of the last publication is Mr. and Mrs. Gene K ipp and FOR SALE—Field and garden seeds. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite moved er heater and automatic electric Brown, deceased, and Roy W ill daughter left this week on a two- BUTCHERINO August 1, 1946. Hollingsworth Hardware and Imple to Haines, Oregon to make their range. Good location in Ontario, weeks vacation. Custom butchering every M on oughby and Jane Doe Willoughby, A. L. Fletcher, 4Atfc. home. one block from highway, schools, ment company. day and Friday. Beef, sheep and his wife; also all other persons and Attorney for the Plaintiff, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R effett city park and ball park. Immed On Fishing Trip — FOR SALE— 1942 Ford “ Jeep”, pork Sanitary butchering guaran parties unknown claiming to have Residence and Post O ffice address: have been assisting with the farm iate possession. Phone 584R Er mileage 18,500. New top, side cur teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must any right, title, interest In or lien Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. M iller and Nyssa, Oregon. work at the Leonard Olsen home nest Frost, 287 S. W. 6th street, tains and extra tire. Price $985 come In Thursday or Sunday after upon Lot 7 of Block 27, Teutsch's son, Oordon, of Parma left Sunday the past week. Ontario, Oregon 4J2xp Powell service station. Immediate noon between 12 o’clock and 6. No addition to the City of Nyssa, M al morning for a few days of fishing Mrs. Frank Parker and Mr. and stock accepted on butchering day heur County, Oregon, Defendants. 27J3xc In northern Idaho. FOR SALE— Good 100 acre ranch. delivery. Mrs. Don Parker and family spent One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta T o M ALH E U R COUNTY, a pol Good modern Improvements, $153)00 avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc itical sub-division of the State of —— . . the Fourth of July at the home of For Rent See Frank T. Morgan. 4Jtfc. Oregon. H. S. Sackett, County Mr and Mrs jLeater Cleaver and M rs. Parker’s parents. Mr. and D A Y NURSERY Clerk and Ex-Offlclo, registrar of Truman Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen. FO R S A LE —11 acres, seven-room FOR R E NT— Rooms. One mile Legal Advertising and LaVern Cleaver and Bernice | Little Donny Parker has been llJ4xp house and shop. Inquire at B ill’s west Nyssa. Fred Lindner. titles for said Malheur County; By hour or day from NOTICE OF F IN A L H EARING Bowen were fishing last week. Mr. quite ill this week with tonsilitis. place west of grade school build Lulu L. Hoxie, widow of W. B. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver and T ru Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool en W ANTED 8 to 6 o’clock, daily ex ing. 20Jtfc. ~ Hoxie, deceased; Dewey B. Hoxie man spent three days fishing while tertained Sunday in honor of his That Nettle A, Simpson. Adminstra- and Doris F. Hoxie, his wlje; Helen cept Sunday. the others returned the same day. sister. Mrs. Clara Mackey of Par FOR SALE—5 room modern house W A N T E D Auto mechanic and parts trlx of the estate of John M Sim A. Wilson and Paul Wilson, her Those from this district who ker, California. Guests were J. C. with basement. Large chicken house. man. Phone 144J, Nyssa, past of- pson, deceased, has Hied in the husband; Lloyd E. Hoxle and Ruth Experienced lady, mod 13Jtfc. ^ c ounty Court of Malheur County. attended the Fourth of July rodeo Rookstool of Parma. Mr. and Mrs. 1 acre ground. Located on paved ice box A. Hoxle, his wife; Cleston C. Hoxie ern nursery, highway. Bernard Eastman. W ANTED—Beauty 'operator Good I Oregon. her first and final account ar.d Lucy Hoxle, his wife; Harold at Vale were Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. F. Rookstool. Mrs. Stanley R e ff Hoffman, M r and Mrs. Roy G riff- ett and daughter and Mrs. Leonard FOR SALE—3 bedroom modern commission. Owyhee Beauty shoo. and reP °rt of her administration. C. Hoxie and Evva Hoxie, his wife; house. Good location, trees, lawn. l«M tfc. f “ d that Monday. July 22 1946 at | Herbert c Hoxie and Ruth r o x ^ itts and fam ily and Mr. G riffitts’ Olsen and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Har Mrs. W . 0 . Peterson the hour of two o’clock P. M. of | mother of Colorado, M r and Mrs. old Rookstool and son and Frank $6500.00. Terms. Bernard Eastman. le, his wife, being the heirs of W. .7, Phone 149W Willis Bertram, Mr. and Mrs. Geor 13Jtfc. W ANTE D Rookstool of Adrian. Ironing to do in m y'said day at the County Court deceased; Gertrude Eva Room in the City ol Vale Oregon | , single woman; j Blaney ge Cleaver, LaVern and Leonard Fourth of July guests a t the have been fixed as the time and J « Cleaver, M r and Mrs. Alva Good- . . .. . . _ .. ¡Boydell, a single man Arthur H. Place for the hearing of said a c - , „ and Blanche w , ell, Alva. Jr., and Donna Belle, and ™ u,‘ , and any, obJe®tions that may ! Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. Sarazin, David Highland. Mr. and Mrs. be filed thereto, when and where . . . . ____. . .. . „ „ . . . S. B. Hoffman attended the rodeo 1 . . . her husband Elizabeth Agnes Ned any person interested in said estate ry and E. Britt Nedry, her rus- at Payette the same day. may appear, file objections in writ Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver band; W inifred B. Thomas, sole A D D IT IO N A L ing and be heard thereon. were in Ontario Saturday. heir of W in S. Brown, deceased, Said account Is for final settle Alva Goodell spent three days and Louis P. Thomas, her hus ment and upon being approved and last week looking after his cattle BUS SERVICE band: Winifred B Thomas, devisee settled said estate will be closed. of H F Brown, deceased, and Louis In the hills. Nettle A. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Savage ot P Thomas, her husband, and the FOR Administratrix of the astate of Nyssa sent Sunday at the Lester unknown heirs, if any of H. P. John M. Simpson. Deceased. Cleaver home. Brown, deceased, and Roy W ill First pub. June 20, 1946. Mr and Mrs. Carl Sebum were oughby and Jane Doe Willoughby, Beginning July 1,1946 Last pub. July 18, 1946. Sunday dinner guests at the George O PTOM ETRISTS his wife; also all other persons Cleaver home. PH YSIC IAN S and parties unknown claiming to Buses will leave Nyssa, Oregon NOTICE O F R E G IS T R A T IO N OF Dnona Belle Goodell attended DR. J. A. McFALL (have any right, title, Interest in TRADE M AR K a party given in the Merrick home EASTBOUND 7:40 a. m. *1:20 p. m. S A R A Z IN CLINIC or lien upon Lot 7 o f Block 27, “ See MrFall and See Better” Notice hereby is given, that the Saturday evening in honor of Es Teutsch's addition to the City ol 3:35 p. m. *6:20 p .m. 11:05 p m Dr. J. J. Sarazin ther Moults of Kansas, who Is vis undersigned Eastern Oregon Pro Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon, Dr. K E. Kerby duce Co., a co-partnership com iting at the home ot her aunt, defendants. W ESTBOUND 5:10 a m 10:25 a m posed of Mary W. Muir, Àfton Mrs Kurtz. Physician and Surgeons IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STA TE *2:20 p m *8:05 p m 11:50 p m Roberts and Tom Burnlngham, has O F O R E G O N : You and each of filed with the Secretary of State L. A. Mauldin?. M. D. you, are hereby required to appear *Twin Falls-Boise-Weiser Local of the State of Oregon Its applica Physician and Surgeon and answer the complaint filed tion to register its trade-mark in Phone 37 For Complete Information Call EYE SIG H T SPE C IALIST against you in the above entitled Mrs. Walter Olsen, Mrs. Leland | tlie State of Oregon, and such Hours; 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 court and cause within four weeks Marks and daughter, Jeanne Marks O N TA R IO OREGON application has been filed and Daily—Except Sunday from date of the first publication ol Redmond. California came Tues recorded by the Secretary of State. of this summons, said first pub day evening for a visit with Mr. The description of such trade JE W E LR Y STORES lication date being July 4, 1946. and Mrs. Tod Pomeroy. Mrs. Olsen Nyssa Post No. 79 mark and articles of merchandise and If you fall so answer, for want and Mrs. Marks returned home to which it is to be applied is as PAULUS thereof, the plaintiffs will apply Friday while Miss Marks remained follows: The arbitrary word to the court for the relief demand for a longer visit. JEWELRY STORE “O W YH E E ”. This word will ger.-1 ed therein to wit: For a decree The Lester Adams and George Phone No. 29 Owyhee Drug Union Pacific Time Inspector eraly appear In large »tiers foil- a p o n t iffs to be the Wilson families enjoyed picnicking owed by the word “ brand n • „ fpe „ „ of the (o „ . JEW ELRY — DIAMONDS on the Owyhee river the Fourth. small letters, the same to be print- , desCribed real property sit- W AT “ HES Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Brim were The American Legion ed on bags containing Potatoes. ] Malheur c SU te Caldwell visitors Tuesday. Main Street a. Second onions or seeds, and printed on ¡ f Qregon to wlt; Holds regular meetings Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty and I Lot 7 of Block 27. Teutsch’s add sons of Nyssa spent from Saturday First and Third Thurs ~W Y C K O F F ition to the City of Nyssa. M al until Sunday evening in the Char days, every month. heur County, Oregon. i Don M. Graham les Ditty home. JEWELRY STORE Ali veterans and service That the title of said property Mr. and Mrs Charlie Wilson Official Time Inspector for be qulted in the plaintiffs; that moved the first of the week to men and womeii are Union Pacific Insurance Agency I f you are an owner of any type of W illys the defendants be required to set their recently-purchased residence welcome to attend our O N TA R IO OREGON forth the nature of their respect near Roswell car or truck will you please write us, giving meetings.______________ ive rights in said property; that Oeorge Wilson Is employed In year model and other identifying information? the court adjudge and decree that Nyssa. Fire and Automobile Sales Service Supplies DENTISTS With this information we hope to better serve all the right, title, estate, lien Master-Sgt. James Atkeson of ,or Interest which any of the de Berlin. Germany and Jake Qroot you with repair service and in furnishing re Insurance ,i. R . W O RLD FAM OUS fendants have in and to said prop of Columbia avenue were Mondey pair parts. Dentist ELECTROLUX Rentals Bonds erty. or any part thereof. Is inferior callers in the Charles Ditty home. W e carry in stock GENUINE W IL L Y S parts Phone 56-J In right to the plaintiffs' estate Audrey Adams accompanied Mr. Cleaner & Air Purifier therein; that each of said defen and Mrs. Elmer Moorehouse ot Sarazin Clinic and are prepared to serve you with repair ser E. R. Anderson dants, and all persons c la lining by. Nyssa to Vale Saturday evening. N YS SA OREGON vice and parts. through, or under them, or ar.y Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hansen of Rt. No. ¡1 Sunnyside, Place your order with us now for that New of them, be perpetually enjoined Concord, California E.W. PRUYN were house F. F. BODMER Weiser, Idaho and debarred from asserting any guests from Friday until Sunday Civilian Jeep. Dentist such right, title, estate, lien or of Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Brim. FLOOR SANDING ¡Interest In said property, or any Mrs. Hansen Is a sister of Rev. Auto Repairing Ph. 187W ¡part thereof; that by order of this Brim. Wilson Bldg. New or old floors sand Reboring, Valve Grind court, H. S. Sackett as Registrar ed perfectly. Large of Titles, be ordered to cancel H A Y BUYER ing, I^tthe work. Parts certificate of title No. 392. and to commercial machine A U TH O R IZ E D DEALER I issue transfer certificate of tIUe and experienced oper W . F. JA H N The Fourth was spent very quiet and accessories Willys Jeeps, Cars and Trucks [In lieu thereof to the plaintiffs Dealer in hav and grain ators. Telephone Boise covering said Lot 7 of Block 77 ly In this vicinity. Picnicking, via- j First and Main St. of Teutsch's addition to the City I ting and fishing were the main Third at Good Ave. 6189R. Phone 56w NYSSA, OREGON PH O NE 144J attractions I of Nyssa. Oregon. A group of friends spent the day This summons Is served upon Classified Advertising Arcadia J Buena Vista Professional And Business Directory Better Than Ever . . . Trailways Nyssa Sunset Valley ATTENTION Willys Car Owners If cuNn'Atdr WATTS Big Bend MOTOR CO: