THE NYSSA GATE CITY N O T IC E O F S C H O O L M EETIN G NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Ugal voters of School District No. 28C. of Malheur County, State or that a SCHOOL MEETINO of the said district will be held at the Grade School on the 17th day of July. 1946, at 8:00 o’clock p. m„ for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning July I, 1946, and ending June 30 1947, hereinafter set forth. Oregon, BUDGET Schedule 1 ITEM Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Bali Total All Fuñas Estimated Receipts from Delinquent Taxes ........................ » 3.000.00 County Sclioot Fund ................. 15.000.00 Elementary School Fund .......... 8.950.00 State Irreducible School Fund 1,147.00 Vocational Education ..... .......... 2,600.00 High School Tuition Elementary Tuition ..................... High School Transportation ...... Elementary Transportation .......... Sales of Supplies. Property, or Equipment ..................... ............... 500.00 11. Special Reserve Fund .................. 11,000.00 12. Sinking Fund ...................... 10,000.00 13. Rentals ............................... 200.00 *14. Other Sources ..................................................... ij. Estimated Total Receipts ............ *52,397.00 *16. Estimated Available Cash Bal ance or Deficit (Add Cash Bal- ance—Deduct Deficit) ................. 00.00 *17. Estimated Total Receipts and Available Cash Balance or Deficit *52,397.00 • I. • 2. • 3. * 4. 5. 8. • 7. 8. * 9. 10. Oeneral Fund * 3.00C.OO 15.000.30 8.950 00 1,147.00 2.600.00 500.00 11 , 000.00 10 , 000.00 200.00 *>2.387.00 00.00 *52.397.00 Schedule 11— General Fund Elementary Schools Due to the recent consolidation with District 38. th's is a new district. Hence« thera Is no past history. I. GENERAL CONTROL 1. Peisonal service: (1) Superintendent ...................... * 1,903.00 *12) Clerk ........................................ (3) Stenographers and other office assistants ........................ 400.00 *(4) Compulsory education and census ........................................ 265.00 2. Supplies .......................................... 50.00 3. Elections and publicity ................. 50.00 *4. Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) .....................».______ 75.00 *5. Other expense of general control: (1) ................................ .................. 195.00 *6. Total Expense of General Control .......................................... $ 3.028 00 is. »..(STRICTION— Supervision 1. Personal service: *(1) Principals ............................... * 1,530.00 (2) Stenographers and other offite assistants ........................ 00 00 (3) Supplies, principals and supervisors ................................. 185.00 (1) Other expense of supervision 100.00 (6) Total Expense of Supervision * 1.815,00 »»». INSTRUCTION—Teaching 1. Personal service: *<1) Teachers ................................. *43.161.00 •2. Library supplies, repairs .......... 75.00 •3. ¿Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) ..„ 2,175.00 •4. Textbooks ..................................... . 1,350 00 5. Other expenses of teaching ........ 100.00 6. Total Expense of Teaching $46,861.00 1. Personal service: *(1) Janitors and other employees ...... ................... - .... * 3,889.00 •2. Janitors' supplies .. .......... ........ 750.00 •3. Fuel 1,100.00 1.200.00 •4. Light and power ................. ........... *5. Water ................- .......................... 200.00 •6. Telephone'................. —............. . 125.00 50 00 7. Other ex|>ense of operation ........ *8. Total Expense of Operation * 7.314.00 V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR *1. Repair and maintenance of * 835.00 furniture and equipment .......... *2. Repair and maintenance of: * 3.200.00 (1) Buildings ..... ..... ..............- ...... 3. Other expense of maintenance 150.00 and repairs ................................... .* Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs ....................... ........... * 4,175.00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 1. Health service: 25.00 (1) Supplies and other expenses 2. Transportation of pupils: 4.099 00 •<1) Personal service 1.620.00 *(2) Supplies and other expenses .. *(3> Repair and replacement of 5,850.00 busses .......................... .............- 120.00 3. Other Expenses ........................... *4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Arencies ................................. :...... 811,714.00 \ „ . FIXED CHARGES 680.00 *1. Insurance ? Total Fixed Charges V »il. CAPITAL OUTLAYS » 6.000.00 1. New buildings 2. New furniture, equipment and 725.00 replacements ................................. 3. Other capital outlays: 350.00 •il» Library books _________ ___ 25.00 (2) Other ____ __ ______ ___— _ * 7.100 00 4. Total Capital Outlays ..... - ......... Estimated Expenditures High Schools Estimated Expenditures for the Ensuing School Year In Detail $ 1.993.00 * 3,986.00 400.00 800.00 00 00 50.00 50.00 265.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 150.00 135.00 330.00 $ 2,703.00 • 5,73100 * 1,560.00 * 3,090.00 800.00 800.00 265.00 100.00 t 2,725.00 450.00 200.00 * 4,540.00 ilo ,396.00 100.00 1,400.00 50.00 475.00 •30.421 00 *71,557.00 175.00 3,575.00 1,400.00 675.00 *77,282.00 * 3,389.00 550.00 750.00 850.00 200.00 150.00 50.00 ( 5.939.00 * 7,278 00 1,300.00 1,850.00 2,050.00 400.00 275.00 100.00 (13.258.00 * 600 00 I 1,425.00 1,200.00 4,400.00 75.00 225.00 t 1,875.00 * 6,050.00 ( » 25.00 6.848.00 2,700.00 3,900.00 80.00 9,750 00 200 00 ) 7.834 00 (19,548 00 1 « 1.070 00 ) 5,731.0 * 4,540.00 1 * * *77,282.0 »13.253.0 ( 6,050 00 • (19,548 00 • 4.000 00 *10.000.00 800.00 1,525.00 350.00 25.00 * 5,175 00 700.00 50.00 (12.275.00 (12.275.00 175.00 175.00 » 3,000 00 175.00 * 3,000.OC ltt.924 90 DEBT SERVICE-BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FUND Bonds and Interest »16.833 68 *7 Total Schedule V-Special Improvement Fund able Cash Balance*, and Tax Levies. NEWELL HEIGHTS Is Cow Hollow Notice of Cemetery M EET IN G Election of officers and discussion on putting in pressure system and means of raising funds. MEMORY R2 LANE LONG TROUSERS Remember when boys wore knee pants, high button ed shoes and long stockings? The thrill of adolescence was changing to long trousers and socks, boys do not empha- Today’s styles for size this change, but rob them of this growth to manhood. Remember? were married at the Christian church in Payette Sunday, July 7 by the Rev. Wayne Sundquist. The bride wore a floor length dress of white net and carried a bou quet of pink carnations and white sweetpeas. Attendants were Mrs. Lorrls Southerland, sister of the groom, matron of honor, and Miss Eunice Connly and Miss Lots Betts, bridesmaids, each of whom carr ied pink and white bouquets. Cal vin Conner, brother of the groom, was best man. Oerral Uehlin was flower girl and Philip Conner was ring bearer. The bride and groom left Monday morning for a short honeymoon. Upon returning, they expect to make their home in this ommunity. Albion Johnson and Irvin Betts pent the week-end in the moun tains fishing Mrs. L. B. Butcher of Riverside, California came Thursday to spend several weeks visiting her son, Clyde Butcher, her daughter. Mrs. Dwight Durrlngton, and family ana other relatives around Notus and Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Durrlngton and family, Clyde Butcher and Mrs. L. B. Butcher spent the Fourth at the Ray Butcher home at Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B'anchard, Mr and Mrs. Ben Shaw and Ber nard and Awana, drove to Lick creek Saturday morning, reluming J Surfday morning. They reported good fishing | Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Poe and F-ed •14.300 00 2,133.6* (16.633.ff Schedule V — Special Improvement Fund (Serial L evy, Etc.) SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUND | Bond Interest Spec. Improve- | Miss Laural Ann McLaughlin of Montana spending the Total AU Tenet-. Fund it sinking Fund ment Fund ' MLsoula, Funds Tot. Sched. V week visiting at the M. L. Kurtz Tot. £ .ied. II Tot. Sched. Ill Total e-timated expenditures .. ) 15,000 (V) l home $174.557.63 6142,931.00 * 16,833.63 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Windberg and DEDUCT: son and Mrs. Wind-erg's sister Total estimated receipts and avail- able cash balances (Schedule I) .. 00.00 are visiting at the Jake Borge 52,397.00 52.397.00 00.00 home. They will stay until Sotur- Amount necessary to balance the budget .........-........... ....... ............... 15.000.00 122.160 63 90.527 00 16.633 63 Dr. Patterson spent the week-end DEDUCT: Deficit forwarded to next fiscal year 00.00 at the M. L. Kurtz home. He 00 00 00.00 00.00 Balance to be raised by taxation 15.000.00 preached In the United Presby 90,527.00 122,160 63 16,633.63 terian church Sunday in' the ab ADD: sence of Rev. Nevin. Estimated amount of taxes that will Jake Barge and family spent not be collected during the fiscal the Fourth In Payette. year for which this budget is Thurman Piercy reserved his dis made 00.00 3.000.00 00.00 3,000.00 charge and returned home Friday. Total estimated tax levies for ensuing fiscal year 15,000.01 He has been in the navy for more 90,527.00 16.633 63 125,160.63 than a year. Analysis uf estimated tax levies: Mr. and Mrs. Piercy and Thur 15,000,00 Amount tn.ride 6T limitation 68 987.62 16.633 63 100,621.25 Amount outside 6% limitation 00.00 man left Saturday for Buhl, Idaho 24.539 38 00.00 24.539.38 to visit relatives. Arlene will re turn home with them. INDEBTEDNESS Miss Patsy De Haven spent the 1. Amount of bonded indebtedness (include all Fourth with Joyce Kurtz while negotiable Interest-bearing warrants issued under Mr. and Mrs. De Haven were in section 111-1016, O.C.L.A.) $46.950 00 the hills. 2. Amount of warrant indebtedness on warrants Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hann and sons 00.00 Issued and endorsed "not paid for want of funds’ met Mr. and Mrs. Camel and fam 3. Amount of other lndebteness 00.00 ily in Vale where they spent the - 4. Total Indebtedness (sum of items 1. 2, 31 .......... *46.950 00 day. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill and Dated this 17th day of June, 1946. Carl Lee and Nancy spent last Signed: week-end in the hills. David stayed flENRY HARTLEY R. G. LARSON with his aunt, Mrs. Stephens. District Clerk Chairman Board of Dlrectars (Districts Other Than Third Class) Approved by Budget Committee June 17, 1946. Signed: A. H. BOYDELL DALE GARRISON Clarence Herrud returned last Secretary, Budget Com. Chairman, Budget Com. Wednesday from a trip to Caltl- * Indicates principal items used in Third Class ornla Districts. Members of the Owyhee ward of the L. D. S. church entertained alysts, through Its national office Flannery of Nampa visited Wed W. O. Bybee at a party last Fri day in Nyssa. Games were played in New York and through its coun nesday at the Sam Henne home. Richard and Roger Jenkins and and refreshments were served. Mr. ty chapters, is ready to assist com Bybee was released as a coun This column is sponsored by the munities where outbreaks occur and Wayne Durrlngton went on the sellor to the bishop and Dale Sess Malheur County Public Health to help Individuals who get the dairy judging tour held Monday ions was sustained as second coun association. disease. sellor President Luther L. Fife by the conuty agent. INFANTILE PARALYSIS The foundation emphasizes that Mr. and Mrs. Alvle Lanfear of was in attendance at Sunday school During the late summer, parents 1 although there Is no known cure Caldwell spent Wednesday night and the fast meeting last Sunday are apt to think, with fear In their | for polio, quick action may prevent j and Thursday, the Fourth, with in the Owyhee ward. hearts, of infantile paralysis, as cripling and urges that medical | ggr aJKj mrs paui Thomson and Mr. end Mrs. Delos Durfee and it Is often called, polio Epidemics I advice be sought immediately If family Mr and Mrs. Henry Durfee re of the diseast are most apt t0 polio Is suspected The first sym- Mrs. Emil Brlnkan and Mrs. turned last week from a two-weeks break out from June to September. toms are often a headache, unex D. H, Kocker of New Plymoutti visit In Utah. In this country, the disease reach plained fever, a cold or an upset called on Mrs Paul Thomson Tues Delone Smith is home from the es its peak in the latter month. stomach. If any of these symptoms day afternoon of last week. hospital following an appendix op Infantile paralysis feared, not appear, a doctor should be called. Mr. and Mrs. Art Lockner and eration only because of the deaths it caus- People who are very tired are Florence called at the Ha'ry Wood Joey Herrud spent the week-end es-many other diseases take more more apt to get the disease than ar.d Pete Mootz homes Friday ev in Ontario with his uncle and aunt. lives-but because it so frequently those who get sufficient rest. Chills ening. Virginia Cleaver and Mrs. James leaves Its victims crippled for life may weaken resistance to the dls- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rles and Savage shopped In Boise last Mon and bacause little is known about ease-so do not stay in cold water sons. Jerry and Jimmy of Salem day. the virus which causes the disease. loo long. And do not swim In wat- spent three days last week visiting Mrs. Leo Utter of Sidney. Colo .Therefore few preventive meas er polluted by sewage or other filth. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mootz and rado Is visiting her son, Leo Utter ures can be taken against it. Since waste and uncovered gar- family, of this vicinity. Infantile paralysis is caused by bage may be sources of infection, a virus so small it cannot be seen the community should be kept througti the most powerful mic clean and every effort should be j1 roscope As yet no means of pre- made to protect food from files vention or cure has been discov and other insects ered. There have, however, been The foundation warns against advances in treatment. This, with having tonsils and adenoids re the creation of additional fac moved during the polio season, ilities for aiding the victim’s rec since it is believed that children overy, has done much to allay are more susceptible to polio In fear of the disease. Although Its fection after these operations. name would seem to indicate that Further Information about Infan AT OWYHEE SCHOOLHOUSE Infantile paralysis strikes only chil tile paralysis and its treatment dren, this is by no means true. may be obtained from local chap It may attack older age groups, ters of the National Foundation for even adults, and may cripple them Infantile Paralysis or by writing as well as young children. the national office, 120 Broadway, Panic never cured a disease or New York 5, N Y prevented its spread If there is danger of a polio epidemic in the NU-ACRES community, parents and public of ficials should keep calm The Nat Miss Eunice Betts and Henry ional Foundation for Infantile Par- Conner, both of this neighborhood NYSSA Schedule ill— Bond Interest and ¿»inking Fund *1. Principal on bonds (Include neg otiable interest-bearing warrants Issued under section 111-1016. O. C. L ..A .I __________________________ •2. Interest on bonds —___ .............. •3 Total Schedule III— Debt Service- PAGE THREE ESTIMATION OF TAX LEVY FUNERrtL HOME IX . DEBT SERVICE—NON-BONDED X EMERGENCY Total Schedule II— General Fund-Total estimated ex panses for the year—sum o f items 1-8, II-5, III-1, IV-8, V-4. VI-4, VII-4. VTII-T, IX -*, X ................ 11, 194G July 15 at 8:15 p.m. ( 1.070.0 •1. Interest on warrants ........ ........... 2. Total Debt Service, Non-Bonded THURSDAY. JULY Health for All 5000 2,749.00 1.080.00 390 00 Estimated Expenditures for the. Ensuing School Year By Totals JOURNAL S Mills Serial Levys To Sinking Fund Approximately *15.000 00 BROWER PLUMBING SHOP G. I. Priorities Filled First Electric Water Heaters Phone 95—J GRAIN An abundant crop. A FIRE And no insurance Mean an Empty Purse? Insure In Sure Insurance FRANK T. MORGAN Aeroplane Crop Dusting 0 Let us dust your potatoes, onions and seed crops by aeroplane. Potatoes with calcium arsenate $11.50 per acre. Potatoes with DDT $4.50 per acre. Onions with DDT rapging from $0.50 to $7.80 per acre. Cook-Johnson Dusting Service Incorporated Telephone 37 Parma or 1034J Caldwell