THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY,^JU L\_L-H Ü l___ -------------------------------- -------- lpriles were 7 « . Carence A * » - — « . *** Miner and Eitonjc^mp. zm, sorority sisters of the bride. ot Payette, Mrs William C Bisnop j Council. _ t_ POR SALE— Mrs. St unz, a graduate of Nyssa OUvM«0Uv , / «- land Mrs. Fred Mitchell high school, attended Oregon State model, on rubber rvM BIRTHDAY PARTY OIVEN Sunset college, where she was affiliated valley. ^ W —| — birthday dinner was given I entertain salt lakers Tuesday with Oamma Phi Beta sorority. July 2 at the FOR BALE- Tw0. ^ Mr and Mrs D. O. Bybee enter- home of evening, The groom is a graduate of Nyssa Mr. und Mrs. Wl.ey good 600 » le Ur*, tained Friday evening at dinner Clowers high school and the University of In observance of George pad; one-hole for relatives from Salt Lake City, :e-hole electric Washington. birthday. After a wedding trip to Canada, Leno Christensen, Ben«? p.aces were laid for 14. The cen­ dowers' menta. Guests In addition to the honoree merits, HELEN SALLEE BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. Stunz will be at terpiece for the table was a low were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Clowers, crystal bowl of large red rases, home in Nyssa. in St. Pauls Episcopal church with two white miniature doves Allen Clowers, Mr. and Mrs. Law­ f o r d c o w s with c a lv a r - 1 - Sunday, June 30, Miss Helen Eil­ DONALD ELDREDGE WEDS on each side. Assisting hostess rence Bailey and daughters, Tom C o l u m b i a Ave. een Sallee, daughter of Mr. and % Clowers and Gail, Gary and Randy At a ceremony performed Sun­ was Mrs. DarThel Pike. Mrs. Arthur C. Sallee, was married VU1A)] Clowers. day, June 16. Miss Barbara Flem­ to Ensign Emil O. Etunz, U S. NR, FOR SALEr OLson¡ñ¿Tl¿ ing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. HONORED AT SHOWER —8 - son of Mr. and Mrs. EJnll A. like new. Also larg, CELEBKATE3 BIRTHDAY G. C. Fleming of Oroville, Calif­ A bridal shower was given in S unz. The double ring ceremony cream seperator in Ionl Schoc Susan Elizabeth Plants celebrated ornia. became the bride of Donald honor of Miss Donna Jean Moth­ was performed by Rev. C. L. Call­ C. Eldredge. son of Mr. and Mrs. _______ June 27 at the her fifth birthday last Wednesday E. A. Dewey. erly Thursday, ahan. T H. Eldredge of Nyssa. home of Mrs. Otis Bullard, with afternoon with a lawn party. The _ Given in marriage by her fath­ The Rev. J. D. Miller officiated Mr-. John Zittercob and Mrs. Lee co|or scheme of pink and white was \ one 8-day mantle clock* a er, the bride wore a gown of in the presence of the families and Dail assisting. I carried on the birthday cake with time keepers, ( w , 1 white marquisette whose shirred friends of the couple. from Nursing hm Most of the afternon was spent candles and ice cream. Fourteen Across *------ *----“ skn~t terminated in a court train. A prelude of organ music by Max Christensen play ng games. Plano « e tl n uttle tots and five mothers attend FOR JJAU-l Estate he,L ,' R * ^ ® 81 A Juliet cap of lace and seed Miss Frances Ormandy and a vo- have been E nding their honey- were played^ by Mary ^Lou^Schenk. | „M hejwrty. new. Heats 5 room». pearls held the fingertip veil in cil; al solo “I’ll Walk Beside You" PPhone 03R11. place. The bride carried a white i I 00 Late to ClnasiK prayer book with an orchid and WANTED— Real e»t»tt organ accompaniments white streamers tied with steph- scheme prevailed at the shower FOR SALE— Rocking chair ------I Only tt L. H .. Phone 42R Ontario. R. / the candlelight ceremony. Eight Shirley Doolin. anotls. ! Th bride received many lovely appeared Ful mer, stucco house by Herren's manager Ontario Branch , sorority sisters of the bride, carry- j The bride's sister, Lucille Sallee, ing tall flower-trimmed candles i ' by her father. She wore a gown gifts. roll are el _C_ was maid of honor. She was dress­ and garlands of tulle, formed^ an w[th whlte tafieta bodice with HAPPY EIGH t CLUB MEETS »pedal act ed in a pale green marquisette aisle for the wedding party. They heart shape neck-line and a full | Members of the Happy Eight dress with a drop shoulder line by the lo. Arthur L. Hawkins is th eiwere followed by Miss Jane Crider net Sire wore a tiara of white carna­ skirt and train. Her fingertip, pinochle club met at the home ol s hool Bud tions and sweetpeas. I former Vys- i »ho !‘fhted‘he “ nd>es beld * veil was held In place by a coronet Mrs Dave Mitchell with Mrs. Lor- July H- Bridesmaids Denver were Miss who Beverly lia. she ... was married in Caldwell 'delabra. lhf 8iris Miss and candles in Warnke the can- pearls. Her colonial bou-:lain Bechstead as hostess Friday The pin t » n r.1,______ Ramona ol t __ , Donahue of Denver, wore fast month. was pink carnation and white Mrs. Tom Eldredge won high score. ton P to s Lebanon, Oregon, in a beige suite quet a blue taffeta frock, and M iss--------------------------------------- sweetpeas with pink and white A lunch was served. tunlty to and a crownless pink hat. was Greta Stunz, who wore lavender ._, ____ streamers, sweetpeas and baby of In: rea ii maid of honor. She carried a puff­ breath. net over taffeta. Their headdresses e ll HAVE PARTY au>i8 the were tiaras of pink carnations and S"81«" w;illam Bowman. U. S. N. ball arrangement of pink car­ The bride's cousin, Wilma Bull­ L. D. GIRLS S. girls between the ages limitation WOOL CASHMERE and tulle. sweetpeas. All three attendants R-. was groom's man and Lyle nations ard. was maid of honor. She was of 15 and 16 years held a party 11, artliic The bride, who entered on the attired carried nosegays of mixed flowers. Miner and Elton Counsil were arm in a blue satin formal and [ at the home of Mrs. Frank Skeen tution. 47 PER CENT WOOL of her father, chose for her The bride’s mother wore a lav- ushers a bouquet of pink carna -1 Wednesday evening. Afterwards the The »tl»» welding attire a powder-blue suit carried eiider sheer dress with pink acc- Miss June Savage sang and Mrs. with tions. | group attended a picture show. of the *ix SIZES lOi/o AND 12 ONLY silver trim and a lacy white essories and a corsage of garden- fjjida Tensen played the wedding off-the-face hat. She carried a Miss Marion Hipp, a school friend Lunch was served to 12. Chairman posed to b las The groom's mother was dressed musjc of the bride, who was bridesmaid, Mildred Williams, Mrs Frank Skeen, 19*6-47 [is white Bible with a white orchid In a pale blue eyelet with white A reception was held at the A. | -¡hull" TSevuier. wore a gown of blue net and carr- i ftrst counsellor and Mrs. Dean The »: m accessories. She too, wore a ___ gar- L c 8allee Bailee nom home following following tne the cere cere- Ianci streamers. were ied a bouquet of white carnations, J pife> secretary, were in charge. The tentative met at nbbon the altar by the They bridegroom mony, Mrs. William H. Smith ot and hls attendant, charles Beak_ The little flower girl, Patricia group is one of three groups of which is a Michielson of Nyssa, wore a dress girL ranging between the ages of Jerome. Idaho served the wedding ,ey of Ro6ebUrg, Oregon, over the b cake and Mrs. G. M. Sallee and At the reception, whlch follow. of white net. 1 12 and 18, a newly promoted The turn Mrs. K. E. Kerby poured. Assisting ,,d the ceremonyi a floral-wreath- Charles Landreth was best man church-wide organization, to credit partly jp.v a garage aiu were Miss Mardi Sallee. Mrs. Lew- pd Weddlng cake centered the and Jelmar Schoen. brother of the the girls for their various activities FLEA ANO lOUSI Is Brandt of Boise and Misses Lois table flanked by tall white can- !groom- and Jack zittercob' cousin for which they may win special busea, POWDER DDT Tiller of Nampa. Jacqueline Jagg- dies. Assisting In serving were the of the bride, were ushers. awards . tional tola GOES RIGHT ON KIUING THEM er of Ontario and Margaret Sara- Misses Lucille Sallee and Georgiana A reception was held at the lighting at - 5 - I following the ceremony. major - rep. HOSTS AT DINNER Post. Mrs. George Grayson, house church Those assisting were the bride's Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz were Jobs deft :n mother, presided at the table. aunts, Mrs. John Zittercob, who hosts to a dinner party at the Pay­ and MOW) f After a month's vacation, the cut wedding cake, and Mrs. ette Country club Saturday even­ cadla acinx “IS LIFE SO DEAR AND PEACE newlyweds expect to make their Otis the Bullard and Mrs. Lee Dail. ing honoring Miss Helen Sallee and Addition.: home in Camas, Washington. The couple will make their home creases and Emil G. Stunz, who were married 8 SO SWEET AS TO BE PURCHAS­ Kearns, Utah, where Mr Schoen Sunday afternoon in St. Paul's the rwn .n» NYSSA COUPLE MARRIED I is at stationed with the army. Ten thou: Episcopal church. Other guests IN PAYETTE CEREMONY ED AT THE PRICE OP BONDS funds are In the First Baptist church of HONORED ON 8 BIRTHDAY attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. sinking fu> Payette, Idaho. Friday, June 28 at Miss Betty Lomax was honored Sallee, the Misses Lucille and Mar­ people oi AND SLAVERY ". a candlelight ceremony. Miss Don­ on the occasion of her birthday di Sallee, Beverly Donohue, Greta ago for tin na Jean Matherly was married to June 26 when a group of friends Stunz. Mrs. Gretchen Squires, Bill WHILE THEY LAST shop an :1 t Flight Officer Ronald W. Schoen, gathered at her home BUILDING PERMITS Eleven tho Nyssa. Despite elimination of the OPA by congress of The present were Peggy Pounds Mrs. J. R. Winchell, remodeling, taken from bride Is a daughter of Mr. of Those Nyssa, Nyla and Gerry Mals- north Fifth street, lot 3. block 49, we are adopting a policy of which was and Mrs. Theo Matherly of Ont­ berger of Pawnee, Oklahoma, Lee Park addition, $1500, stucco. mainten m ' ario and the groom is a son of Roy Walter HOLDIN THE LINE of Jerome. Idaho, and Chet Mosier, construction, Fourth Altoge hei Mr. and Mrs. W. Schoen of Nyssa. Regular $3.85 Sorenson, Mr and Mrs. street, north half lots 6 and 5, an estimate The double ring ceremony was Loretta AGAINST HIGHER PRICES Owens, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene block 38, Park addition, $9000, 16 drawn from performed by Rev. Paul Felthouse Floyd Si by 32, brick veneer. Freeman and son, Donald Sayre We are buying quality merchandise as cheap­ In friends. direct tax the presence of 60 relatives and and Kenny Lomax of Parma. will Good Used Davenport------Cheap trict ly as possible and we will continue to sell at a The bride was given in marriage Refreshments of cake and ice $34,500 fn*it cream were served during the ev­ Used Tent —9 x 10—Umbrella Style port fund, fair margin. ening, which was spent in visiting. $76.000 to b Miss Sorenson played the accord- DAIRY HERD DISPOSAL SALE the tax on —Friday, July 12, starting at 1 p. ian. should e ml m„ 1 mile west of Ontario, >4 m. proxlm. t. i, north and 14 mile west. 48 head of PARTY HONORS GIRL ley. ariuxd Diana Maulding, four-year-old dairy cattle; dairy equipment. Bert dent, s.nii Nyssa’s Quality Store 165 Main Street daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Owens, owner, Bert Anderson and F e e d for e g g s this Maulding, was the inspiration for Joe Church aucts. fall. P u r i n a L a y two parties this week. Wednes­ day evening at the Payette Coun­ Chow balan ces grain try club six persons attended a for e g g production. dinner in her honor. Thursday PROGRAM afternoon 39 of her little friends and relatives attended a birthday party at her home. Her pink and white cake had two tiers. She re­ ceived many lovely gifts. 8 SHOWER HONORS MRS KING FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JULY 5-6 Mrs. Herman King was honored b) 34 of her friends Tuesday after­ DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM noon with a pink and blue shower Jinx Ealkenburg— Forrest Tucker in given at the home of Mrs. Leslie W G Sn & » rii Jo* ' m 1 C. Ballantyne, with Mrs. William “TALK ABOUT A LADY” ÿssa Orr and Mrs. Richard Maw as co­ And a special action musical western with hostesses. Various spring flowers adorned the rooms. Those winning stars from radio, stage, rodeo, screen and re­ h r i X f P tlv a n ® Tl -s - Will Add à i % United States Navy Surplus Socks 35c, Three For $1.00 E Bracken’s - -SPECIAL-- Small Foot Stool - - - $ 1 .5 0 O w y h e e D ru g C o m p a n y SALE CALENDAR PLENTY OF EGOS fo Seit.. Each ss m Ncrdale-Newsom Furniture Ci Hund Revi NYSSA P h o n e IO Ô THEATRE - cording. “ROCKIN’ IN THE ROCKIES’ Shows continuous Saturday from 6 p.m. Goes With Your Grain M at., S a l., 2: .>6 A d m 25c-5c In c. T a z Adm . E ven in gs, 40c-9c, In clu d in g T a x PURINA FLY SPRAY SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JULY 7-8 Dorothy Lamour, Arturo I)e Cordova, Patric Knowles and Ann Dvorak in “MASQUERADE IN MEXICO” A new style of musical entertainment in this luxurious whirl of romance, adventure and rhythm. Cartoon Shows continuous Sunday from 6 p.m. M at., Su n ., 2:36 A dm ., 30c-9c, In c. I » i Adm . E ven in gs. 40c 9c, In clu d in g T a x TUESDAY, JULY 9 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Freddie Stewait, June Preisser, Judy Clark in “JUNIOR PROM” Also Johnny Mack Brown in “BORDER BANDITS Shows continuous Tuesday from 6 p.m. Adm . t l c - 9 « , In c. T a x WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 10-11 I -I Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan. Jack Carson and Alexis Smith in “ONE MORE TOMORROW” The riotous story of a rich rascal and a gal who talked him into working for a living. It’s the season’s laughterpiece. News and Cartoon Adm. Rvenlnr*. «m>-«e. InrhMltn« Tax (Cancentrote with D.D.T.) - Bring . Your truck TRUCK° DAIRY CATTLE Don’t let flie* rob you of 10% to 15% milk flow this summer —Order a supply of the new Purina Fly Spray with D.D.T. today! A tnorous thoroughly tested spray —it is especially formu­ lated to take full advantage of powerful D .D .T ... Kills and repels for effective cow com­ fort at milking time. Easy to use. .. Economical! Ask about our new Purina D. D .T . spray for dairy barns and fa rm b u ild in g s. Al Thompson & Son HEADQUARTERS lax ***1 Z d***“* FATHER LionHEpiES, Y0UR TRAIN S0N w OULD LIKE IT TOO I smoke jusUik10 Tr,alnS an