THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL ^ ^OUGH STOCK IS ^ bc u r ed fo r r o d eo once iiielU lough ixiuce igure. . but rated which down 1 not work- rlvute have Just give help tun a from iploy- loual equal eroge ilated npor- îefic- local afflce In even vhen- go ork- lost who Phig re- >ach urs- shop ting >nn- rop- Dr. G. W. or stud i rdE, r i Graves Optometrist hone « Oreji Now at his new modern offices 718 Arthur St. Phone 720 Caldwell, Idaho (Directly across from the American theater) COI_____ Livi you al mother his lift le art! >eing Í if one e» i BROWER PLUMBING SHOP G. I. Priorities Filled First Electric W ater Heaters Phone 95— J I own, H t e c "e of ripe untimi are thor i with ■ne us r. Md , O ri i In trance d m Wltto an InerwM in the »ire a* purses for all compeUtlvt events of ib ded Impetus will tie given Nam- »uh aS Snake River stampede, aehed- (or July 11, 12 and IS. when *» any of «toe nation’s top cowboys THE COMMUNITY UNITKU ,„,*"11 pit their strength against the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ««J.Awhest string of stock that Leo Kingman Memorial Cremer of Big Timber, Mon- J. C. Nevtn, Pastor i] J*tils can round up. 10 a. m., Bible school * slloJr 'Always a spectacular event, this 11 am., morning worship. Ser w e ar’s show promisee to best prev- t performances, with three full mon by Dr. J. Boyd Patterson or crJ^ace under the lights at Nampa s Portland. jT® Codeo park. Tickets for the show 8 p. m„ evening worship. Devo- ^ W U| **• available in Nyssa at the Ol- ttnons with your favorite hymns. Discussion: Adults. "The Goodness jj , , upic club. 4t An amateur bronc riding purse of God” ; Y. P., "Getting the Most of Recreation” ; Pioneers, *y (300 will be given by the sta in - Out association this year, doubling date" Tuesday, young people’s swimm • ,st year’s priae money. Purses for Ylfllichrr events will total (3000. ing party at Caldwell. Wednesday, 8 . m„ choir practice -Fans will again see a numi-cr en. I [ favorite brones In action, Includ- at the parsonage 1 “Bald Hornet’’, "Oolden Pan”, Thursday., 8 p. m., officers meet- 0w p Pearl Haitoor’, and “Lee Rider1, (ing at the parsonage. w I'll, wen as brones from a new Friday. 10 a m„ prayer group. . J p .ring purchased this year b y : ------------ k r o n e r . Calf roping, toulldoggiiig.1 ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL MISSION :. nd Brahma tiull rldlhg^ will round' C. L. Callahan, Vicar l ® at the show, along with two of Evening prayer, 6 p. m. Wd aisodeo’s favorite clown, and sever-1 Holy communion, second Sunday leg j j : 1 specialty acts. in month. 9 a. m. ^ Aeroplane Crop Dusting Let us dust your potatoes, onions and seed crops by aeroplane. Potatoes with calcium arsenate $3.50 per acre. Potatoes with DDT $4.50 per acre. Onions with DDT ranging from $6.50 to 80 p er acre. Cook-Johnson Dusting f Service Incorporated Telephone 37 Parma or 1034J Caldwell mous m Bo-Stitch Stapler Small Size $1.75 Adequate Stock Of Office Supplies Available Gate Journal Printers and Stationers TH U RSD AY, JU LY 4, 1946 PAGE FIVE Fruitland Wednesday. | Bowen. | ghter, Mrs. Annie Barton, and Mr. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. C. M. Tensen and son. Neil,' M r. Nell Whitehead Is veiling and ££n Arthur Jones of Ogden We wish to thank the many members of the Owyhee Riding . ner son. John B .wen snd far.iUy. rtv d m NysSB WeJn*sday to friends for the kindness during ilub. took part in the parade at j The Oregon Trad funday schoolj ylsit at ^ h(/me of Mrs o a r e r s our recent sorrow. In the loss of Cherry festival at Emmett Thurs- ■ birthday party was he,J at the ,o V cni and rjK:ert our dear husband and father. day Mrs. Tensen was a- I school house Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Amanda Gray. warded second prize on matched Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Frank Fry vacation!«« in California— Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Oray. palominos. were hosts. The afternoon was Norcott and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gray. spent playing games. Lunch was M haVe a momn visaing Mr. and Mrs. Herrell Oray. served at an attractively decorated Mrb Norcott.s ilster at Sen Ber- Mrs Alta Summers. RECLAMATION ERA SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY taWe to about 3CI guests. „ardlno, California. They are ex- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moore. PRINTING RESUMED OF GOO Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grossaint of . ^ m u rn a . tlBUay. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Hum. Greeley, Colorado were overnight1 Alfred L. Brim, Pastor Mrs. Audra Dutoher. The first post-war issue of The guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hol- Sunday school, 10a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Seaman. Disrhargrd From Nurses Corps— Reclamation Era", official tnaga- n,es_ Sunday, Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintendent Mr. and Mrs. Ray Deihm. Miss Vera E. Jensen, who was zine of the buieau of reclamation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grossaint of Devotional services, 11 a. m. department of the interior, publi- Greeley, Colorado and Mr. and recently released from the army Young people s and children's j cation of which was halted for Mrs. F. S. Byers, and Donald and nurses corps, was here visiting her Serving 5 Counties four years during the war, was petty, Alice Byers and Thurman mother, Mrs. Mary E. Jensen. She church, 7 p. m. From the Largest Stock ol left July 3 for California, where received today by Pacific north- Hill were Sunday dinner guests at Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Genuine she will be employed. Prayer meeting. Tuesday, 8 p. west subscribers Regional Direc- the F. G. Holmes home. Mrs. F. G. Holmes and Mrs. Bible study, Friday, 8 p. m tor Rl Ji NeweU announced. Articles by newly-appointed Sec Roy Holmes went to Nampa Mon Primary To Meet— You are cordially invited to at All children of primary age are retary of the Interior Julius A. day, where Mrs. F. G. Holmes is tend these services. Krug and Commissioner of Recla receiving medical treatment from Invited to be at the L. D. 8. Part.« church Friday at 2 o'clock. mation Miohael A. Straus featured a foot specialist. Orders Shipped Immediately ASSEMBLY OF GOD the first edition of the publication, Pastor, C. L. Snider Speaks In Parma— which has wide circulation outside Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. O R. Anderson and Singing, preaching, prayer a t ' government channels, particularly daughter, Helen, v isited in Pai ma among irrigation districts and wat Payette, Idaho 10:45. Sunday. Mr. Anderson was guest i Phone 49 er users. Pasting and prayer Sunday even speaker at an L. D. S. meeting. The illustrated periodical is de- , _____ ing voted to telling, in popular style, Go to Mountains— Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. Tuesday, 8 p. m., prayer meeting the story of land and water re-| Mr and Mrs -skinny’ Tensen source development In the west. and children and Garry Bybee leit at parsonage. Wednesday to spend ten days in Thursday, 8 p. m., cottage pray It l* self-supporting, j The former subscription rate of the mountains north of Baker. er meeting. $1 per year for 12 isues remains In USED CARS AND TRUCKS. If you are think I D S CHURCH effect, Mr. Newell said. Unexpired Here From Ogden— ing o f selling your car for cash or trading on a Sunday. 9:15' a m.. priesthood subscriptions will be honored, and Mrs. Julia Garner and her dau- new car, let us figure with you. I subscribers will receive the number meeting. i of issues due. Sunday, 10:30 a. m., Sunday school. Sunday, 7:30 p. m.. sacrament meeting. YOU W ILL W A N T GOO D BRAKES FOR The Merry Matrons club met Tuesday, 2 p, m., Relief society J with Alta Fry Wednesday after T H A T V A C A T IO N TRIP. Let us repair them. meeting. noon, June 27th. The afternoon was | All work guaranteed to be satisfactoiy. First Tuesday of each month at VETERINARIAN spent visiting. Mary Smiley joined | 4 p. m. Primary for children be Telephone 144 J the club. Nine members answered I tween ages of 4 and 12. roll call by "A Vacation I’d Like | THE METHODIST COMMUNITY Box D Phone 135J to Take". New officers for the next CHURCH six months were elected as follows: Rev H J. Gernhardt, Pastor President, Florence ToAnbs; vice Sunday school, 10 a. m. Nyssa, Oregon president, Viola Adams; secretary, Worship and sermon, 11 a. m. East o f Post O ffice Gladys Byers; and treasurer, Alice "What Do We and What Ought Nyssa, Oregon Holmes. Refreshments were served We Think of the Church?” by the hostess assisted by Alberta Fellowship meetings, 7:30 Young adults, youth and Inter mediates Evening worship, 8:30 Bible study and prayer, Wednes day, 8:15. m ® M a n s e r , In c . LOCAL NEWS CASH BUYERS O regon Trail BRAKE SERVICE Dr.J.H. Berger WATTS MOTOR COMPANY STATEMENT OF CONDITION THE CHURCH OF THE NA7.ARENE E. J. Wilson, Pastor 10 a. m„ Sunday school. 11 a m., song service and ser mon. 7:15 p. m. the three groups of young people will have charge of the services. 8 p. m. evangelistic service. Wenesday at 8 p. m. a good pray- I er and praise service excepting the ¡first Sunday of the month, which will be missionary service LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. H. A. Heckman, Pastor Divine worship, 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 7 p. m. Sunday evening following the service at the American Legion hall there will be a meeting of all present to discuss the future of Lutherism in Nyssa It is hoped that all who are interested will be present . COLUMBIA AVENUE Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tensen and Neil and Caroline left Wednesday morning for their summer home at Summit prairie. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Marsh and family moved recently onto one of the tenant houses on the Pete Tensen farm. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Jensen were Ontario visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot and Mrs. Rinehart and Kristen, Dirk and Gretchen Rinehart were In SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEM ENT of tho LAW UNION ANI) KOOK tNSUK- ANCK COMPANY, LTD., o f LON DON, KINUDOM o f GREAT BRITAIN on tn„ Slot day of IMcomber. 1945. mad# 1 0 tho Imurance Commissioner o l the St at« of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premium« r e c e iv e d ------- 9 828,980.35 Total Interest, dividends and „ .„ a ..« .. teal estate in c o m e ----------- 75,340.80 lrcom s from other sources . 18,288 »7 1 Total in c o m e _____________ $ DISBURSE ME NTS Net amount paid policyhold er* for l o s s e s ___________- x4>ss adjustment expenses — Agents commissions or brok erage ....................................... Salaries and fees— officers, directors, home office em ployes ------------------------ Taxes, licenses and fee« _ — - AU other e xp e n d itu re # ------- 022,609.92 445.108 84 33,408.31 194,257 48 65,443 83 40,500.45 168,202.20 Total dlabureem ents___ __ $ 9 4 6 .9 2 3 .il ADM ITTED ASSETS Value o f bonds owned (am or tised) _____________________ 81.59«. 611 44 Value o f stock* owned (m ar ket T*lue > _______________ 577.527 50 Cash In banks and on hand _ 248.971.33 prem iums In course o f collec tion written since Septem ber 30. 1945 _____________ 151 832 41 ¿merest and rents dus snd accrued __________________ 11 123 s o Other assets ( n e t ) _________ 105 47.4 7 Total admitted a s s e t s ____ 82.598 413 95 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND t/l'HKH FUNDS Total anpald c la im s ---------- 8 132,«24 otx Estimated lose adjustment 8.475 Ol* expense fo r unpaid claim* Total unearned premium* on all unexplred riaks - - - - - - 954 8 13 0* Salaries, rents, expenses. Mils, accounts, fees, etc., due or a c c r u e d ________ - ...............- * " " Estimated amount due or ae- crued fo r t a x e s --- 2 « ui> Commissions, brokerage or other charges due and ac- crued 7 950 IH) AU other UaWUtle#--------------- *>,96? Total nablUt*«#. • * • • 8 « _ c a p i t a l ___________________ $1,183.129 62 Capital paid up S 250.000 00 Surplus o v e r - ill UAbimiM 1.1S3.2S4 33 OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND AS OF JUNE / / 29, 1946 / / RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks............... .......... $102,388,062.45 U. S. Bonds, including U. S. Government Agencies . 298,913,032.71 $401,301,095.16 43,032,176.32 Municipal B o n d s ........................................................... . 773,161.09 Other B o n d s ..................................................................... 80,186,019.13 Loans and Discounts..................................................... . 450,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank.................................... j'- 2,865,269.91 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures................. .. None Other Real Estate.......................................................... 92.284.52 Customers’ Liability on Acceptances........................... 1,976,471.37 Interest E a rn e d .............................................................. 362,526.29 Other R esou rces.............................................................. $531,039,003.79 T O T A L RESOURCES / LIABILITIES C apital............................................................................... $ 4,500,000.00 10,500,000.00 Surplus ............................................................................ Undivided Profits and Reserves..................................._ 8,665,178.03 $ 23,665,178.03 1,176,720.29 Reserves Allocated for Taxes, Interest, etc................ 92.284.52 Acceptances ..................................................................... 251,642.86 Interest Collected in Advance.................................... 258,524.89 Other L ia b ilitie s ........................................................... . 505,594,653.20 Deposits (exclusive of reciprocal bank d eposits). . T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S $531,039,003.79 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND—PORTLAND BRANCHES MAIN BRANCH 6th and MORRISON BRANCH MONTAVILLA BRANCH ____________________ LIVESTOCK-KINTON BRANCH ROSE CITY BRANCH SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH EAST PORTLAND BRANCH UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH OTHER ORECON BRANCHES ALBANY ASHLAND ASTORIA BEND CONDON COQUILLE ENTERPRISE FOSSIL CRANTS PASS CRESHAM HEPPNER HILLSBORO HOOD RIVER KLAMATH FALLS LA CRANDE LAKEVIEW MARSHFIELD MEDFORD MERRILL MOLALLA NEWBERC NORTH BEND NYSSA ORECON CITY PENDLETON SALEM SHERMAN COUNTY STAYTON THE DALLES TILLAMOOK UNION WOODBURN Affiliated with The First National Bank of Portland are nine Independent banks FIRST FIRST FIRST FIRST NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL BANK OF COTTACE GROVE COOLIDGE b McCLAINE, SILVERTON BANK OF FOREST CROVE BANK OF SELLWOOD, PORTLAND BANK OF EUCENE CLATSOP COUNTY BANK, SEASIDE BANK OF PRINEVILLE THE SCIO STATE BANK BANK OF SWEET HOME DEPOSITS First National Bank of Portland and 40 branches..................................... $505,594,653.20 9 other Oregon Banks affiliated with First National Bank of Portlan d .. 73,208,752.49 T O T A L _______ _______________________________ $ 5 7 8 , 8 0 3 , 4 0 5 . 6 9 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS First National Bank of Portland and 40 branches..................................... $ 9 other Oregon Banks affiliated with First National Bank of Portlan d . t o t a l ............................................... 80,186,019.13 6,846,833.96 $ 87 ,0 3 2 ,8 5 3 .0 9 uurplui u n u r t , F»“ «r- h o ld e r s ----------------------------- II 433.SS4.13 Total ____ _ ___ _______. . . S Z , » » « 413 »8 BUSINESS 1 « OREGON FOR THE YEAH Net premiums r e c e iv e d -----------$16 040 8 4 ' ___ __ 9,140 18! .Set loeeee paid ------- LAW UNION * Name o f Company ROCK INSURANCE CO Name o f U. 8. Ma B M fin Nam« of Fa<if1< Department Manager: W ILLIAM W GILMORE ______ Statutory reeidem attorney for oenrlca: D U D L SY ^A L L B N ^ aU SM S FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND................................. .