Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL T H U R S D A Y , . H ^ Y J . J '^ L a tor some time to confer wltli the Kurtz returned Thursday from and thereof, the plaintiffs will » I ’Pb mld. wejt. Mrs. Kurtz | social security board officials upon commission. Owyhee ^ ^ - hav. been fixed as the time ana thereof, me ________ _ _ .. reaching age 85, ln order to pro __ place for the hearing of said ac- to the court for the relief demand- trip to the mid for count and any objections that may ed therein to wit: For a decree visited relatives tn Kansas while tect full benefit rights. W ANTED— Elderly woman thereto, when and where adJudglng ^ p)aintiffs to be the Harold went to Iowa to visit. "A great many workers have - . I Eleven members of the Oregon light housework and cam pan y fo r ! be filed ...,.__ _ _____ just tkat,” W elo said, "but oid laay. N o laundry. Wages. P e r-'a n y person interested In said estate * foil. Trail Orange went to an Oregon done Slope Orange meeting Friday night nianent home Mrs. C. E. Schwei- . may appear, file objections in writ- owners ln s p many have not They have been to attend the presentation of the ser. route 2. Nyssa 27J3xp. ing and be heard thereon. 0w nf f * * ? unJer the impression that once traveling gavel. Harper Grange W ANTED Tr Ti m ------- Z.-' l. -■ I Said account is for final settle- 11 a e conducted the meeting. Those at a claim was tiled, the beneiu RATES: Two cents per word for each Issue After one montii one | phrg.igg ... i^ttled said estate will be closed .... , Mo, tending from Nyssa were Mr. and could not be changed even though cent per word Minimum, cash in advance, is 30c. ro o n e JIM or 06J1 llA tlc . I Nettie A Simpson ltu>n to uie Oregon Cily oi N> ^ a* Mal" Mrs. Loyd Adams, Mrs. Roy Hol- subsequent work m ight produce heur County, That the title of said p r o p e r t y )^ Mr and Mr.v George Cleaver a higher potential benefit figure. Administratrix of the .state of j W ANTED —Dead or worthless anl- be quited tn the plaintiffs; that | Mj. ^ ^ A,ya U(xjdell and John M. Simpson. Deceased. “T h at was true fo r a time, but FOR S A LE 2 on one lot, ‘iials. horses, cows, calves, sheep the defendants be required to set , Mf gnd Mrs charley Q rld. last year the board Inaugurated Fust pub. June 20. 1840 iv n iC L L L A N L O U S and hogs. Paone collect Nyssa 1U2W, orth the nature of their respect- ^ gnd pra,u 8hedwood. Among a method of recalculating which I one 3 rooms and bath. One 2 rooms Last pub. July 18, 1840. Payette 56UJ3. Frultland 3713 or For Sale -------- and bath. $3659.00 terms. Nanipa 1000. 7Mtlc. .NO TICE O P RE G ISTR ATIO N OF lve rlghts *" j 11“ 1 pl‘uperty1 the distinguished guests present will keep benefits from going down I O R SALE- Four room house with 3 HOU8E8 have ek ttrlc wa[er TRAD E M ARK ' tbe “" d was Paulina Ross. State Pomona once a claim is filed, but will nut bath, new 50-gallun electric hot LOST Notice hereby Is given, that the a11 the rKh‘" tltle' t l. Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Cirlder were keep them from going up. I f work water heater, new kitchen llnol- •“ *■> Iurna‘-e!1' bal1“ ' t!ar“ « es ers and former workers ln private ----------------- ----------------------- — or lnteresi wh,ch any 0,_.‘ h* i i n Payette on business ■ • Wednesday. --- « »* furnace, newly painted Uoud location. Shade and lawns. 11 ~ ' „ _ ~ „ —- . . . turn, rooted. oil and Good garden lawn Terms * LOST--Sterllng silver bracelet In undersigned Eastern Oregon Pro- “ * “ “ "’T _r t nrou- “ ■ * ” •’ — will Just f lirubs and Dees. New sewer _ s y s : a HOOM H O 0 8 * _ wtth ^ elect- , » . " Z 'J * |ln . 'posed * 5 ’ ¡ ^ “ T T Z n A “ ‘« * hereof. Is inferior y T m T r S m Ed i- '“ passed ldUstry the “ ud age o f 65, w“ u «— ” “ “ --------- - " — * -------- --------a . . “ 1 right to the plaintiffs' esWtejdgy ^ at Uie - come in to see us. we will give tem and fencing. Oarage and chic- |ru. tlot water tank, garage, lawn H. E. Simmons, Jr., Vale, Oregon. Roberts and Tom Burnlngham, has therein. that eaoh of said defen- Maurer orchards. them the Information and help ken coop and e lots. Also a good j and trees. $2200. Terms. | 13J4xc. j filed with the Secrewry of State dants and ad persons claiming by Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Herrm anl“ , full of the State of Oregon its appllca- “ “ ..... J” ~ ' . and Mr. and Mrs. Raphael W illis11,ece^ ai * t0 protect their * ,, l With Parma pump House la I BUSINB6S L O T - o n Ontario High- I tion to register its trade-mark In ,1’ routf h' or under them, or ary wired for eiectrlc stove $4000 cash ; way at Clty U miU. MISCELLANEOUS ne lt pointed out that hls state Welo the State of Oregon, and such of '^ be perpetually enjoined and family were guests of Mr. and or $4500 terms $2500 down and $35 B ERN ARD EASTM AN ment does not mean that a per application has been filed aIld|and^ debarred from asserting any Mrs. O. L. Willis Sunday. PERSO NAL—Believe on the Lord per month. Bernard Eastman. 27Jtt Mr and Mrs. Fred Burgess of son can draw benefits while work I FOR S A L E -S la b wood, truckload'Jesus Chirst, and thou shalt be recorded by the Secretary of SUte ' auch r lriht' 1 ‘ e' estate' *‘e Vale called Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. ing ln Jobs covered by the soc FOR SALE 6 registered cocker iots Leave oruers at Hancock Ser- saved. lActs 16:31). Doris Olson. The description of such trade- im er? ‘ ln / ald ,pr“ perty' or, f " y 27J2xp. mark and articles of merchandise spaniel pups, $15. I. L. Williamson, Vtce atal.iOI1 27Jaxp ial security act. The law, he ex th'‘reo' : ' ha‘ ^y ord" 0 hls Charley Grider. Texaco Service station. 27J2xp ■ plained, provides that benefits to which it is to be applied is as c“ url l ,H Sackett as Registrar --------------------- FOR SALE- Portaole mr condition- j M ISCELLANEOUS—Attention lrr- must be given up for any month follows: The arbitrary word ,of Tltles' b<> ordered t0 cancel FO R SALE— 5-rooms, bath and I er. Bernard Eastman. 20Jtfc. | gators. We have for sale several - — . . ... ! certificate of title No. 392, and to in which the worker earns more glassed in porch, with electric w a t - --------- ------- thousand steel pipe 18 inches long, •OWYHEE'. This word will ger.- issue transfer certificate of title than $14.99 in covered employment, er heater and automatic electric : FO R S A LE liv e room basement sultable for row crop or corruga- eraly appear In large letters foll- in lieu thereof to the plaintiffs but benefits can be stopped and lange. Good location in Ontario, ' house, north Sixth street. $2100. tlon lrrigating. Also 20 store, g a r - ! owed by the word "brand" in covering said Lot 7 of Block 27 19'6 Seed Support Prices resumed as often as the worker one block from highway, schools, I A. L. Atkeson. 9Mtfc. age or warehouse bins or shelving small letters, the same to be print- ir P u t s c h 's addition to the City The approach of harvest time moves in and out of covered Jobs. 17 feet high by 10 to 16 feet long, ed on bags containing potatoes, Nyssa Oregon city park and ball park. Immed seed crops brings a reminder to FOR SALE —Registered Jersey bull. T o prevent confusion and mls- ¡sturdy and well built. L. J. Joseph- (onions or seeds, and printed on ^ y summons' Is served Malheur upon county growers from Glen iate possession. Phone 584R Er Serviceable age. Phone O0R5. 20J4xp. ¡son and Son. Payette, phone 392J labels for use upon lettuce crates I m tue of an order of the . .. .u i „t ,"h„! understanding, Welo issued the nest Frost, 287 S. W. flth street, L. Hutchinson, chairman of tne " following cautions: Ontario, Oregon 4J2xp FOR S A LE —Cafe ln Malheur 27Jtfc or other wooden containers, the ^ on M A Bi j udge of the county agricultural conservation 1. Increased benefits, once a county. Doing excellent business. I . - — — ----------- * ---- | same to be pasted on such con- " ____ i AAA i committee, that they need FO R SALE — Model O Case com Inquire Journal office. claim Is filed, can result only from 20J3xp.! M ISCELLANBOUS“ 1 wU1 not re' tainers. T h e labels for lettuce will a ' . „ . . , 1 , . p L e lv e any stock July 4 or do any be prlnted on [)ap€r havlng for a “ ed or. he 2nd day of Julyi not ?ell their 1946 seed crops for bine, equipped with be&n attach additional work in covered employ less nS than ment, In fair condition. H. E. FOR SALE— Automobile Insurance. slaughtering July 5. Jake Fischer, background enter a blend of yellow 1946 direCtlnK that SUmm° ** the announced govern ment. Generally this additional erved upon you by publication ment support prices. Horn, '4 mile west of Apple valley Public Liability, Property Damage, 27J2xc. i and red with the word "OW YHEE" employment must be at pay equal thereof in the Nyssa Gate City Wlille as yet there Is no Indi- schoolhouse. 4Jlxp Fire, T h eft and Collision. Placed to or above the past average M ISCEI.LANEOUa — Guaranteed in whlte surrounded by either a Journal once a week for four succ ation that market prices will bei ln the best companies at lowest fewlng maohlne repairing. Complete monthly wage. or oval shaped black line, FOR SALE— Good 100 acre ranch. essive weeks. 'ess than support prices, lt is good posslole rales. Bernard Eastman That the name of the partnership 2. Benefits will be recalculated Good modern improvements, $15,000 stock of new parts for all machines, A. L. Fletcher. business for farmers to have in 14Ftfc only upon request. It is lmpor- See Frank T. Morgan. 4Jtfc. including electrics. Rebuilt mach I owning same is Eastern Oregon Attorney for Plaintiffs mind the support prices when the Produce Co., and the principal Residence address. Nyssa, Oregon. Ump CQmes tQ marke[ lhelr „ops,' , ' * 111' therefore, that the benefic FOR SALE ' New'' 1946 Motorola ines for sale. Buy and trade. F FOR SALE— House, four rooms, Lete" Sackett, Ontario. 20Jt!c. ¡oftice ° r Place 04 business of su' h iary get tn touch with the local six-tube radio, table model, ivory partly modern. Lave model refrig color, price $10. 88 south Third Coum y1o f1‘Matlhdeurt S t l ì ? o f oTe- ' s ™ MONS FOR ™ B L .C A T IO N not included!soctal » * • » » ile >d office erator, new oil heater and kitchen M ISCELLANEOUS—For better ra - County of Malheur. State of Ore ,IN THE C IR (.,IIT COURT OF . . nllrri1;lsp nroaram. but loans whatever he quits working ln street. 27J3xc. in the purchase program, but loans | dio service bring your radios to j gon. range to sell with house. 451 No. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR aj e "offered" at' 3^'~”cents a pound!covered employment; or. even First street. Inquire Mrs. Douglas FOR SALE Field and garden seeds, Nordale-Newsom Furniture store ¡June 2S, 1946 THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR al ' L puuuu ^ ....................................... on seel stored in approved w are-! though he is still working, when- EASTERN OREXTON Bateman at Owyhee Beauty shop. Hollingsworth Hardware and Imple- Gene Seybold, radiotrician. 13Jtfc.1 Loretta Bell, Plaintiff ever hls total pay begins to go | houses. -------------------------------------- PRODUCE CO 4Jlxc ment company. 4Atfc. vs. M ISCELLAN EO U S — For Insured | ___________________ Prices of forage crop seeds again down as a result o f reduced work Melvin Bernard Bell, Defendant FO R S A L E -- Large trunk, almost FOR S A L E - 1942 Ford "Jeep", end first class hauling see Stanley will be suported through a loan ing hours, lower pay rate, lost SUMMONS To Melvin Bernard Bell, defen new. $35. Guy Moore, route 1, N y mileage 18,500. New top, side cur Reffett. Phone 76, Powell Service j , N T ! |E C IR C U IT COURT OF program. Loan rates for the more time, or for any other reason. ssa, Oregon. 4Jlxc The field office of the social tains and extra tire. Price $985 Station. 7MIÍC. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR dant: 1 important varlties include $1.35 IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Powell service station. Immediate _____________ ^ . a pound for ladino clover, 40 cents security board Is located at La- T IIE C O U N TY OF MALHEUR STO R AG E — Consolidated Freight- FOR SALE— 11 acres, seven-room OF OREGON, you are hereby n o t-■ fQr tertmed aud 33 cem.s {or com. Orande and Is open from 8:30 a. m. delivery. 27J3xc George V. Kirk and James E. ways building, First street. See house and shop. Inquire at Bill's led to appear in the above en- a 25 cents alslke to 5:00 p. m„ Mondays through Jake at the FMx-lt shop. 24Mt!c Phillips, Plaintiffs, place west of grade school build titled court and cause within four . . „, , , .... Prldavs WANTED . . . . . . ... . 'clover and 34 cents for certified , “ u»ys vs. ing. 20Jtfc. after the date of the first , , . . M ISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car Malheur County, a political sub weeks ... .. . . . . . , . and 28 cents for common red clov- Wanted—T o care for children ln of this summons, which . . and cylinder lock keys made. Gam division of the State of Oregon, publication i OR S A IE —5 room modern house . . . , , ... er. Loans will be available through the evenings. Edith Bllger, 7th and Is July 4th, 1946, to wit: on .. . , . , ble store. 250afc. H. S. Sackett, County Clerk and date with basement. Large chicken house. p ark 27J2xp . , . . , , ' . . . . the county office on seed stored or before August 1, 1946, said date 1. , 1 acre ground. Located on paved __ __________________________ Ex-Officto, rrategisrmfwyahrdehrde . . . . . . . . I , in approved warehouses B U TCH E R IN G Martin Wiley and Ben W olf, who , , . . .... . being the last day of four weeks T ..... . .. highway. Bernard Eastman. W ANTE D — Auto mechanic and parts Ex-Officio, registrar of titles for . “ . . , r. ,, , ... In addition to the support price, Custom butchermg every Mon . . , , from the date of the first publica- , , spent - — the — ----- past --- few weeks nn helping FOR .SALE—3 bedroom modem I man. Phone 144J, Nyssa, post of- Malheur County: Lulu L. Hox- , .... , special incentive payments again h. v .. . , day and Friday. Beef, sheep and said . . tion of this summons, and answer . , , , nay on the Bishop ranches re- • house. Good location, trees, lawn. I Ice box A. 13Jtfc. complaint, and if you fhaVe been aUthonZed by congress tur.,ed to lhelr home Friday ' pork. Sanitary butchering guaran e^widow of W. B. Hoxle deceased: $6500.00 Terms. Bernard Eastman. W A N T E D Auto mechanic and parts teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must w i,c OXH i a w Si ; f a^ to answer for want thereof, the ° enC0Ura^ ^ eater Production ol I Mr. - y' bach and - Mrs. Joe Brum 13Jtfc. man. Phone 144J, Nyssa, post o f come ln Thursday or Sunday after ie, his wife; Helen A. Wilson and . . . . . . ... . three important legume seeds. Mr. transacted business ln Boise Thurs fice box A. 13Jtfc. noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No Paul Wilson, her husband: Lloyd ,P “ I „ ^ Hutchinson reminded. These pay day. FOR -SALE Huy derrick, $50.00. s' Hoxie and Bn.h „ . i . hls „ wife: , i f . • ,for the rehei P^yed or in h e r ____ . ----------------- E. Ruth h Hoxie, i ments will be made on seed sold See Frank T. Morgan. 13Jtfc. W ANTED--Beauty operator. Good stock accepted on butchering day ' complaint on file herein. Mr. and Mrs. W alter Bishop One mile west o f Nyssa on Alberta .Cjeston C Hoxie and Lucy Hoxi* 'i This suit is brought for the pur ! Into commercial channels before spent Friday in Vale consulting ' January 1, 1947, at the rate of nine avenue. Jake Pischer. 29Mtfc wife; Harold C. H o x ^ and pose of obtaining a decree of div- _______ _ lEvva Hoxie. his wife; Herbert C. cents a pound for red clover and the county court on business conn . orce, forever dissolving the bonds ected with the Jack Moore prop Hoxie and Ruth Hoxie, his wife; Legal Advertising ¡of matrimony now existing between seven cents a pound for alsike and erty. _ j being the heirs of W. B. Hoxie, alfalfa. A special payment of up Mrs. Orover Lee and Mrs. N. 8. NOTICE T O CREDITORS deceased; Gertrude Eva Boydell, the . . parties . . hereto ____ and .. for an of- to $35 a farm also Is offered. Phelan of Ontario spent Saturday N O TIC E HIOREBY IS GIVEN, to a single woman; J. Blaney B o y -i.. Mrp . nri nf thP th,., calling on friends ln this vicinity. the creditors and all other persons j dell, a single man; Arthur H. B o y -1 ,e | BOARD IS HELPING Interested in the estate of Eliza- dell and Blanche Boydell, ^his minor children of the parties. Mrs. J. Metcalf, who was visit This summons is published by PERSONS AGED 65 beth J. Prosser, deceased: that tne wife: Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. ing her mother, Mrs. M. E. Rogers, ---------- undersigned has been appointed |Sarazin, her husband; Elizabeth order of the Hon M. A. Biggs, j and her sister, Mrs. R. L. Haworth I Circuit Judge, dated July 2, 1946, | The social security board is af- returned to her home ln Portland. Administrator of the estate of -- --------- Agnes Nedry and E B£ltt *y’ | prescribing that this summons be feting its full cooperation to work- Elizabeth J. Prosser, deceased, with Mrs. Leroy Bennett and two '! served by publication thereof, once ers and former workers who have the will annexed, and has qualified her husband W inlf.ed a sons left Sunday for a visit with as such. _w_ ... V41ulfc , Mrs Bennett's — —»» — iiiuuici mother ¿11 in Baker. . ' r . in the Gate to help « them * * avoid - * » any ' - loss • « of » ] Mrs- Pettis has A ll persons having claims against — ---- — —‘ ] and successive weeks returned from band; W inifred B. Thomas, devisee CJty j ournai_ a newspaper pu b-' benefits through delay in filing Minnesota, where she went a few O P T O M E T R IS T S said estate are required to present of *., auu —o-- m iiu iiK -------- w i ic i c m ih u/pnr H. F Brown, deceased, and IuhAi, ------ . P H Y S IC IA N S ;am e with the proper vouchers duly her husband, and dH Malh^ ur County, Oregon, claim,, Vernon A. Welo. manager weeks ago to attend her son’s t nniq p Thomas her .M U V ijuunvauvii i ui me oodias omce «ii Luurauac, n verified, withlng six months from w and of visit friends. da4* — °tf -— the _ f >rst publication, of the ,u,um board's e niripfk office fit at LflOrande LaGrande. I vveaamg "Adding friends DR. J. A. McFALL Louis F. i nomas, s, nci if any of H. F . ! ---- ------- Alvin Steel Roswell transacted the date of the first publication of the unknown heirs, if any of H. F - hereof Ls July 4. 1946 and the announced. j 1 business in Bend Saturday "See M iFall and See Better" S A R A Z IN C L IN IC Brown, deceased, l - d L ate „ , „ of . the . . last publication — --------- is ' ' "Any person who has worked ^ * « ^ ^ Saturday . . , _ and Roy W " * i “ l '| this notice, to the undersigned at oughby and Jane Doe Willoughby, Aueust j 1946 Uie office o f A. L. Fletcher ,ln the hls wife; also all other persons and , A L Fletcher Dr. J. J. Sarazin enough in private industry and Mr Rna Mrs- K - ^ Haworui are City of Nyssa. Oregon, which place I parties unknown claiming to have I Att_rnpv fnr th' p ,„:nMrf commerce to be insured under the their — daughters, Mrs. --- --- entertaining ----» ----- «ugiivers, mrs. Dr. K E. Kerby old-ace nnS •— —- ls hereby designated as the place any right, title, interest ln or lien ____ | old-age and survivors Insurance j Evelyn Jones of - Pittsburgh, Calif- Physician and Surgeons | Tor the transaction of all business upon Lot 7 of Block 27, Teutsch's Resldence and Post Office address: program can file a claim at age !ornla ai'd Mrs. Phyllis Olvens or Nyssa, Oregon. pertalning to said estate. addition to the City of Nyssa, Mal- ---- ; 65 to peg his benefits at a point Corvallis, and the daughters' bab- E E. Prosser, Administrator, with heur County, Oregon, Defendants. j below which he cannot fall," Welo tes- L. A. Maulding, M. D. E YE S IG H T S P E C IA L IS T the will annexed of the estate of j said. "Then, if he keeps on work- I — -------------------- T o M ALH E U R C O U NTY, a pol Physician and Surgeon O N TA R IO OREGON Elizabeth J. Prosser, deceased itical sub-division of the State of | ing, or if he gets a new job, and * Meet In Caldwell— Phone 37 1st pub June 6, 1946. Oregon, H. S. Sackett, County j w a g e record would produce | Several Nyssa families met In Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 J E W E L K Y SCORES Lost pub. July 4. 1946. Clerk and Ex-' " " '. j I A pink and blue shower was giv- higher benefits at a later date, Caldwell Friday to enjoy swimming. Dally—Except Sunday registrar at the ------------------ he may f‘le ------ a request to have his ■---- i They Mr. ana and Mrs R r«.i titles tor said l Officio, Malheur C o i | ^ u fo f n Mrs t op y a l King . ------------ ____ ...a a were -v.u mr. and Mrs. Ersel PAULUS N O TICE OF F IN A L H E AR IN G Lulu L. Hoxie. widow of W. B. home of Mrs. Leslie Ballantyne benefit recalculated to give him j Reus and family, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. last Tuesday evening. the higher rate." Nyssa Post No. 79 N O TIC E HEREBY IS G IV E N ,1 Hoxie, deceased; Dewey B. Hoxie JEWELRY STORE William J. Be us and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrud That Nettle A, Simpson, Adm lnstra-Iand Doris F Hoxie, his wife; Helen Welo pointed out that Union Pacific Time Inspector his Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child and trlx of the estate of John M. Sim - A Wilson and Paul Wilson, her of California are visiting her par iff ice has been urging workers family. JE W E LR Y — DIAM ONDS ents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. Joe Callahan I »son, deceased, has Hied ln the husband; Lloyd E. Hoxie and Ruth W AT ’ ’ tES County Court of Malheur County, Hoxie, hls wife; Clèston C. Hoxie of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Herr Main Street u. Second Oregon, her first and final account ar,d Lucy Hoxie, his wife; Harold ud will go to Minnesota to visit and report of her administration, c. Hoxie and Evva Hoxie. his wife; relatives and will then return here and that Monaay, July 22, 1946 at Herbert C. Hoxie and Ruth Hox- to maka their home. Mr. Herrud. WYCKOFF The Am erican Legion the hour of two o'clock P. M. o f ¡e> his wife, being the heirs of W. who served two years ln the navy, JEWELRY STORE Holds regular meetings Upon question of increasing tax levy over am •said day at th « County Court b . Hoxie. deceased; Gertrude Eva was discharged in February. Official Tim e Inspector for Mrs. Ray Porter returned last ‘ Room ln the City of Vale, Oregon Boydell, a single woman; J Blaney ount limited by Section 11, Article XI,State u n ic i Pacific Boydell. a single man; Arthur H. Sunday from the Brittlngham nur O N T A R IO OREOON days, every month. Constitution. Boydell and Blanche Boydell. hls sing home with her baby son. A ll veterans and service Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harold Notice is hereby given that an election w ill Ethelwyn Sarazin and J. J. Sarazin, GEORGE JACKSO N Don M. Graham men and women are MODERN W ATCH R E P A IR IN G her husband: Elizabeth Agnes Ned Callahan and Mr. and Mrs. W ill be held in School District No. 26-C o f Malheur ry and E. Britt Nedry, her rus- iam Harvey Callahan and family State Licensed welcom e to attend our County, State of Oregon, at the elementary Insurance A gency band; W inifred B. Thomas, sole have returned to this vicinity to Watchmaker meetings. school in said district from 2:00 until 7:00 P. heir of Win 8. Brown, deceased, live. The men have been ln the O N TA R IO , OREOON and Louis P Thomas, her hus service. 3<* blocks N. of City Hall M. on July 17, 1946, for the purpose o f sub D E N T IS T S Mr. and Mrs Jesse Callahan ot band: W inifred B Thomas, devisee Fire and Autom obile mitting to the legal voters o f said district the of H F Brown, deceased, and Louis Tacoma are visiting relatives here Sales Service Supplies J. R. ( T T Ñ f i A L L question of increasing the tax levy for the year and attending Mrs. Callahan's P Thomas, her husband, and the Insurance unknown heirs, if any of H. F mother, who Is 111. WORLD f X m o r s " Dontist 1916*47 over the amount limited by Section 11, Phone 58-J Brown, deceased.- and Roy W11I-.J Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cleaver Article XI, of the constitution o f Oregon. ELECTROLUX Rentals Bonds oughby Sirazln Clinic and Jane Doe Willoughby, went Into the Unity mountains Cleaner & A ir Purifier The reasons for increasing such levy are N Y8ÄA ORBCJON his wife: aLso all other persons last week. Mr and Mrs. Everett Callahan increased salaries o f personnel, maintenance and parties unknown claiming to E. R. Anderson have any right, title. Interest In ol- Ontario spent Sunday at the | and repair deferred during the war years and Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, F. F. BODMER or lien upon Lot 7 of Block 27. Joseph Callahan home. new construction. E.W. PRUYN W eiser, Idaho Dentist Teutsch's addition to the City of The amount o f tax, in excess of the 6 per Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon, Ph. 187W RICHLAND FLO O R SANDING defendants. Mrs. Harlan Dlven and Margaret Auto Repairing cent limitation, proposed to be levied for said W ilson Bldg. IN TH E N AM E OF T H E STA TE Ann and Richard were in Ontario year is $24,539.38. faew or old floors sand Reboring, V alve Grind O F OREOON: You and each of Tuesday on business. Dated this 17th day o f June, 1946. ed perfectly. Large you. are hereby required to appear Mr and Mrs. Loyd Adams were HAY BUYER ing, loathe work. Parts and answer the complaint filed among those who went to the com mercial machine R. G. Larson, against you tn the above entitled b nm ett Cherry festival. They rode W. F. J A H N and experienced oper and accessories court and cause within four weeks with the Owjrtiee Saddle club Chairman, Board o f Directors from date of the first publication Dealer in hav and grain ators. Telephone Boise A ttost: Dwight and Don Seward of Par- of this summons, said first pub- rna called at the Charley Orlder j Third at Good Ave. G189R. Henry H. Hartley, Phone 56w llcation date being July 4. 1946. home Friday ^District Clerk. and if you fall so answer, for want j Mrs. O. J. Kurtz and Harold j Classified Advertising ^ -r i rvrr r i “« sts « * .« AAA NEW S Big Bend Professional And Business Directory of lo t t e d m m y S i ' canuuigAM tmthe. 0 A 5 » i z llo w g i# ? »onh M* C **“ via««,. -°w ldC o ¿ f ;‘°n o iîf and akZdei íes as¡t__ on hone (i » , OrtJj you caj mother his lift le ad »eing b| >f one f $ own, I t ! /e carl "e of | ripe antimed are thor i I with, me us: I i In Sin] jrance » *— — - Cow Hollow Notice of School Election First ana Third Than* ■ .. -Li f 4 eet ■: