Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1946)
Guardianship >uardlanahlD r/ W', i • 6/27/4* * ^ "* Clut> ‘• numbers o< th.0. ®lub ®# Fno,, ' 01 ,home Mr f “ *' Wth j,T * Doc" Marihin Chairman NeU ^ • cernln* " P»n f t » future • A cummittj, j ‘ ‘n t0 further u,.! • *hlch U us ■« Is allowed to * worth of , business meetln, , j «. ice cream j , • meetlnK by «*. a**,: wlU fcT' 2 P- "> i t t h e j Mrs. Dart o. Bft, Aviation Accident Inwri! Low Rate Broad Coven, Protection on * lines and also planes as a pilot or stude e r n a r d Eastr Estate Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregor SECONI TO LIVI Before you can s ad, another p{ 11 lose his lifei tomobile acc: are being kilt rate of one ere onds. Slow down, brt: drive care.1 n more of us to a ripe old the meantime,: ; e you are thor—— - covered with j " e. Phone us t LANK T. MORI Nyi»a, Orego: Insure In Sure Insurance I In n a . Flymouth Monday and also visited w p p g r j unsttt j Mr. and Mrs Durfee s daughter Mrs. U. E. Paiker and family and bafcY son at the Ontario hos- enjoyed a visit from her nieces last Pital- week | Cassel Callahan visited his aunt. Mrs. Ida Parker of Parkdale Challes Durfee anJ iamdV arrived Wednesday to visit her, I*r', ay e' eninS sons. Prank and Dude Parker, and Ties Mr' near and Fruitland Mls' Duriee Wednesday, picked cher- families. Mrs. Edwin Bergam and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and sons Mrs. Rob Thompson were Emmett were Enunett shoppers Wednesday. shoppers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Durfee and Mr. and Monday. Don Parker were Mrs. Wayne Barrett visited In New Boise visitors Mrs. Tuesday. Mrs. Morton and son returned home from Ontario last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Share were Boise business visitors last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwelzer went to Ontario Monday after Mrs. PARKER 51 PENS Schwelzer's mother, who has spent several weeks visiting while Mr. Complete new line land Mrs. Schweizcr were in the ¡east on a trip. NYSSA PHARMACY Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cloninger returned home from Portland Wed “The first in Nyssa” nesday. Dude Parker accompanied Virgil McGee to Unity after a load ot THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1946 PAGE THREE Larson and Bob Rice home. , Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin. Sr., Mrs. Werner Peutz and Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Franklin. Mildred Hite went to Caldwell Jr., were Sunday guests at the Monday, stopping en route to leave Lynn Kygar home. M!~s Marjorv Hire in'P<inn8, where' ' ____ he has employment In the Golden Rule stole s*''* *'arm Mr. and Mrs. William Peutz have Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Pike re- gone to Warm Lake. Idaho, where a nied Thursday from a trip to | they plan to spend the summer. Coour d'Alene, Idaho, where they Mrs. Mildred Hite and son. Don- sold their large residence and farm aid. were dlnher guests of Mr. and to Tren Jones. While on the trip Mrs Werner Peutz Sunday. Ihej went into Canada. TELEPHONE 144-J Just Arrived EEP ^O R E G O N NYSSA, OREGON And make appointment for that car repair job. “Estimates of repair costs” GIVEN FREE WATTS MOTOR CO. poles Thursday, returning home and family. Mackln were dinner guests of Mr. Prlday' L * f a,U Warner Amson 01 Mrs. Jay Duncan In Payette Rev. Alfred Brim and family were ! Rockville, Missouri were house | and Saturday. East of Post Office | guests two days last week of Mr. guests in the Clarence Niccum 1 and Mrs. Charles Ditty. They were Prayer meeting will be held at home Saturday evening. »Phone 144J Nyssa, Oregon ten route to Canada before return- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cloninger ing home, Gregg Tuesday, July 9.. William and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cloninger Mrs. Kenneth Lorensen, who is Gregg will be the leader. and children went to Bend to spend a Pat'e,1t at St. Alphonsos hospit- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbertson a few days fishing. They will meet a' 'n ®°''e' sl)cnt Sunday evening and children went to Emmett "W ild M t, Snake River a friend from Portland, who will btr husband, Kenneth Loren- Fattest Show spend a week's acation at the Cion- sen' and returned to Boise Mon- Thursday to attend the Cherry Stampede on Earth" festival* and ride in the parade inger ranch. Iday' | Neighbors and friends held a Mr' and Mrs- Leslie Ditty and with the Owyhee Riding club. miscellaneous shower at the hall *amdy and Mrs. Charles Ditty left Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow took Saturday evening honoring Mr and tbe first of tlle week for Brooks their daughter, Mrs. Carl Jung- Mrs. Mort Wixon. A potluck supper Oregon to attend the 12-day camp quest, and two sons, Dustin and was served at 8 30 p. m. and alter ’Jleeting of tlle Assemblies of God. Jon, who had spent 10 days as their the gifts were opened the evening Dr' cballes s - Price of Pasadena. house guests, back to their home was spent socially. Guests attend-inatlon"wide evanBelist, will be the at Anderson dam Monday, return ng on Tuesday. ing were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Raff- Buest sPeaker- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher were ington, Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Parker, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. and sons and Mrs. Parker's nieces, NU-ACRES Kenneth McDonald Thursday ev Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parker, Mr. and C A R N IV A L and Mrs. Russell Howell and dau- Miss Marlyn Martin, who is a ening. Dr. Howard Gould was a week cadet nurse in Portland. % is vis , ghters, Mr. and Mrs. Don Parker July 11, 12 and 13 guest at the S D. Bigelow WHEN YOU NEGLECT and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. end home. Vlartin. Durfee, Mr. and Mrs Roy Rook- 8:30 p. m. Nightly YOUR CAR IT and Mrs. Charles Culbertson stool and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrs. Clarence Simmons and sons and Mr. daughter. Betty, and son, Larry of Nampa visited with the Dwight Stephens and daughters, Mr. and Amateur entries accepted until BECOMES A LIABILITY guests at a birthday dinner in the Mrs. Elza Niccum and family, Mr' Jurrington family. 6 p. a . Wednesday, July 10 Martha Kllngback home honoring and Mrs. Charles Share and sort, Musses Doris Peverly and Mary her son, Fred, on Tues-day evening. We can help you keep it David Highland and Joyce. Mr. and Jane Evans of Rawlins, Wyoming Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Mrs. Homer Cates, Mrs. Paul Clon spent Thursday and Friday visiting and family were also guests. Tickets on sale in Nyssa at Olympic club inger, Mrs. Edwin Bergam, Mrs. Miss Peverly’s aunt and uncle, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cottengin and Mrs. Merle Thomson. Rob Thompson and the honored son, Arthur, left for their home guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wixon were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen and ,nd n Salem after a visit at the Anna son, who have spent the past recipients of many nice gifts. If you will let us check it regularly. Robert Rookstool accompanied several months at Madras, Ore Harold Fyllingness to Payette after gon, came Friday to visit her seed potatoes for Mr. Crutchfield father, Cecil Riddle, and family. SEE US FOR REPAIR SERVICE Frank Preston drove to Twin Thursday. Falls Sunday, returning Monday with a load of household goods for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ___ of Nyssa spent Jim They also a week returned ln Byron Dean Ditty home Preston. after spendlnK Saturday and Sunday with his Twin Falls with relatives and aunt, Mary Query, while his par friends ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ditty, The Nu-Acres Grange will hold fished near Beulah. . .Its regular meeting Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newgen anti ,at u arly wood home instead small son of Madras, Oregon came of Thursday, the Fourth. last week to spend the Fourth vis Paul Thomson, Nu-Acres Grange ADDITIONAL iting her father, Cecil Riddle, and master, secured a brick mason, who family of Nu-Acres and other rel began work on the community atives. BUS SERVICE Ed Mortensen, who has spent the* Monday morning. past seeral years working for the OWYHEE FOR government in California, came recently to the valley to make his Shirley Skinner and Kay Mc home. He was among the first underwent tonsilectomles Beginning July 1,1946 a settlers in Sunset valley, purchas at Donald the Sarazin clinic last Thursday. ing and still owning the 80-acre Dr. Howard Gould, a missionary Buses will leave Nyssa, Oregon farm now operated by Connie Kiss- from Central America, gave a talk ner. EASTBOUND 7:40 a. m. *1:20 p. m. and. showed slides at the school- Albert Zillig and family of Ains Friday evening. 3:35 p. m. *6:20 p .m. 11:05 p m worth, Nebraska were overnight house Mrs. Harriet and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Chap Flora Mackin of Smuckel Walla Walla are WESTBOUND 5:10 a m 10:25 a m in one night last week. here visiting their sister, Mis. *2:20 p m *8:05 p m 11:50 p m Mary Query and Sharon Kaye Martha of Tacoma came last week to the Mr. and Klingback. The telephone switchboard in Nyssa is busier today than ever -Mrs. Hugh Glenn, Mr. *Twin Falls-Boise-Weiser Local home of Mrs. Query's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy, Mr. and and Mrs. Charles Ditty, to help For Complete Information Call Mrs. Bob Rice and their house before. More telephones are in use and people are using them care for her sister, Tressa Ditty, guests, and Mrs. Glenn Coti- who returned from the Holy Ros engin of Mr. Salem enjoyed an evening ary hospital Friday evening, where at the Snively Hot springs Satur more. Local calls handled per day show an increase of 42 per she submitted to an appendectomy. day, Mrs. Walter Phillips and two ers. swimming and toasting wem- daughters, Marilyn and Ann, ot Mrs. Grover Douglass, Mr. ar.a cent over comparable periods a year ago and long distance calls me* LaGrande returned to their home Mrs. Norman Douglass and sons | Tuesday after spending a week vis- and Mrs. Esther Cottengin visltea are up 32 per cent. Owyhee Drug Phone No. 29 ‘itlng her sister, Mrs. Charles Ditty, their brother, Albert Larson, and family in Caldwell Sunday. Mrs. Martha Klingback, Mrs. Harriet Smuckel and Mrs. Flora Our Store Will Be Closed NAMPA From July 4 to July 8 JAKE S FIX-IT SHOP A 100 Per Cent Asset THREE GREAT NIGHT SHOWS Towne’s Garage Sunset Valley Telephone Calls Better Than Ever . . . Trail ways Nyssa Record High ers me of For A Perfect V A C A T IO N See our handsome luggage $2.75 to $18.20 (Plus Excise Tax) Nyssa Furniture Company Across from Reclamation Office C X O u r Hom e Loan Plan Is CUSTOM-MADE I DU need not sacrifice for years to own the house you wane. We arrange monthly rent-like pay ments (hat fit easily into your budget. Let us show you how you can buy your home—now. Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan Association Baker, Oregon More equipment will he installed just as fast as we can get it. For reasons beyond our control many of the vital materials we need are still not available in quantity. Meanwhile, we’H do our best to handle the unprecedented volume of calls. Busiest hours are between 10 a. m. and noon and 4 to 6 p. m. We don’t want you to restrict your use of the service hut if some calls can be made conveniently during less busy hours it will help us give you better service. Thanks for remembering. Malheur Home Telephone Co.