TH E N Y SSA G ATE CITY JO U R N A L PA C E TW O I he Gate City Journal KI.ASS V. POWELL Editor and Publisher Sl'BSI R1PTION RATES ADVERTISING K.VIaS One Year .......................... »2.00 Six Months *1 2-. Single Copies............................. Ala (Strictly in Advance« Open rate, per inch 35e National, per inch ..........3¡s Classifieds, per word.... — 2<- Minimum ... JUc LOOKING AHEAD »t GEORGE S BENSON Pretiätat — Haréiaf College Scéira Ark tasas Eat Cake T H U R S D A Y ,_ J U L Y J . ■— — = Harold, and friends In Illinois Mid Indiana I Mrs. Ed Camel of Drusy sp en t' m itt 1 the past week In the Ontario | hospital- She returned home Mon- R oay. Mrs. Camel ts a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wtnn. lng club met Mrs Chub Morris received word ^ home ™ > from her husband that he had g nod , arrived tn the states from Europe. >ent . . ^ Misa Arlene Ptercy ts spending ^ .. r - D ..H I T H a h n v U ttir W lttir m a n two weeks in Buhl, Idaho visiting other, V l taking friends and relatives. concerning futtw, Mr and Mrs. Marvin McLaughlin. anees, a commits, A Myma Snow. Laural Ann Mc­ chosen to further I 1 Laughlin and Jewell Wilson were stock, which is us J* dinner guests at the M L. Kurtz person is allowed * hume te Saturday evening. than »500 »500 » worth „„ t * than W Dr r. J. Boyd Patterson wUl spend Ulg 1 ) • next t week-end at the M. L. Kurt* coffee ^ te and will preach In the Unit- ^ rV(Kj b m «« “ home rx...... o h l l i v h Q lin H f lV 3 ODOfK ed Presbyterian church i f Rev. Nevln has been asked to at 8:30 p m. - speak in Portland. land Mrs U art^ o ^ i^ Betty Lou Newbill. Selma S ta n .' _________ u and Caroline Schiemer returnee home Friday night after spending two weeks at the 4-H summer school in Corvallis Miss Ellen Judd left Tuesday Accident In«^ for San Francisco to be the house guest of Mis. Ann Applegate. Rela­ Low Rate tives from the east and west are gathering there for a family re­ Broad Coven,, union. -X' Today's acute housing shortage was in plain view ten years ago. | Experts in the business of building and equipping homes were writing articles and making speeches back \ in the 1930’s forcasting what they Published every Thursday at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon called the building boom of the Entered at the postoffices at Nyssa, Oregon for iransmissu n 1940 s. They supported their pre­ through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under dictions with sound reasoning and the act of March 3, 1879 leaders in many equipment lines arranged to meet the demand. A quick look at census figures, D E A T H O F O PA NO T TERR IFYING years before Pearl Harbor, would have convinced almost anybody Like the test o f the atorfiic bom b, the death that an unusually big share (say of the U. S. population would o f the O PA w as not as terrifyin g as m any had I 20%) leach an age to be married be­ exp ected . tween 1940 and 1940. Patently this would call fur more places to live A p parently the A m erican people took the and, true to form under free en­ latest d evelop m en t in their econom ic h od ge­ terprise, business men began get­ p odge in stride and com p aratively little reac­ ting ready quietly to serve ttiis market, but war interfered. tion w as noted as a result o f P resident Tru­ Plans Not Executed. m an's veto o f the O P A -cripplin g m easure p a ss­ Wars always frustrate plans, and FOUR GENERATIONS OF SWEDISH SUCCESSION . . . Rarely have few were revised more in World ed by con gress In N yssa no one w ould ever four members of a royal family, each in direct line of succession to the Protection on ? War II than those of the building i throne, been photographed together. King Gustaf of Sweden Is holding know that one o f the greatest experim ents in NEW S OF RECO RD trades. Priorities on materials, airlines and also his great grandson. Prince Carl Gustav. Looking on are the baby s price control w as ended. O f course, in the lar­ general shbrtage of labor and the father. Prince Gustav Adolf, left, and Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf. vate planes as a compelling urge for victory changed MARRIAGE LICENSES ger c ities som e increase in prices, esp ecially in ger, pilot or studs most things but the predicted need I Jack Donald Stuart and Daisy in the Glen Brown home, for a few len ts, w as n oticeab le. Prices on com m odity for more housing came right on Millicent Klamroth, both of Nam­ weeks. schedule. It is even bigger than i m arkets increased the first day, but dropped pa. 6/25/46. experts estimated ten years ago be- j Mrs. Threlma Elliot and girls re­ Emil Gene Stunz and Helen Ei­ the day after. Som e increase in prices could cause war retarded building and turned Friday from the 4—H sum­ leen Sallee, both of Nyssa, 6/26/46 naturally be exp ected and in m any cases w as accelerated marrying. mer school, held at Corvallis. While Darrell Louis Skeen and Vivian Real Estate Plans made before the war for j ju stified . C ertainly, how ever, w e are not yet at summer school Mrs. Elliot acted Bernice Osborn, both of ChalUs, meeting this expected peak demand su fferin g from the terrible conseq u en ces that 6/26/46 as chaperon for girls housed in the Idaho. are still workable plans. If indus­ Woodrow Wilson Clark and Hava Memorial Union Building. som e had predicted. If d isaster to our econ ­ try were tree today as it was then, Phone 64 In the absence o( the state pres­ Maxine Clevettger, both of O ntar­ people who want homes would be om ic system could be exp ected from d em ise o f Nyssa, Oregoi 6/27/46 ident of the 4-H state leaders io. getting them a great deal faster. the O PA the president should not have vetoed I btlieve Herbert U. Nelson of the organization, Mrs. Elliot presided as COMPLAINTS, CIRCUIT COURT National Association of Real Estate Marye Ruth Reitz vs. Kent P. vice president over the daily the m easure con tin u in g it for another year. Boards has proved that Washington meetings held during the summed Rietz. 6/25/46. Divorce Som e governm ent o ffic ia ls are now talking bureaucracy is chiellv to blame for school. Frank Kochrow vs. William F. about passage o f another O PA m easure in tw o today's housing shortage. Mrs. William Toomb and Betty Geue, et al., 6 25/46. To quiet title. Pacts to Remember Jean and Dickie and Mrs. Wayne or three w eeks. If w e coast alon g for tw o or John Patrick Holbrook, et al, vs. It’s an old story that America has Piercy were shoppers in Nyssa Roy Holbrook, et al. 6/25/46. three w eek s on an even keel, certain ly no one housing aplenty, and it was always Monday afternoon To quiet title. true until right lately. Krunct. will feel the need o f continued price control. Bethel Martin and Gloria Pounds William Bledso vs. Alice B. Yoe- England and other European coun­ If the A m erican p eop le buy only w hat they | were in Vale Monday to attend the mans, et al. 6/25/46. To quiet title tries that have endured regulation ipenlng of Babe Hart's new dress T. O. Tomasello Co. vs. C E. need and then only at reasonable prices for of home building since World War I B efore you can hop. Strickland, state engineer, et al. have been short of housing mean­ several w eek s the threat o f in flation w ill have th is ad, another pc Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Martin en­ 6/26/46. Injunction. while Bureaucracy got a firm grip been d efea ted . If the p eople gen erally do as tertained Tuesday evening at a Albert L. Pfeiler vs. Vernon J. w ill lose his life i on American building during World dinner for Mr. and Mrs. A1 Nieh- LaPlar.te, 6 26/46. Recovery of War II and nuw hates to let go well as the m erchants have done so far, w e will autom obile acc: sh1 a tare or no sliortage. olsen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Miller, Mr. money. $341. have n othing to fear. W e are being kit The O P A i, the sorest bunion on and Mrs. Bill Willis, Betty Jean Loretta Bell vs Melvin Bernard the lue of our progress. Here is an Toomb and Ray Landau. th e rate of one eve Bell. 6/26/46. Divorce. illustration: Manufacturers of flr Mrs. Glen Brown and son, Robert Helen V Stelk vs. Harry Stelk. secon ds. doors got caught behind inert ased were shoppers and visitors in Boise | 6 27/46. Divorce. Mrs. Dennis Path and son, David, manufacturing costs and asked Tuesday. Harry D. Littlefield vs. First S low down, bn: Mrs. Riley Dllle and Jean were National bank in Vale, et. al. of Burns called on friends In Ad­ OPA for permission to raise prices MISS ATLANTIC CITY 1948 . . . 75c per door. It was refused. Re­ and drive cart1 Blonde Betty Jones, 21, profes­ visitors in the home of Mrs. Jack 6/28/46 To quiet title. rian Wednesday uftemoon. Donnie sional model, who has been ac- Raney at Parma Monday. Patch spent several days visiting sult. No doors b- mass product.on T h en more of us can build doors where elairned bliss Atlantic City of 191G, in the K. I. Peterson home the Carpenters Joyce Hibbard Is working in the liv e to a ripe old they hang them, of course, at much as she received her crown. She past week. SUPREMI loss of time and at several times will be hostess at Miss America Adrian Drug Store. D A Y N U R SE R Y In th e meantime,: Mr. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson and normal cost. m pageant in September. Arlene and Donnia Marla left sure you are thor—-• — Industry Is Ready. NEWELL HEIGHTS By hour or dav from Thursday morning for Stanford, A similar man-made muddle built ly covered with: • Each k it contain* L — Nebraska to vLsit several weeks a bottleneck in window sash. na Jean Dierking, of Napton Sid­ Mrs. Charles Spencer and son. 18 to 6 o ’clock, d aily e x ­ ounces of Salon-type solution, 60 Curler«. 60 en d tissues, an ce. Phone us to There’s almost no end to the roster ing. co tto n a p p lic a to r, oeacralixer Joe, recently discharged from the cept Sunday. • a d c o m p le te i a s t r u c t i o a of crippling rules in this one indus­ Norma Jean Dierking spent sev­ service, and daughter. Mrs. Claud try. Miles Colean, a thoroughly re­ BILL LANE Wilcox of LaGrande, spent last Experienced lady, m od ­ FRANK T. MORL spected Washington economist, says eral days visiting Janice Frost in week-end visiting in the Leo Wtnn ern nursery. Nyssa. Ny»»a, Orego: that industries producing building A u ctioneer home. Mrs. Spencer Is Mrs. Winn s Twenty four hundred cans ot sister materials are fully reconverted, full . and vegetables were processed Insure In Surf IPhone 116J N yssa capacity restored. Still the most fruit Mrs. W. 0 . Peterson productive nation of history is hand­ at the community cannery In Ad­ Dudley Kurtz returned home “ N yssa’s Q uality S tore” i Insurance June 24 after receiving his dis­ Phone 149W cuffed and can't house itself. Why? rian Wednesday and Friday of the charge and is visiting his brother, A price-fixing agency, while pro­ past week. claiming its loyalty to the people, Joyce Hibbard from Notus is vis­ MR. BEET G R O W E R — has refused many small strategic iting her sister. Mrs. Lois Cart­ upward revisions, thus halting pro­ wright. P lace your order now for duction. Consumers do without Vernon Parker, Gerrit Muntje- T H E LIN D EM A N BEET LO AD ER things or pay amazing priews for werff and Francis Deffer spent the C leanest loader on the m arket makeshifts. It savors of the Marie week-end fishing at Hereford. Ore. Antoinette school of thought. On be­ William Toomb and Carl Piercy Supply lim ited— G ive us your order now , ing Informed that by reason of her save labor costs later. extravagance her aubjecta had no spent Sunday fishing near Unity. bread, she said "Let them eat I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parker and K R O PP A N D SO N S children were callers Friday even­ cake." Phone 85 O ntario, O regon ing at the Robert Toomb, Jr„ home. Mrs. Vernon Parker and children with relatives spent Saturday night and Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. James Steelman visiting Mrs. Gerrit Muntjewerft and daughters, Marilyn and Bar­ and children in Parma. bara Jo, of Blackfoot, Idaho and A. E. Korntan and daughters. Mr and Mrs. Prank Steelman an d Margaret and Marian of Sheboygan daughter, Colleen of Middleton vis­ Wisconsin arrived Sunday morning A rrange for your GI or F H A loan through ited Tuesday afternoon in tne by United Airline plane to visit Clyde Steelman home. his son. Hank korman, and family the First N ational bank, N yssa branch. Mrs. F. E. Deffer and children Insure your new hom e w ith your local agent. And am operating the business und er th e n am e of visited relatives in Weiser Thurs­ W e w ill be p leased to help you. day. Several from Adrian attended the bridal shower held for Mrs Carol Mathews Wednesday after­ noon in Newell Heights at the N Y SSA IN SU R A N C E PH O N E 04 home of Mrs. Claude Smith. Host­ esses were Mrs. Bethel Martin. Mrs It Pays To T rade In N yssa OFFICER Rose McGinnis, and Mrs. Helen Remember when Ekanger. The recent bride received the corner policeman many lovely and useful gifts. wore a helmet, blue James Nichols of Nampa spent uniform and a wide from Wednesday until Sun­ leather belt around day visiting his daughter, Mrs. his expanded waist? Clyde Steelman and family. His dress may not Janice Frost from Nyssa spent have been so "snap­ Wednaeday visiting her friend. Nor- py as the present day officers wear. Aviati# Bernard Easb 3 SEC 0 N TO LIVE COLD WAVE Adrian mCtSSlASHtD COLD WAVE Owyhee Drug Co. I Have Purchased PLANNING TO BUILD? Main’s Cleaners BERNARD EASTMAN Keep-U-Neat Crop Dusting By Airplane Cleaners