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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1946)
The NYSSA vtüxmë xxxxr NO. 24 JOURNAL Nl'SSA. OREGON, THÜRSDAŸ, JUNE 27, 1946 GIVES School District ¡TRAILWAYS Corru gator linn MORE BUS SERVICE Budget For Year Additional bus service will be Starts Business for Nyssa effective July Shows Increase provided Although the building has not 1, according to, an announcement NYSSA SCHOOL TO RE-OPEN AG. SHOP Prisoners Leave Nyssa Camp For Trip To Germany MEXICAN LABOR TROUBLES AIRED Soldier Killed, Two Injured In Jeep Accident Testimony from Mexican n at ionals and other farm laborers and from members of the sponsor- been completed, the Western Cor- i lng groups of the three farm labor Of A Budget Of $174,557, made by Myrl P. Hoover, president rugator ompany has started opera Mexicans and Others To! camps in the Nampa area, as weii Machine Overturns Off Pacific Trailways. as other employers of farm labor i tions in its new quarters at First $76,000 Will Be Rais of The Do Work In Malheur Kainswept Highway additional service will be the will be heard tonight at a farm street and Good avenue. ed By Taxation County Fields At Nyssa inauguration of a third schedule labor meeting to be held at 8:30 The company is still unable to ---------- i between Portland and Salt Lakt at the Grange hall in Nampa. The A budget of (174,557.63. represent- ' QHy This new schedule leaves obtain window^ for the cinderblock With the exception of merchan meeting is for the purpose of de Pvt. Chester J. Kuchnia. 22. of ing an increase of approximately Nyssa at 11:05 P. M„ arriving in building, which is 84 feet by 42 dise shortages and a small amount termining the prevailing hourly Chicago was killed and two army companions were injured when a $13,000 over the budget of last year, Salt Lake City at 1:20 P. M.; re- feet with a stock room for iron of rationing, Nyssa's last reminder wage in the Nampa area. The jeep skidoed on hignway 20 near has been tentatively adopted by turning from Salt Lake City at 3:30 at the rear 13 by 24 feet. Mexican laborers, who struck of world war II disappeared this the budget board of the Nyssa P- M. to arrive in Nyssa at 5:30 A. floor is of concrete. week with the exodus of the Ger for one week, demanding a wage | t*1*“ Dessert Seed company plant at The concern has Installed a school district. iM Westbound bus leaves Nyssa at man prisiners of war and American increas* of 10 cents an hour, e- Alberta avenue last Sunday after- I at 6:50 P. M.; returning from Port- lathe and the regular line of mach soldiers from the Nyssa labor camp. turned to work early In the week noon, Last year's total amounted to 15:10 A. M„ arriving in Portland ine shop equipment. Including three I'ne jeep swept along the wet The 513 German prisoners and from the 12th avenue road and $130,818.52, or $43.739.11 less th a n : land at 7:00 A M a“nd arriving in welders, a forge, anvil, trip hamm their guards left Sunday night for Franklin labor camps. Nationals highway durUrg a rainstorm and the proposed budget of the current ji Nyssa at 11.05 P. M. The addition- er. power drill and power grinders. from the Sugar camp have been New York City where they will year The increase is accounted fo r. , will provide Nyssa resi. The owners Robert A. Palmer, overturned in a vacant lot. ¡board a ship bound for Germany, at work for several days. The nat partly by an item of $10,000 for a den„ ^ three daily, George Sinit and John Palmer. ionals’ return to work, pending Pvt. Douglas C. Evans, 22, the j A large number of German prlson- gaiage and shop for the school tQ Salt Lake or t0 westbound points Plan to purchase a planer as soon tonight’s meeting, was effected al The Nyssa Clowns settled down ,,rs sPent the ful1 working season ter officials of the camps were driver, was given treatment ior buses, $12,500 for new buses, addl- yia Trailway Unes. as possible. tional toilet facilities, additional Mr Hoover a[so stated that Trail- ! The men have been manufactur- to the serious business of playing | h«“>e last year, but the group sent contacted by Carlas Grimm, Mex bruises. Pvt. Tommy L. Andrews. 22, softball and defeated the Crook- i l° Nyssa this year spent only a ican consul at Salt Lake City, who was more seriously injured, lighting at the grade school and ways personnel are now in the east ing machinery on the Idaho side of has been released from the Nyssa ham team of Caldwell on the Cald- few weeks in the fields. The prison- major repairs and maintenance t to accept delivery of new buses the river for the last three years. telling the men to return to work. well field Tuesday by a score of ers and the American guards Grimm is expected to attend the nursing home. jobs deferred during the war years, wh|ch wi„ ^ ased to augment 9 to 4. I arrived here the week of April 21, The three men were from the and $9000 for operation of the Ar- nt servlce. meeting, which has been called by PARADE W ILL BE The game, played before a crowd The Germans have been prisoners the state extension service. Ray prisoner-of-war: base at Rupert and cadla school. | _____ GIVEN DURING FAIR i of 300 persons, was staged under I from three to four years, came to Nyssa as members of tne Additional personnel, salary in Peterson, who Is still acting in the Kuchnia was the lights of the Caldwell field. It Despite the absence of the Ger- capacity of county agent, will guard company. creases and other items account for scheduled to leave for New York Plans for a full-scale parade in was lde Clowns’ first contest, but mans during the greater part of the remainder of the increase. conduct the meeting. connection with the Malheur coun they took a lead in the first inning ^ e harvest season, sufficient farm Sunday night. Ten thousand dollars of the total ty fair with prizes offered for with two runs and were never! B. B. Lienkaemper of the Nyssa is expected to be secured for funds are being taken from the floats were discussed along with headed. 'They scored two runs in Malheur county. Announcement has Funeral home sent the body ot sinking fund, authorized by the Kuchnia to Chicago Wednesday people of the district some years , The city of Nyssa has signed a many other details at a meeting each of three innings and three already been made by the farm labor sponsors that some Mexicans night for burial. ago for the construction of the contract with the federal govern of the fair board in Ontario last tallies in another frame. .«hop and garage for the buses. ment for erection of six pre-livb- week. Every effort is being made The Crookham team, which is will be transferred to the Nyssa Eleven thousand dollars is be’’ cicated apartment buildings. City to restore the fair to its pre-war reported to have the greatest hitt camp from the mobile camp hous- ADRIAN CANNERY IS ing power of any outfit in the *n® Mexican nationals near Adrian takm from a special reserve ft (anager E. K. Burton announced significance. German prisoners of war while Delegations from Vale, Nyssa Caldwell league, was held to four and that more are expected to be engaged in farm work in Malheur NOW IN OPERATION which was set aside for deferred i is week. *o this territory for farm field county from May 1 to June 15 Government officials gave no in- jand Ontario riding clubs met with hits by Nyssa’s player-manager, nalntennn-e and replacement. The Adrian community cannery is Altogether, the district will have1 dication as to when the houses the fair board at its invitation. All fom Holman, who allowed three Wùrk’ added $130,184.40 to the United operating two days a week, Wed pledged their cooperation in the walks. The behind-the-plate work an estimated sum of $52,397 to be ! would be received here. The city's States treasury balance as they nesday and Thursday, until the drawn from sources other than a 1 copy of the contract that will be promotion of the rodeo and race Was handled by A. Hendricks, blocked and thinned or hoed 13,- demand becomes greater and then LES MYERS BUYS direct tax. In addition, the dis- , returned to Nyssa will stipulate the meet, but the Vale and Nyssa j players W’ho scored Nyssa’s runs MAIN’S CLEANERS 525 acres of the total 22,000 acre It will operate three days a week. trict will receive approximately date on which the government L. delegations were of the opinion were Bob Wilson, T. Holman, Hen- sugar beet crop In that section, Several new patrons have already that the Ontario Sage and Saddle dricks, C. Wilson and C. Short. The $34,500 from the state school sup- to fulfill its obligation, announces J. R. Beck, state sup canned, as well as many of last Les Myers of Emmett has pur port fund, leaving approximately The city will lay sewer and water club should take the lead in iis other members of the team were chased Main’s Cleaners from Cliff ervisor of the extension service year’s patrons. Friday there were | W. Heldt. R. Cottle, L. Lewis, J. $76,000 to be obtained by means of mains to the area on King aveime management. emergency farm labor program. 829 cans filled. A Nyssa phone has Neil Dimmick and Blaine Girvin, : Bellon, A. Hendricks and Kieth Main and will take possession of the tax on property. These figures where the houses are to be located. Work by prisoner groups was been Installed and the cannery the property July 1. fair board members, plan to hold I Russell. should result in a tax levy of a p - _______________ halted June 15 when the war de Mr. Myers bought the building may be contacted by calling the meetings at least once a week to proximately 30 mills, Henry Hart- F I R E C R A C K E R USE Cott’.e typified the coolness of partment ordered preparation for Adrian high school number. continue with the arrangements the Nyssa team when he ignored as well as the equipment, but Mr. returning the men to Germany. and Mrs. Main will remain in the d;yn, “ clerk and superlnlen- PROHIBITED BY LAW for this year's fair. the blast of a giant firecracker, living quarters until September. During the six weeks period in The budget this year will exceed which exploded a few feet from Mr. and Mrs. Main did not ann which the German prisoners were the six per cent limitation by $24,- The firing of firecrackers con- Visits Parents— him as he played his position in ounce thelr plam other than that working in Malheur county, they Mr. and Mrs. R. Cornell enjoyed left field. 539.38, which places the Nyssa dis- tinues in Nyssa In violation of a amassed a total of 28.957 man-days they expect to remain in Nyssa. trict in the same situation as city ordinance, officials stated this a visit of a few days with their son The Clowns will play Fruitland of labor. High mark in numbers about 90 per cent of the school wpek land daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. on the Fnijtland field Friday, June of prisoners engaged In farm work 9 MILES OF CITY districts of the state, Mr. Hartley Persons found guilty of violation’* James Cornell, and infant daughter 28 at 7 p” .m. was £93, Beck stated. Approximate The Nyssa chamber of commerce, sald. ' 'of the ordinance are subject to a of California and their daughter The team expects to announce STREETS ARE OILED ly 300 farmers In the Malheur reg voting Wednesday noon, authorized The district has avoided exceed- fine of not less than $-r> nor more and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. scheduled games in the Gate City ion benefltted from prisoner work. President Hersche! Thompson to ing the six per cent limitation in tMan $50. Officials wai ned that Claude Clayton and son of Los Journal each week. Approximately nine miles of In addition to the acreage of sug appoint a committee to promote the past by use of surplus funds persons found firing firecrackers Angeles, who were en doute to streets were oiled in Nyssa last ar beets blocked and thinned, the the establishment of a third rural accumulated prior to the war. Th- wiU be arrested. Hoquiam, Washington to make Friday and Saturday by the Morrl- prisoners worked in 234 acres of route out of the Nyssa post office. ese funds have been used and it is " their home. James CorndR was re son-Knudsen Construction com lettuce, 499 acres of onions and 97 The committee will be expected necessary to raise the entire am- Enlist In Navy— i cently released from the navy after pany of Boise. acres of other miscellaneous crops. to chart the route, list and give the ount through taxation. I Francis Ray Seitz and Thomas serving for five years and four Farmers paid the prevailing wage location of the families and circu T w i l l A p p ir ln r it The company used 20,000 gallons The taxpayers of the district will Alton Ridder have enlisted in the months. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton own l j U L i l l n L L I U C I I l 0( 0ii jn the project, which covered rate for all prisoners of war labor. late petitions asking for the estab be asked to approve this Increase the United Slates navy, occord- property near Hoquiam. A daught- one mile more of streets than were Beck explained. The prisoners lishment of the route. at a special election to be neld in8 t0 word received from the er and three children and another The taxi cab of Orien E. Moyes oiled last year. The oil s applied themselves were allowed to keep Preliminary work on the request recruiting station in Portland by son, Lawrence, and his family were W’as badly damaged and four per- to graveled as a dust palliative. The 80 cents per day; the remainder July 17. for city delivery service in Nyssa G. P. Cleveland and L. R. LUe, re- , at the parental home Monday sons, including Max Sweaney, driv- <oiling is not designed for hard of their wages going to the U. S. has been completed and the propsal cruiters who handled their pre- afternoon and evening. er, were injured when the mach- ¡surfacing of the streets. treasury. The prisoners were all will be presented to the post office enlistment papers at Baker. Seitz, ----------------------- ine overturned on the Nyssa- j _______________ owed to keep a total of $23,165.60 department within the next few son of Mrs. Gertrude A. Ford, Former Residents Visit— Adrian highway near the school- ¡.orate In Nyssa_ •< from their earnings. However, a days. route 2, Ontario, and Ridder, son I Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Sinlnair and house last Friday evening. Mrs. Thelma Glenn anl sons, good share of this personal money The city meets the requirements of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ridder, two sons, former Nyssa residents, Sweaney was returning to town Roger, Jerry and Ronnie arrived went for canteen Items, army off for delivery service except for lack route 2, Nyssa, have enlisted in the stopped here Monday while en with three pasengers when the m Nyssa last week to Join their icials reported. of sidewalks, and that situation is Downstate payrolls for the first regular navy for a term of two route to Nebraska to visit Mr. accident occurred. Moyes said the I husband and father, who is em- As a result of government calls expected to be overcome. quarter of 1946 gained more than years and will receive their "boot” Simir.air’s mother. Mr. Sinlnair, mishap was caused by a rear wheel ployed here. Mrs. Glenn had been for increased sugar production, five millions over the same period training at the navel training cen- who has been employed as a print coming off the car. \ lsitlng in Montpelier, Idaho with the sugar beet acreage in Malheur Leave For Ogden— a year ago and about seven millions ter located at San Diego. Upon er in a newspaper plant at Pasco, Sweaney suffered bruises and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. county has grown well beyond the Mr. and Mrs. Hlno Kapman left over the final 1945 quarter while completion, they Will be eligible Washington for the last several facial lacerations and shock. Ger- Bagiev. The family recently return- limits where local labor is able Monday for their home In Ogden, Multnomah county payrolls lost for a navy service school or be months, expects to return with his j aid Kelch suffered an ankle sprain ed from Bremerton. Washington, to handle the crop. Sparsely sett after a week’s stay here with Mrs. 38 and 9 per cent respectively from assigned direct to one of the units family to San Francisco after ur.d a cut on his right hand. Helen : where Mr. Glenn had been employ- led at best, this section of the Kapman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. the same periods. of the fleet. visiting in Nebraska. Kelch was bruised and shocked, ed at the Puget Sound navy yard state has experienced a big boom Amasa Hammon. Mr. and Mrs. Reports from 12,000 employers Tommy Gorrell sustained bruises since 1942. They are former Nyssa In high labor requirement row Paunt Langford were overnight to the state unemployment law Serving On Ship— Leave For East— on the back and a slight concuss- residents. Mrs. Glenn is a sister crops as a result of the develop guests at the Hammon home, en Carl Ferdinand Weston Hale, show gains this year In 27 out of Mr. and Mrs. John Ostrom left ion. of Mrs. Leslie Burbank, route 2, ment of the Vale-Owyhee irrigat route to Seattle, where Mr. Lang 36 counties, while In two others motor machinist's mate, third class, Wednesday for Cloquet, Minnesota. | Moyes expects to resume opera Nyssa. ion project. The prisoners were ford will transact business. He is the loss was less than one per cent. Nyssa. is serving aboard the U. S. En rout they will visit at Twin tlon of his taxi as soon as he can housed at Nyssa during their stay clothing manager for the Emporium First quarter totals for the state S. Blue Ridge, an amphibious com-!Falls with their daughter and son- have the car repaired or secure a Club Meets At Grounds— in Oregon. department store in Ogden. were $143.603.000 against $144,013,- mand ship which will take part in , in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Boe, new machine. In spite of the rain Sunday, many 000 for the preceding quarter and the coming atomic bomb tests in | who will accompany them to Minn- horse lovers met at the Nyssa rod Go To Utah— Undergoes Operation— $188.009.000 for te first quarter of Blkini atoll. The Blue Ridge will j esota. Legion Meeting Postponed— eo grounds with their horses and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Barnett Richard Anderson, son of Mr. carry observers during the tests. 1945. The American Legion meeting saddles. Several new numbers have left Monday for a trip to Utah to and Mrs. D. L. Anderson, under Four counties—Douglas. Jose- Visits Son— scheduled for the first Thursday been added to the club. A pair of visit relatives. went an appendix operation in l’hine, Linn and Morrow—reported Here From Burns— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowty of in July will be postponed because new pintoes and several palomino the Holy Rosary hospital Saturday. Mrs. D. W. Patch and two sons, Cashmere, Washington are visit of the Fourth of July falling on horses will be Included. higher wage payments for the first Will Go To Portland— three months of 1945 than for Donald and David, of Burns are ing their son, Norman Dowty and Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Jacob Fischer and Go To Haines— either of the entire years of 1938 visiting this week at the W. L. family. The visitors plan to stay Manv Attend Hone Show— daughter Lorraine, will leave Fri Miss LaVerl Anderson left Frl- or 1939. Pour others—Benton, Lane, MePartland home. Mr. Patch was a month. Plcnirk At Caldwell— Many Nyssa residents are att- day for a 10-day vLsit at Portland day for Haines, Oregon to vlslt Tillamook and Yamhill—came formerly principal of the Adrian Girl Scout troop No. 3 spent FY1- ending the Emmett horse show where they will visit Mr. Fischers friends. within 25 per cent of equalling high school. day in Caldwell, where the girls this afternoon and evening The mother. Mrs. Mary E. Fischer, and Go To Salt Lake— their pre-war annual totals. Mr. and Mrs. Max Christensen enjoyed the day swimming and club with the most mounted riders his sister, Pauline. They will go to Burninghamx Have Guext*- Greatest percentage of Increase | Carrier Resign! left Monday for a short honey- picnicking. Members making the wall be awarded the bronz trophy - ■■ ■ - - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bumlngham Lee Dail has resigned as tern- moon in Salt Lake City and _ T e m trip with their leader, Mrs. J. L. at 7:30 this evening at the school Here From Huntington— over early 1945 payrolls were re ' had as guests last week Mrs. Buin- ported from Josephine, Malheur porary rural mail carrier on route onton, Utah. They will visit Mr. Huseby. were Colleen Bybee, Betty athletic field. Members of the Mr and Mrs John Olsen and Ingham's father, P. W. Chriscen- and Grant, all about a third high 2, effective July 15. Jess R. Har- Christensen’s father and other rel- Tuttle, Patty Orunke, Shirley, Owyhee Riding club were expected daughter. Mary Kay, of Hunting- sen, and her sister. Mrs. Norman Dolan, Darlene Sessler, Wanda to attend in a body. er: while Multnomah dropped 50 oldsen will be the new carrier. atives. ton spent the week-end with Mr Lichstensten of Tremonton, Utah, Krali. and Martlu Burbidge. millions from Its war-time total and Mrs. Charles Oarrison. Mr. who left Monday for their homes of $130.986.600 for the first quar Here From Twin Falls— Return To Ogden— Here from Washington— Oarrlson and Mr. and Mrs. Olsen Mr. Burningham's parents. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Solan Lewis arr ter of 1945. Multnomah's propor Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Barrett re Scouts Fish, Swim— Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cornmesser spent Saturday and Sunday fish- Mrs. LeRoy Bumlngham of Salt tion of the state's total decreased ived Monday from Twin Falls for turned Tuesday to their home in Nyssa Otrl Scout troop No. 3 and sons of Spangle. Washington ing on the Little Malheur river. Lake City, arrived Monday for a to about 56 per cent as against a visit at the home of Mr. and Ogden after visiting their son, held a swimming party at Cald and Miss Joan Cornmesser of ----------------------- I week's stay here. Mrs. Burnall Brown. Mrs. Lewis Wayne Barrett, and family and well Friday. The girls went on a Lakevlew, Washington visited this Home On Vaetion— nearly 70 per cent in war-time. With the exception of agricultur is Mr. Brown's sister. They are daughter, Mrs. Grant Patterson fishing excursion Monday, having | week with Mr and Mrs. Howard Wayne Storey. student at the Arrives For Vacation— al. railroad and public employ on their vacation. and family here. a picnic lunch afterwards. Mrs. Finger and Mr. and Mrs. O. W University of Oregon, has returned Mrs. Afton Roy and baby re ment. most concerns with four or Helen Huseby Is their teacher. Hankins. home to spend the summer vaca turned Wednesday after spending Go to Portland— Pirnick At Dam- more workers and a quarterly pay Eight girLs attended. tion with his parents, Mr and Mrs three weeks at Eugene with rel Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Williams, Mr. Mr and Mrs. Amasa Hammon, roll of $500 are covered by the Attend Reunion In Utah— I. C. 8torey atives. Her brother, Ira R. Ure, Jr., and Mrs. Melvin Jensen, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Hammon and Spends Vacation At Twin— state unemployment commission. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Beus who has been attending Oregon ML«» Marion Orace Brown left returned Sunday after attending Return From Vfait— Malheur county’s payrolls for the and Mrs. J. E. Bower spent the Mr. and Mrs. Don Rundqulst and State college returned with her first quarter of 1945 were $601.779 week-end visiting in Portland. Mr. and Mrs Derlln Hammon a n d . Thursday for Twin Falls where a Beus reunion at Hooper, Utah. Mrs. Damon Savage and two on his vacation. as compared to $442.632 for the | their families spent Sunday at the she will spend two weeks visiting j They made the trip by plane sons. David and Donald, have re t Visits Here— same period a year before. Owyhee dam I relatives and friends. ............ ..... turned from Cedar City, Utah, Go To Idaho— Miss Helen J. Huseby, sister of ----------------------- ----------------------- Geests Of Aberxolds— where they attended a family re Mr. and Mrs. Oscar D. Pike left J. L Huseby of Nyssa, spent aev- Sale Date Changed— Undergoes Operation— PTA Committee Meets— Miss Janeel Harrison of Logan, union and visited for two weeks. Friday for Coeur d'Alene to trans Beginning July 13 the Nyssa The program committee of the Utah and 8 W Abersold's brother. Miss Tressa Ditty of Sunset eral days visiting at the Huseby act business. Their daughter, Lois valley underwent an appendix op- home. Miss Huseby is en route to Livestock Commission company ' Nyssa P. T. A met Tuesday evening Lor In of Providence, Utah, were Guests At Bybee Home— Ann, is a guest at the home of eration in the Holy Rosary hospital South Dakota to visit her parents will hold Its regular auction on at the home of Mrs. Ed Frost to guests here last week. John Aber- Mrs. Don Moss and MLss Norene Mrs. Melba Skeen, and their son, in Ontario last Saturday. She is , after receiving her discharge ftom Saturdays instead of on Fridays, make plans for the coming year s sold, father of the boys, left Mon- Howe Of Balt Lake City are house Arven. is a guest at the D. O. expected to return to her home the WAVES at Glendale, Call- Auctioneer - Manager Bill Lane programs Chairman Richard Maw ay for his home after spending guests at the home of Mary E Bybee home, during their parents’ this week-end. fornla i announced. was In charge. three weeks here. absence. Bybee this week. Lieut. (j.g.) Leno Christensen has returned to Nyssa to re-open the Nyssa high school agriculture department, which has been closed for two years. Mr. Christensen, who was on leave from his high school position while in the service, arrived here Moi day from Nebraska with Mrs. Christensen and two children. The agriculture course of the high school will be offered to stu dents again this fall. Nyssa Softball Team W ins Game Housing Papers Signed By City Prisoners Big Help In County * r • Greater Postal Service Sought Taxi Damaged In Malheur Payrolls Show Increase