THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX mum ■iti'.t of 150 friends and relatives ot M AX IN E SM ITH AND C AR RO LL M ATTH EW S M AR R Y the couple. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white jersey and net floor length Urea with a finger-tip veil. The bridal bouquet was tala lilies. The matron of honor was Mrs. Elbert Hatch, who wore a blue floor-length drees and white carn ations. Brides-maids were Mrs. K e i th Tallman, who wore a blue-green lormal, and Mrs. Alfin Ekai.ger, who wore a pink formal. The flow er girl was Edith Matthews, sister The marriage of Miss Maxine Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith of Nyssa, and Car- roll Matthews, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dave Matthews of Adrian, was performed Sunday. June 18 at 8 p. m. at the Presbyterian church in Roswell, Idaho. Rev. J. C. Nev- in of Adrian officiated in the pre- COLD WAVE mctssiAs/tto Dr.J.H. Berger SUPRIMI COLD WAVE V E T E R IN A R IA N • Kach kit contain» J toll ounce, ol Salon-type folucion. 60 Curler,, 60 end Ulluea. cotton applicator, naturalisa» and compiti* instructiou. Box I) Phone 135J Nyssa, Oregon Owyhee Drug Co. “ Nyssa’s Quality Store” To The New Citizens Of 1946 THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1946 ren, Brownie's cafe. 20J2xp. Mrs. Douglas McDonald, worthy ing, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Willis man. Phone 144J, Nyssa, post of- 13 Jtfc. FOR SALE—One John Deere buid- matron, gave a report on the grand | Roper and family of Frultland and lice box A. chapter sessions held In Portland Mrs. Melvin Bartchi of Providence. M ISCELLANEOUS — Car dealer er, new canvas, all in first class last week. A fter the business meet Utah. ship open in this territory, low condition. Two miles north, two ing a social hour was held. Re - 8 - priced car. »500 needed to handle. ! miles west, half north, mile west freshments were served by Mrs. I o<> L a t e l o U a s i i l v Grant Rinehart, Mrs. Ed Frost and Write immediately box 919, La ! and h a lf, north of Adrian. J. H. Mrs. J. L. Church 20J2xp. FOR SALE New Studebuker army Grande, Oregon. 20 Jlxc. Bair. Announcement was made that a 20J2xc. potluck dinner for Eastern Stars truck. Phone 07J1. FOR SALE1—Mowing machine, hay FOR SALE— Registered jersey bull. and Masons and their families will FOR SALE- Thirty-five .vacka blue rack, wagon, three traction spring Serviceable age. Phone 06R5. 20J4xp. harrow, two timbers, 12 x 12-16 feet, be served Friday evening of this tag netted gem seed. Harry Masto, [ week at 7 o'clock In the Masonic one Parma three-ditch corrugator hall. After the dinner, entertain five miles south of Adrian. 20J2xp. M ISCELLANEOUS — Hand tinting one new ton block chain John ment will be provided Those at 2W2XP- FO R SALE—Plano, in good condi photos. Price reasonable. Peggy Her- Pratl. tending are asked to provide their tion; fold-up dining-room table. 1 own dishes. Dessert will be fumlsh- Mrs. Bateman at Owyhee Beauty | ed by the chapter. shop. 20J2xp. -8 - E NTE R TAIN E D A T O N TARIO SEE THE NEW FOR SALE House, four rooms, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherland at partly modern. Late model refrig tended a meeting of their bridge erator. new oil heater and kitchen club In Ontario Saturday evening range to sell with house. 451 No. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. B. C. First street. Inquire Mrs. Douglas Daniel. Mr. Sutherland won high Bateman at Owyhee Beauty shop. I score for men and Mrs. Glen Hut 20 Jlxc. chinson received high score for FO R SALE—Cherries-Birjgs, Royal women Anns. Lamberts, 114 mile east of - 8 - Mrs. Donald H. King (above) Is Payette-Ontario junction. Ed Mess. C LIIB MEETS the former Miss T edd y" Crlsmon, 20J2xp. The Wednesday evening bridge At THE a recent bride. She is a daughter of club met at the home of Mrs. Sid FOR S A L E - McCormick big 4 mow vir. and Mrs. J. C. Crlsmon of Burbridge last week. Prizes were er, also two Jackson forks. Jake's Nyssa. ! awarded to Mrs. Ed Frost, Mrs. F ix -It shop. 20Jlxc. Herbert Fisher and Mrs. Joe Mau- j f the groom. She wore a pink ghan. FOR SALE—Four room modern floor-length dress. house, 6 lots, large garage and - 8 - Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. Smith, TH U R SD AY CLUB MEETS 'chicken house. Bernard Eastman. mothers of the bride and groom, Mrs. William Walhert invited 20Jtfc. wore tea rose corsages. The best members of the Thursday evening man was William Hamilton and club to play bridge at her home FOR SALE—Portable air condition ushers were Elbert Hatch and Dick 20Jtfc. last week. Mrs. Bernard Eastman er. Bernard Eastman. Ashcraft. received high score and Mrs. Grant Betty Toombs played the wedding F O R SALE!—Netted gem seed po Rinehart second high. march and Delora Hurst sang tatoes. Phone 04R1. H. K. Hashi- - 8 - tani. 20J2xp. "Always” and “ I Love You Truly.” IIOME WEDDING HELD Following the ceremony a re Miss Shirley Doolin, daughter of FOR SALE—56 tons of No. 1 hay ception was held at the church. The Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dooiln, in shock. I. C. Story, route 1. Nys couple left on a short honeymoon. and Ronald Max Christensen, bro sa, Oregon. 30Jlxc. For her golng-away apparel the ther to Mrs. Carl Burningham, were bride chose a blue-gray tailored united in marriage at a pretty home FO R ■SALE— Netted gem potatoes. suit with white accessories. wedding Wednesday afternoon at Phone Werner Peutz, 010R5. Bring Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are 20J3xc. 3 o'clock, with Bishop Arvel Child sacks. graduates of the Adrian high school. I performing the ceremony. W ANTED —Tractor mechanic. Nys- The groom served two and one- The bride was lovely in an af- ra Implement company. Phone 10R. half years in the navy including 21 j temooii frock of pink net over 20Jlxc. months In the South Pacific. 'shell satin. The rooms were ad- After five weeks of civil aeron Green settee and chair to match. orned with summer flowers. Open LO ST — Fight-months-old female autics schooling In Seattle. Mr. house was held between the hours airdale with license No. 49. Re Matthews and his' bride will make Daveno, in good condition. of 4 and 9 p. m. during, which ward. Phone 102W Nyssa, Vinson- their home in Alaska where he m a iy friends called. Mrs. O. P. haler Blacksmith shop. 20Jlxp. will be employed by the govern Four-piece bedroom suite. Williams and Miss Betty Dooiln ment. presided at the refreshment table. W ANTE D —Auto mechanic and parts Kaiser-Frazer Garden Rototiller Inland Oil Station Bybee Motor & Equipment S p e cia ls at Jake’s Second Hand Store - BASKINETTE Enug, warm, convenient to use at jiome. HIS “HIGHNESS” CHAIR - IN TRAINING N ursery seat makes training easier. Waxed lutrdwood With safety strap. Nyssa Furniture Company NYSSA THEATRE continuous Mat., Sat., Adm. Evenings, Saturday from continuous Sunday from 8 p.m. Mat., Sun., *:30 Adm., lOc-Sc, Inc. T ax Adm. Evenings. 40r-Rc, Including T ax TUESDAY, JUNE 25 — BARGAIN NIGHT— Ralph Morgan—Jayne Hazard In “BLACK MARKET BABIES” Charles Starrett— Phylis Adair In “GUNNING FOR VENGEANCE” continuous Tuesday from M V «*® investigate our home repair loan plan. You repay with small, monthly payments. Make necessary repairs now with our financial aid. Including Tax G U ILD HOLDS M EETING St. Paul’s guild met last Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs. Hilda Tensen. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Callahan were guests n LOCAL COUPLE M AR R Y Miss Geraldine Kressly, daugh ter of Mrs. Hazel Kressly, of Nyssa, became the bride of Mr. Lavar Hawkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hawkins, also of Nys sa, June 4 in Caldwell. J. P. Arnold, justice of the peace, performed the double ring cere mony. The bride wore a gray suit, with black accessories and an orchid corsage. The groom wore a dark gray business suit. They were at tended by Miss Joyce Bair and John Turner, both of Nyssa. Mrs. Hawkins is a graduate of Osborne high school, Osborne, K an sas. She attended business college in Grand Island, Nebraska and for three years was employed in gov ernment work in Washington. D. C. For the past year she has been em ployed as a bookkeeper of the Thompson Oil company. The groom, who received his dis charge from the navy In January, 1945, is a graduate of Salem high school. He is now in commercial farming with his. father. After a short honeymoon at M c Call, the couple are making their home at the Bennett apartments. _5 _ SHOWER G IVEN Mrs. Ronald Batt and Mrs. Don Strickland were hostesses at a bri dal shower given Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Hazel Kressly, honoring Mrs. Lavor Hawkins, nee Geraldine Kressly. Many lovely and useful gifts were cleverly concealed on a table under 8 E NTE R TAIN - SUNDAY Mr and Mrs. S. W. Abersold en tertalned Sunday for the following out-of-town guests: Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Preston. Idaho. Mr and Mrs. John Barfus of Down- “ MAKE IT A M I L L I O N ! ” 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 26-27 John Payne, Maureen O’ Hara. William Bendix, Connie Marshall In “SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY” Only a woman could give such a love - only a man could take it and never understam The strangest journey two lovers ever dare» take. Latest News and Cartoon -s- - Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan Association Baker, Oregon ENLIST IN A GRADE WITH YOUR ARMY M O S A GOOD JOB FOB YOU U. S. A rm y F UTE C H O O S E THIS PRO FESSIO N HOW I 419 Federal Bldg. Boise, Idaho Six leather-bottom chairs. Christensen recently served four years in th U. S. navy reserve. The couple were employed at the Doll House here. They received many lovely gifts. a white parasol. M r - » r . Inc. T a x _________ Adm. Kvenlaga, nkr-vc. . 6 p.m. A tm . 45c-5c Inc. T a * 40c-9c, Including T a x ___________ SUND AY AND MONDAY, JUNE 23-24 A very good musical! Gale Storm— ^hil Regan In “SWING PARADE Oh 1946” With 3 Stooges, and Edward Brophy Sport: “ Battling Bass” Flicker Flashback and Cartoon Adm. - — 8— EASTERN STARS MEET Members of the Golden Rule chapter of the Eastern Star gath ered in the Masonic hall Monday evening for their last meeting be fore the summer vacation. DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 21-22 Adele Mara— Edgar Barrier In “SONG OF MEXICO” “ W ild Bill” Elliott— Bobby Blake In “COLORADO PIONEERS” Shows 8 PRO G RAM Phone IOÔ Shows - ENTERTAIN NYSSA PEOPLE Dr. and Mrs. Emmett of Ontario •ntertained Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pike Wednesday evening at a chic ken dinner at the Payette Country •lub. The occasion was the eleventh wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Pike. They attended the thea ter afterwards. Sturdy, natural finish hardwood, sanitary scooped tray. Shows 5 IIAK ItIK TH D AY P A R T Y Mjs. George Poulsen was the In spiration for a birthday party given at her home Wednesday afternoon by friends. Sewing and tames were tip diversion. Refresh- nents were servd to 10. Mrs. ’ oulsen received a lovely gift from he club members. Army ▼•(•ran* who held certain Military Occupational Spocialtiee may reenliet in a g ra d » commeneu rato with thoir «kill and oxporionco. provided they woro honorably dis charged on or aitor M ay 11. 1945 - -and provided they roonlixt bolero July I , 1946. O ver three-quarter« oi a million men b a re loinod tbo now Regular Army already. MAKE IT A MILLION! Pull tact* a t « at any Army Camp. Peat or Recruiting Station. One-horsepower electric motor. One and a quarter inch gear pump. • e & f i One large V/o inch centrifugal pump. \ One table model radio.