Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1946)
i TH E NYSSA G A TE C IT Y JOIJRNAI TH URSD AY. JUNE 20, 1946 j Bennett called. O W YH EE Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scholl and I business shoppers Saturday in Boise, j Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cook visited two sons of Seattle were overnight | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker two guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles days last week on their way home Culbertson Saturday. to Kelloge. Idaho. Mr. and Cook Mrs. Jay Duncan and twcr dau had been vacationing and visiting ghters. Lillie and Mary of Payette relatives in Washington and Idaho. were week-end guests in the home The school board has decided to • of Mrs. Duncan’s aunt, Mrs. M ar drill a new drinking well at the .... ... ...e parsonage. LUTHERAN C H L R C h tha Klingback. Owyhee school house. Water has Friday, 10 a. ni„ prayer group at Rev. H. A. Heckmann, Pastor Prayer meeting will be held at been hauled by the bus driver, Rus Adrian. Divine worship at 7:30 p. m. sell Patton. the S. D. Bigelow home Tuesday L D . 8 . C H I ’R C I I Members decided at the last P. LOVE, the only motive and rea evening, June 25. Mrs. Grover Sunday 9:15 am. Priesthood T. A. meeting to postpone meetings son for a Christian's actions and .Heeling Cooper will be the leader. Mr. and Mrs. Lou DeGoede and until the regular date in August. Sunday 10 30 am Sunday school. deeds, will be treated on the basis Melvin Crocker is still in the daughter, Jean, and son, Mid'n Sunday 7:80 p. m Sacrament of I John 4, 16-21. Services are John DeGoede, of Ogden, Utah marine corps in Washington. held in the American Legion hall. meeting Mrs. Tillie Saxon received word spent from Monday until Friday at Tuesday 2:00 p m. Relief society Sunday school at 7 p. m. I f your the parental Jesse K ygar home. that her daughter is recovering hild has no religious home, we meeting. nicely from a fall in which both They were dinner guests Wednesday Firs! Tuesday of each montn at irge you to make this Bible school ankles were broken while she at the Lynn K ygar home. 4 pm. Primary for children bel ills haven of rest and hope. Mrs. Jay Duncan and children of »a s performing a trapese act witl ie en ages of 4 and 12. Payette were dinner guests In the a circus in California. The dau- ASSEM BLY OF GOD Niss Hatt home Saturday. I ihter is in the hospital at Port- THE M ETH O D IST COMMUNITY .Pastor C. L. Snider Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown .and at present. C h l'R C H Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. and daughter, Patsy, and son, Rev. H. J. Gernhardt. Pastor Singing, preaching, prayer, 10 : - Micheál, are visiting at the Lynn I C O LU M B IA AVENU E Sunday school, 10 a. m. 5 a. m. K ygar home. Fasting and prayer Sunday even t Worship and sermon. 11 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Kennth McDon Sunday afternoon visitors at the! ing. I Fellowship meetings, 7:30 p. m. ald and children were Homedale C. Muntjewerff home at Big Bend | Evening service, 8:15 p. m. Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. visitors Sunday. were Mrs. Gerrit Muntjewerff and Bible study and prayer, Wednes Tuesday 8 p. m., prayer meeting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn, Mr. children o f Parma and Mr. and at parsonage. day, 8 p. m. A ll young people and Mrs. Bob Rice and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot. Thursday, 8 p. m„ cottage pray expecting to attend Wallowa in Mrs Gerald Slippy attended the Mr. and Mrs. George S m if of er meeting. stitute meet Sunday evening, 7:30 marriage of Miss Maxine Smith and Nu-Aeres were Sunday dinner guests p. m. Carroll Matthews in the Presby- of Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Stam. THE COM M UNITY UNITED teiian church in Roswell Sunday C. M. Tensen and son, Neil, went SUNSET V A L L E Y ASSEMBLY PR E S B YTE R IAN CHURCH evening. to Summit Prairie Wednesday. OF GOD Kingman Memorial Mrs. Carl Jungquest and sons, Mrs. Ann Van Dyke, registered Alfred L. Brim, Pastor J. C. Nevin—Pastor Dustin and Jon, are visiting at nurse, arrived by plane from Port- [ 10 a. m„ Bible school. Sunday school, 10 a. m. the parental S. D. Bigelow home. land for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintend- 11 a. m „ morning worship with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones of John Broad. Mrs. Van Dyke ac ihe boys and girls taking part in cnt. Eaise spent the week-end with their cepted a position at the Holy Ros pecial children's day services. S c i- j Devotional services, 11 a. m. daughter. Mrs Byrd Walters. ary hospital in Ontario. monette— "W atch.” Young people's and children's Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walters and Mrs. Dick Groot called on Mrs. 8 p. m., evening worship with church, 7 p. m. daughter returned to Boise Friday. Dwight Smith of Nyssa Tuesday. devotional service followed by dis-1 Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. M Ellis Walters accompanied Callers at the Dick Groot home cussions—Adult: "The Pulpit and Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m. them for a week-end visit. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George ! Lords Supper.” Builders: "Sharing j Bible study, Friday, 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crocker en- I Smit of Nu-Acres. Tasks with Others;” Pioneers: | You are cordially invited to at- tertained the following guests at Mrs. Frank Dungey and son of "Bringtng Bible Stories Up to tend these services. Sunday dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Rus Coquille and daughter and two Date." Closing thought by ou.- ' sell Patton and son, Buddy, Clyde children, Janet and Johanna, of pastor. THE CHURCH OF THE Cook. Bill Cook and two daughters, i Neuberg, Mrs. William Nicholsen j Monday, 7:45 p. m., Boy Scout NAZARENE Virginia and Doris, and Mr. and of Jacksonville, house guests of Mr. troop No. 36 meets at the high E. J. Wilson, Pastor Mrs. Frank Savage of Nyssa. Later and Mrs. John Broad, left for their school 10 a. m „ Sunday school. in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Pa: homes Thursday. 11 a. m., a dedication service for Wednesday, 8 p. m„ choir prac- babies, and sermon. 7:15, N .Y P . services 8 p. m., evangelistic service. Friday night we will have our vacation Bible school program. You are invited. D £U 1£3 » ¿3000 IN PRIZES Over $3000 In piiaes will be given away July 2, 3. and 4 at Baker uunng the Oregon Trail days cele bration, according to Information received from the trail days com mittee. The main events during the three day celebration will be a rodeo, a night horse show, parades and dances. Tlie horse show to be held the evening of July 2, will include classes for three and five gaited horses, harness horses and many western events. Top money for the five-gaited class will be $100, and first for the three-gaited class will oe $10, both of which are believed to be tops ever offered n the Baktr .irea for these classes. The rodeo will be held on the afternoons of July 3 and 4, fea turing Harley Tucker's rodeo stock. The Oregon Trail association is a member of the R. A. A. and will be Mrs, Leon Burt and The horse show will begin at 4 p. m. At 6 p. m. a free lunch will be served to riders by the Gem Rangers. The parade will be ass- tmoled at 7:30. with the horse sec tion arranged on the park grounds. Nyssa residents owning hor.-es are asked to take the animals to the Nyssa rodeo grounds Sunday at 1 p. m„ when transportation to Em mett will be discussed. Members entering the Emmett parade are asked to wear their white shirts. The next meeting of the Owyhee Riding club will be held at the Lynn Snodgrass home June 28. Stockman Here— Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Baker of Ogden were guests of D. O. Bybee Members of the Owyhee Riding at dinner Monday, when they stop club of Nyssa have been invited to ped here en route to Portland and loin other saddle clubs which will various points in Montana. Mr. participate in the horse show and Baker is representative of the John parade to be held June 27 by the Clay Livestock company In Ogden. Gem Rangers Saddle club in Em With them was their son-in-law. mett during the annual oherry fest ival. B U ILD ING PERM ITS A beautiful bronz trophy will be Albert E McKinney, construction, ;'ie«ented by the Rangers to the Bower street, lots 15 and 15, block club having the largest mounted 5, original townsite, 30 by 60, mas onry, $2260. group in club colors In Emmett. Olaf W. Holte, construction, Park Horses entering the competlve horse show will be judged and the street, Teutsch addition. $2500, mas decision of the judges will be final. onry, 20 by 28. John E. Ostrom, construction, Ribbons will be presented to win ning horses of all classes, from Reece street, Teutsch addition, 48 working horses through and includ by 36, $8000. ing registered classes and paired Leslie H. Fulmer, garage, Ehr- mounts, including shetlands. All good street, Westfield addition, cin horses will be judged under saddle der block, 12 by 20, $250. W E JUST RECEIVED A LAR G E SH IPM E N T OF FARM IM PLEM ENTS Here is your opportunity to get some equipment you have been looking for for so long. 12’’ Walking Plows 16” Tumble Bug Plows Spring Tooth Harrows 7 and 8 foot Tandem tractor discs Green and Cured Hay Loaders — A ll Metal Iron Age 2 Row Potato Plant ers Hammer Mills All Metal Buck Rakes NU-ACRES and LO C AL RIDING CLUB IN VITED TO EM M ETT TO BE IN P A R A D E only. FARMERS ATTENTION! St. Paul's Fpiscopal Mission C. L. Callahan. Vicar Evening prayer, 6 p. m. Holy Communion, 2nd Sunday In month, 9 a. m. Mr. PA G E FIVE all bulk sales of commercially sepa joverned by I.R.A. rules. rated cream and sales of farm sep- Purses totaling $450, plus entrance aiated cream sold by any sells!' fees, will be given for many of the i other than the farmer. Sales by a j events. The gr'ert parade will he held *he | cream station to a butter manufac- , uoi.iing of auly 4 «n o the child- turer are also exempt. e.i s parade on the aftern.-on of This action sets ceilings at 40 /uly 3. cents above the November. 1945 av- , The saddle horse sale, held in on unction with the July 4 cele- eiage price paid each producer for a hundred pounds of milk of 3.5 ■lati-m. will be held June 30. In he sal la year over three-fourths per cent butterfat. of the horses w»re sold, and It Is anticipated that this sale will be B AKER W IL L G IVE the largest ever held In Baker. j Underslung Boat Trailers Sishc Beet Loaders Grain Elevators 4 Wheel Wagons Liquid Spray Machines Mamouth Hay Stackers Wisconsin A ir Cooled Engines — 3 sizes Electric Welders 30 Gal. Hot Water Heaters (O il Burning) W e also have a complete assortment o f iron for implement re pairs’— also for beet bed irons. • Come in and look over this equipment. -on returned home last week to j irtonvi le, Michigan, niter spend- :g several weeks visiting Mrs. Hurt's parents, Mr, and Mrs. V In Johnson. CALD W ELL Mrs. Marvel Roberts of Ha nnings, Nebraska is visiting lie .u g lie r and husband, Mr. and «frs. Warren Johnson. CHEVROLET D E A L E R Mr. and Mrs. Everett Highbar- ;er of Star were Sunday dtnnei guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ourrington and family. - - , j&l f§ M | Roger Jenkins and Wayne Dur- ilr.gton received the two scholar hip awards given by the Co-op Ol. company of Ontario for the two ait Landing Black Canyon 4H club members eligible to attend the hort course in Moscow last week Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson and family spent Father's day at Cald well with her parents, Mr. and VTrs. Alvie Lanfear. Mr. ard Mrs. J. H Preston, who have been living with their daug- lter, Mrs H. E Wood, the past few months, moved into I heir new home he first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Leaman Reagan and family and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Reagan, all of Texas, left for California last Thur- day nfter spending two weeks vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson ind family. Mrs. Leaman Reagan is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. William Hal! was taken to the Holy Rosary hospital last week. His condition is quite serious. B 6 » M Equipment » * A lOO-LB. BAG OF ECONOM ICAL PURINA GROWENA d a ir y r in s e CAN GROW H * lp k e e p d o w n b a c te r ia c o u n t b y s c r u b b in g a n d th e n r in s in g m ilk in g e q u ip . *n en t a n d c o n t a in e r « in a DRY & FRESHENING CHOW • H ELP S K E E P DOW N C A L V IN G T R O U B L E S s m Miters P u r in a C h lo r e n a S o lu t io n . E c o n o m ic a l a n d e ffic ie n t q e r m k ille r . That's all it takes when vou teed GROWENA on the Purina Plan. Built tor fast growth and vigor ., Gets 'em < on the nest early • HELPS BUILD A STRONG V IG O R O U S C A L F HELPS CO N DITIO N FOR E X T R A M IL K A H E A D ßaloace. you TDtVtfH A CHLOREnn POUIDER HUR GRAIN FOR LOTS OF EGGS G l r YO U R P u r in a L a y C h o w go es h a lf a n d h a lf w ith y o u r g r a in to m o k e a b a la n c e d « g g - in u k in g ra tio n . ... Feed Cow Chow. Built for big milk production and long milking liiel PURINA COW CHOW PURINA LAY CHOW »'LIVESTOCK SPRAY REQUIREMENTS NOW!! Our supplies of this A A killing-pow er spray are now good. E c o n o m ic a l . . . costs only lc per day per cow. Order now. PU R IN A LIVESTOCK SPRAY B A IS I A G O O D CALF AND RAISE RABBITS HERE'S A N E W F O O D IN YO U R BACK YARD “T^oux V o ? 70lU ¿or NEAT It e a quick, easy w ay to s u p p ly d e lic io u s m e a t for y o u r ta b le. R a b b it « a r e n ’ t h ard to feed when you X i6U eti7K c<U DOG CHOW & P UR I N A .RABBIT CHOW Tarte tests prore dogs prefer i t . . . Pu rlna’e nutrition esperte approve it . . . Your w ill eay OK. too. A complete food . . . Juet m is with water. *!t ÍAU t**U Cetiteu One bag of C alf Startena can save 40 gallons of milk. Grows big, thrifty calves. Savss time and labor. MEINE CALF STARTENA Burns Chevrolet Co. Building PHONE 167 C A R - S I R V I C B IS Y O U R ID AH O » 1ST CAR -SAVER m mw: . i.-. . i f • T Ï :?Xv ^ ¡¡jSfëjlfcfe ./¥ ■ BUTTER AND M ILK PRICES INCREASED Retail Increases of 11 cents a I ¡round for butter, 6 cents a pound I for Cheddar cheese and 1 cent a ran (14'i-oz. tall cam for evapor- I ated milk were announced Mon day by the office of price adminis tration. These increases, part of the over- I all dairy products program announ ced May 29 by the office of econ omic stabilization, result from in creases also announced Monday In \ manufacturer ceiling price* of 10 cents a pound for butter. 5 cents for rhre-e and 35 cents a case for e-.aported milk. These increases became effective at the manufacturing level on June j 17. 1916, while increases at retail I will go Into effect upon the re- ! taller's first purchase from his sup plier at the higher price. At the same time. OPA took the following actions, effective June 17. 1916. to carry out another part of the M.iy 29 O E. 8 directive: (1) established for the first time ceil ings on milk bought from milk producers by dairy products manu facturers and by Industrial and commercial users. (2> Brought un der price control for the first time — keep it serving M ake yo u r va cation t r i p - e n d all trip i — t a f el y I safely and dependably until you get FOR LO N G ER CA R U F I AN D SAFER D R IV IN G —W l RECOM M END T H IS I S ER V IC E O M R A T IO N S . . . Ch«ck »tearing and w h ««l alignm ent • T«»t battery and electrical system • S e rvice d u tc h , b ra k e «, tran sm ission , rear a x le delivery of your new Chevrolet Today, moro than ovor boforo, it's Important lo koap your car "af/vo”—to koop it zorving you tafoly and dopondably—until you can got dolivory of a now Chovrolot! And tho bait w ay to do that if to com# to ut for ziriffod, rofiob/o, car-Mving «orvico, now and at regular intervals. Our export mechanic«— working with modern tool«, genuine part«, quality m ateriali— can add month* and mil#« to tho Ufa of your car. Remember—we're member« of America'» fare mo«! automotive »ervice organization . . . *c coma in, today! Cable’s Chevrolet Co. O n ta rio r O re g o n T