THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOU RN AL page four NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HERE3Y tS GIVEN, WANTED—Dead or worthless ani­ That Nettie A, Simpson, Adminstra- mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep trlx of the estate of John M. Sim­ and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, pson, deceased, has filed in the Payette 560J3, Frultland 3713 or County Court of Malheur County, Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc. Oregon, her first and final account and report of her administration, straw. and that Monday, July 22, 1946 at WANTED—To purchase 28 * 110 . the hour of two o’clock P. M. of Frank T. Morgan. said day at the County Court Room in the City of Vale, Oregon Found . . , have been fixed as the time and FOUND-Guemsey heifer, branded. place for ^ hearing of said ac- LZ on right ribs. F. W. Knotting- COunt and any objections that may ham. west of Ole’s corner. 13J2xp. be filed thereto, when and where ----------------------------------------------------- - any person Interested in said estate LOST may appear, file objections in writ- ------------------------------------ ------- ——- ing and be heard thereon. LOST Sterling silver bracelet in ^ account lg for flnal settle- Nyssa June 10 in front of Dr. jment and upon being approved and Moulding s office. »5. reward. Mrs.'settled said estate will be closed. Nettie A. Simpson H. E. Simmons, Jr., Vale, Oregon 13J4XC. Administratrix of the estate of John M. Simpson, Deceased. LOST—Ford V8 hub cap on Owy­ First pub. June 20, 1946. hee Dam road. Reward. Phone 78J Last pub. July 18, 1946. 13J2xp. Phone Classified Advertising RATES*: Two cents per word lor each Issue. Alter one monUi one cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, Is 30c, ■vi i^CLLl.AN tO U b For Sale a ay at City Limits. BERNARD EASTMAN 6JtfC. FOR SALE—1930 Plymouth lour- ; SALE—We have on hand a door sedan. Good condition. Oood KOOd selection U1 line used pianos tires and upholstery Inquire D. M and will receive another carload Matthews, Adrian, Oregon. 20Jlxp. about June 10 or 12. In this car FOR SALE—11 acres, seven-room will be some fine small size Mlrra- house and shop. Inquire at Bill's pianos. Call us at 614 collect or place west oi grade school build­ ing. 20Jtfc. drive over and select one for yourself before they are all picked FOR SALE—Table model AC DC over. Golden Rule Music Store, radio Excellent condition. Nordale- 6J3xc. Newsom Furniture store. 20Jlxp Inc., Nampa, Idaho. FOR SALE!—5 room modern house with basement. Large chicken house. 1 acre ground. Located on paved highway. Bernard Eastman. FOR SALE)—3 bedroom modern house. Good location, trees, lawn. $6.'00.00. Terms. Bernard Eastman. 13Jtfc. FOR SALE:—Electric pump and fix­ W ANTED tures. A. C. McFarlane, north of gymnasium. 13J2xp. WANTED—Auto mechanic and parts man. Phone 144J, Nyssa, post of- FOR SALE— Dodge sedan 1936 mo­ 13Jtfc. del. 633 First street. 13J3xp. ice box A. FOR SALE—Windows, doors, screen doors, pipe, electric wire, bins 7 ft by 14 ft. suitable for stores, gar­ ages or warehouses, also white cinder blocks. L. J. Josephson and Son, Phone 392 J, Payette. 6Jtfc. FOR SALEy-Tractor mower, John Deere, oil bath, with seven-foot cut, new condition. Call or write James Yamada, route 2, Nyssa, at A. P. Anderson’s ranch in Sunset valley. 6J3xp. FOR SALE—2 houses on one lot, one 3 rooms and bath. One 2 rooms and bath. $3659.00 terms. 3 HOUSES -all have electric water tanks, furnaces, baths, gaFages. Oood location. Shade and lawns. Terms. 3 ROOM HOUSE:—with bath, elect­ ric hot water tank, garage, lawn and trees. $2200. Terms. BUSINESS LOT—on Ontario High- WANTED—Beet bed, write or call A. J. Breneman, Apple valley road, route 2, Parma. 13J2xp. WANTED—Year around farm work with house furnished. Write W. R. Allison, General Delivery, Nyssa. 13J2xp. WANTED Sleeping 180. B. G. Shell. room. Phone 13J2xp. WANTED—Woman two days a week for Ironing and housework. Phone Mrs. Stringer, 04J3. 6Jtfc. WANTED—Janitor, man or wo­ man, for office. Contact R. G. Whit­ aker, Amalgamated Sugar com ­ pany. 6Jtfc. WANTED Beauty operator. Good commission. Owyhee Beauty shop 16Mtfc WANTED- To buy any kind of bee’ or veal; also we buy banger cows. Professional And Business Dlreciory PHYSICIANS OPTOMETRISTS DR. J. A. McFALL SAR AZIN CLINIC Dr, J. J. Sarazin Dr. K E. Kerby Physician and Surgeons L. A. Maulding, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 Daily—Except Sunday Nyssa Post No. 79 "See MrFall and See Better” EYESIGHT ONTARIO SPECIALIST OREGON JEW ELRY STORES PAULUS JEW ELR Y STORE Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMONDS WAT 'HES Main Street ■». Second WYCKOFF The American Legion JEW ELRY STORE Holds regular meetings Official Time Inspector for First anti Third Thurs­ U nici Pacific days, every month. ONTARIO OREGON All veterans and service GEORGE JACKSON men and women are MODERN WATCH REPAIR1NQ welcome to attend our State Licensed Watchmaker meetings. DENTISTS ,1. R. ( T M D A I /, Dentist Phone 56-J Saraxln Clinic NYSSA OREGON F. F. BODMER Dentist Ph. 187W Wilson Bldg. 31M or 06J1. llA tfc. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE- Five room basement MISCELLANEOUS — Guaranteed house, north Sixth street. $2100. A. L. 'Atkeson. 9MtIc. sewing machine repairing. Complete sto: k of new parts for all machines, FOR SALE Cafe in Malheur Including electrics. Rebuilt mach­ county. Doing excellent business. ines for sale. Buy and trade. F. 20Jtfc. 20J3xp. “Lete” Sackett, Ontario. Inquire Journal office. FOR SALE Automobile Insurance. FOR SALE—Hay derrick, $50.90. Public Liability, Property Damage, See Frank T. Morgan. 13Jtfc. Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed in the best companies at lowest FOR SALE:—Four room modern possible rates. Bernard Eastman. house, 599 north second street. Mac 14Ftfc. Belnap. 6J3xp. FOR SALE- -Field and garden seeds. FOR SALE:—Poles, see or write Hollingsworth Hardware and Imple­ Cene Brady, Route 2 Nyssa. 6J4xp ment company. 4Atfc. ONTARIO, OREOON 3‘4 blocks N of City Hall Sales Service Supplies W O RLD FAM O U S" ELECTROLUX Cleaner & Air Purifier E. R. Anderson Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Weiser, Idaho FLOOR SANDING New or old floors sand­ ed perfectly. Large H A Y BUYER commercial machine W . F. JAH N and experienced oper­ Dealer in hav and grain ators. Telephone Boise Third at Good Ave. 6189R. TH URSDAY, JUNE 20, 1946 MISCELLANEOUS—For better ra- dio service bring your radios to Nordale-Newsom Fourniture store Gene Seybold, radiotrician. 13JtIc. MISCELLANEOUS — For Insured and first class hauling see Stanley Reffett. Phone 76, Powell Service Station. 7Mtfc. i946 LOAN PROGRAMS OR GRAIN REVEALE! Approval of 1946 loan programs for Oregon’s two leading grain crops, with loan values 8 cents a bushel higher than 1945 for wheat and 5 cents a bushel higher for barley, have been announced by the state PMA committee General provisions of the loan plans for both crops remain the same as the 1945 program, through which more than $10,000,000 was loaned to Oregon producers. Details can be obtained from country agri­ cultural conservation committees, which again will handle the loans for the Commodity Credit corpor­ ation. Wheat loan rates will be at 90 perecent of parity as required by law. The terminal loan rate for Portland will be $1.57 a bushell for No. 1 soft white wheat. Rates foi principal stations in main wheat producing countries are as follows: Arlington, Ollliam county, $1.461-2; Madras, Jefferson county, $1.43- 1/10; Heppner, Morrow county $1.45; Moro, Sherman county, $1.46- 2/10; Pendleton. Umatilla county, $1.41 3/10; The Dalles, Wasco county, $1.45 4%10; Baker, Baker county, $1.35 7/10; La Grande. Union county. $1.35 9/10. County loan rates for barley In­ clude Malheur, 80 cents. as good as we are. •"1116 American flag means free schools where you and I can be educated for positions in this Un­ ited States. It means free parks and playgrounds where American children can have fun and stay out of mischief. If it weren’t for this democratic way of life we wouldn't have the right to vote or the right to serve in office, ur.- ess you were the son of a very wealthy and richly dressed family. If it weren’t for our flag and free- >om we wouldn’t have such a land > 1 beauty. It would be dotted with ilaces where bombs had been drop- led. We have the right to serve ,n a jury and be one of the twelve nen or women. The great men that ave made our country free and ndependent are George Washing­ ton, Abraham' Lincoln, and many others of lesser importance. If It weren't for this democratic way of life we would not have teachers and school houses in which to learn and be taught because there would be not tax money to pay them “The American flag is a very oeautlful one. It has seven red strips and six white ones. There are forty-eight stars on a field of blue. The American flag is a sym­ bol of love for one another and of loyalty and self respect.’’—Jack Moore. NYSSA M AN FINED ON DRIVING COUNT CALDWELL—Two auto accidents which resulted in two charges of driving while intoxicated, and minor .njuries to three persons, were in­ . s t o r a g e Consolidated Freight- vestigated during the week-end by ways building, First street. See sheriffs office. Jake at the Flx-lt shop. 24Mtfc Arthur Servoss of Nyssa, Ray F. Irvin of Notus, and George Marx of MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car Nyssa, were injured Sunday when ar.d cylinder lock keys made. Gam­ Marx's car, driven by Servoss. ble store. 250afc. ■truck the side of the Boise river BUTCHERING irldge at Notus, and overturned Custom butchering every Mon­ Irvin and Servoss were treated by day and ETiday. Beer, sheep and a physician in Caldwell, and Marx, pork. Sanitary butchering guaran­ after first aid treatment was taken teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must to a Nyssa hospital. come in Thursday or Sunday after­ Servoss pleaded guilty Mondaj noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No morning to a charge of driving stock accepted on butchering day. while intoxicated, and paid a $100 One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta fine. Irvin was fined $25 for being avenue. Jake Fischer. 29Mtfc drunk on a public highway. A car driven by Charles W Legal Advertising Stillwell missed the regular rail­ road crossing two miles west ol NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notus Saturday night, stalled or- NOTICE hereby is given to the the railroad tracks, and was totalh ledltors and all other persons in­ NAPTON CHILDREN demolished by an oncoming train terested in the estate of Marquis H. WIN ESSAY CONTEST Stillwell escaped Injury. He wa Lockwood, deceased: that the un­ lined $100 this morning when hi Phyllis Ann Eastman and Jack pleaded guilty to driving under thi dersigned has been appointed Ad­ ministrator of the estate of Mar­ Moore of the Naptuii grade school ■nfluence of intoxicating liquor. won the essay contest sponsored by quis H. Lockwood, deceased, and Adrian post No. 109, American Leg­ has qualified as such. ion, on "What the American Flag All persons having claims again­ Means To Me" among the eighth st said estate are required to pre­ grade pupils of the six schools In sent same with the proper vouchers the Adrian high school district. The Merry Matrons club met ai duly verified, within six months The essays were judged by three the home of Albert Bowen Wed- trom the date of the first publi­ high school teachers. The awards nesoay, June 13. The ufteri.ooi cation of this notice, to the under­ were presented at commencemeni was spent embroidering. Eight mtm- signed at his office, 122 Main exercises held last month. At the bers were present. The next meet- Street In the City of Nyssa, Ore­ -ame time the American Legion .ng, Ju n e 27, will be with Alta Fry gon, which place is hereby design­ itizenship awards were given to Anil call will be answered by “A ated as the place for the trans­ Ted Nelson and Elva Fenn, Adrian Vacation I would like to take." Ii action of all business pertaining to high school seniors. song quiz Alice Holmes won tin said estate. prize. Refreshments were served b> The essays read as follows: Last pub. June 27, 1946. "Most of all the American flat he hostess. A. L. Fletcher Mrs. William Smiley and son. means to me, the love and brother- Administrator of the Estate of hood of our country; the countrj ■lave moved Into the Oregon Tari. Marquis H. Lockwood, Deceased. over which it flies. It means tht ■eacherage. Dated this 24th day of May, 1946. ounlry itself. It stands for cour­ Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes and First pub. May 30, 1946. amily were dinner guests Sundaj age, hope, and faith we live for The flag is the emblem of the it the Ray Franklin home neai NOTICE TO CREDITORS reedoni of press, freedom of speech, Parma. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, to and freedom of religion that we or Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ely left Sat- the creditors and all other persons the United States of America en­ irday for The Dalles to visit Mr. Interested in the estate of Eliza­ joy. Fry's sister. beth J. Prosser, deceased; that tne W. A, McNall left last week on "When I look up at the flag I undersigned has been appointed can see how lucky I am to be i vacation trip to Nebrastca. Administrator of the estate of free to get a good education, and Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes were Elizabeth J. Prosser, deceased, with to live In a good community where hosts at dinner Sunday celebrating the will annexed, and has qualified people co-operate, and are equal the birthday of their daughter, Mrs. as such. in their rights. I can go to neigh­ Frank Byers. The table was attrac­ All persons having claims against bors' homes and be welcome to tively decorated with red roses ana said estate are required to present visit, work, and play along with red candles. Others sharing the sume with the proper vouchers duly them. The flag means that no occasion were Frank Byers at.d verified, wtthing six months from matter of what color, race, or creed, children, Bonnie Kressly, Robert the date of the first publieatlon of every citizen has equal rights, and Holmes and Frank Holmes. this notice, to the undersigned at freedom to seek health, and wealth, Jack Bowen and Jack Chard en­ the office of A. L. Fletcher ,ln the and happiness. joyed a picnic lunch and swim at City of Nyssa, Oregon, which place "The flag means co-operation In Snively's hot springs Sunday. is hereby designated as the place schools, business, and home life. It Mrs. Frank Byers was honored at for the transaction of all business means justice to all, fair trials for a surprise party Sunday evening pertaining to said estate. all who live In the land where It in observance of her birthday E. E. Prosser, Administrator, with waves. Citizens can all take part Quests were Mr and Mrs. F O. the will annexed of the estate of in the activities of the land. We Holmes and Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Elizabeth J. Prosser, deceased. all have a part In making the laws John Bowen and Jack. Mr. ar.d Mrs. 1st pub. June 6, 1946. we have to follow. We can vote Ray Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Last pub. July 4, 1946. for whomever we want to be our Holmes and Sandra. Flank Holmes and Bonnie Kressly. officers and lawmakers. Mrs. Byers received a number of "It means we can't be beaten to do our work. We are given love, nice gifts. Refreshments were ser­ Don M. Graham ved. The evening was spent visiting. ' respect, and justice. Billie Bowen spent several days | "It means we have the right to Insurance Agency i our ideas for beautifying our home. vith Mrs. Frank Rambaud of Nyssa. 1 town, and country. The flag means a spacious country of hills, valleys, Appointments Available— James P. Cooley, director of the prairies, and forests; of great cit­ Fire and Automobile ies. and small towns; of factories, eleventh U. S. civil service region, mines, farms, and many other in­ announces that on June 4 the pres­ Insurance dustries where millions of people ident of the United State Issued an executive order providing that dls- ive. and work, and play together. Rentals Bonds "So whenever we say the pledge ibled veterans, wives of disabled o the flag, we should think ol veterans, or widows of veterans may vhat It means, and say it with all jur hearts "—Phyllis Ann Eastman file applications for probational ap- pointments for any position which may have been filled by a proba- tlonal appointment within the pte- .eding three years. Such applicants who are entitled to a 10 -point pre- lerence in federal examinations, are given an opportunity in this man­ ner to obtain permanent employ­ ment in the federal service. E.W PRUYN Auto Repairing Reboring, Valve Grind­ ing. Lathe work. Parts and accessories Phone 56w Serving 5 Counties "The American flag, means free­ dom of the press, freedom of the air. freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and free rights for foreign people to come ln»o our country and be one of us. The Hag means that we are free and In­ dependent. Anyone of us have a chance to represent our government. It means that we are all created equal. The negro Is Just as good as the white person, and the Indians, even though they are red, are Just From the Genuine Orders Largest Shipped Stork Sue The Fanner By Leona Anderson "EASY NO-KNEAD ROLLS” ’’No-Knead” means less work and better results In roll making, par­ ticularly for those who are just learning to cook and bake. Most good cooks, as well as pro­ fessional people, take a refresher ourse and learn new ideas as they go along, to keep up with the -hanging times, and this may be a new one to you. It is another good recipe using the new emergency flour which many homemakers have already purchased. NO-KNEAD DINNER ROLLS % cup scalded milk •A cup shortening 1 tablesp granulated sugar I teasp salt 1 pkg. compressed or dry gran­ ular yeast 1 egg 3 cups sifted emergency flour '/ i cup water Combine milk, shortening, sugar, and salt. Cool to lukewarm by add- ng the water. Then add yeast, and mix well. Now stir in egg, slightly beaten. Then add flour gradually, while stirring constantly. Mix until dough is well blended and soft; then place in greased bowl, and cover. That's popular cry nowdays. Fanning is big business today and usceptible as never be- ore to liability claims. Protect your income van our Farm Liability nsurance. This policy protects you from claims if any­ one is killed or injured on your farm— for pro >erty damages to other — for all lawsuits aris- ng from liability claims. Don't delay— phone us today! FRANK T. MORGAN Nyssa, Oregon BROWER PLUMBING SHOP G. I. Priorities Filled First Electric Water Heaters Phone 95— J C r o p Dusting By Airplane • New special crop dusting equipment flown by experienced pilots. W e can do your job better at lower cost than any other method. Reserve Dates While Time Is Still Available CASEY’S FLYING SERVICE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Phone 197 W Ontario BRING YOUR FAM ILY JULY 2, 3 & 4 To The OREGON TR A IL D AYS BAKER * * * * $3000 IN PRIZES * * RODEOS * * HORSE SALE * * DANCES * * HORSE SH O W * * PARADES HORSE SALE If you want good prices for your saddle horses bring them to the Baker Sale. of Parts Immediately For Information About Celebration Write To Manser, Inc. Phone 49 Insure— In Sure INSURANCE Kitchen Chats O regon Trail I ; Store dough in refrigerator or cold j place at least 2 hours, or until | needed. Then shape, on well-flour­ ed board, Into 18 clover-leaf roll3. Arrange rolls in greased muffin pan. Let rise in warm place of 80 to 85 degress F until double In bulk— about m hours. Then bake in hot oven of 425 degrees F for 20 min­ utes. Make 18 medium rolls. Payette. Idaho Oregon Trail Association, Baker, Oregon. ;