The NYSSA GA¡ 1946-47 Budget Tentatively Set By City Council POWER LINE CUT BY BULLET FROM RIFLE OF GUARD Adrian and the nearby rural ter ritory were without electric service Budget Board (Provides for an hour Wednesday afternoon a prison camp guard de More Money For City because cided to try his marksmanship on Park, Cemetery a power line. The bullet from the rife tore The city council and budget board the seven strands of the wire cable adopted a tentative budget ot $78,- i in two in front of the Robert 265 for 1946-47 at their first meet- ; Thompson residence just west of Nyssa and the line automatically lng in the city all June 4. Of the $78.265, only $17,428 will "kicked out.” Two witnesses told Idaho Power be raised by taxation. The remaind er will be raised through services company officials they saw the and other means. It does not guard from the Nyssa camp fire necessarily follow that all of the the rifle at the power line, the proposed $78,265 will be spent, main circuit leading out of Nyssa to the rural area. but can be spent if needed. The budget, as published In an other section of this newspaper, Is ‘ " ly “ fe* hundred dollars larger J o h a i ì l i a T o O Itlb S than the budget of 1945-46. An Increase from $600 to $1500 was made In the city grounds fund to allow for purchase of a new mowing machine and Installation Funeral services were held In the ,1 * water system. ¡Methodist church in Nyssa Monday, The cemetery lund was increased June 10 at 2 p. m. for Mrs. Jo- trum $200 to $800 to pay for a hanna Madgelinp Toombs, who died .‘ pnnkling system and leveling a n d j June 8. seeding of the grounds. ' Johanna Madgeline Peterson, dau- The amount of money to be paid [ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peter- on bonded indebtedness was r e - ! son. was born July 14, 1876 in Cluced from $6000 to $2500. Denmark, She came to the United Final eonsidemtlpn of the budget c tates at the age of 15 years and will be given at a meeting to be I resided in Minnesota. In 1894 she held in the city council cha'mber |was married to Robert Toombs. To Tuesday, July 9 at 8 p. nt. The this union 11 (hildren, six boys and five girls, were born. Mrs. Toombs public is invited to attend. and family moved to Idaho in 1907 and in 1909 moved to Nyssa. She NYSSA PIANISTS had been in failing health .‘or five PLAY IN AUDITION years. ------------ Mrs. Toombs is survived by her Unusual opportunities were offer- husband. Robert Toombs; three ed to a, number of piano students daughters, Mrs. Mary Hatt of Nys- of this vicinity last Saturday -,ai Mrs. Pearl Dickson of Ironside through the annual national piano 3nd Mrs. Georgia Parker of Ad- pluying auditions, which were held rian; five sons, George of Baker; in Boise from June 6 to 11. The! Dennis, Gordon and Robert of event was sponsored by the National Nyssa and William of Adrian, 33 Guild of Plano Teachers, of which grandchildren and four great grand- Miss Wllhelmina Hoffman is a children. member. I Rev. H. J Oernhard; officiated The Boi-e auditions were part of and Mrs. D. O Bybee Miss Ruth a national piano playing event Larson and Mr.-, Frank Pike furn- held in 145 music centers through- ished music Interment was in the out the United States, with several Nyssa cemetery with the Nyssa Fun- thousand piano pupils participating, oral home Jn,charge. The movement, how in its 1 7 t h ------------------- year is an educational one, which ROBB SPEAKS aims to raise piano playing in this AT COMMENCEMENT country to the level of that former ly existing in European music cen COLLEGE OF IDAHO (SpecialI ters. Hjalmar Bergh of Los 'Angeles —"If we put a little dynamism in acted as adjudicator for the Boise democracy we have nothing to auditions. In which students from fear,” stated Inez Callaway Robb, Boise, Emmett, Welser. Payette, speaker at the 55th annual com Nyssa, Ontario and Parma took mencement exercises at the Col lege of Idaho. part. Mrs. Robb, who returned from Nyssa pupils of Miss Hoffman, who won recognition in the audi Germany this week, told of the two tions were Donna Jean Cheldphn. hungers in the world—the hunger Harley Duus placing them on the j t°r tood anc* the hunger for lead- local honor roll for the successful! enship. A world-famous journalist, playing of three pieces, and Phyllis!Mrs- R°bb was bom and reared in Cheldelin. who was placed on the Caldwell, where she attended the district honor roll for presenting public schools. She received her de four pieces. All selections were gree in Journalism from the Uni versity of Missouri. Writing for the played from memory. King Feature Slndycate, she has covered such famous stories as the RE-ERECTION OF coronation of the king and queen MAIL BOXES ASKED of England and was a member of the recent global flight which clr- Postmuster Lloyd W. Lewis has cumnavigated the world in five L: ued a statement requesting mail ¡days. She was the first woman cor- pations on rural routes who have ; respondent in the African theatre removed their boxes for road con of the war. structlon to erect the boxes again. The “home town girl who made The patrons are asked to either good" was presented with an hon ro-erect tile boxes at \ point where orary degree of doctor of letters Ihe carrier can drive to them or by the College of Idaho. meet the carrier each dav or mak* Harrison C. Dale, who served as some other arrangements for the president of the University of Idaho acceptance of their mall for nine years, received an honorary degree of doctor of law. Mr. Dale Parents Of Boy— took both his undergraduate and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keeney post graduate work at Harvard of Salem are parents of a boy bom university. He has published a num- Monday. Mrs. Keeney was the for- ber of books In the field of polltl- nier Miss Carroll Robertson. jeal science. ---------------------------| Bachelor degrees were presented Ex-Resident Visits— j twenty-three students. Those re- Rolland Burke of Jerome, Idaho, ceiviug their degrees “magna cum former Nyssa resident, visited his | laude" were Barbara Young Duna- slster, Mrs. J. J. Smith, in Nyssa way of Fruitland, Ardith Van Curen Tuesday. Mr. Burke and his bro- of Caldwell, Donald Wells of Boise ther, Berwyn, recently sold th e ; and Martha Young of Fruitland. North Side News at Jerome. Ber Degrees ' cum laude" were awarded wyn Burke has purchased a news Albion Aspinwall of Caldwell. Au paper at Ritzvllle, Washington and drey Fraedrlch of Caldwell, Eliza Rolland expects to buy another beth Purkhtser of Caldwell, and paper this Ÿall. Ghlyo Yamada of Portland, Oregon. Others receiving degrees includ Bible School Continues— ed Masako Endow of Nyssa. Oregon. Sixty youngsters are enrolled In the Nazarene dally vacation Bible Owyhee Riding Club To Meet— school now underway In the church i Members of the Owyhee Riding building. The school, which was | chib will meet at 10 a, m. Sunday opened June 10. will be continued j at the rodeo grounds to work on until June 21. the field. Those attending are ask- --------------------------- Jed to provide a cover dish lunch Return From Vacation— i which will be served in the city Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Campbell park. end daughter, Annette, returned I --------------------------- Sunday from a 10-day vacation, Meets Secretary— spent in California. While away Frank Morgan went to Boise they visited Mr. and Mrs. Camp- Monday to attend a meeting of tell's daughters. Mrs. Richard R y - 1 Secretary of the Interior J. A. an of Palo Alto, and Mrs. Frank Krug with the officers and dir- Cranney of San Francisco and their lectors of the Idaho State Reclam- families. atlon association in the Hotel Boise. Dies In Nyssa j rnmnkins v Oiospn ìompKins nosen Grange Master JOURNAL t h r e e in j u r e d in crash AUTO m o b i l e o n p a r m a h ig h w a y Bent Control In Nyssa Discussed At City Meeting ROBERT REFFETT OF NYSSA GIVEN CROIX DE GUERRE 115 Carloads Of Lettuce Shipped By Local Firms Three persons, including one Nys- The French government has a- Morton Tompkins was re-elected warded the Croix de Guerre to master of the Oregon State Grange sa resident, were injured" when two Robert D Reffett of route Strike Interrupts Ship Schedule For Corporal at the annual convention held in automobiles crashed head-on on Tentative 2. Nyssa. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Idaho hishwav No. 95 between Baker last week. ments For Several New Sewer Program Reffett. Parma and Nyssa last Sunday ev Other officers are as follows: Corp. Reffett served in France Hours Is Set Overseer. Elmer McClure, Hard ening about 7 o'clock. Germany and Austria during hi Don Low of Nyssa suffered a ing, Clackamas county; lecturer. One hundred and fifteen cars of Arthur Rouse, representing the three years in the army. Two hun Garnet Ruckman, Pleasant Grove. fracture of the hand, Mrs. Jess American Legion, asked the city dred and fifty of one million men lettuce had been shipped from Nys Union county; secretary, Bertha J. Madden o f Marsing sustained shock received the Croix de Guerre. Ref sa over the Union Pacific rails this ouncil at a meeting Tuesday night Beck, Friendly. Multnomah county; and bruises and John Freidenber- fett, serving in the third army. season up to Tuesday night, ac executive committee position one, | get of Marsing suffered cuts and for some type of rent control on|was one 0j two men jn his battal- cording to E. C. Crandall. Nyssa Ray Gill, Russelvllle, Multnomah bruises and the lass of the little some of the houses that ex-ser ion to receive the award. railroad agent. county, and position two, Peter Zim- finger of his left hand, vicemen are renting. Reffett also hqjds the bronze An average of 20 carloads has meiman. Cove Orchard, Yamhill 2'he automobile, driven by L. R Council members expressed the star, presidential citation, the pur been shipped so far, with praspects county; steward, Roscoe Roberts. Low of Nyssa and Mr. Freidenber- opinion that rents, with or.e or ple heart for wounds sustained in that this high rate will be con Roxy Ann. Jackson county; assist-18 * - collided at the apex of a two exceptions are not unreason- j the battle of the Belgian bulge and tinued until the end of the season. ant steward, George Murphy, Pine r;se *n the highway a short distance able, but signified their willing- four campaign stars. The high mark was 26 cars, which --------------------------- were shipped Monday despite the Forest, Deschutes county; chaplain, west of Parma, and were damaged ness to help in any way possible, j opening of a strike among lettuce Arthur Brown, West Salem, Polk to the extent of an estimated $600. The OPA could place Nyssa in a i Mrs. Madden was riding in the workers in thrt' sheds. county; treasurer, Glenn L. Adams. rent control district. M i l m o H The council tentatively adopted v / l l I L c r » i l d l l l U U Brush College Polk county; gate Freidenberger car. Occupants of Employes of the Eastern Oregon Produce company, the J. C. Watson eeper, Frank Wooden, Pacific, Clat the other automibile in addition to a schedule whereby the city would | company and Max Lutz struck sop county: Ceres, Hazel Lewis, the Low boys were George Billings pay up to $75 for construction for each new sewer connection made on State Line, Umatilla county; Pom- u,'*d Twyla Crawford of Nyssa. Monday for higher pay and were Herbert O. Hopkins was elected off work for about three hours an extension of a sewer line. ona. Pauline Ross, Boulevard, Mal- The officials asked the city at commander ot Nyssa post No. 79. Monday and three hours Tuesday h*ur county; Flora, Myrtle Potter, torney to draft a new license or American Legion, at a meeting held while negotiating witli company Igo, Cilliam county. dinance covering agents, carnivals, last week. officials. They returned to work Enactment of legislation to pro transient merchants and other ped vide for the so-called “blanket pri Other officers are Paul W. Heldt, Tuesday after their wage demands dlers and entertainers. mary" system of voting in Oregon first vice commander: Everet D. had been granted. The council denied a recommend Mlehaelson, second vice commander; Approximately 18 cars more of wax urged by Mr Tompkins in his Chris Kolbeck, an official of ation to the Oregon state liquor Arthur A. Rouse, adjutant; Hugh J. lettuce could have been shipped annual address at the convention. Avoset, Inc., who is in this vicin He requested that the state Grange control commission for a club 11- Tobler, finance officer; Dr. John E. during the two days by the three ity conducting a survey to deter cense to be granted to Lloyd R. Long, chaplain; Delbert L. Rouse, operating companies, if the em executive committe be empowered mine the size of the proposed Wise and Herschel W. Klrbey, who historian; Don M. Graham, ser- ployes had remained at work all to initiate such a measure, if nec plant to be established at Nyssa, had planned on operating a club in vice officer; Basil I. Rogers, ser- of the time. essary. delivered the principal talk at the the rear of the Gate City cafe The fourth company now ship (Continued on Page 4) geant-at-arms, and Joseph Dorlty, Adrian chamber of commerce meet Kenneth Cochrun and E. L. Jamie ping lettuce, the Owyliee Produce ing Thursday evening, June 6. son, members of the executive com company, started operations in its Twenty-six members attended the new shed on the Homedale branch mittee. meeting, which was held in the Wednesday. Delegates to the state convention Legion hall. Two cars of peas have been ship to be held In Portland July 15, 16 Clifford Wright and James Pet ped by Max Lutz and more are and 17 are Don M. Oraham, Ar erson discussed the organization of thur Rouse and Kenneth Cochrun. expected to be shipped. A grass fire caused damage of ! artificial insemination assocta- Jerry Crandall, president of the The alternates are Herbert O. Hop approxlmately $475 to four emer- Uon in Malheur county. Dairymen Methodist Youth fellowship of Nys- kins. Paul Heldt and E. D. Michael- gency transformers at the Ida h o, Interested in the project are asked ¡sa, was one of two Idaho confer son. Power company sub-station on north t0 contact Mr. Wright or Mr. ence members of the youth fellow All committees will be appointed ship to be elected to serve on the by the new post commander. Third street last Thursday. I Petersen. The grass fire reached the rack , A report was given by William conference board of education. The past now has 116 members on which the transformers were Toombs, a member of a committee Rev. H. J. Gernhardt was elected and new members are joining the located outside the building but appointed to locate a strip of to serve as secretary of the con Ole Ekanger, native of Norway, post at every meeting. All ex-ser within the surrounding wire en- ground suitable for an airplane ference commission on world ser died June 9 at the Nyssa Nursing vicemen and women are invited to closure and spread rapidly over th e ; landing field. A strip about two vice and finance of te Methodist home after a lingering illness. membership “ in order that the Mr. Ekanger was born December oily boards. Firemen responded : 111‘*es south of Adrian would make church. He was appointed as as full program pertaining to disabled promptly, power company officials an ideal field. Toombs said. The sistant dean of the summer insti comrades and their dependents can 22, 1873 and grew to young man said, but the place was enveloped | chamber has a good chance of tute to be held at Wallowa lake hood in Norway. In 1891 he came to be carried out.” in flames when they reached the .securing it from the government and as missionary secretary of the the United States and located in through licensing or renting. Iowa, where he lived for five years ] western district of the Idaho con scene. Secretary Henry Reuter was in- ference Rev. Gernhardt was also BUILDING OPENING He then moved to Idaho Falls, Firemen were called to north Where he engaged in farming A- Sixth street Monday afternoon of structed to write to the public elected to the committee on con ATTENDED BY 1200 bout two years ago he came to Nys this week to extinguish a grass utilities commission recommending ference relations of ministers. The cabinet of the Idaho con Approximately 1200 persons at sa to live with his son. He was un fire. The fire siren was sounded that a taxi license be granted to for a practice run Monday evening. Elbert Hatch for taxi service in ference re-apointed Mr. Gernhardt tended the opening of the new ited in marriage to Oerda Brustrom Malheur county. to serve as pastor of the Nyssa building of the Owyhee Truck and In 1917 at Burley, Idaho. Mr. Reuter was also instructed to church for the 1946-47 conference Implement company last Saturday. Mr. Ekanger had been in poor FLANAGAN TOPS write to Pacific Trailways and year. Several men affiliated with the health for six years, due to a Jim Vermas of Caldwell asking for BEET PRODUCERS Rev. M. H. Greenlee, immediate International Harvester company stroke which he suffered in 1940. bus service through Adrian. predecessor of Rev. Gernhardt in of Salt Lake City attended the op He became seriously ill June 4. He S. E. Flanagan of Sunset valley Charles Purdy stated that the Nyssa, has been appointed to liic ening. Refreshments were served was a member of the Lutheran has been announced as the top Big Bend park should be taken Cascade church. church.. by the firm starting at 10 a. m. beet grower in the Nyssa district,; over by some organization in Ad- Survivors are a son, Magnus Ek Rev. H. G. McCallister was na Prizes amounting to $75 were according to an article appearing rian and more intensely promoted med as district superintendent of awarded at 9 p. m. to the following anger of Nyssa; a slater, Mrs. John along with his picture in The or it will be abandoned as a park. the western district. persons: Byrd Walters, route 1, Carlson of Idaho Falls; three sis Sugar Beet, published by the Amal Nyssa: R- W. Klmmell. Nyssa; ters who live In Norway, and four gamated Sugar company. Myrtle Bartholoma, Nyssa; Arthur brothers. Rasmus of Canada, Carl | WILSON PROMOTED Flanagan topped the district with C. Hawkins, Nyssa; Arnold Cen- of South Dakota, Andrew of Nyssa TO LT.-COLONEL 30.88 tons per acre on 61 acres. tlna, Nyssa; Harry Oahan, route 2, and Baste Ekanger of Parma. Many Nyssa residents who grew Funeral services were h“ld Wed Nyssa; Martin Hansen, route 2, j Lloyd A. Wilson of Nyssa, son ot Parma; 20 or more tons of beets per acre Dick Oroot, Nyssa; Ray nesday at 2 p. m. with Rev. H. J. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilson, was pro last year are listed in the maga mond Held, route 2, Parma; Reu Gernhardt officiating. Interment The post office department has moted from the rank of major to zine. ben Haroldson, route 2. Nyssa; Mrs. was In the Parma cemetery. authorized three new rural route I lieutenant-colonel in the army June Bill Cook. Nyssa; Lillie Crocker, extensions out of the Nyssa post 5 and was discharged from the Nyssa, and R. E. Willis, route 1, MRS. KITAMURA DIES OFFICERS NAMED office, effective June 16. service at Washington, D C. June Nyssa. BY NYSSA LIONS The three extensions authorized 7. OF HEART ATTACK are as follows: One mile on route Col. Wilson had charge of the Officers of the Nyssa Lions club 2 under petition of Dick Groot and statistical division at three army WHITAKER IS ONY Mrs. Ryu Kltamura, who lived were elected at a luncheon of the others, eight miles on route 2, fields near the capital with head SCHOOL CANDIDATE at the Adrian labor ramp, died organization in Brownie's cafe Mon which will circle Mitchell butte, quarters In Washington since Feb Sunday morning at 6:30 of a heart day noon. under petition of J. P. Dunaway ruary of this year. Upon his dis R. a Whitaker is the only can attack in Nyssa. The new officers are Frank T. and others, and two miles on route charge, he received a commission didate whose name will appear on Services were held in the Metho Morgan, president; Olean Wells, t under petition of John Low and as lieutenant-colonel in the offic the ballot at the school election to dist church this afternoon at 3 vice president; Glea Billings, sec others. ers reserve corps. be held in the elementary building o'clock. The body will be sent to retary-treasurer; Robert McCurdy, These increases will give route 1 Col. Wilson, who served in Eng Monday, June 17. Salt Lake City tonight for crema ,ail-twlster, and Orin Sumner, dir a total mileage of 47.65 miles and land with the elgth air force for The polls will be open from 2 to tion. ector. route 2 a total mileage of 65.20 two and one-halt years, will go oil 7 p. m One director will be elected Mrs. Kltamura, who was 53 years The new officers will be installed miles. The Nyssa routes are now active duty October 8. He will re for a term of five years. old, had lived in this vicinity for July I. serving a total of 548 families, the turn to Nyssa as soon as his fin three months. She formerly lived Adrian F. S. A. camp, the labor ance arrives from England some Released From Army— at ToppenLsh, Washington. She Is To Coach At Stayton— camp hou mg Mexicans near Ad time this month. Pvt. Berlyn J. Plant, stationed lr< survived by her husband and sev E. K. Burton Jr„ has accepted a rian and the Adrian port office. LeHavre, France, has been dis eral children. The body Is In the position as head coach at Stayton, Buys Buildings— charged from the army and has Nyssa Funeral home. Oregon. Mr. Burton taught in the Bovs Sentenced, Paroled— Ed Case ot the Hi-Way Mdse. returned to Nyssa. He is employed Nyssa high school during the last Three Nyssa boys were sentenced Mart has gone to Portland, where at the sugar factory. In Caldwell— semester. to the penitentiary this week in he purchased a large building and Mr and Mrs. Charles Oarrlson circuit court in Vale by Judge M. several smaller buildings from the Visits Mother— spent Tuesday shopping in Cald Returns From Ogden— A. Biggs on a charge of attempted United States government. He will C. A. Ftorbes of Portland, In well. Mr. and Mrs. Derlin Hammon burglary. The boys, 14, 15 and 16 return the lumber and contents to surance Inspector, was here Wed and family and Mrs. Don Rundqulst years old, were paroled to the Nyssa for re-sale. nesday of last week to visit his Appointed To Faculty— returned home Tuesday from Og sheriff. They were accused of at Miss Wllhelmina Hoffman, pianist mother, Mrs. Betty J. Forbes. He den after attending the funeral of tempting to break into the Pounds Here From Blackfoot— also went to Boise to attend to and teacher, has received an ap their grandmother. Mrs. Sarah E. grocery and Eagles lodge building. pointment as Instructor of piano Mrs. Carl Holinan and daughter business. Roylance. for the summer session at the of Blackfoot. Idaho left Saturday College of Idaho. Marine In Ontario— after a week’s vLslt at the home of Here On Furlough— Moves To Nyssa— A marine corps recruiting repre Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis. The vis E. Darr Doolln, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tucker sentative will be in the post office itors were en route to Portland. Mrs. William J. Doolln. arrived here Has Baby Girl— and family have moved to Nyssa in Ontario every Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. D. Hubert Christen Saturday on a 30-day furlough. He from Seattle. Mr. Tucker is em Thursday from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., Club Goes On Tour— holds the purple heart, two presi sen are the parents of a daughter ployed by the local reclamation starting June 19. The representa Instead of the regular meeting dential citations and one navy cit born May 26 'at the Holy Rosary bureau. tive will be Sgt Elzy Kees. Jr. Wednesday, members of the V- ation and many ribbons for three hospital and weighing 8 pounds, 9 club of Nyssa heights enjoyed an years of combat duty in the South ounces. The girl was named Coieen Firecrackers Prohibited— Here From llaines— all-day garden tour. Among the Pacific. Doolln who has been In Marie. The city council pointed out that Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. 8hort gardens visited were the Oough service over J years will report to the city has an ordinance prohib and their daughter, former Nyssa garden at Parma, the municipal the navy hospital at Bremerton. Leave For Nebraska— iting the sale and use of fire residents, were here Friday from rose gardens at Caldwell, the Hy Washington, for further medical Mrs. E. J. Wilson and daughter, works and firecrackers within the Haines, where Mr Short is employ- de park gardens and the Petrie attention. He received a bullet Mrs. Clara Shaw, and grandson, Donnie Shaw, left by bus Tuesday city limits. The council announced ed by the Eastern Oregon Light landscape nurseries at Boise. wound in his left knee cap. for Nevada, where they will meet that it will enforce the ordinance, and Power company. Mrs. Wilson's sister. Mrs. H. E. I .eaves Hospital— Here From W isconsin— F.xaminer Coming— Visiting In Idaho— W. C. Brown, former owner of Dr. and Mrs Clarence Wade of Hand, who will accompany them A drivers license examiner will be j Mrs Jacob FLxher is spending Brownie's cafe, has returned home Prairie du Chien arrived last week on a tour through Nebraska and n the Nyssa city hall Friday. June this week visiting relatives in Bur- from Boise, where he spent four to visit their daughter. Mrs Holly South Dakota. They expect to be 4 from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. I ley, Idaho. weeks in the veterans hospital. gone a month. Smith and family. By Legion Post Adrian Talks Of Several Matters Church Selects Nyssa Residents Fire Damages 4 Transformers Ole Ekanger Of Nyssa Succumbs Route Extension Plan Authorized