Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946 MISS V AN SLYKE V U K R .'i vail Slyke. M i -3 Virginia M Van Slyke. a ie tption « i s heM following teacher in me Nyssa hi*li school, tlie double ring ceremony. ClaUJ'hc ai.d Charles W. Steffens of Black- IW Li.»i.n ot Nyasa rendered piano music during the reception. Mem foot. Idaho were united In marriage mus K beis ol Mrs. Steffens’ class assist by the Rev H. J. Gemliardt ol eu about the rooms. Relatives of the Methodist Community church i he groom from Blackfoot and sev- of Nyssa at a ceremony held Sun •ral Ny^.a residents attended the day, June 2 at 4 p. m. In the wedding and leceptiun. Mr. Steffen.», son of II A. Stel- first Baptist church of Caldwell. Miss Velma Pox of Nyssa was fens of B aekfoot. and his brim bridesmaid and D. Arthur Van will leach In the Nyssa hieh school tlyke, brother of the bride, was his fall. Mrs. Carl H. Hunter (above i until her mar - * 5 ~ gioom ’s man. The bride was given NYSSA MAN WEDS riage June 5 In the Salt Lake City L.D.S. temple in marriage by her father. C. M. was Miss Dorothy Snader. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miss June Stoddard of Boise and Van Slyke of Caldwell. Ardts Mc- W E. Snader of Ontario, foimer Nyssa residents. Connel of Caldwell, accompanied at Edward Ostrom of Nyssa were un- the piano by Mrs. Robert Yost of j ited in marriage at the home of Caldwell, sang "Because” and “Ah, the bride's mother, Mrs. Edna Stod- church of Boise performed the evening was spent playing games. tw eet Mystery of Life." Ushers dard, In Boise Sunday, June 2. Rev. Refreshments were served. -were Robert C. Yost and Everett J. Edwins of the Emanuel Lutheran ' eremony. > _______________ ____________________ __ — - — ------ ! The couple were accompamed oy MLS Edith Light and Floyd Hall. | Mrs tess to A reception was held at the 0le Tuesday club last week. Prize; Stoddard home after the ceremony, were awarded to Mrs George Mit- Mrs. Ostrom has been empioyed chell and Mrs. Ed Frost. Guests of by the Continental Lumber com- the club were Mrs. R. G. Larson pany of Boise. Mr. Ostrom, son Mrs. W. R. Campbell and Mrs Ed of Mr and Mrs. John Ostrom. Is Frost associated with his father In the lumber business. He served in the signal corps, much of the time in Australia, during the war. Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom, now hon eymooning a t , Payette lakes, are expected home the end of this Visit At Council— Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell week. For Benefit o f Rodeo Grounds visited Memorial day with relatives -5 - at Council. Idaho. They were ac MAKRIED IN UTAH Margaret Mary Bartholomew of companied home by Miss Doris Ogden and Don R. Engstrom ot Koontz of Boise, who spent the Nyssa were married In Ogden May week-end here. Nyssa Gymnasium 25. Mrs. Engstrom, daughter of Mrs. On Fishing Trip— Admission $1, Including Tax Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Ammor. Bartholomew, has been teaching mathematics In the River- Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Thompson dale high school at Ogden. She Is and Pud Long spent the week-end I a graduate of the Utah State col fishing near Ironside. lege. Mr. Engstrom, son of Mr. and Going On Vacation— Ed Frost left Tues-day for a va j Mrs. William Engstrom of Hunts ville, Utah, is one of the owners of cation at Ogden. Utah, and Salida, | the Shelton dairy. He served as a Colorado. 1 weather forecaster in the army air j corps for four years during the Going To Moscow— Mrs. Bernard Frost, accompanied war Mr. and Mrs. Engstrom are living i by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. In the Howard Lovejoy residence McDowell of Twin Falls, left the for inter-communication between offices, house first of the week for Moscow, Ida on Qood avenue. ho. They will be accompanied home and barn or between other close points when by Miss Shirley McDowell, who Is GIVES PARTIES Miss Eva Boydell and Mrs. J. J. a student at the university of Ida saving o f time is desired. Sarazin were hostesses at two brid ho. ge parties Wednesday afternoon We can readily demonstrate this convenient and evening at the home of Miss Goes To Lake— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison, i Boydell. In the afternoon prizes time-saver in our store to any person interested. were won by Mrs. Ed Frost, Mrs. and Mrs. John Olsen and daughter i Tom Eldredge, and Mrs. Joe Maug- spent Sunday at Lake Lowell. han. In the evening high scores were won by Mrs. Joe Sutherland, Return From T r ip - Joe Maughan returned Sunday Mrs. George Mitchell and Mrs. A. C. Sallee. Mrs, E. D. Nedry of Tll- from a trip to Smlthfield, Utah, gard, Oregon received the guest where he spent the week-end. He Nyssa’s Quality Store was accompanied home by his ’ prize. parents. Mrs. Louise McGaven of —§— Boise, mother of Mrs. Maughan, Is ; MARRIED AT IDAHO FALLS Mrs Winifred Smith, daughter ot also visiting at the Maughan home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell of the Owyhee district, was married to Resumes Studies— Miss Dorene Bear left Saturday I Clarence Aston of Payette, Idaho May 31 In the L.D.S. temple at foi Spokane to resume her studies 1 Idaho Falls. Mr. Aston was owner at Ktnman Business university, af of the Nyssa Furniture store be ter a two-weeks visit with her par fore he moved to Payette. He and ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bear. Mra. Aston will make their home j -------------- In Payette, where Mr. Aston oper- Attends Convention— Mrs. Henry Borgman returned ates the Aston Motor and Appli Thursday from a two-weeks trip to ance company. Medford. Roseburg and Grants FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 7-8 Pass. While at Medford she attend HONORS DAUGHTER DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Mrs. Prank Morgan entertained ed the 59th annual convention of Buzzy Henry— Ralph Lewis In Saturday afternoon in honor of her the Rebekah lodge. i daughter, Mrs. Blaine BallaJi of “DANNY BOY” Denver. Bridge was the diversion Mothers Honored— A story of the love o f a boy for his dog. The L.D.S, Primary association 1 of the afternoon, with prizes going Also a fast action Western to Mrs. George Mitchell and Mrs. honored the mothers of their mem bers with a program and refresh John Beckham. Buster Crabbee In ments at a social Tuesday after §- “PRAIRIE RUSTLERS” noon. Eighty persons attended. The CLUB ENTERTAINED Shows continuous Saturday from 6 p.m. Mrs. Tom Burnlngham was host program was under the direction Mat., Sat., 2: >0 Atm. 25c-5c Inc. Tax ess to the Wednesday evening club of the various class leaders. Adm. Evenings, tOc-iic, Including Tax last week. Guests of the club mem bers were Mrs. Bernard Frost and Go To Ontario— SUNDAY AND MONDAY, JUNE 9-10 Mr. and Mrs. Wllford Bybee and Mrs. Bert Ltenkaemper. High scores To men— he was a wrong guy— to one woman were won by Mrs. Herbert Fisher children and Mrs. Mary E. Bybee and Mrs. Ed Frost and traveling spent Thursday In Ontario visit — the only man— ing at the home of Grant Bybee prize by Mrs. Harry Miner. Dane Clark, Janis Paige, Zachary Scott, _ s — who Is ill. Fave Emerson In GIVES PARTY “HER KIND OF MAN’’ The Youth Fellowship of the Goes To Conference— Cliff Main went to Boise Wed Methodist church gave a party last Aflame with the lusty, lawless excitement of Tuesday In the church parlors for nesday evening to attend the an an era in which crime held sway— The roaring members of the Young Adults. The nual Methodist conference as a Owyhee Riding Club Dance -s - LOCAL NEWS Saturday, June 15 Two-Way Talkie -s- Owyhee Drug Co. NYSSA Phone IOS lay delegate. He will also attend | will be some fine small size Mirra- miles south of Ontario. | the conference Saturday and Sun- ■ pianos. Call us at 644 collect or west then M mile north; or 1 day- ¡drive over and select one for t Qi Vale then W mile -------------------------- youiself before they are all picked I over. Golden Rule Music Store, north. 3 horses, 13 cattle, poultry, Guests In Nyssa— 6J3XC. farm machinery, hay. household E. H. McDonald of Albany an d1 j nCi Nampa, Idaho. Salem, former Nyssa re Ident, and j goods. W. C Faublon, owner; Cols. his daughter, Mrs. Frank Orlbben Bert Anderson and Joe Church, of Weiser, were guests at the Dou glas McDonald home May 30. FARM SALE-Friday, June 14, 5 ructioneers,— ----- - PROGRAM SALE CALENDAR Returns Home— Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Nedry of Tigard, Oregon returned to their home after spending the week-end at the home of Miss Eva Boydell. i’o Give Dance— The Owyhee Riding club will -ponsor a benefit dance June 15 at the Nyssa gymnasium for improve ment of the rodeo grounds. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends for their kindness shown during the ill ness and death of my husband, and for the beautiful floral offerings. Sarah Blanche McNee Cartoon and 2-reel special Shows continuous Sunday from 6 p.m. Mat., Han.. 2:30 Adm.. 30e-9e. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, «Or Sc, Including Tax TUESDAY, JUNE 11 — BARGAIN NIGHT— Gerald Mohr. Janis Carter. John Abott In “NOTORIOUS LONE WOLF” Also Charles Starrett and Smiley Burnette In “ROARING RANGERS” Shows continuous Tuesday from 6 p.m. Adm. tSc-gr, Inc. Tax WFDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 12-13 Gene Tierney, Walter Huston, Vincent Price, Glenn I^angan In Andy Setons “DRAGONWYCK” Gene Tierney at the flood-tide o f her glory in a motion picture that engulfs the screen in dramatic greatness. latest News Adm. Evenings, *de-tr, Including Tux Al Chadwick Vein Chadwick NYSSA FOOD CENTER Specials for Saturday, June 8 Citrus juices, case or can: Tomato juice, 46 oz. can— 23c, case $2.60. Tomato juice, No. 2 tin— 11c, case $2.29. Com, peas and beans by the case. Gelatine dessert, all flavors, limit 2 packages. Pudding powder, all flavors, limit 2. Shredded cocoanut, 4 oz. box, limit 1. BROWER PLUMBING SHOP G. I. Priorities Filled First I o«* Late* to 'G l a s g i lv WANTED—To buy late model truck, must be good, will pay cash. Char- , ,es Chrltton, Sunset valley. 6J2xp. Electric Water Heaters Phone 95— J FOR SALE—Large size McCormick- Deering electric cream separator, practically new. Good team of work horses. Charles Chrltton, Sunset valley. 6J2xp. I AM MOVING FOR SALE—Four room modern house, 599 north second street. Mac Belnap. 6J3xp, FOR SALE—Poles, see or write Gene Brady, Route 2 Nyssa. 6J4xp. FOR SALE—1941 DeSoto sedan. Good condition and new tires. Don Parker, Cow Hollow. 6J2xp. My radio and electrical appliance repair shop to a permanent location at 450 U S. highway 20, just west of Polar Cold Storage plant. WANTED—Woman two days a week for Ironing and housework. Phone Mrs. Stringer, 04J3. 6Jtfc. FOR SALE—House, four rooms, partly modem. Late model refrig erator, new oil heater and kitchen range to sell with house. 451 No. First.street. Inquire Mrs. Douglas Bateman at Owyhee Beauty shop. 6Jlxp. ATTENTION IRRIGATORS—We have for sale several thousand steel pipes, 18 Inches long, suit able for row crop or corrugation irrigating. L. J. Josephson and Son, Payette, phone 392J3. 6Jlxc. S. L. WIMMER HEAR RAYMOND L.ALBER OUTSTANDING EVANGELIST AND DYNAMIC GOSPEL PREACHER BIG TENT MEETING WANTED—Janitor, man or wo man, for office. Contact R. G. Whit aker, Amalgamated Sugar com pany. 6Jtfc. j ONTARIO f o r ” SALE—We have on hand a good selection of fine used pianos I and will receive another carload j about June 10 or 12, In this car At 8:15 EVERY NIGHT BILL LANE BUT SATURDAY Auctioneer Phone Ì16J______ Nyssa Serving 5 Counties From the Genuine Largest THEATRE twenties. MR. BEET GROWER— Place your order now for THE UNDEMAN BEET LOADER Cleanest loader on the market Supply limited— Give ua your order now, save labor costs later. KROPP AND SONS Phone 85 Ontario, Oregon Orders Shipped Stock of Parts Immediately Manser, Inc. Phone 49 Payette. Idaho The Tent has been full every night of the meetings. Howard T. House, Pianist, and cray on Artist with Solo Vox and Vibraharps is a wonderful artist. Mrs. Alber is doing a great service with the children at Booster club each morning at 10 to 11. Don’t miss these meetings sponsored by the Christian Churches o f the valley. The days of Great Evangelistic meetings are not over. FREE TRANSPORTATION Bus leaves Christian Church in Nyssa for meetings each night at 7 :45. LET’S G O VALE! Thursday, Friday, Saturday July U, 5, and 6 Three Big Days o f Old Fashioned Fourth of July Celebration. The West as it Used to Be. BIG RODEO EVERY DAY Show’ Starts at 2 p. m. Bucking Contests Saddle Horse Races Brahma Bull Riding Calf Roping Exhibition Riding Bulldogging Saddle Horse Relay DANCE EVERY NIGHT Street Rides and Carnival Concessions Fireworks Night O f July 4 Write Vale Chamber o f Commerce for Rodeo entry information.