THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOIJRN al THURSDAY JUNE 6, 1946 Sunday. OWYHEE [ Fred, of Meridian were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Noble Pullen and Suests of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bige- sor*. Lyndol, and daughter. Mad- Memorial day. ona. of Napton community and Mr Mr- Mrs. Claude Skinner and Mrs. D. p. Pullen and son, and children, Bobby and Shirley, -:------------------ ----- ,— ._________ __' a.tended the boat races at Lake J Mr. and Mrs. Neal Nicholson |spent Sunday at the Owyhee dam {as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Rigney. ] Piajer meeting will be held at I the home of Mrs. Martha Kling- back Tuesday, June 11 in the even­ ing. Hersehel Gregg will be the leader. M.\ and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wegman of Homedale Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Bigelow were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Calhoun in Payette Friday. 1 j Mr. and Mrs. Norman Furth and 'son, Norman, of Boise were guests I of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDon­ ald at dinner Sunday. Mrs. Martha Klingback and son, Fred, Mrs. George Gregg and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and children were Boise visitors Monday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Douglas and {daughter of Seattle called at the I home of Mr. and Mrs. Werner Peutz ¡Sunday afternoon. They were en Famous sowhing, cooling relief for dis- roll^e 10 the Yellowstone National comforts of SUNBURN . . . Poison Ivy Park in Wyoming. — ... ■ heat - rash .-.. chafing . . . hives... non- 1 Mr. and Mrs Werner Peutz en- poisonous insect bites. Ask for Rexall Gypsy Cream today! The Rexall name assures you of tested and approved high I Lowell Don M. Graham quality alu ayt. HALF PIN! A REXAU PRODUCT NYSSA PHARMACY 'A Insurance Agency Fire and Automobile ' Insurance THI tentais Bonds r iK ■ * Crop Dusting By Airplane New special crop dusting equipment J'iown by experienced pilots. We can do your job better at lower cost than any other method. Reserve Dates While Time Is Still Available CASEY’S FLYING SERVICE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Phone 197 W Ontario Comfort Is Dad’s Privilege P AGE FIVE 1200 . CTIRISTIAN CHl’RCH Ll/IHEKAN CHURCH George Whipple, Pastor, Rev. H. A. Heckmann, Pastor Bible school, 9:45 a. m. There will be no Sunday school Mjrning worship. 11 oclock. or services this coming Sunday CommunlorT’ seivej“ eatT” Lord? June 9 due to the reunion service which will be held in Parma. May dry. The sermon will be delivered by all of you find it possible to be a guest preacher from among the with us Sunday- evening. preachers of the valley. Th pas­ tor« ar exchanging pulpits during ASSEMBLY OF GOD the course of the Alber meetings. Pastor C. L Snider Sunday night services will be Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. • held in Ontario with the Alber ev­ Singing, praying, preaching, 10:45 angelistic party in the tent. Ser­ a. m. vices will be held in the tent every Fasting and prayer Sunday even­ night except Saturday. Come to­ ing meal time. night and you won't want to miss. Evangelistic service. 8 p. m. Dean Paul M. Dunn, state head Prayer meeting at parsonage, of Keep Oregon Green, sees dan­ L. D. 8. CHURCH Tuesday, 8 p. m. Sunday 9:15 a.m. Priesthood ger ahead from forest and range Cottage prayer meeting, Frida; meeting tires unless public gives greatest 8 p. m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Sunday school cooperation all summer long. Sunday 7:30 p. m Sacrament ADRIAN FREF. METHODIST meeting Kreagcr and family attended the CHURCH Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Relief society Lake Lowell boat races Sunday. Adrian. Oregon meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Art Cartwright First Tuesday of each montn at Philip H. Reiman—Pastor 4 p.m. Primary for children bet­ and family have moved from the Kolony. ween ages of 4 and 12. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Young and Preaching, 11 a. m. daughter. Shirley and Cleo Ander­ Young people's meeting, 7:30 p. m. THE METHODIST COMMUNITY son. cousin of Shirley, were callers CHURCH Evening message, 8:30 p. m. in the Frank Cummins home. The Rev. H. J. Gernhardt. Pastor Prayer meetings next week: Wed­ Youngs were on their way to Sea­ Sunday school. 10 a. m. nesday a t the Ed Nelson home in Children's day program, 11 a. m. ttle. Mr. Young is a brother of Ridgeview with annual election of Youth and Young Adult day at Mrs. Cummins. officers, Thursday at the parson­ Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Viers and the annual conference at Boise, age. Both services 8 p. m. son, Joe. are attending the state COME HELP US SPDEAD SCRIP- Idaho, Services 3 p. m. and 7:30 Grange meeting at Baker this TUAL HOLINESS THROUGHOUT P m- week. THE WORLD. Mr. and Mrs. James Sneed and SUNSET VALLEY ASSEMBLY sons were Thursday visitors in the OF GOD THE COMMUNITY UNITED Guy Moore home. Alfred L. Brim, Pastor PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick visited In Sunday school, 10 a. m. Kingman Memorial Mrs. Alfred Brim, superintend­ their daughters home in Payette J. C. Nevin—Pastor last week. ent. 10 a. m., Bible school. Devotional services, 11 a. m. 11 a. m., morning worship with Young people’s and children’s NEWS OF RECORD sermon by our pastor. church, 7 p. m. 8 p. m„ evening worship with MARRIAGE LICENSES Evangelistic service, 8 p. m. combined worship and then dis­ Prayer meeting, Tuesday, 8 p. m. Clyde Henry Hainline and Clara cussion groups for Pioneer Builders. Bible study, Friday, 8 p. m. Marie Ross, both of Ontario, Ore. Fellowship and Adults. Closing You are cordially invited to at­ 5/2846. thought by Mr. Nevin. tend these services. Roy L. Nelson, of Omak, Wash., Monday, 6 p. m.. Boy Scout troop and Marie N. Taber, of Vale. Ore. No. 36 meets at the H. S. for trip 6/1/46. THE CHURCH OF TIIE to Schniveley’s for swim and sup­ NAZARENE Lavon Doyle Marler and Lola per. lone Presley, both of Brogan, Ore. E. J. Wilson. Pastor Wednesday, 8 p. m„ choir prac­ 6/1/46. 10 a. ni„ Sunday school. tice at parsonage. 7:15 p. m., N. Y. P. services Delbert Claude Fenn. of Nyssa, Thursday, 8 p. m„ officers meet­ 8 p m„ evangelistic service. Ore., and Pauline Johannessen, of ing at Lanes. 8 p. m., Wednesdays prayer and Homedale, Ida. 6/1/46. Friday, 10 a. m., prayer group praise service. meets in Kingman. Prayer and fasting service Fri­ COMPLAINTS. CIRCUIT COURT day noon and at night. Blanche Goulet vs Lawrence W. tertalned at dinner Tursday even­ lunch was served. The luncheon Goulet. 5/27/46. Andrew Robinson et ux vs Ernest ing for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc­ tables were decorated with lovely Zoeller et al. 5 28 46. To quiet Ginnis and children and Jack Glas­ bouquets of roses. Hostesses for the title. cock. afternoon were Donna Belle Good- Lupe Chavez vs Paul Chavez. 5 /- Betty Culbertson won a first in ell, Mrs. Wilson Winters and Mrs. 28/46. Divorce. • sewing and in style review in 4-H Alfred Adams. Mrs. Alva Goodell William Ross vs J. W. Donaldson. work. and Mrs. Loyd Adams assisted. The 5/29/46. Injunction. honoree received a number of gifts. C. L. Timmerman vs Don William­ MITCHCELL BUTTE Bernice Bowen spent several days son et ux. 5/31/46. Forecglosure of last week in Boise at the Marlon Lien. $704.79. Dinner guests at the Lowe home Chard home. Tom Loe et al vs Robert Vest et I on Decoration day were Mr. and Mrs. Donna Thompson of Boise al. 6/1/46. Injunction. I Mrs. Klnnlck and Mr. and Mrs. spent the week-end with her sister, Warthen and their daughter, Linda Mrs. Roy Holmes. BUILDING PERMITS Lee, Marie Loveland and Miss Wil­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Winters and lard of Hermiston, Oregon. family have moved from the Ore­ FYed Williams, alteration and Mr. and Mrs. Lowe attended to gon Trail teacherage to the Owy­ garage, cinder blocks, block 146, business In Ontario the first of hee community. Ward addition, $800. the week. Irene O. Bair, alteration, lots 7 A beetle Is working on the po­ and 8, block 27, Teutsch addition, tatoes in this community. Kingman Kolony Mrs. Lula Hurley, aunt of Mrs. Lynn Hurst returned to Nampa Tuesday after visiting for several The Merry Matrons club met at days in the Hurst home. Accident Insurance the home of Florene Toombs Wed­ D. L. Hurst and daughter, De- nesday afternoon. May 29. The af­ lora, left for Myrtle Creek, Oregon Low Rate ternoon was spent embroidering for Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. tne hostess. Nine members answer­ Hurst went to see his mother, who Broad Coverage ed roll call with a tribute to mother. is seriously ill. He returned home The next meeting will be held at Sunday morning. Delora will re­ Protection on regular Albert Bowen’s home June 12. Roll main to attend the high school airlines and also in pri­ call will be answered by ways of l graduation there. improving the club. In a pencil Ida Mae Deffenbaugh Is caring vate planes as a passen­ game Virginia Rookstool won a for the Rieman children while Rev. ger, pilot or student. prize. Refreshments were served by and Mrs. Rieman are teaching In the hostess, assisted by Marie Hol­ daily vacation. Bible school. mes. Mrs. W. W. Deffenbaugh and A bridal shower for Anna Gean daughter. Dorothy Jean, were call­ Gardner was given Friday after­ ers in the Hurst. Cartwright and Insurance Real Estate noon, May 31 at the Oregon Trail, Cummins homes Wednesday. schoolhouse. After a short program Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hall ar.d Phone 64 1 games were played. An attractive family and Mr. and Mrs. L. L Aviation Oregon Trail Elizabeth J. Prosser, deceased, with Biair Hendricks, alteration and the will annexed, and has qualified addition. M000. lota 5 and 6, block as such. 45. Park addition. All persons having claims against Grant Rinehart, moving house. said estate are required to present 8.0.0. 1U v. . . . TeuLxh ...- . » « ■ i the p.uper vouchers duly" ditlon. verified, withlng six months from B. Burns, remodeling, lots 15 and the date of the first publication of 18 block 17, original townalte. this notice, to the undersigned at W. K. Wahlert, construction, lo t1 the office of A. L. Fletcher ,ln the 6. block 86. Green addition. $2500. City of Nysaa. Oregon, which place Is hereby dedgnaled as the place NOTICE TO CREDITORS for the transaction of all business NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN, to pertaining to said estate. ! the creditors and all other persons E. E. Prosser, Administrator, with Interested In the estate of Eliza­ the will annexed of the estate of beth J. Prosser, deceased: that the Elizabeth J. Prosser, deceased. undersigned has been appointed 1st pub June 6. 1948. Administrator of the estate of j l ast pub July 4, 1916. i JUNE 30 A BIG FOR ARMY MEN! I k you have been discharged from the Army—if you held a grade and wish to retain it—if you have dependents — then act now. . . . June 30, 1946, is the last day on which you can enlist in the Regular Army and still take advantage of two im­ portant benefits . . . retention of your old grade and family allowances. ENLIST NOW I T VOUt NEAREST U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION 419 Federal Building Boise, Idaho Family allowances for your dependents will be continued throughout your enlistm ent only if you enter the Regular Army before July 1, 1946. If you have been discharged from the Army and wish to re­ enlist at your old grade, you must enlist within 90 days after your discharge. And before July 1,19 4 6 . Think it over. Act now. A GOOD U. S. JOB THIS PROFESSION We are now making deliveries on some types of Willys car units, especially the “Universal Jeep.’* We expect delivery of carload of these jeeps on Saturday of this week. Place your order now if in need of another power unit or new method of transportation. WATTS MOTOR COMPANY jPhone 144 J Nyssa, Oregon East of Post Office Takes Charge of Shop B. G . S H E L L has taken charge of the shop at the Waggoner Motor company plant and has opened the shop for business. All tyjies of automobile and farm implements repaired. All Work Guaranteed. Most Modem Equipment In Town. Waggoner Motor Co. Nyssa, Oregon OUR PLAN Help Him Attain It On PROTECTS Father’s Day and every other day of the year with a luxurious m Platform Rocker We have a wide selection of other gifts on display. Nyssa Furniture Co. Across from Reclamation Office your home, family and yourself with an orderly, economical way of paying off ask us \ the mortgage on ABOUT IT \ y o u r HOME TODAY I EASTERN OREGON FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Baker, Oregon S IS H C B E E T L O A D E R S Now Available If you need a loader, be sure and inspect this Sishc Loader be­ fore you buy. Many improvements have been made on the new 1946 model. Call 167 Caldwell or pay us a visit. We will appreciate making your acquaintance. B 6 * M Equipment Co. CALDWELL N O W Is Jeeps Now Available Bern ard Eastm an Homt lo3iis Y O U ;,r Arm y CHOOSE FINE FOR PHONE 167 IDAHO