THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL____ THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946 PAGE FOUR ular with her husband and his under (tve. Inquire at large section terested In the estate of Marquis H. Groot Thursday evening. RICHLAND ir leads will keep a cookies Jar Mrs. E. P. Larson, Miss Ruth 6J2xp. Lockwood, deceased: that the un dersigned has been appointed Ad Larson and Mrs. E. C. Larson and lllled with his favorite cookie. Hun Miss Gene Gardner, daughter of WANTED—To buy (our-wheel tratl- ministrator of the estate of Mar family returned Saturday from Ut Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardner, was gry youngsters barging in after play quis H. Lockwood, deceased, and ! er. State price, size and condition ah, where they visited relatives honored Friday at a bridal shower appreciate a well-filled jar, too. Or I of tires. Also wanted beet bed. E. nas qualified as such. All persons having claims again and friends. at which 59 guests were present. an unexpected caller can be made C. Terhune, route 2, Nyssa. 30M2xp. st said estate are required to pre Caldwell visitors Saturday even Out-of-twon guests Included Mrs. to feel at home with a cup of cof WANTED—To buy any kind o( bee! sent same with the proper vouchers RATES: Two cents per word (or each Issue. Alter one month one| or veal; also we buy banger cows duly verified, within six months ing were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mow- Roy Graham and daughter ol Par fee and a plate of crisp cookies. erson and Dale. LEMON SUGAR COOKIES ma and Mrs. Roy Graham. Jr., of Rhone 31M or 06J1. llAtlc. from the date of the first publi cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, Is 30c. Dick Groot was a business visitor Caldwell. Hostesses for the after 14 cup shortening cation of this notice, to the under In Ontario Monday afternoon. WANTED—Experienced farm hand. signed at his office, 122 Main noon were Donna Goodell, Mrs. 14 cup sugar | year-around work. Married man Street in the City of Nyssa, Ore C. panel. In good condition. Ira only. Jake Fisher, phone 05R1. Wilson Winters and Mrs. Loyd 1 egg gon, which place Is hereby design MISCELLANEOUS Adams. Ore. 23Mtfc 4Atfc. 1 up sifted enriched flour ated as the place for the trans Miss Gardner will be married For Sale 14 teaspoon soda Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb en Thursday to Bob Reffett of Sun FOR SALE Five room basement WANTED—Dead or worthless ani action of all business pertaining to 14 teaspoon salt tertained Monday evening at din set valley. FOR SALE—Windows, doors, screen | house, north Sixth street. $2100 mals, horses, cows, calves, sheep said estate. A. L. Fletcher ner for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Toomb Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Nelson. Mr. 9Mtfc. and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W, doors, pipe, electric wire, bins 7 ft I A. L. Atkeson. 2 tablespoons lemon Juice Administrator of the Estate of and Maxine Smith. by 14 ft. suitable for stores, gar- Payette 560J3, Frultland 3713 or 3 teaspoons grated lemon rlne and Mrs. Charley Grider, Mr. and Mr. and Mr3. W. E. Plercy and Mrs Ed Irving, Tren Jones, Law 7Mtfc. Marquis H. Lockwood, Deceased. ajes or warehouses, also white FOR SALE—40 acre farm. Mod Nampa 1000. 14 teaspoon vanilla extract ern basement house. Raymond T. Dated this 24th day of May. 1946. Arlene were dinner guests Tuesday rence Cleverly, Gene Bair, Howard cinder blocks. L. J. Josephson and 2 tablespoons Lemon Sugar WANTED—To purchase straw. Sager, 44 mile north of Parma- First pub. May 30, 1946 evening In the William Toomb Bair, Vern Hughes, Jim Olin, John Lemon Sugar Son. Phone 392 J. Payette. 6Jtfc. Nyssa Junction. 3UM3xp. Frank T. Morgan. 28E1fc. Last pub. June 37, 1946. home. Rldder were Jersey breeders who 2 tablespoons sugar FOR SALE-Tractor mower, John Mr. and Mrs. William Toomb, attended the Christiansen sale of 14 teaspoon grated lemon rind. Deere, oil bath, with seven-foot cut, FOR SALE One 8 by 9 overhead For Rent Betty Jean and Dickie were busi Shadilane Jerseys at North Powder Mix sugar and rind panel door. Inquiie Sam Hartley new condition. Call or write James ness callers In Nampa Monday. Cream together shortening and last week. 3UM2xp. EOR RENT- 200 acres, 2 14 miles Yamada, route 2, Nyssa, at A. P. or Grant Rmcliart. Dorothy and Betty Jean Toomb sugar until light and fluffy. Add north ol Ontario on highway, suit Dally Vacation Bible school be were dinner guests in the Charles Anderson's ranch In Sunset valley. FOR SALE - Weuner and feeder and beat well. Slit together NEWELL HEIGHTS egg 6J3xp. pigs. L. E. Robbins, 3 miles north able for row crops. See Flank T gan here Monday under the super Wilson home in the Big Bend com flour, soda, and salt. Add flour Morgan. 28Mtic vision of Miss Marjory Crook and munity Wednesday evening. mixture alternately to creamed mix FOR SALE—2 houses on one lot, of Nyssa, 14 mile west on Gem 2Mtfc. Jeanette Martin and Dorothy | Mrs. Bertha Rathbun and child ture with lemon Juice, rind, and Miss Wilma Bullard, students at MISCELLANEOUS one 3 rooms and bath. One 2 rooms avenue. ren visited Tuesday at the E!ai 1 Multnomah School of the Bible. Toomb left Thursday morning for and bath. $3650.00 terms. FOR SALE—4 room house, excell NOTICE!—I will not be responsible Miss Alice Warner Is helping with their home in Clarkston, Washing Warden home. Reva Jo Rathbun vanilla extract. Drop by teaspoon fuls on greased baking sheets. 3 HOUSES—all have electric water ent location, newly painted, partly ton, after visiting friends and re- j Is spending the summer at the Sprinkle with Lemon Sugar. Bake tanks, furnaces, baths, garages. modern. Bernard Eastman, Tele for bills contracted by anyone the classes. Warden home helping with the other than myself. Klaas Tensen. Mrs. Sweareign of Boise visited latlves the past few days. In moderate oven ( 375 degrees) Good location. Shade and lawns. phone 64 16Mtfc. 30M3xp. her daughter, Mrs. Gene Kipp, and Francis Deffer, Vernon Parker, farm work. 15 minutes. Yield: 2-14 dozen 1'4 Terms. Earl Coolie spent Tuesday with and Howard Hatch spent Memorial inch cookies. 3 ROOM HOUSE—with bath, elect FOR SA L E — Automobile insurance, M ISC ELLA NEXJUS- New selection family this week. Earl Warden. He was a school Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kipp and day fishing on Carter Creek. ric hot water tank, garage, lawn 'public Liability, Property Damage, of sewing machines, Electric, tread Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown and mate of Elvin at Arnett, Oklahoma. RHEUMATISM Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed les and portables. F. “Lete" Sack- daughter have returned from Mc and trees. $2200. Terms. Barbara and Elaine McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Hank Korman and Call, where they spent three days. In the best companies at lowest BUSINESS LOT—on Ontario High ett. Repairing. Ontario^ 16MtfS. of Caldwell are spending the week and ARTHRITIS daughter. Kristine, spent memorial Miss Awona Shaw was a dinner possible rates. Bernard Eastman. way at City Limits. I suffered for years and am so at the M. L. Kurtz home. day touring the valley. They visit guest Sunday of Misses Adel and MISCELLANEOUS — Fcr Insured 14Ftfc BERNARD EASTMAN The Young Women's missionary thankful that I found relief from ed the towns of Vale, Harper, On and first class hauling see Stanley Melb Sabin. 6JtfC. TOR SALE Field and garden seeds. Keffett. Phone 76, Powell Service Eithel Bullard of Hermiston vis tario, EYuitland, Weiser, Payette, society of the United Presbyterian this terrible affliction that I will church of Adrian held their regu gladly answer anyone writing me FOR SALE—McCormlck-Deerlng Hollingsworth Hardware and Imple Station. JMtfc. ited over the week-end here with and Nyssa. They had a picnic din- lar monthly meeting at the W. E. for Information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, 4Atfc. beet cultivator, full set of tools, ment company. ¡ner in the park at Vale. relatives. STORAGE!— Consolidated Freight- Allis Chalmers tractor, tumble bug, Mrs. Vernon Parker and Paul left ’lercy home Thursday afternoon. P. O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dowers and Mr. and Mrs. Fled Sheffield of OWYHEE DRUG CO. and hay buck. 3V4 miles west on FOR SALE—11 acres, seven room ways building, First street. See family spent Memorial day in i Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- 24Mtfc Caldwell. Columbia Ave. C. Mltzel. 30M2xp. house and shop. Inquire at Bill’s Jaxe at the Fix-It shop. idon Toomb for California to bring Meridian, Idaho spent Sunday at place, west of grade school building. the Earl Warden home, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler and back Mr. and Mrs. Toombs’ be- 16M4xp. MISCELLANEOUS—Duplicate car Harold Kurtz spent a few days FOR SALE—Folding metal army ' longings as they will make their family were dinner guests Memorial E.W. PRUYN and cylinder lock keys made. Gam in Chicago visiting friends while cots, good condition. $7.95. Nyssa home in Nyssa. They returned Fri- TOR, BALE Died bricks, 80 miles ble store. 250afc. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. waiting for the summer term to Furniture Co. 30Mtfc. lrom \ day evening. Janet Parker stayed start at Monmouth College In Ill Harry Farmer In Ontario. Nyssa. Les Wallace, Sumpter, BUTCHERINO Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard were with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. inois. Auto Repairing 16M4xp. FOR SALE 1942 model Glider Oregon. Custom butchering every Mon pleasantly surprised Tuesday even E. E. Parker while her mother was trailer house. In good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piercy are day and Friday. Beef, sheep and ing when a crowd gathered to help gone. Reboring, Valve Grind For Rent Sleeps four. O. H. Burgess, 311 No. Bobby Parker stayed with his building their house across the First street, phone 12J 30M2xc. TOR RENT—70 acres of pasture pork. Sanitary butchering guaran them celebrate their 25th wedding road from the W. E. Piercy home. teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must anniversary. They were presented I aunt, Mrs. Mary Halt, and family ing, Lathe work. Parts Mr. and Mrs. Marion Loftus and FOR SALE!—Poles and derrick land, three and one-half miles from come In Thursday or Sunday after with a silver cream and sugar set, on their farm from Wednesday un daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl timbers. Leave orders at Thompson Nyssa-Adrlan Junction. Phone 1075 noon between 1 o'clock and 7. No and a number of other gifts. Those til Saturday. and accessories 6J2xp. stark accepted on butchering day. present were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oil station. W. C. Riddle. 30M2xp. at Caldwell, Idaho. Bobby and Billie Helton of Boise Piercy the first of last week. They were on their way to Vancouver, One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta Dail and family, Anna Dali, Har are visiting the Mackey families. Washington. FOR SALE!—Clarinet, excellent con FOR RENT—Ladino pasture land avenue. Jake Fischer. Phone 56w 29Mtfc old Dali, Mr. and Mrs. John Zitter- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Mackey were dition. $30. Inquire at Journal of to rent. Suitable for late potatoes. shoppers In Boise Friday. They also cob and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Theo fice. 30M2xp. Cash or shares. Call at Journal of Matherly and family, Mr. and ad dinner with their daughter, Mrs. fice. 6Jlxc. Mrs. Elmer Stradley and family, Louise Helton, and family. FOR SALE—Five room house In NOTICE TO CREDITORS By Leona Anderson Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Mackey were Ontario. See Earl Browne, phone NOTICE hereby Is given to the Mr. and Mrs. George Moeller and of Idaho Power Co. WANTED HAULING 42, Ontario. 30M2xp. creditors and all other persons in family, Charles Bullard, Mr. and in Payette Saturday. “KEEP THAT COOKIE JAR Mr. and Mrs. A. C Henderson and Mrs. Lester Reece, Pearl and Erma FOR SALE—Seed potatoes. White WANTED—Beauty operator. Good terested in the estate of James A. Lee Orris, Vern Butler, Mrs. Hanks Mrs James Coon and daughter ol FILLED” Livestock, Farm Pro rose and netted gems grown from commission. Owyhee Beauty shop. Kelly, deceased: that the undersig and son, all of Portland. Refresh lSmmejtt had dinner with their The bride who wants to be pop ned has been appointed Administra 16Mtfc. certified seed. Ira Ure. 23MLfc. duce, Building Mater tor of the estate of James A. Kelly, ments of ice cream, cake, and cof daughters and sisters, Mrs. Bill Looney and Mrs. Elmer Sparks, on FOR SAIE OR TRADE—19^1 Ô. M. ' WANTED—To care for children deceased, with the will annexed, fee were served. ials, etc. Tommy Bates and Billy Stradley Memorial day In the Bill Looney — 1 — -------------- j and has qualified as such. All persons having claims against have returned from the hills, where home. Elvin Bonde of Emmett was a said estate are required to present they had been cutting poles. Norman Hipp Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dowers were caller In the Looney home Wednes same with the proper vouchers duly verified within six months ol business visitors in Boise Tuesday. day evening. Phone 151W, Nyssa Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sparks and Mrs. Jake Groot and Mrs. Les the date of the first publication ol AND INSECT SPRÄ? Wayne had Sunday dinner In the 'nmlson were business visitors in this notice, to the undersigned at home of his mother, Mrs. Ellen the office of A. L. Fletcher In Nys- Weiser Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Butler are Sparks, Sunday. sa, Oregon, which place is hereby Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brown were designated as the place of business the parents of a girl born June 2. In Boise Sunday on business. They In all matters connected with said Sunday evening supper in the estate. COLUMBIA AVENUE had Durham home at Boise. A. L. Fletcher, Administrator Mr. and Mrs. Gene Surplus of of the estate of James A. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dirkson and with the will annexed. family of Richland, Mrs. C. Van California Is visiting Mrs. Lois First pub. May 16, 1946. der Winkle and Mrs. C. Van Telf Cartwright and other relatives in OPTOMETRISTS Now at his new modern offices Last pub. June 13, 1946. ol Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. Dick the Big Bend and Kingman Kol- Groot called at the home of Mr. ony communities. 718 Arthur St. Phone 720 DR. J. A. McFALL Mrs. Lois Cartwright and Mrs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS and Mrs. Jake Groot at Arcadia “See McFall and See Belter" Caldwell, Idaho Arthur Cartwright and children of NOTICE hereby Is given to the Thursday. SARAZIN CLINIC creditors and all other persons in (Directly across from the American theater) Pete Tensen was a business vis Kingman Kolony visited relatives Dr. J. J. Sarazin Sunday in Sunny Slope and Cald terested In the estate of Culver itor In Ontario FI id ay morning. Kne<al Norcott, deceased; that the Henry and Tony Van Twisk at well. Dr. K E. Kerby Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webster and undersigned has been appointed tended the ball game in Ontario Physician and Surgeons children, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Administrator of the estate of Sunday afternoon. Culver Kneal Norcott, deceased, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerrlt Stam enter Steelman and Donna Lee attended EYESIGHT SPECIALIST has qualified as such. tained several relatives Sunday af the boat races Sunday at Lake Low ell. L. A. Maulding, M. D. ONTARIO All persons having claims against ternoon. OREGON Arrange for your GI or FHA loan through Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gilford and Physician and Surgeon said estate are required to present Mr. and Mrs. Dick Groot called the First National bank, Nyssa branch. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Gilford and Phone 37 same with the proper vouchers on relatives at Apple Valley Sun .JEWELRY STORES children of Weiser visited Sunday Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 6 duly verified within six months of day afternoon. Insure your new home with your local agent. Dally—Except Sunday (lie date of the first publication of j Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mowerson in the Francis Deffer home. PAULUS We will be pleased to help you. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reuter and this notice, to the undersigned at and Dale were In Emmett after a JEWELRY STORE children arrived home Saturday af the office of A. L. Fletcher In Nys- j load of wood last week. Union Pacific Time Inspector Nyssa Post No. 79 sa, Oregon, which place Is hereby Dave Hawkins was in Ontario on ter visiting relatives at Halfway JEWELRY — DIAMONDS ind Union. designated as the place of business Memorial day. WAT "MES William Toomb, Chet Hudson and in all matters connected with said Rikus Van Twisk and Chris Kat NYSSA INSURANCE PHONE 64 Main Street a. Second estate. of Valley View called on Dick Clyde Steelman were In Boise Tues It Pays To Trade In Nyssa day morning on business for the George J. Mitchell WYCKOFF Adrian chamber of commerce. Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Wiley Dille and Jean, Mrs. JEWELRY STORE Culver Kneal Norcott, deceased. | W. B. Bunch, Mrs. Thelma Elliot Official Time Inspector for First pub. May 16. 1946. The American Legion and Mildred Sparks attended the Union Pacific Last pub. June 13, 1946. Holds regular meetings ONTARIO Spring 4-H show held In Ontario OREGON Saturday. Mrs. Bunch and Mrs RIG BEND IRRIGATION DIS First and Third Thurs Elliot were there Friday to help GEORGE JACKSON TRICT days, every month. with the exhibits. MODERN WATCH REPAIRING NOTICE OF MEETING OF DIR- GREASED POLE All veterans and service Wilbur Jackson left Monday for State Licensed K T O R 8 SITTING As A BOARD Remember when New York state to be with his Watchmaker OF EQUALIZATION men and women are the outstanding ev parents for the summer. OREGON Notice hereby Is given. That the ent of the fair or welcome to attend our 3>V ONTARIO. The Eastern Oregon Livestock show blocks N. of City Hall Board of Directors of the Big Bend carnival was "climb meetings. will be held Wednesday at Union 'rrlgatlon District, sitting as a ing the greased The boys going from here are: Sales Service Supplies Hoard of Equalization will meet on pole?” The crowd DENTISTS George Elfers, Elvin Togleman. he 10th day of June 1946 at 8:01) had great fun wat Eldon FUgleman, and FYed Kling- WORLD FAMOUS o'clock P M of said day at the Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of ching the men and back, taking beef steers; Wain farm home of A. C. Holly, near boys try to Inch up ELECTROLUX School District No. 26C of Malheur County, Robb taking a registered hereforc! Dentist the Snake River Bridge at Adrian. the slippery pole, and Cleaner & Air Purifier heifer; Bill Roy, three fat lambs; i tate of Oregon, that the annual election of Phone 56-J Malheur County, Oregon, for the noisy applause greet and Kenneth Price a registered E. R. Anderson Sarazin Clinic purpose of reviewing and correcting ed the one who rea said district will be held at the elementary duroc gilt. OREJOON NYSSA Its assessment roll and apportion ched the top. Re Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, school between the hours of 2:00 p. m. and 7 :00 Kenneth Elliot has been visit ment of charges for operation and member? Weiser, Idaho ing his mother and other relatives p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the maintenance for the 1946 season . F. BODMER NYSSA the past week. He will leave Wed and the construction charges of the 17th day of June, A D. 1946. VETERINARIAN FUNERAL HOME Dentist nesday morning for Astoria, where Park Unit of said District. he Is now stationed. The assessment roll and record, Ph. 187W DR J. H. BERGER- Donald Elliot. Ivan Jensen, and thereof, may be Inspected at the i Wilson Bldg. This election is called for the purpose of el Veterinarian Jimmy Wilson left Saturday for residence of Harvey Hatch. Sec re-1 ecting one director for a term of rive years. the forest reserve at Clarkla. Idaho. tary of said Big Bend Irrigation Box D Phone 135J FLOOR SANDING Dr. John L. Anderson of Cald District, by any Interested person*. Nyssa, Oregon well. Joyce Kurtz of Newell Heights. By order of the Board of Direc Dated this 6th day of June, 1946. New or old floors sand- Adlene Plercy and Ardls Hurst of tors. Kingman Kolony were Sunday din ed perfectly. Large Harvey Hatch, Secretary HAY BUYER R. G. Larson ner guests in the home of Mrs. Big Bend Irrigation District commercial machine Threlma Elliot. First publication May 18. 1948. W. F. JAHN Chairman, Board of Directors. and experienced oper Mr. and Mrs. Berthel Caverhill Lost publication June 6, 1948. ators. Telephone Boise Dealer in hav and era in and daughter. Dixie, of Bend. Ore gon visited at the home of Mr. ■‘"-VI NOTICf TO CREDITORS Attest: Henry H. Hartley, district clerk Third at Good Ave. 6189R. Caverhlll's cousin. Mrs. Threlma NOTICE hereby Is given to the Elliot Memorial day. , creditors and all other persons in- Classified j house. V Advertising Adrian Arcadia Legal A dvertising Kitchen Chats M! Professional And Business Directory Dr. G. W. Graves Optometrist PHYSICIANS PLANNING TO BUILD? BERNARD EASTMAN MEMORY Notice of Annual School Election ,r. K.YrsfiUTr i&L. ■#