Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1946)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON rA G E JE V E N THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 Frank T. Morgan, Guardian o' Nov. 1, 1947, Beaumont and Toomhs1 there to show cause, if any you the Estate of Fred Linder, an first; Fred Burgess, second .and have, why a decree should not be Incompetent Person, Hope and Charley Grider, third. granted by the Honorable Irwin Class 16— C hanplm bull. Classes Troxell, Judge of the County Court First pub. May 20, 1948. OWYHEE, May 20— Mrs. Ruth Mc 1 to 5 competing, Paul Bunch. for Maiheur County. Oregon for the Last pub. June 17. 1948. Connell and Lee Strickland of Bru- Class 17— Reserve champion bull, adoption of your minor daughter neau, Idaho were marred last waek asses 1 to 5 competing, Hope and as prayed for in the Petition of in Wlnnemurca, Nevada. They are Char.ey Grider. Dick R. Stockman and Helen Fran- making their home here at present. Ciass 18— Senior champion fe- ces Stockham on file in said Court, pale, classes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11 com- Witness the Honorable Irw.n Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGinnis, PLANS Mrs. Donald Hite, Bab Rice, and cting, Howard Bair. Troxell. Judge of the County Court Don Linville motored to Seattle Class 19— Junior championship of Malheur County. State of Ore- ...of practical, 'cinaie, classes 10, 12, 13, 14 and gon. this 18th day of May, 1948. Thursday to attend the funeral of 13, Beaumont and Toomb. Grand ATTEST: H. S. Sackett. Clerk of James Lan?ton, former resident of individualized . ampion female. Howard Bair. the County Court of Malheur this community, who died in a Class 21— Dairy herd, 4 females County, Oreigon. Sei.ttle hospital Wednesday from homes. freshened at least once and owned I BY : R. W. Lewis, Deputy. cancer of the liver. Funeral services ^y exhibitor. Cliff Wright, first: [ First pub. May 20. 1948. i ere he d Friday in the Snoqualmie H. Hunter and Sons, second, and Last pub. June 17, 1948. Catholic church, with- interment at MATERIALS ? ed Burgess, third. I ------------------------- North Bend. T-v-n tr,, r /vmeri?an Legion base C xss 20—1948 jersey queen, high- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ...for all j : producer at the show, Clifford THE STATE OF OREGON FOR ball team practiced Monday even • io-ht, cup given by Farmers Co- THE COl'NTY OF MALHEUR ing in Adrian. Manager Kenneth phases ^ p Creamery. In the Matter of the Guardianship McDonald 'n -m in ’-ss any interested Class 22— Get of sire, four ani- of the Estate of FRED LINDER, hoy not over 17 years old Is wel- of home '■ > 7 ^ ^ als, any age, sired by one bull, an Incompetant Person ,me to pra-tice Tuesday, May 25 construction, v ^ leaum ont and Toomb, first; Cliff NOTICE OF SALE "t 1:30 In Adrian. Wright, second, and R. H. Hunter i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN At the Owyhee P.T.A. meeting I n i vons, third. that under and by virtue of at Thursday even'ng at the school I Class 23— Junior get, four ani- order of the County Court of Mai hoire officers were installed, and mais under two years sired by one heur County, Oregon, made ani p’ans were made for a last-day-of- fit _ u 1, Beaumont and Toomb, first; entered on the 18th day of Mas school picnic. Refreshments were Hope an i Charley Grider, second, 1948, in the matter of the guar Man erved hv Mrs. Claude Skinner and your own nd Clifford Wright, third. ship of the estate of Fred L‘n'e> Mrs. Wilson Winter. Molly Con- requirements. C? Chi'S 2 — Produce of dam, two an incompetent person, the under naughy was cho en to re-eive the animals of either sex out of same signed as guardian of said guard srhclarship awarde 1 by the P.T.A. cow, Hunter and Sons, first; Beau- ianship estate will sell at priv \ti ard Darlene Smith was named as mont and Toombs, second, and Fred sale or cash in hand or on suer alternate. Burgess, third. terms as might be or the best 'n Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slippy vis Class 25— Breeder's calf herd, terets of said estate, on and aftei ited in the Ray Franklin home Hope and Charley Grider, first; | June 19, 1948. subject to confirma- in Parma Monday. Beaumont and Toombs, second, and ' tion of the within court, the fol- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gregg and Cliff Wright, third. j lowing described real property, to- children, Mrs. William Gregg, and FOR Ciass 26— Breeder’s young herd, wit: Mrs. Martha Klingback shopped in Beaumont and Toombs, first; 'Cliff The N ^N V i'W U N W ti of Sectlor Nampa Tuesday. 31. Township 19 S„ Range 47 Wright, second, and Fred Burgess, Harley Winter of Nyssa, Dickie E.W.M. together with 5 shares i hird. Winter and Marv'n Patterson went of Capital Stock of the Owyhee 1-H Division: o Owvhee dam Sunday on a fish Eirl T. Newbry’i past record as a Ditch Company, representing thf Class 27— Heifer under one year, ing trip. legislator reveals that he works just water right appurtenant thereto David Hurst, Nyssa, first and sec Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and as hard at the public’s business as The undersigned will receive bids ond and Ronald Peterson, third. son, Danny, have returned to their he has at his own. for the sale of said property at Class 28— Heifer over 1 year and home in Martinez, California after Faul Bunch is shown above with his Jersey sire, judged grand cham- He works just as hard to produce his of Ic e at .Main Street in the under 2, Janice Kemble, blue rib visiting several days in the Char rvon bull at the third annual spring dairy show sponsored by the the maximum from the public’s dol City of Nvssa, Oregon, on and bon. ley Culbertson home. Malheur County Jersey Cattle club. Howard Bair exhibited the cow, lars as he did in making a record as Class 29— Mature animals, Jer after June 19, 1948 and until such Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones and which was judged grand champion female of the show. The trophies a successful orchardist, business and time as said real property shall ry Wright, first, and Ronald Pet Mr. and Mrs. A1 Zigenhagen. all were awarded by the Nyssa Elevator and Tobler’s Feed and Fuel. civic leader. have been sold. That a deed will of Boise, were Sunday dinner guests (Photos by Evans Studio, Nyssai erson, second. Class 30— Fitting and showman be executed to the best and high For better government's sake, keep in the Byrd Walters home. ship contest, Ronald Peterson, first; est bidder therefor, subject to the Earl T. Newbry Secretary of State. Mrs. Dorothy Slippy and children : Willson, first; Hope and Charley Janice Kemble, second, and Jerry right of said guardian to reject spent Saturday night at the Char- ; ATTENDANCE AT Pd. for by "Newbry for Secretary of o. L. GALLOWAY any and all bids and subject to the Wright, third. State Committee", Gene Rossmon, Chm., ley Culbertson home while Mr. and j Manager 1135 S.W Yamhill, Portland 5. Oregon DAIRY SHOW GOOD ^ May i, Class 31— Best exhibit in this confirmation of the within court. Mrs. Culbertson were in Leslie gulch j Dated this 19th day of May, 1948. NYSSA, OREGON on the Owyhee Riding club outing, i „ ; 1947 to Mov. 1, 1947, Carl Bair, division, Ronald Peterson, trophy. (Continued From Page One) | first; Hope and charley Grider, Mrs. Kenneth McDonald and son Legal A d v e rtisin g returned home Wednesday after Burgess, second and third. j second, and Beaumont and Toombs, spending a week in Homedale with Class 13— Hftifer dropped Nov 1, third. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF her parents. 1946 to May 1, 1947, Nan Grider1 Class 15— Heifer dropped after THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR Yes, there is ALWAYS competition. People arc always In the Matter of the Adoption of and continually in the process of making up their BEVERLY JOYCE SMITH, an in fant of Joyce E. Smith Glenn and minds. Attitudes, opinions, preferences, arc always Richard Smith, mother and father, changing. The soundest backlog on w hich to build is respectively. C I T A T I O N .the backlog of public opinion. Hence, it is our earnest To RICHARD SMITH, father of endeavor to merit your good will ALWAYS by giving Beverly Joyce Smith, a minor under 14 years of age you full value for every dollar you may spend with us In the Name of the State of Ore for transportation. gon, You are hereby cited, required and commanded to appear before tibds court on the 22nd day of June, 1948, at 10:00 o’clock A.M of said day at the Court Room of this Court in the Courthouse at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, then and JAMES LANGTON DIES IN SEATTLE THEY’RE ALL... EARL T. NEWBRY Secretary of State 77/ere /s rf/ways ¿htMefit/wr Shop »"<i Save D At The New Wilson’s Super-Market HEBRIMAN MOTOR CO. Good foods are always good news, but foods as fine and wholesome as these at such moderate prices are extra good news. — FRESH VEGETABLES — Hunt’s No. 2 V 2 Tin Crisp—Garden Fresh Prune-Plums Radishes — 3 Bunches 10c Each — 10c 3 Cans — 29c Case (24) — $2.29 Green Onions — 3 Bunches 10c New Potatoes — 4 lbs. 23c GUARANTEED MEATS — Sliced Bacon — 60c lb. Bacon Squares — 39c lb. H * » f * * r i* - "BendiX "Radio CONSOLETTE RADIO-PHONOGRAPH Maid in Idaho—No. 2 Tin PEAS Each — 10c 3 Cans — 29c Case (24) — $2.29 A fully automatic radio-phonograph . . . . plays 10 or 12-inch records . . . space for over 100 records in albums . . . rich console tone Argo X-Std. No. 2 Tin GREEN BEANS Each — 18c CANNING NEEDS Be Prepared—Buy Now JARS — KERR MASON y2-Gal. — $1.37 doz. Qts. — 99c doz. Pts. — 83c doz. PAROWAX 1 Lb. — 21c in space-saving size . . . Bendix aviation qual BREAD Franz or Eddy’s Not a week-end special . . . Just Our Everyday Price 1 lb. Loaf — 14c 1V 2 lb. Loaf — 19c SEAFOODS — Delicious and Tasty Fresh salmon, halibut, and oysters Cut lunch herring, smoked herring and oysters. Frozen cod, haddock, and sole. Kippered salmon. ity broadcast and short wave radio. Available in rich mahogany or American walnut. $449.50 Value for $349.50 $198.50 Value for $159.50 $104.50 Value for $75.50 $31.95 Value for $26.50 $29.95 Value for $24.50 FREE DELIVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM IN OUR PARKING LOT FOR YOUR CAR, TOO. WE ARE OPEN FROM 8 A.M.—7 P.M. MONDAY THROUGH FRI DAY AND FROM 8 A M. to 8 P.M. ON SATURDAYS. "GOOD FOODS AT FAIR PRICES” y WILSON’S SUPER-MARKET FREE PARKING PHONE 21 $27.95 Value for $22.50 Product of BENDIX AVIATION CO*PO*ATION Peterson-Newsom Furniture Co. PETERSON FURNITURE COMPANY Ontario — Vale — Payette