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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1946)
/ PAGE SIX TH E NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON EXTENSION U N IT Sunset home extension unit, newly HOLDS G ATH ER ING for,neJ in Mirch held iu ,irit .‘.upervuion of M ss Miriam Black, conty home demonstration leader, ________ I Ul-day meeting Wednesday. Tne was the fixing of old springs in chairs. Although the chairman, Mrs. SUNSET V ALLE Y, May 20— The ■ project for the day, under the Kenneth McDonald, who is con- j valescing after a recent operation, ¡was unable to attend, committees were organized in order that work I may be planned for the new year's INSURED FOR FIRE? I work next October. Members acting j as chairman o f committees are as | follows. Hospitality. Mary Olp; fi- But how about windstorm— lightning— | nance, Gladys Connaughy; mem- | bership, Afton Anderson; A.C.W.W smoke— explosion? and Azalea house, Anna Mayes; j project leaders, Maude Cooper and Emily Bergam; 4-H, Eva Fivecoat, EXTENDED COVERAGE ! and children, Velma Derrick. The group voted to hold all extension at low cost can be added to any fire policy meetings at the Sunset hall on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning in October. See Mr. and Mrs. Robert R effett and daughter were dinner guests at the Harry Gardner home last Sunday. Mrs. Harriet Holman, who has been at the Sid E. Flanagan home the past four months, is now in Nyssa visiting her daughters, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. Robert W il son. Mrs. Holman also plans to pend some time visiting her other five children and their families, living in the northwest states. Jim Watanabe of Fruitland and E irl Marshall were Wednesday vis itors at the Thomas Nishitani home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Trostle and Frank T. Morgan Irrigation Pumps Sprinklers R ANDO LPH C.O.2 Dams Shovels Something new and outstanding in fire pro tection. W ill knock out tough fires in split sec onds. Carbon dioxide is harmless to finest of clothing, food or hu man flesh. DITCHERS PIPE and HOSE “The House of Oliver” See Your Local Dealer Nyssa lmplement;Co. C L A U D W ILLSO N Box 184 Phone 128-J Evenings Stunz and Thomas W @ouid Picu. Mr June ¿ W FO R M O N TH S A T A T IM E • • • •/vJti S SL Visits in Middle—West w Y : V.v- A home freezer is really economical Depend ing on the size of your family and the size freezer you Install, you can buy and prepare fooefs in large quantities. You save money by taking advantage of off-season prices and food sales Yes, and you can even freeze and store pastries and breads You'H ffnd that frozen foods, when served, are as beeutlfuffy fresh as the day they were stored. Ask your dealer to recommend the home freezer model most suited to your needs. w. JioohitUf at By Tuttle's Mobil Service uD 1 . ) The seventeen year Cteadla has a very unusual and ironic life. He lives for seventeen years under the ground in a dormant state, comes out Into the open for just a few days, and dies. Tuttle's Mobil Service I DA H O V POWER ¿ i< v / U n f l V - P o « So MUCH Costs So L IT T L E ! in niiii ni mm m in in ni nu U i h u m 1 ; m 11 m m m m n it n n i in 11 m u 11 m it u in in m n u imi z. m m mm «« To The Voters Of Malheur County. Robert L. ‘Bob’ Davis Unopposed Candidate on the Democratic Ticket for the office of M A LH E U R C O U N T Y SHERIFF FRIDAY, M A Y 21 I have had several years of law enforcement experience. I promise, if elected, to devote my undivided attention to the administration of the office. I will serve the county faithfully and well. I will extend courtesy to all and partiality to none. — Paid Pol. Adv. nrm i iwinnii m n m inn n in 11 in 11 in in m in 11 m in in 11 in in nnnnn inn 11 in in 11 i nnnn in in ik h m m mnimnn> C H A R L E S K E P L IN G E R CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION AS C O U N T Y COMMISSIONER TO THE VOTERS OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON: Please note that I have lived over 29 years in this County o f Malheur, State o f Oregon; that I have helped to build its roads and canals, during the years since I came. I am a farmer, and I am also the owner of the Pioneer Sand and Gravel company, and I am very much interested in good roads in the county for all of us. I believe the county ought to be divided Into districts with three directors and one road supervisor in each district. I would oppose buying $180,000.00 worth o f equipment. I t would depreciate 50 per cent the first year and be a wreck the second year. The county can contract their roads gravelled cheap er than they can maintain their equipment and hire labor. $180.000.00 will go a long way towards gravelling our main roads. Let each district keep all road tax money that is coll ected in their district. G ive their supervisor a local crew; one which w ill be on the job and get something done. W hy send men from Vale to Dead O x Flat to do a job, when there are men there who can do the work. They don’t need an engineer to tell them where the mud holes are. T hey know and it don't need surveying. It needs gravel and drainage. Yours Respectfully, CHARLES KEPLINGER Paid political adv. by Chas. Keplinger, Vale, Ore. Public Dance SPONSORED BY Owyhee Riding Club JAPANESE H A L L — >/2 MILE W EST OF O N T A R IO AIRPO RT CORNER Sat., May 22 Funds will be used to paint grandstand at Nyssa Rodeo Grounds K A P P ’S ORCHESTRA Admission $1, Including Tax To The Republican Voters Of Malheur County V COURSE no one would want to plan meals that far ahead, because you can't tell what dish might tickle your palate tomorrow or the day after And that's ¡ust the point— with a home freezer packed full of fresh, delicious meats, fruits and vegetables, you can enjoy your favorite foods, at a moment's notice, in or out of season. Mrs. Cede T ro.tle or Humedale guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Diven were Sunday dinner guests at the Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. R ay Russell were Claude Wilson home. Graveside services for the baby I dinner guest; of Mr. and Mrs. E H. son o f Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hadley | Fleshman Sunday, were given by Bishop Arvel Child Thursday afternoon.- Among those j Mrs. Joe Dirksen and daughter, present were Mr. and Mrs. James Rena, visited at the Jacob Groot Etherington of Ogden, Utah, Mr. home Monday. and Mrs. V em Garner and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Thomas Mrs. Delbert Gam er. Sunday dinner guests at the Ew- were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. f-n Chard home were Mr. and Mrs. C liff Beckstead Sunday. Kenneth Chard and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. P. Runcorn and Mis. Elver Nielsen and family. Robert Runcorn attended the C hat Mrs. Joe Hobson has been suffer- terbox club meeting at Anne G ra ,ng from pleurisy. Mis;. Neil Dim- mick has been sick with influenza. ham's home Thursday afternoon. Nathan O rr returned Monday to Mrs. Robert Runcorn was honored by receiving two nice plants. San Diego, after spending his peri Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams were od of leave with his parents, Mr. in Boise Thursday. and Mrs. William Orr. Orr has •ompleted his "boot” training in the navy, and will be transferred NYSSA RIDERS GO to a submarine school at New ON C A M PIN G TRIP London, Connecticutt by the first of June. Mrs. Leonard Newgen and her BUENA V ISTA, M ay 20— Mr. and ister-in-law, Mae Bagwell, left Mrs. W illis Bertram joined several of the riding club members on a Tuesday for Madras. Cheryl Zesiger was among the horseback ride and camping trip to Succor creek Sunday. ■uests at a birthday party in Nyssa Mrs. George Cleaver, Berniece Saturday afternoon for Dale Bing- Bowen and LaVern Cleaver were in nan on his fourth birthday. Boise Thursday. Vera Faye Counsil, JoAnn. Mar- Harold Olson of Gresham, Ore an and Kenneth Price, Jack and Georgia Ward, Jesse Asumeudi, Dar gon, visited at the Glen H offm an heme Thursday. Mr. Olson is a lene and Bud Smith, Charles Cha cousin of Mrs. Hoffman. pin and Wayne Robb attended a Mr. and Mrs. Edward T o p liff roller skating party in Ontario Tuesday evening as guests of the were In Boise Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Estrick and F.F.A. boys. Mr. and Mrs. William Gregg were Vaughn of Meridian, and Mr. and Sunday dinner guests at the Wal- Mrs. Delbert Cleaver and Gary were Sunday dinner guests at the Alva ace Gregg home, with the Rever Goodell home. Vaughn Estrick stay- end R. G, Chandler family of Cald d for a longer visit. well, and Rev. Stanley Cain. Mr. and Mrs. Glen H offm an and Word h a » been received that Mr. Glendia, Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Lawrence Sheppard, who Day and Jerry and Sandra, Mr. moved to Zillah, Washington a few weeks ago, are the [»ren ts of a and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and G arnet Belle and Robert and M r and Mrs. boy born May 4, and weighing 81* S. B. H offm an and David were pounds. Mrs. Charles Schweizer, Mr. and Sunday dinner guests at the Claude Day home. Mrs. Ralph Haworth. Clarice No- Mrs. Willis Bertram, Mrs. Leslie theis, Harriet Cole, Viola Fothcr Topliff. Mrs Edward T o p liff and gill, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briggs, Mrs. Alva Goodell attended the and Charlie and Guyanne Glenn Chatterbox club meeting at the hiked up Double mountain in search Ray Graham home in Nyssa Fri of rocks for the science depart day afternoon. ment Sunday, later driving to Twin Mr. and Mrs. Irwin T o p liff of Springs ranch and picnicking. Ola, Idaho, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs. Chet Corfield was hostess G riffitts and fam ily called at the to the members of the Pleasant Leslie T o p liff home Sunday. Hour club Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr., M r and Mrs. Frank Tosch and and fam ily spent Saturday in On Deatra and Korlan of Prosser, tario. Washington arrived last Sunday to Mrs. Leslie Cleaver was hostess visit six days at the Robert Thomp- to the OutOur-W ay club with nine ,on home. Tosch installed bathroom members attending. Mrs. Edward fixtures for his mother, Mrs. T o p liff became a new member. Thompson during the week. The Mrs. Glen H offm an was in charge visitors were dinner guests at the of the games. Mrs. Howard Day Paul Bergam home Wednesday ev ind Mrs. Jim Ritchie won high ening and returned to Prosser F ri prizes. Refreshments of sandwiches, day. alad and drinks were served. The The O. P. Counsil family were next meeting will be held at the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen H oifm an home June 10. Robert Sm ith o f Nyssa Saturday Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen, Jr., night. and fam ily were dinner guests Sun Sunday dinner guess at Mrs. day of the Rev. and Mrs. Kerm it Lila Mitchell's home were Mr. and Eckelbarger at Kuna. Idaho. Mrs. Harold Rookstool and family. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram en tertained the executive committee DEM ONSTRATION OF of the OwylVe Riding club at their 4-H CLUB IS GIVEN ivome Friday evening. R IC H LAN D . Muy 20— Mrs Phil C. H. Bennett returned recently Harris and Mrs. Robert Runcorn from a two weeks visit with a were hostesses at a pink and blue brother at Viniter, Oklahoma and a shower in honor o f Mrs. Leonard si6ter at Pittsburg, Kansas. Phillips. Mrs. Runcorn’s sister, Wed nesday evening. Tliree tables of cards were played. Mrs. Phillips received many lovely gifts. NYSSA INSURANCE Mrs. E. H. Brandt entertained the bridge foursome Wednesday after AGENCY noon. Mrs. Lois Gowen won high. Fire and Automobile Those attending were Mrs. Dale Garrison, Mrs. Ray Russell, and Insurance Mrs. Lois Bybee. Mrs. Elliot of Adrian and her Rentals Bonds -H club gave a demonstration for Mrs. C liffofrd Nielsen and her 4-H cooking club Tuesday at the C lif Ralph Lawrence, Agent ford Nielsen home. Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Brumbach were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Cheldelin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gregg were in Ontario Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. C liff Beckstead en tertained 12 guests at a party Sat urday evening. A chicken midnight supper was served buffet style. Earl Black o f California is visit in ' his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Black of C ali fornia is visiting his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Black. Mr. and Mrs. George R ay and son and daughter. Harroid and arothy. of New Plymouth and Mrs. Nora Ray of Nyssa were dinner a * / * * * '? * » « » '5 THU RSDAY, M A Y 20, 1948 MOBIL TIRES — BATTERIES ACCESSORIES LOCATED 1 MILE NORTH ON HIWAY 20 J. V. TUTTLE. Owner Phone OU-M N y s s a ............. O regon % I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Malheur County. I am 37 years old, married, and have four children. 1 came to Oregon from Cali fornia in 1933. After receiving further training in California, I returned to Oregon in 1944. I live on my own farm near Vale, on which I am engaged in general farming at the present time. I feel that I am well qualified for this office. I have had seven years experience as Deputy Sheriff of Los Angeles County, California. I have had one year experience as Federal Guard, and was attached with the Naval Intelligence during the last war. I also took a graduate course in the Tech nical Institute for Peace Officers at the University of California, Los Angeles, giv en by F. B. I. instructors. I believe that my educational background and practical experience qualify me for the exacting duties of this office, and if I am nomin ated and elected, I will administer the affairs of the office promptly and efficiently, rendering courteous and impartial service to everyone hav ing contact with the office. I cordially invite investigation of my past record, and any inquiry you may desire as to my ability. Your vote in the May Primaries, and again in the general election, will be very greatly appreciated. John C. Elfering — Paid Pol. Adv.