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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1946)
TH E NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON pag e four rtx.x their fini lied articles for the of services after Sunday school next 4-H fair to the meeting. They Sunday at Arcadia. surprised Mis. Bowers with a birth T h e former board members of day party after the 4-H meeting. the Arcadia school board met at ARC AD IA, M ay 20— The Arcadia Th ey presented her with a set of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sunshine club met May 13 with mixing bowls. Mrs. Ray Sparks and Bullard Sunday for a picnic dinner. Mrs. Elmer Stradley served re Mrs. Cecil Houston. Eleven members Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Vern Butler and family, Mr. and were present. Mrs. Onn Lay re freshments of cake and jello. Mr. a id Mis. Ellis Kaiser of Mrs. Glenn owers and family. Mr. ceived the door prize. Mrs. Clyde Huntington were guests Friday ev and Mrs. Otis Bullard and fam ily Bowers received the birthday gilts for the month. T h e next meeting ening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. land Mrs. Anna Dail. Other vis-, Glenn Dowers. Mrs. Kaiser is a •itors were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dail will be held with Mrs. Olin Lay. and family, Harold Dail and Mr. Mrs. Gene M ilner and children niece of Mrs. Dowers. Several of the parents attended and Mrs. Gerald Zittercob. of Payette spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bullard and her mother, Mrs. Ben Houston, and the .spring festival in Nyssa Friday night. fam ily left Thursday for Portland family. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schoen of to attend the graduation exercises Garland M cKinney of Berryville, Arkansas, who has been ^siting Nyssa were dinner guests Sunday at the Multnomah School of the Bible, where their daughter, Wilma, his sister, Mrs. George Moeller, and in the Theo M atherly home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stradley and will graduate. They will visit Cra family, and Mr. and Mi's. Bob McKinney the past three weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowers fished ter lake and other places of interest before returning home. returned to his home last week. at the Owyhee dam Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Glenn Dowers and Mrs. Moeller accompanied them to family were dinner guests of Mr. Boise, where they spent the nisht CLASS PROGRAM IS in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John and Mrs. John Alexander Saturday GIVEN A T AD RIAN night. McKinney. The young i>e >ple of the Baptist Mrs. Clyde Bowers' 4-H club met at her home M ay 15. The girls I church in Notus will have charge A D R IA N , May 20— Iola Mitchell of Kansas visited her sister, Mrs. Bob Webster, last week. Dwight Palm er has returned to the Bob Webster home from the E. W . PRU YN hospital. Mrs. Betty Korman and Mrs. Optometrist Maxine Brown were in Ontario on Auto Repairing business Friday Mrs. Jr. Matthews and son went Reboring, Valve Grind Eyes Examined to Boise Friday to see a doctor. James McGinnis went to a doctor ing, Lathe work. Parts Friday because of a bad knee. Phone 720 The annual class night program and accessories | o f the Adrian high school was 718 Arthur St. held Friday. Eloise Crocker was Phone 56-W crowned as May Queen by the Caldwell, Idaho student body president, K eith Sto ker. T h e senior boys and girls were attendants, Paul Parker and Les lie Patton were train bearers, C lif fy Looney was crown bearer and Barbara Brewer and Lana Rice were flower girls. Mrs. Betty Korman and daughter, Kristine left Saturday morning for Shebocjgan, Wisconsin to Join Mr. Korman. Mrs. Glenn Brown left Sunday night for Visalia, California to visit her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Patrick. Mrs. Robert Brown entertained with a family dinner for Mrs. K or- man and Kristine Friday evening. Mrs. Glenn Brown spent Tuesday In Boise and Caldwell on business. Mrs. Robert Eastman came from Caldwell Friday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown. The seventh and eighth grades gave a farewell hankie shower Thursday evening at the Legion hall for Myrna Lane, who will move to Nampa. Rev. Moore and Roy Mecham were Nampa visitors Tuesday. Earl Winn made his solo airplane . . . anti they arc really beautiful! Tight In Nyssa. The array o f new Trimz Ready- Bill Gowey re-enlisted in the army and left from Boise Tuesday. Fasted Wallpaper patterns is really Mr. and Mrs. James McGinnis worth seeing . and Trimz enables and children and Mr. and Mrs. you to do your own decorating. Richard Holly were in Nampa All you do is dip Trimz in water Tuesday evening. and apply it— and it’s The district Free Methdist su perintendent was here for the guaranteed washable quarterly conference Saturday and and fadeproof. Make you r Sunday. selection now! Myra Case has returned home following a vlsit*w itii her folks in Arena valley. Mr. Henderson is now Janitor of the Adrian high school. Mrs. George DeHaven returned home Monday from the Nyssa Nurs ing home. Mrs. W. E. Ashcraft entertained at a card party Thursday evening Four tables were played. Dick Ash craft won low prize, Mis. Brown raveling and high prize and Mrs. Jack Raney low prize. Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson of 4-H CLUB MEETS A T BOWERS HOME OR. C.W . GRAVES TH U R S D A Y, M A Y 20, 19IS Nampa were here visiting Mr. and i ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|are working to compete their sew- Mrs. W. E. Ashcraft Sunday. Harold Rookstool near Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamilton and Eldon Delashmut of Portland flew son of W ilder visited Mr. and Mrs. to Nyssa in his plane and spent W. E. Ashcraft. Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cloninger. Mr. D el 5 WOMEN ATTEND ashmut was en route to Spokane. Q U ILTIN G MEETING I Mrs. Cloninger accompanied Mrs. Notheis to a sale in Apple valley U P P E R SUNSET. May 20— Mrs. Flora G am er, Mrs. Carrie Garner, Thursday. Used Washers Mrs. M attie Durfee. Mrs. Louisa Porter and Mrs. Cora Rookstool Attend Music Programs attended an all-day quilting meet Mr. and Mrs. Glea Billings, and ing at the Legion hall in Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ewer and Mr. and last Tuesday. The Just Sew 4-H club met at Mrs. J. L. Church attended the opera the home of Lois Garner Satur night and Shrine ' black-outs” pro day, with Mrs. Ruth Berrett as su grams at Boise during music week. pervisor. The next meeting will be held with Reva Rookstool May 29. T o Los Angeles— The girls are supposed to have all M ary Sue Parson, daughter oi their projects finished by that time. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cloninger Mr. and Mrs. Verne Parson, left were supper guests in the Albert Tuesday morning with Mr. and Notheis home Friday evening, cele Mrs. Warren Dorothy of Payette for a visit with her grandmother at brating Mr. Cloninger’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rookstool and Los Angeles. Reva and Ronald were dinner guests in the B. F. Rookstool home Sun Work on Projects— day. In the afternoon the fa m ily ,, The 4-H sewing club members, accompanied by Mrs. Rookstool, vis- with Mrs. Ron Whitaker as leader — GOOD C O N D IT IO N - ONE— $50.00 ONE— $40.00 H EN N EM A N S Allowing $25.00 ELEC T <% UNANDER j ing projects by June L Trade In REPUBLICAN for your old coal or electric range on a new gas range. The following models of new gas ranges are now available: Magic Chef, Hardwick Apt. range, Coleman trailerhouse range and O’Keefe and Merritt. REASURER Ideal G as & A p p lian ce Niel Allen GRANTS PASS Phone 125-W Chairman "A qualified young veteran’ (PH Ad v.) Unander for Treasurer Com. Important Notice NYSSA FURNITURE CO. One Block West of R. R. Depot & OH M V) TKOfC GO MV bonds ! We’ll be Open for Business as Usual HOW MUCH "FAMILY LEGAL LIABILITY” All Next Week! PROTECTION WILL $10 BUY? $_________ WHILE THE B O SS IS IN SAN FRANCISCO A good sample of today’s insurance values is the protec tion $10 will buy for your fam ily against lawsuits. If your boy hurts a playmate— if your dog bites somebody— if a visi tor, tradesman or employee gets hurt on your premises— if you hit somebody with a golf ball— what's the verdict? ORVILLE MAZE Candidate for Republican Nomination for: COUNTY SHERIFF A t Primary Election — May 21, 1948 Common sense will be applied in the adminis tration o f the duties fixed bv law for the sheriff to perform. If elected sheriff of Malheur county, I will devote my entire time and energy for the benefit o f the taxpayers of the county. Paid Political Adv. He. and all the dealers in the Western Region, are going to get a preview of the ’49 Ford. They’re as excited as kids with new toys. We can hardly wait ’till the boss gets back to tell you all about the ’49 Ford — the car of the year. We know you’ll be just as excited as he is when we tell you all about it. One of these accidents might ruin you financially— yet $10 a year will give you (in most cases) up to $10,000 protec tion, and will allow up to $250 for medical payments (except to your fam ily) even if there is no legal liability. Your Ford Doator Á America Fore A Litton to tho Ford FORD In the meantime, we’ll be open for business as usual, and we’ll be eager to give your Ford the best service we know how— and we know your Ford best. So, while you’re waiting to see the new Ford of your future, drop in and see us for the service that saves you time and money—our best Ford service. you to fiston to tho Frod Alton Show, Sunday Bvonings— NBC notwork. , Sunday Afternoons — NBC notwork Soo your nowtpapor for timo and station. . IN S U R A N C I C R O U P • B e rn a rd E a stm a n Insurance — P.S. Watch our ads for tho news from Yoilf Excited Ford Dealer • • • — — -J Real E lu te Your Vote for Me W ill Ensure Above . TO S E E THE * 4 9 Phone 64 Nyssa, Oregon Em ployees off HER RIMAN MOTOR CO.