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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1946)
THE NYSSA G ATE C ITY JO U RN AL, N Y SSA , OREGON PAG E THREE T H U R SD A Y , M A Y 20, 1948 Rawlelgh's, Dept. ORE-331-234. Oak (circuit Court; that on the 8th day) Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wolfe and | Dean Larkin and daughter, Mr. and boys to first class. Ted Holly and land, California. 20Mlxp. \ of May 19U|, upon motion of the son were week-end guests of Mr. Mrs. Ernie Larkin and son of Mon- Fred Defter were made Star Scouts; I petitioners the Court made and en- and Mrs. Neal Holmes at Cold- 0 M Joe Witty and George Enters, Life WANTED— Produce and grocery- tered Its order fixing the 29th day well. roe’ Oret!on’ Mr and Mrs- Eu« eae man, under 33; man under 30 for of June 1948, at the hour of 11:001 Marian and JoAnn Price were Freeman and son of Monroe, Ore- Scouts and Harry Moore, Eagle Scout. liardware department, no experi o ’clock in the forenoon as the time hostesses at a birthday party for BOn Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Freeman e n ce necessary; man under 30 for when, and the Circuit Court room Ira Junior Price late Thursday and 80115 ant* Avery Larkin of Em- , men’s store, no experience neces of the Malheur County Courthouse afternoon. The group enjoyed games, me,t BUILDING PERMITS sary Box 608, Vale, Oregon. 20Mlxc. at Vale. Oregon, as the place where ¡cake, ice cream and pop. Don Engstrom. construction, lot RATES. Two cents per word (or each Issue. Alter one month one to be Drawn— 43, Stunz addition, $12,000, brick WANTED— Lady 25 to 36, single said petition and the proceedings j Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Didericksen cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance, la 30c. The bud4et committee of school veneer, 52 by 32. or married, to learn typing and thereunder will be heard; that pur- of Caldwell were all-day quests at c|j8trlct No- 28-C will meet with Reger Tucker, construction, gar office work and selling, high school suant to said order hearing of said j the Jim Chadd home Friday. school board Wednesday even- age. lot 7. S»unz addition, $500, 14 education, permanent work for petition and the proceedings there- ! Mrs. Margaret Terra was a week- ' right person, phone 144-J, Alva under will be heard on the 29th end guest at the John Terra home in* lo plan the budget for 1948-49. by 20 , frame. ^ e members of the budget com- FOR SALE— AG 6 cletrac crawler Watts. 29Atfc day of June, 1948 at the hour of I last week. For Sale 11:00 o'clock In the forenoon in the Charles Ditty bought seven head mittee a>e R. G. Larson. Arvel tractor, good condition, ready to ‘ -------------- Circuit Court Room of the Malheur f young whitetface vealers Sat- : I^bild, Dale Garrison, Gordon Ray WANTED— FOR S A L E - Fuller wallpaper in I go, S. E. Flanagan, route 2, Nyssa. [ a n 'd ^ c a r ^ " ''! ? yoiu^ h « i £ ’ County at Vale, Ore urday. and Otis Bullard. Public Accountant wide assortment of patterns and , 29Atfc. j Phone or write Roy Vawter, Nampa gon; that in said order the Court Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hite and Bookkeeping Service Court of Honor— prices, washable and light proof. | ! 468 or box 175. 22A8xp directed that notice be served on Iris Hite made a trip to Burns last ; FOR SALE— Milk cows. Zack Scout troop 36 ot Adrian held a all persons and parties concerned Friday, and attended the dance Nyssa Furniture company, one block j Auditing Walker, phone 78NR. 22Atfc WANTED— To buy anything In by publication thereof for three given at the Drewsey Grange hall court ot honor at the Adrian high: straight west of U. P. depot. 20Mtfc. I beef or veal. Also custom killed (3) succesive weeks, being four (4) Saturday night by Carl, Walter and school Monday evening, with 12 Office and Accounting ---- ------------ ¡FOR SALE— F12 Farmall tractor and delivered to Polar Cold Stor publications, in the Gate City Jour Fred Hite. committeemen present to act as FOR SALE Let us measure your Completely overhauled, good two- age. Phone 31-M or 011-J1. 12Ftfc. nal, published at Nyssa, Oregon, Systems Sunday afternoon visitors at the the board of advancement. Roger windows for Venetian blinds. No way International beet and potato and that jurisdiction of the Court Sid Flanagan home were Mr. and Norland presided as Judge and Ho JOHN E. DENENK charge for this service or estimates, cultivator bar with all tools com- LOST in the premises be complete at the Mrs. Hank Troph of Vale. Mr. and ward Hatch as foreman of the expiration o f ten days after the full Wayne Chestnut and family of On board Leon Myers, district scout Obtainable In one week Assorted! plete; 7~foot International mowing 549 North Fourth St. LOST— Long haired gray airdale publication of this notice; that the tario, Mr. and Mi’s. Gayley of Vale, executive, acted as clerk. Merit .Co» m « « . „„Mu™ . „ u j S S " « “ “ K dog, goes by name of “ Rags"'. Re date of the first publication of this and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Goulet. badges were awarded 24 of the Phone 178-M, Nyssa 13M2xp notice is May 13th, 1948, and that Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan have named 1 scouts\ " ith f°ur boys being ad- Nyssa Furniture company, phone > excellent buy. Western Corrugator ward. Phone 04R3, Nyssa. 149-W. _ 20Mtfc.' company. 8 Atfj. , vanced to second class and five the date o f the last publication is iheir new son Dennis Joe. MISCELLANEOUS June 3rd, 1948; and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Benson of FOR SALE— Gem seed potatoes, FOR SALE— Trailer house, call You are hereby further notified grown from Cregmont blue tag. 290-« after 6:30. 8 Atfc TAKEN UP— Sorrel saddle horse that you and each of you, or any Modesto, California were overnight | visitors at the home of Gene Clea Owner may have It. by paying for person or party interested, may at Phone 016-R l, John Lackev 20 i M2 d I — - --------- ver. Benson is a brother of Mrs. ________ — y’ ■a>na’^P FOR SALE— One utlUty two-wheel feed, damages and advertising. E. C. FOR SALE— 40-acre dairy farm, trailer. Leo Fife, phone 05-RU. Larsson, Columbia avenue. 6M3xp. any time prior to the expiration of Cleaver. Mr. and Mrs. Benson were I ten (10) days after the 3rd day of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Apple valley, crop goes, $8,500. 132- | 18Mtfc. Anything You Need In Line of Plumbing MISCELLANEOUS— I will not be June 1948, appear and contest the Fivecoat Thursday. acre cultivated, $6.500, crop goes. 0 --- --------- 7 ---- Mrs. Clifford Wolfe attended a 10-acre and 10-acre basement home, FOR SALE Half horse air com- responsible for debts contracted by validity of this proceeding or any — Contact— $1500. See us for dairy farms, row pressor, complete and ready to use anyone other than myself. Martin of the acts or things covered by bridal shower Thursday evening for this proceeding and recited and Leo Fife, phone 05-R11, route 2, Miss Mary Carpenter of New Ply- ; A. Teske. 13M4xc crop and cattle ranches. M. B. enumerated in said petition, and mouth, Idaho. 18Mtfc. Stewart, the landman, South Park Nyssa. if you fail so to appear the Court — —— — — ------ ------------------- I MISCELLANEOUS— Want your Reverend M. G oto o i Ontario was street, box 275, or phone 492-M, TOR SALE-- Three-room house.own business? 80-year-old reputa- will proceed in its judicial exam a dinner guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Payette, Idaho. 20Mlxp. With bath, electric water tank, 75 t1o and our will back you. ination and enter its judgment and Thomas Nishitani Tuesday. N YSSA, OREGON Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Reffett FOR SALE— 80 acres, good well, by 119 corner lot, nice lawn, easy others earning up tio $10,000 year- decree as to the regularity and We Guarantee Our Work For One Year terms. Bernard Eastman. 4Mtfc. ly. No experience required. Write legality of such proceedings and of and family of Vale were Sunday some improvements, 10 acres in Free Estimates— Phone 196-J each and all of such proceedings, J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter ave dinner guests at the home of B. F. wheat and red clover, 5 acres al FOR SALE—Have (arms and homes falfa, 1 year old, 5 acres red beans, for sale. Need more, list with Ken nue, Seattle 9, Washington. 6M7xc. acts and things covered by said Rooks tool. Families attending class night planted. Write box 221, Nyssa. Renstrom. Phone 264-W. 29Jtfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Send us your petition, and declaring said contract to be a legal, valid and binding activities In Adrian Friday evening 20M2xp. FOR SALE— New Westinghouse re saws for sharpening, gumming or obligation of the district. were Wilbur Chapin, O. P. Counsil This notice is given by me under and Pete Wilson. FOR SALE— Nearly new Fox hay frigerators. Ootrom Bros. Appliance re-too thing to any size teeth you chopper with blower. E. M. Bair, Co., phone 118-W. 15Jtfc. wish. Patterson saw shop. North seal o f the above entitled Court Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chadd and First street. lAtfc. pursuant to and by authority of daughter were guests of Mr. and phone 288-NW. 20M|4xp. FOR SALE— Electric wiring and the order 'of Hon. M. A. Biggs, Mrs. June Kates at Big Bend Sun FOR SALE— Surge milk coolers, supplies of all kinds at your Wes MISCELLANEOUS— Have excellent Judge o f the Circuit Court of the day. stainless steel, fully inclosed, more tinghouse dealer's, Ostrom Bros. tenant for farm. Prefers row crop State of Oregon for the County of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dimmick were sanitary, we deliver and Install. Appliance Co., plhone 118-W. 15Jtfc. land. See Frank T. Morgan. 15Jtfc. Malheur, made and entered on the weekend guests of Mrs. Dimmick’s Davenport and Jacobs, 814 River St., 8 th day of May, 1948. mother, Mrs. Devon Larson of FOR SALE— Phone 144-J or write MISCELLANEOUS— Heating, in phone 0298-Jl, Payette, Idaho. Dated and sealed at Vale, Ore Homedale, Idaho. stallation of heating systems, coal 13M3xc Watts Motor Co., Nyssa, Ore., for or oil. Also servicing and repair. gon, on this, the 8 th day of May Boise shoppers during the week Willys parts, motors, extra equip 1948. were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley, FOR SALE— Or trade, seven-room ment, jeeps, station wagons, pickup Phone 169-W; after 6 p.m. 289-R. H. S. Sackett, County Clerk Mr. and Mrs. K. Lorensen, Mrs. 15Jtfc. Don’t forget haying time is nearly here. Have house, modem except heat In Vale. tu cks, tires, tubes, batteries. 28Atic. of the Circuit Court. Vern Garner, Mrs. Delbert Garn Write box 53, Vale, Ore. 13M2xp you got your haying tools? Right now we have MISCELLANEOUS— Available now First Pub. May 13, 1948 er, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dimmick FOR SALE— Imperial wallpaper. a few : FOR SALE!— Consol well driller. Guaranteed to be washable and Electrolux cleaners and air puri Last Pub. June 3, 1948 and Mrs. Floyd Young and sons. New and ready for operation. $400. non-fading ror three years. Good fiers. Sales and service. Ed A. An Mr. and Mrs. Casmier Rataezyk, HYDRAULIC FARM HANDS J. W. Kygar, route 1, Nyssa. 6M4xp. stock on hand. Stunz Lumber com derson, rout“ 4 . Welser, I d a h o . IN THE COUNTY COURT OF Mr. and Mrs. Prank Rataezyk and Phone 567-J4. 26Jtfe. THE STATE OF OREGON GEHL PICK-UP CHOPPERS the Harry Rataezyk family attend pany. 26Jtfc. FOR SALE— Tile wall coverings, FOR THE COUNTY OF ed the meeting o f the Sphinx club OLSON BUCK RAKES chrome table and sink edgings, FOR SAE— New Westinghouse el MISCELLANEOUS— Prompt and MALHEUR in Caldwell Sunday. After the waterproof cement, etc. Nyssa Fur ectric ranges, three models, Ostrom free pick-up or your dead, crippled In the Matter of the Application of meeting, the members picnicked MORRILL SIDE DELIVERY RAKES niture Co., phone 149-W. 6 Mtfc. Bros. Appliance. Co., phone 118-W. or sick llvestocx. Calls received be El ,r>R.Kl J GARRETT in the park and the men played Supplies of these items are still short. Get your BURNINGHAM 15Jtfc. fore 9 o ’clock are picked up by baseball. FOR SALE— Very atractive two- noon. Efficient drivers. Call col- equipment now and have it when you need it. For Change of Name bedroom home. Modem except heat, | lect Payette 0180-J3 or 155, or Nys NOTICE OF CHANGE OF NAME For Rent You may not be able to get it the last minute. garage, nice yard, trees and shrubs. MERRY MATRONS OF sa 102-W. Idaho Animal products NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Very good location, 66 by 217 lot. FOR RENT— Polish your own Company. 5Jtfc. that the petition of Eldred Garrett Write or Phone Us ORE. TRAIL GATHER Bernard Eastman, real estate. In floors. Rent our high-speed pol- | Bum Ingham for the change of his surance. Phone 64. 6 Mtfc. ishlng equipment. Easily handled MISCELLANEOUS— Need money? Loans on farms for refinancing, name to Tom Garrett Birmingham OREGON TRAIL. May 20— The FOR SALE— Good home with four by women. Nyssa Lumber company. building. Improvements, b u y i n g . having been filed in the County Merry Matrons club will meet Wed 3Atfc. apartments, modem and good lo Long term, low interest, see Ber Court of Malheur County, Oregon, nesday afternoon. May 26 with and May 11, 1948 having been fixed Virginia Rookstool as hostess cation. Ralph Lawrence, Nyssa In nard Eastman, phone 64. Nyssa. by the Court for the hearing of VVANTED Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Goodson and surance Agency. 6 Mtfc. Phone 2 7 0 -W Nyssa, Oregon 3Atfc. said petition and no persons having family of Parma wer£ dinner guests WANTED AT ONOE— Man or | FOR SALE— Small homes, build MISCELLANEOUS— DuDllcate car appeared in opposition to the grant of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes last ing lots for home or business. Ralph woman for Rawleigh route. Real ing o f said petition, the said Court Sunday. Lawrence, Nyssa Insurance Agency. opportunity for worker. Experience and evlinder lock keys made. Hen- did on the 11th day of May, 1948, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Holmes and 250tfc. 6 Mtfe. preferred, but not necessary. Write neman’s. make and enter its order decreeing Robert and Junior were dinner such change ot name and providing guests last Sunday at the F. S. CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING Stock received Monday, Tuesday, that public notice thereof be given Byers home Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown and Wednesday and Thursday, 8 a. m. by publication for two ( 2 ) succes to 6 p. m. and Friday 8 a. m. to 12. sive weeks and in three (3) consec boys visited Mrs. Grace Mills near utive Issues in the Gate City Jour Payette Sunday. No stock received on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Holmes j Beef, sheep and pork. Free delivery nal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published In the City entertained Monday evening cele to Polar locker plant. of Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon, brating the first birthday of their One mile west on Alberta avenue and that upon return of proof of twin daughters, Susan and Sally. Phone 05R1 such publication, a certificate shall Those present were Mr. and Mrs. JAKE FISCHER issue under the seal oi the County Wren Hendricks of Nyssa, Mr. and Court certifying that the legal Mrs. F. G. Holmes, and Robert Apply in your irrigation water, no dust, no Legal Advertising name of said petitioner shall there and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland dirt, no odor, no equipment necessary, side after be Tom Garrett Bumingham. Holmes and family, Mrs. Roy Hol IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF dress without disturbing the root system. By Order of the County Court mes, Bonnie Kressly, Mr. and Mrs. THE STATE OF OREGON FOR of Malheur County, Oregon. Dated F. S. Byers and Betty and Stanley THE COUNTY OF MALHEITI Use one-fourth the amount of fertilizer in DENTISTS PHYSICIANS and Sandra Holmes. Refreshments In the Matter of the Confirmation this 1th day of May, 1948. solution as were previously obtained with dry H. S. Sackett, Clerk of the were served after an evening of of the Proceeding* in Relation to County Court of Malheur visiting. The girls received a num the Contract of the Big Bend Irri fertilizer. SA R A Z IN CLINIC County, Oregon. ber of nice gifts. gation District with the United From the standpoint of. uniformity of dis First Pub. May 13, 1948 Mrs. F. C. Fry attended the meet States of America. Dr. J. J. Sarazin DR. C. M. TYLER Last Pub. May 27, 1948. ing of the Book club Saturday af N O T I C E tribution on the soil, and subsequent diffusion ternoon which was held at the Dr. K E. Kerby To the BIG BEND IRRIGATION in the soil, use of fertilizer solutions is far sup Wilson Building home of Mrs. Judd. DISTRICT and to all freeholders, ROBERT SCHWEIZER Physician and Surgeons Mr. and Mrs. F. 8 . Byers and erior to the application of dry fertilizer. legal voters and assessment payers HONORED AT PARTY family picnicked near the Owyhee Phone 165-J, Nyssa within said District; I ' ■■ ' »■ -! " ” 1 - . . J1- Be sure to specify California liquid fertilizer, SUNSET VALLEY. May 20— More river Sunday evening. Notice Is hereby given that on Office hours from 9 to 5 except the product used in this vicinity last season. than 30 friends and relatives met this 11th day o f May, 1948 H. R. L. A. Maulding, M. D. Hatch, Joseph King and Arthur C. at the Sunset valley hall Sunday Men on l.rave— Saturdays, 9 to 12. Physician and Surgeon Seamen Second class Marvin Wil Holly, directors of the Big Bend for a turkey dinner and supper In son, Jack Atkeson and Nathan Orr irrigation District filed In the Cir Phone 37 honor of Robert Schwelzer, son of left at 4 p.m. Monday for San cuit Court of the State of Oregon Hours: 10 to V. and 2 to 5 for Malheur County their petition Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer. re Diego to continue their enlistment Daily—Except Sunday YOUR STORE WITH THE CHECKER BOARD SIGN praying for a judicial examination cently returned from a year’s army period in the U. S. navy. The men and judgment as to the regularity service in Seoul, Korea. Those pres were home on a 10 -day ’boot’ leave. J. R. C UND ALL and legality of the proceedings of ent were Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Atkeson is to be enrolled in a die Across from Telephone Office the petitioners and the District Johnson of Parma, Mr. and Mrs. sel school for a period of training JEW ELR Y STORES In the authorization and execution before going on active line duty. HUGH I. TOBLER — O w ner» — LLOYD L. TOBLER Dentist Vic Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Lee of the contract of the District with Householder, Mr and Mrs. Hugh Phone 56-J the United States of America for Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. George Schwe Visiting Relatives— PAULUS Phone 26 NYSSA, OREGON the construction of the irrigation izer, Mr. and Mrs. Lew McCoy, Visiting at the Lester Larkin Sarazin Clinic JEWELRY STORE works of the Anderson Ranch Dam Mr. and Mrs Guy Glenn, Mr. and home over the week-end and on Union Pacific Time Inspector project on the Boise River in the Mrs. Jeff Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Mother’s day were Mr. and Mrs. NYSSA ORBQON State of Idaho and re-payment by Kenneth Parker, Jack Marshall, JEWELRY — DIAMONDS the Park Unit of the Big Bend Miss Betty Jo Williams, Mr. and WATCHES Irrigation District o f the propor Mrs. Dick Wyatt, Dale and Bill Main Street a. Second tionate share of the cost thereof Glenn. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pomeroy OPTOMETRISTS allocated to irrigation purposes and and Jeff and Linda Parker. Mr. and as to the validity of said contract, Mrs. Charlie Schweizer and Bud j and for an order approving and Schweizer were evening guests. WYCKOFF confirming the same and that said An LX )S primary officers and JEWELRY STORE petition is now pending In said teachers preparation meeting was DR. J. A . M CFALL Official Time Inspector for held at the home of Prances May- Union Pacific DR. JOHN EASLY fane Wednesday afternoon. ONTARIO OREGON Mr and Mrs. A. R. Herrfng and | family were guests at the I. D. Free Pick Up LODGES Good home Sunday at Nampa. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner vis O f Your ited A1 Cunningham and his son Nyssa Post No. 79 and family at Vale Sunday. Dead and Worthless Mr. and Mrs Devon Larson and American Legion family and Mrs Rosel Anderson I Meets 1st & 3rd Thurs. Animals were Sunday dinner guests at the j — New Opening and Closing Hours— Fred Mitchell heme. m" Phone 21, Ontario, Ore Paul Okano. *ao has been suffer 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call Collect All Veterans Welcome , ing from an eye infection, is im -1 There Is a Phone Near You proving. On and after May 1, Closed on Sundays Mr and Mrs Ray Strickland and i Gate City Lodge VETERINARIANS Nyssa 100 Parma 28 daughter, and Mr and Mrs. Olenn j and holidays Strickland were Sunday dinner | No. 214 Ontario 53 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hop DR. H AL D. W H ITE I.O.O.F. per o i Vale. ”We Haul the Day You Call" Meets every Monday Mrs Frances Tlus of Bellingham. Veterinarian Ida-Ore Rendering Co. Washington was an overnight guest night, 8 :30. at the Jim Robb home Tuesday Phone Ontario 100 South First Street and Wednesday Ny9sa, Oregon Lew MoCoy is building a corral — PHONE 124-W— and loading chute. Classified Advertising fS PLUMBING Brower Plumbing Shop HEY YOU HAY FARMERS B & M EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Professional And Business Directory Grow A Greater Volume of Produce With Liquid Fertilizer TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL Fa rmers Attention We Have A Few Lockers Available Now Polar Cold Storage