THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURxNAL_____ THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1946 PAGE SIX maim i.. henk; two violin solos. Mi Her- c l u b g iv e s p r o g r a m The Ny-^a Civic club featuied Ceit F ier and two reauuigi. Mrs. a guest day program and flower A. L. lletchir. accompanied on the show at Its meeting in tne part-.n piano by Mrs. C. W Buchner. A l with Mrs. K. £ Kerby hall W. ♦ lesday afternoon I as chairman, arranged the lovely Each gue.t was presented with couqueis of flowers grown by local a cortege. Mrs. Albert Heldt was le idents Hostesses were Mrs. Joe Luther- introduced and given a corsage in recognition of her position as Nys- { land. Mrs. F rank Morgan, Mrs. Henry Hartley and Mrs. George sas representative in the state con Mitchell. tent for the selection of Oregon's I - outstanding mother of 194(1. ! CHANGE CLUB PLANS SHOWN A program was given as follows: The May meeting of the Home Two piano duets. Adrienne Peter Economics club of the Oregon Trail son u nd Robert McDonald: skit, Grange was held at the home of "Siitdown Strike For Love,” with Mrs. Roy Holmes May 2. Roll call Mrs. Kenneth Cottle directing a was answered by 10 members with cast I ik lu.llng Marian Ballantyne, a Mother's day verse. Kay Crlstensen and Mary Lou Plans were completed for the Pomona meeting to be held at the Nyssa high school building May EJLL LANE 25. The display table at the Grange meeting will be for an orphan ex Auctioneer change or anything else anyone de sires to provide. , Phone 116J Nyssa ^ • Plans for a flower show to be held at the last Grange meeting in May Republican Primaries May 17, 1946 My platform includes good roads. Veteran world war I Alva Goodell Paid Advertisement by Alva Goodell PLANNING TO BUILD? Arrange for your GI or FHA loan through the First National bank, Nyssa branch. Insure your new home with your local agent. We will be pleased to help you. BER N ARD EA STM A N NYSSA INSURANCE PHONE 64 It Pavs To Trade In Nyssa F U L M R .U M U M P C R S , beautify NYSSA FURNITURE CO. NYSSA Phone IOÔ PROGRAM THEATRE On Buying Trip— F. W Bracken, local merchant, left today from Boise by airplane on a buying trip to St. Louis. He is expected to be away from Nyssa 10 days. Honored At School— Oiay Morgan, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Frank T. Morgan of Nyssa has been selected as one of the i out landing freshmen at the j University of Oregon. His selection I entitles him to membership in th e ' sophomore honorary, Skull and Dag- j ger. «eminary and high school. Mr. Wilson is a graduate of Nyssa high school and University of Oregon. He was affiliated with the Tau Delta Chi fraternity. The wedding will be held in late summer in Utah. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Christensen of Provo, Utah announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Calvin Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilson of Nyssa. Miss Christensen Is a graduate of Cedar City, Utah - WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, MAY 22-23 The Aeademv Award Winner! “ THE LOST WEEKEND” With Ray Milland, Jane Wyman, Philip Terry and Howard De Silva Latest News Adm. Evenlag«. Mt-lt. Including Tax Now at his new modern offices 718 Arthur St. Phone 720 Caldwell, Idaho (Directly across from the American theater) DANCING CLASSES OPENING Mi's. Cleone Maw will open her summer class es in tap, ballet and interpretive dancing Wednesday, May 22 from 2 to 4 :30 in the L. D. S. ward hall. Open to children of all denominations. The Ritz Electric Broiler Is one of the finest electrical appliances man- factured today. It is a complete portable stove. It eliminates uncomfortable cooking by retain ing all heat within the broiler. Broils all meats and fish to a tasty wholesome goodness. Bakes biscuits, apples, pastry, etc. Fries eggs, fish, meat, oysters, spaghetti. Toasts sandwiehes, bread and rolls to an ap petizing, inviting golden brown. Grills sandwiches, cheese, meats, etc. $19.55 We also have some electric heating pads. $5.40 O w y h e e Drug C om pan y 5 - C.IVE BRIDAL SHOWER Mrs. A. Chadwick. Mrs. Charles Schweirer and Mrs. Jesse Rigney entertained at a bridal shower for Miss Eloise Herold last Thursday evening in the Chadwick home. A large number of Nyssa teachers In attendance presented Miss Herold with several lovely gifts. .. r e p a id o v e r a lo n g te r m , in r e n t -s iz e a m o u n ts. You ach ie ve d e b t -f r e e o w n e rsh ip q u ic k ly ., e c o n o m ic a lly ■njNt'Ufk Bring Your LOCAL NEWS F O R D Here From Boise— Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kerby, Mr. ! and Mrs. Guy Kerby and Lew t Dunn of Boise were Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerby. | Eastern Oregon Federal Savings and Loan Association Baker, Oregon Shows continuous Sunday from 6 p.m. Mat., Sun., 2:30 Adm., 50c-9c. Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c 9c. Including Tax Shows continuous Tuesday from 8 p.m. Adm. 2Bc-»e, Inc. Tax Optometrist Annette Camprbell celebrated her 13th birthday Monday afternoon at her home. Twelve guests attend ed the party. HOME LOAMS SUNDAY AND MONDAY, MAY 19-20 TUESDAY, MAY 21 — BARGAIN NIGHT— Why wore all o f his models murdered? What was the Madonna’s secret? Gail Patrick— Ann Rutherford In “ THE MADONNA’S SECRET” Kcturns Home— Mrs. A. C. Sallee returned Thurs day from Gooding. Idaho, where .she had been since Saturday. Mrs. Sallee spent Mother’s day with her mother, Mrs. John Edholm. Pupils Hold Picnic— The pupils of the lower six grad Miss Snader is a graduate of the and for a Orange picnic were dis es and the Junior high school held cussed. Refreshments of salad, wa Nyssa high school, class of 1943. their annual picnic on the school fers, cookies and coiiee were ser She is employed by the AAA at grounds Wednesday afternoon. The ved by Mrs. Harlan Diven, assisted Ontario. Hunter, who spent two pupils of the first six grades at- by Mrs. Holmes. The next meeting years in the army in the South l ended a show at the Nyssa theater will be held with Mrs. Garret Stam Pacific theater, is employed by the and the older pupils played games Hollingsworth Hardware and Im on the school grounds. The eighth June 6. plement company in Ontario. grade pupils will receive their re —8— _j _ HOSTESS TO CLUB I>ort cards and diplomas Friday. ENTERTAIN CLUB Mrs. Joe Sutherland was hostess Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Eastman Membership Increases— to the Tuesday afternoon bridge club. Special guests were Mrs. Har entertained the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller of Portlarid. j vey Humphreys of Yakima. Mrs. W. Mrs. club on Monday evening. High state membership chairman of the | R. Campbell, Mrs. Ed Frost and scores in bridge were won by R. Oregon Congress of Parents and Mrs. George Henneman. High scor G. Whitaker and Mrs. George I Teachers has reported that the es in bridge went to Mrs. Kenneth Henneman. Malheur county membership has Cottle and Mrs. Bernard Frost. increased 147 per cent over the - 8 - TIIURSDAY CLUB GATHERS 1945 figure. Malheur county was —8 - ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. George Mitchell was hostess mentioned as being the area in Mrs. Glea Billings entertained to the Thursday afternoon club. the state which is growing the three tables of bridge Wednesday Special guests were Mrs. Ed Frost fastest outside of the Portland area. of last week. Prizes were won by and Mrs. Glea Billings. Prizes in The increase in Oregon is 18*4 per Mrs. W. R. Campbell, Mrs. R. O. bridge went to Mrs. R. O. Larson cent, making the total 48,068. Larson and Mrs. Frank Morgan.- and Mrs. Tom Eldredge. Ontario To Play— 3- - 8 - SATURIJAY EVENING GUESTS WEDNESDAY CLUB MEET The Ontario town team will play Mrs. John Bowen entertained Mrs. Herbert Fisher, Mr. and the Homectale baseball team on the the Wednesday evening club last Mrs. Bob Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ontario field Sunday afternoon. week. Mrs. Frank Rambaud was { Herschel Thompson and Mr. and a guest. Prizes went to Mrs. L. A I Mrs. Ormond Thomas were Satur To Hold Bicnie— Trabert, Mrs. Sid Burbridge and day evening dinner guests of Mr. The Eagles lodge will give a pic - 1 and Mrs. Dave Mitchell. Mrs. Rambaud. nic Sunday at Big Bend park for j members of the Eagles lodge and j — 5 — - 8 - ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED GIVE CHICKEN DINNER their families. Cars will leave the Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snader of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parr enter Eagles hall between 10 and 11 Ontario, formerly of Nyssa. an tained at a chicken dinner Monday o’ciock. A potluck dinner will be nounce the engagement of their evening at their home for Nyssa served at noon. In the afternoon a daughter, Dorothy, to Carl H. high school teachers and their wiv program consisting or a baseball Hunter, son of Mr. and Mrs. es and husbands. The 30 persons game and races for the youngsters Frank W. Hunter of Ontario. The attending included Mr. and Mrs. will be held. couple will be married June 5 in Walter McPartland and Mr. and the Salt Lake City L. D. S. temple Mrs. Charles Schweizer as special 1 o o Late to C la siify guests. After dinner the group FOR SALE—11 acres, seven room ' played cards. / house and shop. Inquire at Bill's - 8 - place, west of grade school building, j M on th ly P aym en t CEI.EBRATE BIRTHDAY Shows continuous Saturday from 6 p.m. Mat., Sat., 2:50 Adm. 25c-V Inc. Tax Adm. Evenings, 40c-9c. Including Tax Veronica Lake, Sonny Tufts, Joan Caulfield and Lillian Gish In “ MISS SUSIE SLAGLE S” A story that will dip deep in your heart and gather up all the wonderful emotions that are hidden there. Latest issue “ March o f Time” and Cartoon 18M4xp I)r. G. W . Graves Attends Funeral— Mrs. Grover C. Vest returned home Sunday from San Luts Obis-» " j . cal.forma where she attended funeral services for her sister, Mis Celia H. Weeber, who died May 4 Miss Weeber was also a sister ol Mrs. Robert Vest of Nyssa. She visited here on several occasions. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 17-18 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM James Craig— Signo Hasso “ DANGEROUS PARTNERS” Also Charles Starrett, Tex Harding, Dub Tay lor and Carole Matthews In “ OUTLAWS OF THE ROCKIES’ 16M4xp gem seed spuds, first year. Irving T. Duffln, 2 miles north on highway. WANTED- To do land leveling. 16M4xc. New equipment Jim Trummeil. Box 455, Nyssa. 16Mlxp. FOR SALE—T wo ton gem water FOR SALE—Netted gem seed po proof certified seed potatoes. Jake 8M2xp. tatoes, first year from . certified. Rollen. route 2. Nyssa. 12.50 sack. M. A. Rataezyk. Sunset FOR, SALE—Used bricks, 50 mile» valley. iOMlxp. lroin Nyssa. Les Wallace, Sumpter, FOR SALE—150 sacks very good Oregon. Here From Idaho— Mr and Mrs. Afton Paris of Po catello spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith. Candidate For C o u n t y C o m m issio n e r where they have visited since Fri day Mrs. Sarazin and Mrs Jagg-r were guests of their daughters. Margaret and Jacqueline, on Moth er's day at the Gamma Phi Bela house. Mrs. E. B. Nedry of Lizard, sister of Mrs. Sarazin. returned with them for a visit. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Return From Corvallis— Mrs. J. J. Sarazin and son. Nor bert. Reed Cottle, Mrs. J. O. Jaggar j of Ontario returned Tuesday even ing from Corvallis and Portland, j Protect Your New Dwelling while it is under con H tt t 'T T ÎH rt fXttUSf» ¿oncer to us for expert Y E S ! WE HAVE THEM SERVICE Let us get your car ready for spring And summer driving Reasonable Prices Wardrobes Protect those precious garments SCOOP! Th row Rugs M iti ir j . n a u i i u ■U« W tt U I IIIIIIIU struction. Inquire about our low cost 39-montl policy. JÈ t Frank T. M organ Dozens of brilliant patterns to choose from— cotton or all wool. 18 by 24, wool $1.98 18 by 30, w ool1 $2.65 Cotton $1.65 Herriman Motor Company NORDALE-NEWSOM FURNITURE