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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1946)
THE NYSSA .TATE CITY JOURNAL PAGE EOUR THURSDAY, MAY 16.J946 and Mrs. Klnnick have bought a two children were visitors in children visited her sister, Mrs. Mr and Mrs Alva Goodell were elevator Wyoming and Colorado. They will day evening. Those planning to and in Ontario were callers at in Ontario Saturday. Robert Toyne in Payette Wednes Homedale Sunday. . home in Vale and will move there Lincoln Height» visit Mrs. Sayers mother, whom they v^ip »ith Bible school scheduled Mrs. Martha Klingback and son. day. Those from this district who for June 3-9 are Louise Ross, De- first of June. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Barnes spent uave not seen since 1937. Fred, were dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Lee Householder en attended th* circus in Nyssa Thurs the Thedore iorus Barnes, Mrs. Jule Houston, was a recent busi i he Home Economics club of the Monday In Nampa, theie suns, Kuy were Mrs. Ray Oriffttb and ness caller Rust Martin Sayers and Mrs. Ral home of Mr. and Mrs. George tertained at dinner Sunday for the day in Nyssa. and Joel Baines, stayed with their Boulevard Giange will be entertain Mrs. family, Mrs. Jim Ritchie and child following guests, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oregg on Mother’ s day. Other ed at the home of Mrs. Tom Pettet ph Barnes. aunt, Mrs. Vern Smith. were Mrs Anna Gregg and Herrick and Mrs. Herricks sister, ren and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clea Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Lowe went Mary Ellen Houston sprained her guests to Ontario Thursday on business. Mrs. Roy Whltsell acted as sub Tuesday afternoon^ Hershel Gregg and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Kissinger and ver. arm Saturday evening. stitute teacher hi the Intermediate Mrs. Minnie Alien of Wallowa, two daughters, Claudine and Bet Sally, Allen and David. Mrs. S B. Hoffman entertained room of Lincoln school Monday, Oregon came Tuesday to visit her Miss Violet Page, recently dis Mrs. Mary Coulter is still very ty Lou, of Meridian and Woody the Out 6ur Way club at her home RICHLAND charged from the WACS. has been 111 In the Nyssa nursing home. Her Bean of Mountain Home due to the Illness of the regular cousin, Mrs. Anna Harris. Thursday afternoon with eight Mrs. George Bacolus, Mrs Loyd I The Patch and Chat club will visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs teacher, Miss Schultz. children are here from Texas, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Brewer and members answering roll call with Adams and Mildred Adams were Billie Thompson Is staying at the be entertained at the home of Mrs. Claude Page and Mrs. Raymond four son, Donald, were dinner guests of "A lesson my mother taught me." in Ontario Tuesday on business. Kansas and Colorado. Annie Harris Thursday afternoon Findley. Hugh Findley home and attending Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans near After a short business meeting Mrs. Charley Grider and Oene Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson, Mrs. I Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Ray Whit- Miss Margaret Watterson enter Vivian Larson and son, Wayne, ol Parma Lincoln school. Mr. and Mrs. Keith the afternoon was spent in visit Bair attended the chamber of com Ida Nelson of Payette visited sell, Mrs. Geneva Johnson and Mrs. tained a group of her friends Sun Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phil Tallman Sunday. and son, Terry Keith, who dinner In Nyssa Wednesday. Thursday at the R. L. Kriner and Florene Whittle. Roll call will be day in observance of her 11 birth lips of Nyssa, Mr and Mrs. Claude had been visiting the Evans faiji- ing.The hostess served sandwiches, merce Mr. and Mrs. Charley Grider and Vern Smith homes. In the evening “Tell Something About A Famous day. and Mr. ' and Mrs. Hugh lly, returned home with them cheese, doughnuts and coffee. The Nan, Gene Bair and John Rldder the attended the Chris tain En Mother " I Mrs. Jule Houston attended a Smith and son, Billy, were Sunday next meeting will be held at Lester went to Nampa Saturday to attend deavor executive meeting at the Mr and Mrs. Orien Halnllne and bridal shower Thursday afternoon Glenn of Mrs. Anna Larson. Cleaver home the second Thursday the dally show and sale. home of Eunice McBride In the family and Peggy Terrel were en- in honor of her cousin. Mrs. Alice guests Sgt. and Mrs. Rex Walters and Mrs. George Bacolus of Wallula, in June. 1 tertained at dinner Sunday at the Hulen, on Dead Ox Flat. Buena Vista Jefferson district. daughter of Oakland, California Washington returned to her home Those who attended the baccal home of Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Steb- Rev and Mrs. R. L. Kriner and 1 David Wyerhauser of Portland guests at the parental Ellis Mr. and Mrs. <*. Boyd of Baker aureate sermon at Nyssa Sunday Friday after an extended visit with family were entertained Wednesday blns of Willow« reek. Mr. Halnllne will be the principal speaker at a were Walters home at a Mother's day vrated at the George Cleaver home evening were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie her brother, Loyd Adams. evening at the Ralph Barnes home. and Mrs. Stebbins are brother and Ohrlstain Endeavor district con dinner Sunday. The occasion mark Sunday. and Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. O. J. Kurtz went Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Barnes were sister. ference scheduled for the Ontario ed the first gathering of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigelow and Topliff I Mr. and Mrs Ralph Barnes and Presbyterian church, 8unday even Mrs. Ellis Walters and their three son, Ray, visited the past week George Cleaver, Mr and Mrs. Alva to Nampa Sunday where they were also guests. and family and Elizabeth the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Students graduating with the sen sons entertained the following fam ing, May 19. The Lincoln Christain who were in the service Other at the Willis Bertram home. They Goodell Goodell. Donna Belle Goodell is Roth. ior class at Ontario from this com ilies at dinner on Mother’s day: Mr. Endeavor and Bible study will be sons, guests were Mrs. Ralph Jones and were en route from Seattle, where the only graduate from this district. The Malheur Jersey club held a munity are: Clyde Ledgerwood. and Mrs. C. B. Barnes, Mr. and cancelled for that evening so that Mrs. George Parsons of Boise. Mr. Bigelow received a discharge E. L. Jamison and George Cleaver meeting Saturday night at the Gene Mrs. George Barnes and family and lone Robbins, Mrytle Buchanan those desiring may hear Mr. Wyer- J Sgt. and Mrs. Rex Walters lett from the navy. They were en route had their farm buildings painted. Bair home, Seventeen persons at and Claire Gilchrist. Baccalaureate Clark Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lee hauser speak Monday for Ft. Lewis, where he will their home in South Dakota. tended to make final plans for the exercises will be held Sunday even Smith and Mr and Mrs. Vern Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Wilson have receive his discharge. Little Brenda to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and spring show to be held May 18 MITCHELL BUTTE ing, class day exercises Monday Smith and son. mover from the Avery Anderson is staying with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bigelow and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kinnick and at the Nyssa school grounds. evening, and graduation exercises Mrs. Annie Harris and Clifford place to Adrian. during their absence. were among those who weie Marie Loveland, secretary at the John Ridded took a load of stock Tuesday evening. Claire Gilchrist entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whlt Mr. and Mrs. George Markham Mrs Kenneth McDonald and Ray at the Owyhee dam Sunday. the T. M. Lowe home Sunday. Mr. to Vale Monday. will play a piano solo, "On Wings sell, Dorothy Goodell and Mrs. and Elza visited Sunday afternoon of Song” at the class day exercises Minnie Allen at dinner Sunday. In Valley View with Mr. and Mrs. and Millard Kinney will play the jule Houston has been ill sev Ray Hammerton and Mr. and Mrs. eral days with influenza. processional and recessional. Will Hammerton Leonard Goodell enjoyed dinner The Lincoln Sunday school has Mr. and Mrs.'Ray Whltsell and j I purchased an organ to be used for Sunday at the Magnuson home^ family were entertained last Sun- i Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sayers were the smaller classes. Next Sunday day at dinner at the Jule Houston ' entertained at Sunday dinner at the adult class will have charge of home. the Gregory Ross home. Mr. and opening exercises. Mrs Orien Hain- The music department of the Mrs. Sayers plan to leave Monday lire is the teacher of this class. College of Idaho planned to pre for an extended visit at points in Ray Whltsell led Bible Study Sun- sent Helen Hodson, soprano soloist in her music major recital Sunday at 4 p. m. at the Methodist church in Caldwell. Millard Kinney, a of Professor F. F. Beale of The Church of the “Lutheran Hour” in student the college, will assist In the con cert. He will play the ‘’Adagio'’ NYSSA from the "Concerto" by Ward-Ste- and "God Is My Shepard" invites you to hear Rev. H. A. Kahle speak phens, by Dvorak to organ accompani played by Mrs Hall. Sunday, May 19, at 7 :30 p. m. in the Legion hall. ments A spring round-up' was he'd at the Lincoln school Tuesday at 1 p. m. It was conducted by Miss Edna Farris, county health nurse. Cairo and White Settlement schools also took part. MLss Farris retum- | ed again on Thursday to get a re port of the shots and tests given. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Smith were Payette business callers on Monday. In observance of Mother’s day G. I. Priorities Filled First Louise Ross sang “The Garden of Roses" following classes Sunday. Electric Water Heaters The Junior girls sang " My Mother’s Bible” Buell Hickey was 111 last week Phone 95—J end. The last day of school will be We don’t think it likely that Malheur county will vote to create a PUD, featured by a musical program dir ected by Rev. R. L. Kriner at 11 but the way to make sure is for EACH MUNICIPALITY and the parcel of a. m. on Friday, followed at noon rural territory to defeat the proposal. by a potluck dinner. The usual baseball game, the boys versus their dads, will be played. The Oregon law provides that a municipality may vote itself out of pro* Keep NYSSA Out of PUD The E le c tio n Friday, May BROWER PLUMBING SHOP 17 th, in* Malheur County Is Important Because It Directly C o n cern s Y o u r Welfare NOTICE Effective May 15 Service charges are as follows: Beef and pork 3 cents per pound. POLAR GOLD STORAGE posed district, by a simple majority vote against it, without regard to the vote in the remainder of the proposed district. Since no area can get out of a PUD once the district acquires property and engages in the utility business, we believe municipalities will not wish to become encumbered and entangled. All of us are often aware of the complacency with which too many Americans are affected when it comes to the privilege of expressing them selves at the polls. Too many times minority-sponsored proposals are approved just because too few citizens bothered to vote. OWYHEE The Owyhee P.T.A. met at the schoolhouse Thursday evening. Al ter the business meeting the school children presented several numbers^ Mrs. Haney read a paper on health. Plans were made for a school pic nic. Mrs. Claude Hoke and Mrs. Haney were hostesses. Dally vacation Bible school will i liegin at the Owyhee schoolhouse Monday. May 20 for a period of one | week. Hours will be from 9 a. m. 1 until 2:30 p m. All children In the : district are'Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Make Sure You Vote May 1 7 th' Against PU D Attention Boys Earn extra money by helping the Malheur Game League in its drive to exterminate— PUD IS BAD BUSINESS for Malheur County I Magpies and Crows 5c Bounty on each pair of legs and feet turned into MERLE MARCUM at HOLLINGSWORTH HARDWARE CO. STORE. * Malheur County Citizens Committee For the Protection of Tax Payers and Private Enterprise Act Now While The Hatch Is On Trap, Shoot or get them anyway you can Sponsored By Malheur Game League NYSSA — VALE — ONTARIO SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING MAY 27 AT BOULEVARD GRANGE HALL I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FRANK T. MORGAN, Chairman HARRY L. PETERSON, First Vice Chairman NEPHI GRIGG, Second Vice Chairman VERNON WILSON and ARVEL L. CHILD, Executive Committeeman DR. C. E. PALMER E. C. VAN PETTEN JOHN MEDLIN C. A. PATRICK JOE BUTTICE MEMBERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS JOHN GILMORE FRANK HOPPER GLENN OLSON CHAS. SPICER FRANK GRIBBEN PAUL BUNCH DELBERT TAYLOR J. N. JONES RAY DUNCAN LLOYD EDMONSON DON MASTERSON S. E. FLANAGAN HARRY MINER CARLOS BUCHNER LUTHER FIFE M. L. JUDD HOWARD HATCH