Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1946)
TH E NVSSA G ATE C IT Y JO U R N A L______THURSDAY, M A Y 16, 194C Classified Advertising PAG E THREE them. Thompson’s Ontario Hatch- o'clock P M. q ! said day at the mg travel. trip to his place near Wilder Mon Linda, left Thursday to visit In the J ,e ry . Box 5>8, Ontario. Oregon.7Mt(c. ¡„ m i home oi A. C. Hol y, near The 9 by 12-lnch prtnis, mounted day. home of her sister, Mrs. Edith Ber \XJ A N I T C n th® R lver Bridge at Adrian, cn 12 by 15-inch mats, include th* Elton Counsil received his dis ry, and family in Nampa. A i l I L i/ Malheur County, Oregon, for the ¿an Pranclsco-Oakland Bay ' . idge, charge from the army and came Mr. end Mrs. Carl HI'l spent W ANTE D —Beauty operator. Good p w p oie oi * eviewut j and correcting V use mite National park, the old! Friday to the home of his parents Sunday in Nampa with their dau ..... .. ’ Its assessment roll and apportion- mining town of Columbia, M ount; Mr and Mrs. O. P. Counsil. ghter. ltssion. Owyhee Hearty shop. ment o( charges for operation and Shasta, Kings Canyon National, Mr and Mrs Joe Hobson and Mrs. M. L. Kurtz spent from Sun 16Mtfc. maintenance for the 1946 season park, Mission San Juan Capistrano, daughter spent Mother's day at day until Wednesday with Mr. and RATES Two cenu per word lor each Lsue. Alter one monUi one W A N T E D ^ T ^ w a r d for inform s- anJ^ h* construction charges of the California; Lake Tahoe. Nevada- lhe home oi her parenUi Mr and Mrs. Bill Kurtz and new son. Dale ttou leading to positive renting of Park Unit of sa*d U l tra-t. California; Mount Hood and the Mrs A. R. Herring of Nyssa. Lee. In Bums. cent per word. Minimum, cash In advance. Is 30c. modern house. J. R. Neuey, phone The assessment roll and record Oiegon^ coast^ ^ ly!Hpl0__ !^a^lor^ 1 1 Joyce Drake of Logan. Utah Is Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd and 9M2xp. theieof, may be Inspected at the park. Mount S t Helens and Suoq-] summer a t ‘the home Ellen spent the week-end in Boise ---------- residence oi Harvey Hatch, Secre- ualmte falls. Washington: Boulder Elmer Sparks, Adrian, Oregon. ^ AN.'I? a > 7 T 0 _bUy. a n y k in d 0 f bet: tar> ° f “ “ Blg Be'ld I m *ation Peak. Idaho: Ureeat Salt lake. ^ j N e w e ll " S h U was well repre- 9M3xp. or veal; also we buy banger cows. District. by any interested persons. Utah; Walpi Indian vll.age and Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Nishitan sented at the special Mothers day Phone 31M or 06J1. llA tfc . By older o i tne Board of Direc- Uie Navajo country, Arl.ona; Haw- FOR SA LE —Relieve the housing tors. alian waters; an Alaska fishing ®Ueuded a "Welcome Home O. I. services held at the church’s In FOR SALE—Modern three-room shortage with canvas tents, large W ANTED —Experienced farm hand, Harvey Hatch, Secretary fleet; Acoraa water hole. New Mex- dinner dance at the I.O O.F. had In Adrian. house, kitchen and built-lns, base Mesdames, Graham. Piercy, Hill, year-around wont. Married man Big Bend Irrigation District loo: The Alamo, in San Antonio, Caldwell Thursday evening. ment, garage and two lots. $2500. sizes at Nyssa Furniture Co. store. only. Jake Fisher, phone 05H1. Fogleman and Kurtz attended the First publication May ¡6. 1946. Texas; Snowmass lake. Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lorenseu 2Mtfc L>. K. Majors, Rt. 1, Emmett, Idaho Mary and Martha meeting in Mrs. 4Atfc. La t publication June 6, 1946. Chimney rock, Nebraska; Grand were dinner guests Sunday of Mr ISMIxp. FOR SALE—Oenulne Maytag wa W ANTED —Dead or worthless ani Teton National park. Wyoming; and Mrs. Don Parker and family Frances D effer’s home west of Ad rian Thursay afternoon. FOR SALE O R TRAD E—Melotte ter softener, 39 cents a package. mals, horses, oows, calves, sheep Glacier National park. Montana; of Cow Hollow, Guests In the Kurtz home for 25Atfc. and hogs. Phone collect Nyssa 102W. cream separator, large size, hand Nyssa Furniture Co. and Mount Revelstoke National Mi. and Mrs. Bill Gregg were Saturday evening dinner were Dr. or electricity. W ill trade for small park. British Columbia. guests oi Mr and Mrs. Wallace Payette 560J3, Frultland 3713 or Patterson, Rev. and Mrs. Moore of model U. E. Parker, Cow Hollow. FOR SALE— Ball-bearing castors Nampa 1000. 7Mtfc. i w t i n i r r|\k WUh eath pl" ture 5s a commen- .Gragg Sunday! Portland and Mr. and Mrs. H uff for bed, chests and dressers, etc., ISMIxp. V J ls lIlg 1 IF O L 1 1 U U 1 tary on the scene, written by sue.., Mr and Mrs. Melvin Pendarvls man of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. H u ff Nyssa Furniture Co. 25Atfc. W ANTE D —To I purchase straw .: ---------- 1 widely know authors as Ernie Pyle, of Wallowa came Saturday for a man came here to meet the high F O R SALE—Registered Hereford 28FUc. The annual 4-II club summer Gertrude Atherton. Jim Tully, Don- week's visit at the home o f hei FO R SALE— Weaner and feeder Frank T. Morgan. school board at a special meeting bull, 10 months old. Parley Feik, schuul- to be hola at Oregon State a d Culross Peattie. Irvin S. Cobb, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter HU- pigs. L, E. Robbins, 3 miles north Saturday night. Mr. Huffman was 6 miles west on Gem avenue. FOR R K 4 T —200 acres, 2 % miles j o.kge, June 18 to 28, will be some- Ernest Haycox, Joseph Henry Jack- ns. of Nyssa, M mile west on Gem hired as principal and coach of 16M2xp. ™ ar‘° ° n ' w“ at ljrjL 'r than a year ag0- but >on' George R. Stewart, J. Frank M r. and Mrs. Lester Adams and avenue. 2Mtfc. aDie ror row crops, see Frank i s l_;i wm limited to auout 1400 Dobie. Stewart Holbrook, FYank J. family were guests Sunday of Mr Adrian high school for next year. FO R SALE— 1939 Chevrolet truck, At present he is working on his 28Mtfc bojs and girl . according to H. C. Taylor and Robert Ormond Case, and Mrs Earl Post of Nyssa. FOR SALE—4 room house, excell Morgan. with beet body, James Stephens, % master's degree but hopes to be ent location, newly painted, partly W ANTED — Hay baling Inquire at Seymour, state 1-H cluo leader. j Among the noted cameramen Mrs. liarley Wilson became 1 1 1 mile north of Adrian and H mile through in time to attend gradu modern. Bernard Eastman, Tele Owyhee garage. Phone 02R4, N y Countj quouts have been estab- whose pictures are listed In the last week from eating canned corn, west on Mendiola road. lfiMixp. ation exercises here. phone 64 16Mtfc. ssa. lished again thl, year on the basks series are Ansel Adams, John K a - j Mrs. Thomas Nlshitanl attended 25A4xc. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Scliiemer and F O R SALE—2% Inch Meyers pump. of the ratio of club members com- bel, Fred Bond, R ay Atkeson and a Mother's day dinner given by RUM M AGE SALE—The American family are visiting at the George pleting their projects. Although Roberts $25. See V. K elly at Herriman Mo Mrs. George Hashitani of Nyssa. Schlemer home. They are here Legion auxUlary will hold a rum quotas have not been announced Every picture will be distiibuted tor Co ISMIxp. Frank Assumendi and sons, Oa- from the coast. mage sale on the lot between the M ISCELLANEOUS — Experienced yet. It is estimated that approx- in each locality, with the distribu- briel and Jess, were dinner guests Jim Stephens has purchased the F O R SALE—One sorral saddle mare Nyssa bank and Powell's Service lady will conduct a day nursery, be imately 35 club members from Mul- tion rotated weekly in 100 zones, Farilsworth farm ln Newell 16Mlxc. ginning June 3, from 8 to 6 o’clock heur county will be eligible for this If pictures are missed at one point, Sunday in the Ed Price home. 4 years old. Gentle and well broke. station, May 18. Mr and Mrs. Fred Babcock and I Hell{hls and moved over the week_ J. O. Kennedy. l6M2xp. daily except Sunday. Children from event. !or if duplicates are wanted, they family were Sunday v is ito r in the end. Stanley Hill has rented 35 FOR SALE — Good kindling del 6 months to 6 years. Mrs. W. O. Members winning summer school tan be picked up in an adjoining Walter Hillis home. 2M3xp. F O R SALE—Five room basement ivered. Dixie Kinkade. acres from Stephens for potatoes. Peterson, 457 No. Fourth street. scholarships in state and county zone. Robert Ditty of Nyssa took din house, north Sixth street. $2100. Dud Kurtz is with his ship ln 16Mtfc. competition will be given first pre- j ------------------------ roUer ner Sunday with his parents, Mr A. L. Atkeson. 9Mtfc. FOR SA LE — M ulti-Kick San Francisco harbor, where it Is skates for kiddles from 3 to 7. All ference, and winners of scholar- m l V/ f l and Mis. Charles Ditty. undergoing repairs. He expects a M ISCELLANEOUS—Parking room ships awarded by some community! d U D S 6 t V j i l g y FO R SALE—F-12 Farmall tractor steel and rust-proof. Nyssa Fur leave or possibly his discharge ln for trailer houses. South of Nyssa org ; nliaLl'on\vil! V c o n sid e red next. 25Atfc. with high gears and in A - l shape niture Co. about a month. by railroad bridge. A road meeting of several of the ISM-’xp. Any vacancies remaining in the with plows, cultivator and seven FOR SALE— Several bushels of Lt. Merle Kurtz and wife have farmers was held Tuesday evening M ISCELLANEOUS—New selection ^ u n ty quotas may be filled by loot tandem disc. Ralph Holcomb, Mrs. Stanley Hill and Mrs. M. L. been transfered from Illinois to at 8:30 at the Sunset community open pollinated seed com. Extra of sewing machines, Electric, tread- tbase Pa>'inI their own way. route 1, Nyssa. Lang ton's comer. Judd attended the state P.T.A. con San Antonio. Texas. Kurtz’s new hall. good. Hand nubbed and shelled. les and portables. F. ' Lete " Sack-1 Approximately 20 county-wide 9M3xp. Charles Ditty, route 2.. Mike Rataezyk returned Thursday ference ln La Orande the first of duties are teaching the English 25Atfc. ett. Repairing. Ontario 16Mtfc. scholarships have already been a- :he month. language to Chinese pilots, using FO R SALE—Factory made trailer warded by sponsoring organizations, evening to his home from Pasco, FOR SALE—Automobile Insurance. Mrs. Grace Morris and daughter, an interpeter. house. Can be seen at the Collins Public Liability, Property Damage, M ISCELLANEOUS — Fcr insured leaving 15 community scholarships where he transacted business. Rev. Alfred Brim and Leslie Ditty re Trailer Court. 9Mtfc. Fire, Theft and Collision. Placed and first class hauling see Stanley available. These will be available turned the first o f this week from Reffet.t. Phone 76, Powell Service for any community that wants to F O R SALE—Four room house, 2, In tiie best companies at lowest Station. 7Mtfc. Pasco. send a delegate to summer school. lots, lawn and trees. First and j passible rales. Bernard Eastman Mr. and Mrs. Chester Newell and Organizations sponsoring the 14Ftfc S TO R AG E — Consolidated Freight- Locust Ave. , 9M2xp. | county-wide scholarships include daughter. Sharon Lou. left Friday ways building, First street. See the Malheur county fair board, for their home in Tacoma, having FOR SALE—40 acre farm. Mod FOR SALE—Field and garden seeds. Jake at the Fix-it shop. 24Mtfc Farmers Supply cooperative, On spent the past two weeks in the em basement house. Raymond T. Hollingsworth Hardware and Imple 4Atfc. MISCELLANEOUS— Duplicate car tario Commercial club, Nyssa Cha home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs Sager, Vt mile north of Parma- ment company. Charles Ditty. Accompanying them and cylinder lock keys made. G am mber of commerce. Malheur County Nyssa junction. 9M3xc. were Mary Query and daifghter, FOR SALE)—la r g e power-lift Case ble store. 250a(c. Health association, Pomona Grange, FO R SALE- i« ,e a ol au u n - tractor and two-bottom tumblebug Ontario Lions club, Amalgamated Sharon Kaye, who will spend tw o . BUTCHERINO berries while In season. Pick them plows. Tractor in good shape and Sugar company, Standard Oil com months in Tacoma and Mrs. R o - ' has new tires. Herman King, on Custom butchering every Mon pany, County council of P.T.A., bert Ditty and sons, Dwight and yourself. I. S. Storey, route 1. 9M2xc. main highway toward Adrian six day and Friday. Beef, sheep and Vale chamber of commerce and Eyron of Nyssa, who will visit her miles from Nyssa. llA tfc. pork. Sanitary butchering guaran Malheur 4-H Leaders' council. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hlntz F O R SALE—Weaner pigs. Nyssa teed. Phone 05R1. All stock must Supplementing the staff of sev and sons of Billingham for a fen- B ABY CHICKS—For delivery every Packing company slaughterhouse. come ln Thursday or Sunday after- eral score regular OSC faculty days. A. C. Bosch. 16M2xp. Wednesday and Saturday. Order ioon between 1 o’clock and 7. N o 1 members who School will close this week. will instruct the early so that you can get the breed Mr. and Mrs. Cash Turner and FO R SALE—Flat rack for truck. you- want on the date you want stock accepted on butchering day. ( youngsters in classroom and labor- One mile west of Nyssa on Alberta ¡atones will be a number of nation- Harry Turner, left the latter part 2»Mtfc ally know specialists, according to o f the week for Bates, Oregon to avenue. Jake Fischer. Seymour. Increasel emphasis will visit Mr and Mrs. Jay Howard LOST be given this year to discuss groups and family. They plan to be gone LOST—Canvas sack containing for older club members and to several days and visit other places bearing for out-door motor be courses in keeping with new devel before returning home. Lester Adams purchased a Chev R j n 't use a hammer i f your truck or tween Owyhee dam and Langton's opments along farm and home in rolet car recently. corner. Bill Rusk. 16Mlxp. terests. tractor is a stubborn shifter! R PM Gear Among those rounding up horses O il cushions gears and makes them work LOST—Men's Bulova wrist watch, on the range this week are Charlie easily. It’s a straight mineral oil that pro near Adrian or between Adrian and Schweizer, Oce Schwelzer, Hugh tects gears from grinding wear. It flows Nyssa. Reward. Wayne Robb, Sun Glenn, Houston Dunaway and Os set valley. 16M3xp car Andersen. freely at lo w temperatures, and at all The first big post-war travel pro Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gregg were temperatures its stability prevents the motion program covering the en visitors in the Bert Sandy home ln form a tion o f deposits in gear cases. tire west was started May 6, when Nyssa Sunday afternoon. NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS Gears last fo r years with R P M Gear O il! Standard of California and its sub OPTO M ETRISTS Mr. and Mrs. Merle Marcum of NOTICE hereby Is given to the sidiaries began free distribution ot PH YSIC IAN S Nyssa were guests of Mr and Mrs. creditors and all other persons In 20,000,000 full-color "Scenic Views Walter Hillis Sunday. I n ‘ the after terested in the estate of James A. of the West." noon they enjoyed a trip through “ See McFall and Sec Better” K flly, deceased: that the undersig S A R A Z IN CLINIC In all, 25 views of top tourist at the Owyhee dam. W. E. SCHIREM AN ned has been appointed Administra tractions In 13 western states will Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hobson and Dr. J. J. Sarazin tor of the estate of James A. Kelly, be given away at the oil companies’ Mr. and Mrs. Jim Langley motored PH O NE lil deceased, with the will annexed, retail outlets, a different view eaoh Dr. K E. Kerby to Boise Sunday, where they called and has qualified as such. week. Physician and Surgeons on their granddaughter and dau All persons having claims against Interrupted because of the war, ghter, Kathryn Ann Langley, who said estate are required to present the companies' previous scenic view is recovering from pneumonia In same with the proper vouchers programs in 1940 and 1941 were E YE S IG H T S P E C IA LIS T St Luke's hospital. duly verified within six months of outstandingly successful in promot- O N TA R IO OREGON Charlie Wilson made a business Physician and Surgeon the date of the first publication of Phone 37 this notice, to the undersigned at JEW ELRY STORIvS •T N O P S IS O F A N N U A L S T A T E M E N T of rht U N IT E D ST A T E S U U A K A N T E S Hours: 10 to 12 and 1 to 5 the office of A. L. Fletcher in Nys C O M P A N Y ol N E W YORK, In T H E S T A T E Dally—Except Sunday sa, Oregon, which place is hereby O F N E W YORK, un Die 31,1 clAy of Do- cember, 1945 , made to the Insurance Com designated as the place of business missioner ol the State ol Oregon, pursuant . in all matters connected with said to law • INCOME Union Pacific Time Inspector Net premiums received____ f 9,340,669.00 Nyssa Post No. 79 estate. Total interest, dividends JEW ELRY — DIAM ONDS New Farm Equipment Now Available and real estate Income— 629,908.34 A. L. Fletcher, Administrator Income irom other sources. 370,111.84 WATCHES of the estate of James A. Kelly, Sishc Beet Loaders (Supply very limited) Main Street at Second Total income ____________S 6,340,689.18 with the will annexed. DISBURSEMENTS 7500— 6 */2 and 7 ft. extra quality steel fence N st amount paid policy hold First pub. May 16. 1946. ers for losses------------------- 1,449,049.94 posts Loss adjustment expenses. 249,939.36 Last pub. June 13, 1946. vilbcELLANEOUb For Sale Malheur Youlhs MISCELLANEOUS NEWELL HEIGHTS HERE'S HOW YOU CAM MAKE Professional And Business Directory YOUR GEARS LAST FOR YEARS!' STANDARD TO GIVE SCENIC PICTURES Legal Advertising DR. J. A. McFALL L. A. Maulding, M. D. PAULUS JEWELRY STORE WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for The American Legion Union Pacific Holds regular meetings O N TA R IO OREGON First and Third Thurs GEORGE JACKSON days, every month. MODERN W ATCH R E P A IR IN G State Licensed A ll veterans and service Watchmaker O N TARIO , OREGON men and women are 3H blocks N of City HaU welcome to attend our DENTISTS meetings.______________ Sales Service Supplies W O R LD FAM OUS" ELECTROLUX Cleaner & A ir Purifier E. R. Anderson Rt. No. 3 Sunnyside, Weiser, Idaho FLOOR SANDING J. R. C U N D A ÏÎ7 “ Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic NYSSA OREGON V E T E R IN A R IA N DR J. H. BERGER Veterinarian Box D Phone 135J . Nyssa, Oregon New or old floors sand ed perfectly. Large commercial machine and experienced oper- W . F. JAH N ators. Telephone Boise ' Dealer in hav and train 6189R. ( Third at Good Ave. HAY BUY.ER FARMERS ATTENTION NOTICE TO CRED ITO RS NOTICE hereby Is given to the creditors and all other persons In terested ln the estate of Culver Kneal Norcott, deceased; that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Culver Kneal Norcott, deceased, and has qualified as such. A ll persons having claims against .said estate are required to present same with the proper vouchers duly verified within six months of the date of the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned at the office of A. L. Fletcher ln Nys- s*. Oregon, which place is hereby designated as the place of business in all matters connected with said estate. George J. Mitchell Administrator of the estate of Culver Kneal Norcott, deceased. First pub. May 16. 1946. Last pub. June 13. 1946. BIG BEND IRRIGATION DIS TRICT NOTICE OF M EETING OF DIR- FCTORS SITTING AN A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice hereby Is given. That the Board of Directors of the Big Bend Irrigation District, tillin g as a Board of Equalization will meet on ¡the 10th day of June 1946 at 8:00 Agents commissions or brok- e r s g s ________ Salaries and fees— officers, directors, home office em ployes ------ Taxes, licenses and fees----- Dividends paid to stockhold ers (Cash. 149 0 ,0 0 0 ). All other exp e n d itu re s----- 991.272.24 308.740.90 993,969 30 490.00000 1.006,847.03 Total disbursements . . . I 5.487,814.97 A D M IT T E D ASSETS Vslus of bonds owned (am ortized) ____ 13.984.800.30 Value of stocks owned ( market value) ---------- 9.719,662 00 Cash In hanks and on hand. 1,809.893.30 Premiums In course of col lection written since 8ep> tember 30. 1943 ____ . 212.269 41 Interest and rents dus and , n ■ .. accrued ................... ........... Other assets (n e t) --------- 636.314.23 Total admitted assets --* 2 6 .0 2 2 JJ83JJ3 L IA B IL IT IE S . S U R P L U S A N D O TH ER Total unpaid c la i m s ----------- Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims Total unearned premiums on an nnexpfred risks -. Salaries. rents. expenses, hill* accounts, fees, etc., due or a c c r u e d ........... .. Estimated amount due or accrued for t a x e s _______ Corr-r-r. i hmkera re or Alt nfhAf llV b n t ft * ,----------- * & . J *W ’,',7' r f «4 ii r u I u s * 3.410.178 34 123.306.82 3 616.249.73 131.647 4 « 579.393.70 1 *2 7 *2 «0 * 231,827.*7 «” • * « » M U M .4 2.000,000 00 nAtJm iii' ,2 .7 3 * 31* « » 14 2 3 * * 1 * * 0 To, „ __________ HijKiNK*« n* o * « o o N V-t nmrtliiir* *2* 022 3 *6 33 ran t h k t r a * ------- » 1, N -t \nnmt r m H ------ - r>ivl-*— 3, "4M or rro^llrrl to 1 * *74 34 ttSrS'Sto-QJhn>” ir*ni " ' V , ' Z To f Oor— r r - 1 * M ff* u C ANO N ttetetnrr resident attorney m r sem ee ,C TH * . TU O R P*O N Single (5hain Elevators Double Chain Elevators (Suitable chopped or baled hay) 4 Row Dusters 1000 Bushel Steel Grain Bins Land Levelers New Moline Horse Mowers ^ Scrapers (A ll sizes) Olson Hydraulic Manure Loaders (F or John Deere and International Tractors) Olson High L ift Buck Rakes (For all tractors) Jenkins Horse Buck Rakes Jenkins Over Shot Stackers Jenkins Mammoth Stackers Boat Trailers We will appreciate having you inspect this equipment B & M EQUIPMENT COMPANY C ALD W ELL ID AH O * PHONE 167 Temporary Headquarters in Bums Chevrolet